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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Most people's issue with random chance abilities are psychological. It's the same silly thing with people being encouraged to waste their money on premium summoning when they see someone get something good, rather than doing the math and realising that they're highly liable to become suckers, and should stop while they're still ahead.

The chances of getting a black unit in 10 tries(50 crystal) is about 26% which isn't very reliable unless you plan on spending more, since the chances increase the more you roll, However the chances of getting a platinum unit is 65% which is good since most platinum units are as strong as blacks if their skills are maxed(Thetis,Hina,Elizabeth), So I think it's better to stop rolling once you get a platinum unless you plan on wasting crystals on several silvers with little chance to get any black units :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite :

Rouges tanking lesser vampires is a way to utilise their evasion I guess, I haven't thought of that, good point.

With Olivia's hp, even with 4/5 skill (95% actually, 100% at 5/5), she can fall to heavier attacks easily considering her ridiculously low hp. Using your example however, supposing Olivia's skill stops at 95% at 5/5 (becoming RNG dependant), that would make it a really inferior skill. One of Olivia's skill's purpose is to tank really strong or impossible enemies (like the black oni's you mentioned or stone golem during gold rush) or be deployed without heals available. That 5% chance per hit to go through her evasion is not to be underestimated and can fail you a mission should you use her for that purpose. If that is the case, would you not prefer some other non-RNG based skills for her instead?

As for stacking, I get your point that when stacked those abilities can give really good advantages. I get your point. However, not everyone will have AW chloe, AW maribelle, and Sasha(with skill activated at that time). Taken apart, something like AW Chloe's 6% chance isn't going to matter much, which makes the ability weaker in terms of flexibility.

About the psychological part, I would rather use a strategy that will succeed 100% when placed and timed properly than to use one that might fail depending on RNG, or even needing close monitoring to adapt to the results. It just doesn't feel good knowing that you have a chance to fail.

Thanks for giving your viewpoint. I'm not saying that RNG-based abilities and skills are useless, they are just less reliable compared to other fixed benefits skills and abilities. The nature of the game that requires doing the same map repetitively only amplifies their unreliability.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The % abilities have been brought up earlier in the thread, and Tieskey argued for why they're useful. You should figure this out by doing math, so you understand your actual chances at success or failure rather than going by gut feelings. The way you're supposed to use them is for the grand scheme of things, rather than for short, specific instances.

Vampires can paralyse a unit in 6 blows. A 50% evasion unit has a 98.4% of avoiding one of those blows. They are the most effective units for dealing with them outside of units with 100% evasion or status ailment immunity. Due to their cheap deployment cost, if your rogue happens to fail too many evasions and becomes paralysed, you can consider a contingency plan beforehand. For example, you can deploy another rogue, and then go back to having another 98.4% chance of not failing in 6 blows, or—since you have more deployment points now—you can consider dropping one of your strong interceptor characters (i.e. Ricca or Karma). With a second rogue, you would have to be exceptionally unlucky for it to happen twice in the same trip.

Things you shouldn't count on is stuff like Princess Olivia's skill at 1/5 when she has to duel a monster that can one-shot her. 80% looks like you have a high chance of success, but that's the furthest thing from the truth. A 20% chance of being instantly turned into a bloody stain per blow is way too high to consider exploiting unless you're absolutely desperate.

Number of Blows (Chance of Dying):
1 (20%), 2 (36%), 3 (48%), 4 (59%), 5 (67%), 6 (73%), 7 (79%)

A LV80 Olivia can kill a 20,000HP Black Oni by herself in 22 hits, which is 726 frames (6 black oni blows). So she has a pretty low chance of surviving long enough to defeat one of these things with her skill at 1/5. This was a real scenario during Sorano's event that challenged the players to deal with two black oni, and players had to use all sorts of crazy strategies to get 3-stars. Back then, having Olivia at LV80 wasn't feasible, so most players had to use a LV40-50 Olivia (28 hits in 937 frames, which is 7 blows with no help).


