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Re: Atlantis

Sho listens to the account, taking in the name of the race and intending on asking about them next when the hologram finishes speaking.

"Kids?" she says, likely loud enough for Jacobs to hear, too, though he's likely been paying attention too. "Siphon had kids?"
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs for his part was standing there with a stunned look on his face, which turned to a wince as the hologram spoke.

"Siphon Velnaros and Aya Morioka had four children. Amasara Velnaros and Cassidy Velnaros were their two daughters and were part of the original science team sent to Proctar Valnashar when the outpost was first established. Both of them went missing during the first anomaly incursion and were listed officially as missing, presumed dead or captives of the enemy. Given the lack of any bodies found, it is likely the Klarnell took them back to their time line for unknown reasons along with all the other female inhabitants. Jultahn Velnaros, the youngest of their two sons was killed during the Altarn experiment which was attempting to disrupt the stability of the Klarnell FTL drives. He was killed when an unforseen complication from the device caused the stargate on the planet he was conducting the experiment from exploded, destroying half the continent the facility was located on. Tornak Velnaros, their oldest son was the only one of the four children to survive to see their father vanish near the end of the war. Unfortunately, the transport ship he was commander of fell under attack while attempting to evacuate Proclavelhn just prior to the city being evacuated. Tornak and his entire crew were killed when the ship was destroyed by a Klarnell attack in orbit over the planet, unable to escape pursuit from twenty Klarnell ships. With the final wave of evacuees killed, the order was given to evacuate the city, and Aya Morioka remained behind in stasis, unwilling to return to Soltarus. Several hours later, the city was abandoned, after this recording was made."

As the hologram finished, Sho might remember earlier when children had been brought up that Aya had winced as if it brought back painful memories. Given the time frame, it was safe to say for her, it hadn't been very long since the last member of her family had been killed, not to mention the anguish of losing all of her children and her husband to the war.
Re: Atlantis

"Yeah, there's only one reason folk take all-female prisoners," Sho mutters, her tone rather dark, as the hologram speaks of "unknown reasons." As she continues to listen, she just shakes her head, a hand coming up to massage her temple, though there's a soft snort as the "twenty ships" are mentioned. After that, she's very quiet, simply staring at the hologram for a moment.

"Is there a way to restrict access to these records?" she asks it, looking the thing in the face, even if it doesn't really have much of an impact on it.
Re: Atlantis

"You mentioned the one in you was a Cral'nek, though. is that a third ideology, or something different altogether?" She asked, before shaking her head. "I have a rather large amount of info back on my ship now, maybe I should just wait and see if it's in there? It's been a long time since I felt like a little fish, can't say I miss the feeling." She added, trying to make a joke.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon half chuckled.

"Sort of. My people aren't from either of the two galaxies you have been to, in fact we're originally from a different universe altogether. Technically we're outsiders to your universe, only here because we were forced to leave our own. Strangely though, information pertaining to the Ancients and Atlantis, as well as their alliance was found scattered amongst our own galaxy, yet none of it existed in our universe. I suspect perhaps some of the Ancients may have come to our own universe at one point and become trapped there, though why they would leave records of their kind there knowing that is beyond me."

He shrugged at her suggestion.

"Maybe, if you had a download from Peltas put in before coming here then something ought to be there. Otherwise I doubt it."

The hologram replied almost immediately, "a method of restricting information was not included in the protocols of the city library on the grounds that it could prove invaluable to any who returned one day."
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael sighed at Aya's questions. "Can you be a little bit more specific about who those 'others' are? If you're meaning the rest of the Ancients, as far as I've been able to determine, they're all Ascended. There's a few known to have died, but..."

Switching to Ancient, either out of habit or to potentially annoy anyone listening in, he gives a rather sparse rundown of events he's been aware of for the past 10,000 years. Which is actually a fair amount, given that most of it was spent with his homeworld and people in seclusion.
Re: Atlantis

"Damn," Sho mutters. "We're just going to have to keep Siphon away from here until we can break the news to him about, well, everything." Letting out a sigh, she puts her attention back on the hologram. "Okay, seems like these Klarnell were the big problem of the day. Bring up information on the Klarnell."
Re: Atlantis

"Yeah, got my shipmate compiling it all, the station gave us everything that wasn't nailed down, information-wise. I should be able to get the short version, or reference whatever, when I get back." Ariana said with a nod. "And I'll hold any judgements on friendlies until then. Hostiles aren't going to be an issue, I can keep myself together until after if it gets that bad, like you saw with Nirrti."
Re: Atlantis

Aya was silent for a long moment, everything hitting her at once.

"I see. It's odd they didn't try to contact you or any of the others from the alliance, something must have happened after they returned. Alright, what did you come here looking for then?"

Siphon nodded.

"Alright, just had to be sure. Especially here with all of this advanced technology, if the rebel wraith got their hands on this, I don't think even my people could stop them from feeding on whatever planet they chose to go to next. I'm a little surprised your shipmate didn't want to come and check out the place with you though."

Jacobs shrugged.

"Not sure how you plan to do that Sho, once we land he's probably going to come check this out with the same idea we had. I suspect Aya knew we were going to end up here and couldn't bear to hear all of this again now that I think of it. I can't say that I blame her."

The hologram was silent for a moment, and then an image of a muscular and armored humanoid appeared. It was about eight feet tall, built like a tank with armor that besides being black in color was so unlike anything Sho had ever seen as to be impossible to properly describe to anyone not seeing it.

