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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

First run - get 1 star due to mob of shadows and unexpected ninja dynamite.
Second run -


Third run, just because I wanted to see the plat unit - get another black fairy.

Well, I think I just wasted all my chances at getting it from Ricca's map haha

edit: And what do you know, just after I typed this and ran the map again... my luck is scaring me.

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Two CCed soldiers is your ultimate solution to that pesky super shadow that follows around. Yea. Really hated that mob of shadows.

When you have 2x AWed soldier and 2x AWed Samurai ...

ahaha~ Carry, Kurisa's calling you over to play~ (Though Shizuka's usually the one catching the Carry)

Also, Aegis dev please, Carry = Naka? XD
Though I gotta admit, I like Carry more than Naka, but I don't use either one!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Really nice. Mind sharing your cheats Kroset? :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Those dynamites from ninjas does exactly 4k damage.

AW75 Karma survived it without skill. (3546 HP > 100 HP) Your defense matters.

5x SP gacha gave me 3 iron, 2 bronze. Rolled a single premium due to rage, and got trolled by the result

So I was making fun of Carry a post ago.
No Carry, I am not using you.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

aaaaaand........i screwed ovwewr big time.....been selling all the black fairies....

and just got a black unit....the one theyre promoting right now.....

ill add a pic in a sec its on my other laptop xDDD

i guess i wont be quiting the japo version for a while then...


  • yay.jpg
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

man crazy how many ppl are actually getting matsuri Im jealous I think the gacha will just continue to give me crap so I will just use most of my crystals to just farm the event since aiming for matsuri only for the 2x bonus effect is kind of redundant. I wouldnt worry to much about the black fairies youll probably get a couple using matsuri to farm the event if not that I think the intermediate spirit rescue daily drops them at like 15%?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

she rocks.

she is just awesome. ii have used her twiice and both times i liked how she works.

btw is it just me or she can cut her cost at half? dooes someone know how does this works?

(edit) is it worthwhile to keep another platinum white witch? i keep feeding my first one all the dupes and im starting to think that maybe i should save one or two of them
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

3 stared new map pretty easily.
I didn't think the new vamp character would be showing up any more.
Too bad I'm still stuck on the Dorthy map, 3 maps behind now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is 600 attack for a nuker the minimum to one-shot the eyeballs in the 500 difficulty map? I'm trying to get through that map and some of them are left with a sliver of health left, and their attacks will eventually overwhelm my healer.

My primary nukers are Marius (50CC21, 568 attack w/Prince) and Mehlis (50CC44, 608 attack w/Prince & Sherry). Valerie is my third nuker, but he has 460 attack with passives so he's not reliable upfront against the eyeballs. My last option is to get Odette CC'd, but I will need 7 platinum fairies, a silver mage, and a silver soldier :(

I've never felt so behind doing Gold Rush maps before. I finally got Berenice and the mage today. I got plenty of plat armors from the golem map thankfully so it never felt like a total waste of stamina and I was able to get Eliza to 100% easily from the affection items. Although Eliza was fed all those affection items, I now regret it since I could've fed it all to Odette and have a better chance to clear the subjugation map.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is 600 attack for a nuker the minimum to one-shot the eyeballs in the 500 difficulty map? I'm trying to get through that map and some of them are left with a sliver of health left, and their attacks will eventually overwhelm my healer.

My primary nukers are Marius (50CC21, 568 attack w/Prince) and Mehlis (50CC44, 608 attack w/Prince & Sherry). Valerie is my third nuker, but he has 460 attack with passives so he's not reliable upfront against the eyeballs. My last option is to get Odette CC'd, but I will need 7 platinum fairies, a silver mage, and a silver soldier :(

its probably more effective to use physical damage on the eyeballs
i have a spica (archer) to the very right slot and zora (gunner) in the mid right slot (with a berenice in the very right slot to soak damage) and those 2 mainly kills most of the eyeballs except maybe like 5-7 of them near the end of the wave (where i have an archer on the left that i place for only this wave to wrap them up)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't have a leveled up gunner. The only gunner I have is the silver gunner that is still level 1.