Finally, a lot of these abilities stack. Gigant Armour Maribelle has only a 10% chance of nullifying damage, but against certain physical ranged opponents, Maribelle can also activate her skill so that she has a 10-50% chance of nullifying that damage. Deploy Dominion Chloe and Maribelle now has an extra 6% chance of nullifying damage. Finally, deploy the Platinum Mage Sasha, and have her activate her skill and give Maribelle 50% evasion on top of everything else. You would have to force yourself into a retarded situation like the above with Olivia where you aren't going to benefit from all of this for the vast majority of your trips to difficult god-tier maps.

Most people's issue with random chance abilities are psychological. It's the same silly thing with people being encouraged to waste their money on premium summoning when they see someone get something good, rather than doing the math and realising that they're highly liable to become suckers, and should stop while they're still ahead.

Lol that pic, hilarious post.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well I definitely plan on stacking a bunch of evasion abilities with that bandit rorone so she can potentially evade like a rogue while shes using desperation III. I loved having a archer with assassination early on but I stopped using her because I couldnt get her cost reduced.

are people going to do some sort of bulk ordering together for the hikage unit? Id like to avoid paying 12$ for shipping when the book cost only 7 if possible

I think aegis is doing something crazy to my computer my computer was idling at 11-15 C in my room earlier but simply having a window with aegis open eventually pushes it to 73~ C even heavily graphical games I play dont do this
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well I definitely plan on stacking a bunch of evasion abilities with that bandit rorone so she can potentially evade like a rogue while shes using desperation III. I loved having a archer with assassination early on but I stopped using her because I could get her cost reduced.

are people going to do some sort of bulk ordering together for the hikage unit? Id like to avoid paying 12$ for shipping when the book cost only 7 if possible

I think aegis is doing something crazy to my computer my computer was idling at 11-15 C in my room earlier but simply having a window with aegis open eventually pushes it to 73~ C even heavily graphical games I play dont do this

Yeah, as I said in multiple occasions, Aegis is really bad coded and will use 100% of one of the cores or your computer just by having the window opened. And, if like me u have one of those crap systems with and Intel+Nvidia card, there is a bug or something in Windows that uses 100% of yet another core of your processor....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OK, the stamina and charisma cost for the extreme Monday map has confirmed the sort of drops for all of the extreme-tier dailies. Sad that the fairy one only drops platinum, black, and rainbow fairies (I liked the gold fairy consolation prize).

Did some quick math, since it seems like the drops for the extreme-tier are 100%. It's better than the high-tier in both stamina and charisma even if you want gold.

High-tier (90% Gold Bucket x6):
149,400 (4 trips: 240 charisma; 12 stamina)
Extreme-tier (90% Gold Bucket x6):
146,700 (3 trips: 240 charisma; 9 stamina)

Scratch that, got 5 gold buckets. So it's not 100%. Hmm... if it's 60%x1.5, then it's slightly worse than the high-tier map. But you're spending 3 less stamina. Wish I could get my hands on the spoiler drop rate for the platinum armour.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'll add my own as I run it, the 16500 gold per clear is nice.

Extreme Tier:

1: Gold Armor x5
2: Gold Armor x6
3: Gold Armor x6
4: Gold Armor x6
5: Gold Armor x5
6: Gold Armor x6
7: Gold Armor x5

P.S: Easy strat for it, it's actually about the same difficulty wise as the lower tier one. Guy leaves 2 spaces open you can use for another healer or another archer or something. I blocked the bottom row with Maribelle just for the hell of it. If you use a better witch than him, it's even less scary hp wise when the aoe enemies show up.

Spica will likely die before you can place a 2nd healer though if you place her early, so watch for that. AW'd Carry is a good replacement for the Bandit Girl as usual.

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1. 6x gold bucket
2. 6x gold bucket
3. 6x gold bucket
4. 5x gold bucket, 1x plat bucket
5. 6x gold bucket, 1x plat bucket
6. 5x gold bucket, 1x plat bucket
7. 4x gold bucket wow unlucky.
8. 6x gold bucket
9. 5x gold bucket
10. 6x gold bucket, 1x plat bucket

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new Monday armor is made of pure evil
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Report from extreme Gold daily.
1/ 5gold 1plat
2/ 6gold 1plat
3/ 5gold
4/ 5gold

easy 3 stars on first run (i have all the cheat option). :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

P.S: Easy strat for it, it's actually about the same difficulty wise as the lower tier one. Guy leaves 2 spaces open you can use for another healer or another archer or something. I blocked the bottom row with Maribelle just for the hell of it. If you use a better witch than him, it's even less scary hp wise when the aoe enemies show up.

