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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

precious Odette/Yurina revival
You do realize Odette's revival already occured right?

100/2 isn't as bad as I thought after 70/6, it's in fact ... kinda sheepish really.
Just gotta have a bunch of units to gank/retreat against those big mummies. otoh don't think I can clear without AW golds this time around.

For Saya.
Wrong forum to post stuff for Saya, you gotta go to himeuta for that.

Note: not for the faint hearted. And 70/6 is probably not reproducable without Sybillis in your team.
Kurisa works fine, though I had to bring another princess in.

Update: Going to wait until the healer changes are updated before making 100/2. This is improbable orz.
OTOH, my strategy involves only 2.5 healers, ... dps is all that matters eh? D:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have huge trouble with aegis. Looks like it did not install properly and just shuts up randomly after few minutes. I reinstalled it a bunch of times already ;/
Anyone else with same problem?

I also made the mistake to try mission when I though it is working again:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Likely has to do with Android updating to Lollipop recently. Android 5.1 doesn't support Aegis as well as 4.x? Or something. You are going to have to wait until Aegis actually works on Lollipop.

Meanwhile, I suggest using a browser.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah forgot about Odette revival, I didn't participate much in it because of the crap drop rates and the event that was happening at the time I think. Hopefully Yurina's won't be as terrible, I really need the cost reduction more on her.

I can't even log in to Aegis atm, dmm.co and other games work just fine but I get a blank white screen on the Aegis page.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

DragonPaladin thanks for comment. I think I managed to fix it - app didn't crash during 6th or 7th reinstall and since that worked just fine. No idea what really happend.

Fortunately I am still using Android 4.4 (KitKat) and I don't need to move to browser

@Fruit, just checked and I am also stuck on white screen now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think they nerfed the healers because the recent add a lot of deploy spots to new maps. Possibly to allow for using Anna+Prince or dancer on any map. But if u instead spam 3 healers to a single bandit u could actually clear some hard maps with low lvl units.

Anyway no matter the reasons given how large is their range and how small are the maps, it is a shitty nerf and breaks most of the game, not just low rarity units strats. I can no longer clear the 30 dessert map with only 2 healers...

Edit: Just changed my healer's position, I can clear it with 2 again if Betty dodges at least 1 time XD (which didn't happen right now... poor Betty, shame on devs...)
Mmmmm Karma...... the collection whore inside me says I must get the black version but.... at 23 cost is almost useless right now. She won't take a black oni on her own and as an interceptor Carrie or Betty are much better options.... if her AW were announced....
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Think there was a slight roleback, my 2nd team restored to its previous state before I had remade it for the 50/5 map, cost me a 3 star x.x Oh well, coulda been worse. At least I got a couple gold fairies. I should have noticed it reverted before continuing anyways.

White Karma is about the best "Oh shit" button Aegis has. For lower levels she can allow you to cheese your way to victories that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Once your team is set though, you really won't be using her much anymore. I don't remember the last time I used her. I'm sure she's still useful on a lot of maps though, just haven't had any recently that my other teammates couldn't handle.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Think there was a slight roleback, my 2nd team restored to its previous state before I had remade it for the 50/5 map, cost me a 3 star x.x Oh well, coulda been worse. At least I got a couple gold fairies. I should have noticed it reverted before continuing anyways.

White Karma is about the best "Oh shit" button Aegis has. For lower levels she can allow you to cheese your way to victories that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Once your team is set though, you really won't be using her much anymore. I don't remember the last time I used her. I'm sure she's still useful on a lot of maps though, just haven't had any recently that my other teammates couldn't handle.

Yeah, that's the point. Is not that she is bad, but now with AW a lot of other units just got better while she stayed the same. Like with Anya (although Anya is actually so different from other units that she remains useful for me)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I can no longer clear the 30 dessert map with only 2 healers...

Wait... You use healers there? @_______________@
Or it's some nasty tactics with AW Betty and her gold farming?

Anyway guys, you say that farming Karma is not worth the effort? She is good as dueler, doesn't she?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wait... You use healers there? @_______________@
Or it's some nasty tactics with AW Betty and her gold farming?

Anyway guys, you say that farming Karma is not worth the effort? She is good as dueler, doesn't she?

Yeah, Betty on the lower crossroad, 5 or 6 units and afk... no longer possible.

Karma can't be healed. Even if 3k hp is a lot, she won't last long without her skill (that's why plat Karma is useless). As a duelist she won't be able to finish big and nasty things (veterans plz correct me if I'm wrong here). She is good for stopping a big enemy on an area with heavy support fire hopefully for long enough to kill it and then retire her before her skill runs out.
If you lack strong ranged units to do that, or the enemy has more range than your units (almost any lich) then she is not worth it. A regular bandit with a healer would be better lightning rod and duelist.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah, Betty on the lower crossroad, 5 or 6 units and afk... no longer possible.