I decided to try out the 500 map again and 612 attack is not enough to one-shot the eyeballs. They were left with 1 pixel of life left so I'm assuming I will need close to 620~630 to be able to easily finish them off.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Gazer enemies have relatively good defence and magic resistance. Since I've seen a CC45 Daniella kill them with her regular attack (430~ dam) on that map, I'm going to assume that these are closer to the normal variety (300HP; 150DF; 60%mresist) rather than the ones from the high-tier daily (480HP; 150DF; 60%mresist). Assuming that they have 280HP, you'll need around 700 damage with a mage-type unit to defeat them (my AW53 High Bishop Noel can do this). Physical units need just 430~ damage. (EDIT: I went and checked my Odette, since she could 1-shot them as well with 669 damage, so they have at most 260HP.)

It's much easier to handle those things with vampire killers, snipers, captains, and gunners than it is to handle them with mages and bishops. The gold rush has a map that drops silver fairies, so I think you can definitely get Persis leveled up so she can deal enough damage to 1-shot them.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Surprised you guys are worrying about the subjugation mission with the gold rush still going. I haven't had time to think about it. At least I finally finished the Dorthy map after 38 runs.

30/2 (Witch Ryuru/Belinda):

1: Bronze Fairy x2
2: Bronze Fairy x2
3: Bronze Fairy x2
4: Bronze Fairy x2
5: Bronze Fairy x2
6: Bronze Fairy x1
7: Bronze Fairy x1
8: Bronze Fairy x2
9: Bronze Fairy x2, Belinda
10: Bronze Fairy x1
11: Bronze Fairy x1, Calliope
12: Bronze Fairy x1
13: Bronze Fairy x2, Calliope
14: Bronze Fairy x2
15: Bronze Fairy x2
16: Bronze Fairy x1, Calliope
17: Bronze Fairy x1
18: Bronze Fairy x1, Calliope
19: Bronze Fairy x2
20: Bronze Fairy x2
21: Bronze Fairy x2, Calliope, Belinda
22: Bronze Fairy x2
23: Bronze Fairy x1
24: Bronze Fairy x2
25: Bronze Fairy x2, Belinda, Black Fairy, Gold Witch COMPLETE!

Bronze Fairies: 41/25 (1.61 per run)
Calliope: 5/25 (20%)
Belinda: 3/25 (12%)
Black Fairy: 1/25 (4%)

30/2 (Hien/Ninja Azami):

1: Magic Crystal 1 x2
2: Magic Crystal 1 x2
3: Magic Crystal 1 x2
4: Magic Crystal 1 x2
5: Magic Crystal 1 x2
6: Magic Crystal 1 x1
7: Magic Crystal 1 x2
8: Magic Crystal 1 x2
9: Magic Crystal 1 x2
10: Magic Crystal 1 x1, Chalice
11: Magic Crystal 1 x2
12: Magic Crystal 1 x2
13: Magic Crystal 1 x2
14: Magic Crystal 1 x1
15: Magic Crystal 1 x2
16: Magic Crystal 1 x2, Wine, Ninja Hien COMPLETE!

Magic Crystals: 29/16 (1.81 per run)
Chalice: 1/16 (6.2%)
Wine: 1/16 (6.2%)
Azami: 0/16 (Oh well)

30/2 (Berenice/Odette):

1: Flowers 1 x1
2: Flowers 1 x1
3: Flowers 1 x2
4: Flowers 1 x2
5: Flowers 1 x2, Valerie, Purple Crystal, Berenice COMPLETE!

Flowers: 8/5 (1.6 per run)
Crystal: 1/5 (20%)
Valerie: 1/5 (20%)
Odette: 0/5 (Oh well)

30/2 (Gold Mage/Maribelle):
Didn't 3 star it for a while and had some 1 stars, so this may not be very accurate on plat armor and Maribelle drops. I did usually kill the golem though so maybe it evens out.

1: Bronze HA x2
2: Bronze HA x2
3: Bronze HA x2
4: Bronze HA x2
5: Bronze HA x2
6: Bronze HA x2
7: Bronze HA x1
8: Bronze HA x2
9: Bronze HA x1
10: Bronze HA x2
11: Bronze HA x1
12: Bronze HA x2, Rean
13: Bronze HA x2
14: Plat Armor x2, Bronze HA x2, Gold Mage COMPLETE!