Spica will likely die before you can place a 2nd healer though if you place her early, so watch for that. AW'd Carry is a good replacement for the Bandit Girl as usual.

Note, that if you put your healer one spot lower than in this video she still reaches the front dueler. You can than place your witch where healer is in the video, so that she is not AoEd when dueler is hit by cannon shot.

The requirements for dueler can't be too high here, I am using Betty, though that is with strong witch and healer (AW60 Bellinda and AW55 Iris).

You can easily place healer before your archer on the bottom, if you are afraid of her dying to poison, there is a ton of time to kill ropers. However I go with order: Betty, Bellinda, Iris, Prince, Spica, 2nd healer and Spica is at around half health when I deploy healer.

Out of 7 runs I got three plat armors, which I think is quite ok.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think the platinum armor rate is probably 20% maybe 25 since high tier is 15 I failed it once or twice then 1 stared and 3 stared it only because I put mikoto at the door and used his skill when the x2 gunners come in.

do pirates do splash dmg? Im considered awakening monica for the 5% magic crystals effect but im not sure how useful she would be combat wise looking at that nearly 3 second attack delay on the wiki
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1 run: 5 gold 0 plat
2 run: 6 gold 0 plat
3 run: 5 gold 1 plat

Pirate dun do splash atk..
only imelia sister can shoot 5 enemies with her skill.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see, so um should I just go pay 20 bucks to buy that comic that comes with hikage or does anyone know something about the guys who bought them in bulk together last time for kaguya?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

10 runs no plat armor. Either i have really bad luck, or the drop rate blows D:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My Turn, My Turn!

1st Run: 5
2nd: 6
3rd: 5
4th: 6 + Soda
5th: 6
6th: 6
7h: ....3?!?!
8th: 5
9th: 5

Overall, Im unimpressed with the "Extream"-ness of this one, compared to the Eyeballs of doom. Also, one Tin can out of 9 runs isn't exactly inspiring on a 1.5x drop event. But hey! at least Im set for gold till the next event! Now just to get some black fairies... -.-
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm unimpressed as well, but I'm okay with it.

I finally awakened Jelius. Here is the main reason why I awakened him:

It's not for the stats or the extra block. I wanted that portrait to be changed.

Now that I have him, I will have to get used to him having 4 block now. It's actually a good thing that I have him awakened since I've been pairing him with Elva. Having 6 block with those two will help a lot, especially for missions like Monster Island 500 where 1 enemy can escape unless I time skills correctly.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

so, is anyone doing a bulk purchase of that new sapphire unit comic? I wish to throw dollars, but rather not spend a ton on shipping...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Don't forget this Monday daily is with the 1.5x bonus. That said, I'm not too impressed. I need the gold anyways (Since I shall hopefully soon AW Elva and Maribelle) and could certainly use the plat armors, so I'm stuck farming it anywho.

Grats exkale.

Note, that if you put your healer one spot lower than in this video she still reaches the front dueler. You can than place your witch where healer is in the video, so that she is not AoEd when dueler is hit by cannon shot.

Yep good tip, I wasn't sure with the shoddy hitboxes but this saves a lot of trouble. Not that it was very difficult anyways, but it should help those without a great witch.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@exkale gratz on Jelius. I totaly understand your reasons ;D Although I though you AW'd him some time ago?

I updated my drops in my previous post. 40% on plat buckets so far: OHNOES I NEED MORE SPACE, I don't have sacred crystals for this nonsense!
I have 17 plat buckets and exactly 2 black fairies. THIS IS MADNESS!

Also: Today I ate "last" Aria, unfortunately she didn't want to be 10 cost. I have another almost ready but lacking.. fairies :)

All in all this event looks really good for me for now: 360 magic crystals, 500k gold (I never had more than 300k, lol), tomorrow hopefully I will get more fairies (need at least 4 to max CC Cornelia and make her "ready" for AW).