"The Klarnell are a species that hails from far into the future, by some estimates as much as six million years. We first became aware of them after the attack on Proctar Valnashar, as three of their kind were apparently left behind when the anomaly they came from closed. They possessed energy weapons not too dissimilar to our own, capable of disrupting the neural pathways of those shot and rendering them helpless for several hours with a single blast. After conducting an investigation of the bodies, we determined that the female warriors were incapable of reproduction, while the male warriors were. This led to some confusion as to how their species was surviving, however later incidents led me to believe that they are using the anomalies to take females of species physiologically compatible enough with their own in an attempt to save their species from extinction via forced reproduction. This was one of the factors that led to this holographic program being recorded, and the eventual abandonment of Atlantis. They possess advanced ships capable of hyper-drive speeds as well. While not as fast as our own, we believe based on readings that if they became aware of other galaxies, they could travel between them. They appeared to set up a permanent base within our own time, and their limited control of the anomalies appears to extend to being able to force open any previously opened anomaly wherever they chose."

As the ships were mentioned, a massive ship resembling the shape of a torpedo with spiked protrusions appeared, and Jacobs let out a low whistle.

"If I'm reading that scaling info right, that thing is about the size of a hive ship."
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Re: Atlantis

Much like with Thor, the armor shifted and the holo-projector displayed the anomaly that had caught Sarnael's attention. However, this time the information was displayed in Ancient, rather than the Asgard language. "Information on that."
Re: Atlantis

At the sight of it, Aya just about recoiled half across the room, probably leaving Sarnael wondering why it set her off seeing it. Finally though she calmed down.

"Don't EVER go through one if you can avoid it. They are doorways in time, some leading to the past, some lead to the far future. We were at war with a species from the future before abandoning the city. Where the hell did you come across this one, please tell me it wasn't in Mintaa?"
Re: Atlantis

Ariana chuckled in response. “We don‘t have the tech, I fear. Alberik‘s an AI. Closest he comes to leaving the ship‘s systems is the open connection in my suit. Which doesnt work from a galaxy away, obviously.“
Re: Atlantis

At that Siphon actually stopped and turned to look at her, a strange look crossing his face. It visibly went away as she mentioned about the connection and it being bound to the ship.

"Ah, I see. I apologize for my reaction. We encountered an entire AI species known as the replicators some time ago. They were made of nanite technology, destroyed everything in their path just so they could keep replicating. Had a bit of a flashback moment when you mentioned that, probably similar to how I imagine you felt regarding the symbiotes."
Re: Atlantis

After the projector shut back down, Sarnael's reaction is most definitely not what Aya would have wanted. He sighed, then...

"Bad news. Those readings are accurate. Space-located. And in Mintaa."

A slight distortion flicked around Sarnael's armor as he said that. Likely taking precautions, just in case Aya...freaked too much at that.
Re: Atlantis

Aya was not happy to hear that, the briefest hint of her power visible as her body began to glow and a single flame danced outward, dying before it even touched Sarnael's shield.

"No, god no. That means they know about it, and have the means to get there. I've already lost too much to these things, to the Klarnell. Sarnael, we couldn't stop them, they come from so far into the future ..."

At that point she slumped against the wall, sliding down as everything hit her at once. It might take him a moment to realize she was on the verge of tears.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana frowned a bit at the look he gave her, nodding and calming again at his explanation. "Fair enough. I'm not really an expert, but I'm pretty sure he's all software, though I did need extra stuff to make sure he had breathing room on the tiny ship. He's peaceful enough, though he can be dangerous as well, just like you or I." She answered, shrugging. "And as far as I know, he hasn't gona about copying himself anywhere, so you're safe on that count, too."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"Believe me, if he were anything like the replicators you'd have either destroyed him long ago, or he'd have killed you. They literally consume anything and everything that can be broken down into raw material to make more nanites."

He paused, a thought coming to him.

"You know, it might be possible to create a portable emitter that could save a copy of his file and update it each time the port was linked to your ship. Might take some time and doing, but in theory it should be doable, if you'd like us to try."
Re: Atlantis

"Oh, I know that. I just figure on taking him aside before he gets here and having a talk with him. If something explodes, you'll know it probably went well." Sho lets out a bit of a snort. She listens to the lecture about the Klarnell, liking them less and less as it continues. "Okay, so we're dealing with a potentially superior race. The weapons are similar to ones we've seen, so that's at least a bonus. However we do not want to get ambushed while we're alone. Aaaand they can come through any of the anomalies we've seen so far. We need to get that info, at the very least, to the others. Because knowing our luck, a squad of them are going to show up in the city. Think you can get us patched in, Jacobs?" While she's waiting, she turns to the hologram again. "How do we neutralize a Klarnell?" If that doesn't produce the desired effect, she'll run through a gambit of questions, each designed to get one answer: How do you stop them?
Re: Atlantis

Jacobs shrugged.

"I don't think we can from here, we might need to do that from the control room."

He paused a moment, something bothering him as he regarded the hologram again, then he shrugged again and went back to listening. Still, Sho could tell something was bugging him.

"Neutralizing a Klarnell can be difficult, usually requiring a tremendous amount of disruptor firepower to do so. Near the ending of the war Janus was working on a project to design a weapon specifically for killing a Klarnell through their armor. The weapon was to have an energy output high enough to vaporize the body in one to two shots, however it was never completed, at least not here. Janus took his research notes with him to Mintaa, in the hopes of perfecting the weapon and one day returning with the means to stop the Klarnell."
Re: Atlantis

"Okay, so the answer is hit them and hit them a lot. All right, then." She does double check, just to be sure. "Did Janus ever return with the weapon?" She's pretty sure the answer is 'No,' given what she'd already heard, but better safe than sorry. Noting Jacobs' demeanor, she'll turn and face him. "Don't let me hog all the questions. You got something you want to ask the nice phantom lady?"
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