Bronze HA: 26/14 (1.86 per run)
Rean: 1/14
Plat Armor: 2/14
Maribelle: 0/14

30/2 (Dorthy/Rikka):

1: Silver Fairy x1
2: Silver Fairy x2
3: Silver Fairy x1
4: Nothing
5: Silver Fairy x1, Rikka
6: Silver Fairy x1
7: Silver Fairy x2
8: Silver Fairy x2
9: Nothing
10: Gold Fairy, Silver Fairy x2
11: Silver Fairy x2
12: Silver Fairy x1
13: Silver Fairy x2, Rikka
14: Nothing
15: Silver Fairy x2
16: Silver Fairy x1
17: Silver Fairy x1
18: Silver Fairy x2
19: Silver Fairy x1
20: Nothing
21: Silver Fairy x1
22: Silver Fairy x2
23: Silver Fairy x2
24: Silver Fairy x1, Rikka
25: Silver Fairy x2
26: Nothing
27: Gold Fairy x1, Silver Fairy x1
28: Gold Fairy x1, Silver Fairy x1
29: Nothing
30: Silver Fairy x1
31: Gold Fairy x1
32: Silver Fairy x1, Rikka
33: Gold Fairy x1, Silver Fairy x1
34: Silver Fairy x1
35: Silver Fairy x2
36: Nothing
37: Gold Fairy x1, Silver Fairy x2
38: Silver Fairy x1, Black Fairy x1, Dorthy COMPLETE!

Silver Fairy: 39/38 (1.03 per run)
Gold Fairy: 6/38 (15.8%)
Black Fairy: 1/38 (2.6%)
Rikka: 4/38 (10.5%)

30/2 (Vincent/Ada):

1: Bronze Fairy x2

30/2 (Carry/Charlotte):

1: Bronze Soldier x1

Average runs for completion so far: 20
Completed atm: 5/7
Black Fairy droprate: 2/63 (3.17%)

Dorthy map ruined my good average completion a bit, still in line with my estimations of 15-20 though.

Vincent for most useless support unit on a map? He doesn't do anything on that map, haha.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for the advice Petite. Because of what you suggested, I was able to get a black fairy and obtained Dorothy as a result. I'll throw 2 platinum armors onto Persis and get her CC'd another time. Fortunately, I was able to get a pirate from the SP summoning so I won't have any problems with getting her class changed.

I usually run a couple subjugation maps when I have the charisma and if I need a fairy of a certain grade. I don't want to gamble most of my stamina at the moment on challenge quests and not be able to get the fairy I need. Being able to 100% clear the 500 difficulty is secondary, but figuring out how to complete it is part of running it.

If anyone is going to question why I'm using 2 platinum armors, then I will say that I have plenty of platinum armors to throw around at the moment. I also regretted not having multiple area damage units during the previous subjugation event and I don't want to have this kind of problem in the future anymore.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Simultaneously the best and worst thing I've seen so far from me.


And all three misses are because of the demons at the very end.

Best because it's the highest I've ever gotten on a "kill everything" mission, worst because...Gah. So close.

Latest iteration of the team assigned to the mission.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Longherin You may have too many duelists for this map (Sybilla, Ricca, Thetis all only block 1). See if you can replace one of them with a 2 or 3 block unit, and make sure it's in range of your gunner/Spica for the last wave.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

On one hand that's totally sound and definitely a good idea.

On the other hand I literally don't have anyone else that can block and survive a number of enemies greater than one (except Chloe, but she's...y'know, temperamental) so my strategy has literally been "shoot faster! FASTER!"
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

what unit on the maribelle map drops platinum armor besides the golem is it one of those slow moving lizards?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally got posting rights, long time lurker.

Anyways in regards to this event are the Beast Girl Rogue Ada and the Dark Paladin Yurina? worth farming for max cost reduce?

I like them both Astheticially but they both seem sub par and I need to justify farming them.

The only rogue I ever use is my Max AW 80 betty for Gold farming and Yurina seems like a Very costly soldier so I don't really know.

Also finally got Princess Oliver to skill 5/5, total rainbow fairies used was maybe 7~10 lost track.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yurina is amazing, there aren't many 2 block units like her and she's one of the best magic and non HA tanks after AWing. Think super soldier with a pretty unique skill. 2.5k health, 670 attack, 500 defense and 25 magic resist BEFORE Prince buff. Her attack speed is pretty decent too so she cleans up the units she's blocking well. Yurina does need a lot of cost reduction and really only shines once awakened though.

Ada is eh, if you don't like/use rogues often you won't be using her much. I love her looks as well but I never really use her. Rogues are so specialized compared to the other base classes, there's rarely a reason to use more than one so Betty makes a lot of the other rogues rather pointless. Her skill is pretty cool and with that and her AW ability she can temporarily be one of the lowest cost tanks available (+dodge chance), might come in handy on some maps. As a rogue, she especially needs max or near max cost reduction to use her well.
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