I used AW Betty + 50cc40 Sedis + Prince + 50cc50 Nanya to afk farming that map.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If Betty doesn't dodge she can die there now if you're still dealing with the miniboss and boss at the same time. It's actually a pretty severe nerf to all low hp units like rogues and ranged units. Hasn't happened to me yet since she keeps dodging enough for my Prince + Spica combo to kill the top miniboss with my usual farming method, but I can see how it can happen. Healers are so stupid now x.x

I can't get my Betty to die there, not sure if it's possible with my team/set up there. It is obnoxious to see them waste their heals though. I hate small tweaks like this. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if someone didn't say anything...until my team died on a map they wouldn't normally. I'm usually half afking everything anyways lol.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Think there was a slight roleback, my 2nd team restored to its previous state before I had remade it for the 50/5 map, cost me a 3 star x.x

This happens for the same reason you can recover sold units if you immediately close the game; your game doesn't save after selling or changing team composition. One thing I do to force a save without spending cha/sta is attempt to AW a non maxed unit. This communicates with the server to either load the AW art or deny the operation - not exactly sure which triggers the save, but it works.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hope the dev realises how bad is this and revert it completely on the next maint. We basicaly cant have 2 healers between range of 1 same unit and fight on different fronts at the same time. I dont even want to imagine how to deal with black archers or even worse, mages......
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

why does Karma completely suck? I was actually kind of excited at first but after reading and understanding exactly how bad she sucks, Id rather use my half decent skill lvl 5 Imelia than her or probably any random rogue would be more useful. 13 seconds of that skill then shes meat totally pointless. Maybe they should of given her some kind of life stealing ability since she can't be healed and you know she is a vampire. They should rename her to 13 second paper princess karma instead of Immortal there's nothing immortal about being useful for only 13 seconds than dying. Should I even bother trying to earn her or is there like 0 chance of her ever not sucking?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

We can only speculate on a possible awakening for her. That being said, AWings for event units generally don't fill in any holes they have in their abilities. So even if she gets an awakening, probably not going to change much of her niche role.

Now I don't think anybody said that she's garbage (Or shouldn't have), she's just extremely specialized. There are many boss units that can one shot most anything, but that Karma can stall long enough for your ranged units to mess up. Good example was the 500 boss in the recent snow event maps. Killing him without Karma required a very specific/strong team.

Is she a necessity? No, but not many event units are. Up until you have your end game team (5+ AW'd units, rest all CC'd and maxed) she can find a good home on your team. After that you won't find much use for her, but that happens to a lot units. She helped me clear many missions before awakenings and still has her use for preserving 3 stars and such, rogues are a gamble against heavy hitters.

Also note that the 13 seconds of invincibility can actually be much longer. Generally thanks to her health and defense she can tank at least 1 hit from about any boss, and they tend to have slow attack speeds. If you time it properly, she can stall a boss for far beyond the limit of her skill and still not lose a 3 star.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't know how you guys came up with 13 seconds of invulnerability on top of
HP 3240/ATK 684/DEF 454 at Lv80 makes her a bad unit.

So I am just going to step in and state that Karma's worth her weight in Black. She's niche though, and not suited for afk, which is the reason I don't (and Fruit as well) take her in any runs outside of blinds. (since I afk just about all the maps)

Otoh, she's perfect for blind runs and tanking liches. As well as aura black ogres where only Olivia can do the same for 10 seconds.
Main thing is, exactly because she cannot be healed, it frees up your healer to do other things.

Also, a reminder 13 seconds is a lot, Nanaly quad-shot is 15 seconds for example, and that's enough to wipe a lot of stuff.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

so shes actually invincible during those 13 seconds? I thought she just only had buffed up stats wiki translation said something about 0 hp wasn't sure what that meant.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

why does Karma completely suck? I was actually kind of excited at first but after reading and understanding exactly how bad she sucks, Id rather use my half decent skill lvl 5 Imelia than her or probably any random rogue would be more useful. 13 seconds of that skill then shes meat totally pointless. Maybe they should of given her some kind of life stealing ability since she can't be healed and you know she is a vampire. They should rename her to 13 second paper princess karma instead of Immortal there's nothing immortal about being useful for only 13 seconds than dying. Should I even bother trying to earn her or is there like 0 chance of her ever not sucking?

Sorry if I made u hate her. She has her uses, I might even get her if the farming is not stupidly hard. After the original event she was so damn good... now she is just one more niche unit.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah man still no lowish level strats I can find for the 70/6 map (Most likely due to the healer change). Worse part is most the videos use such powerful units that I can't even accurately gauge the difficulty of the map in videos to come up with my own strategy (Can't tell the pathing of liches when a gang of black units kill them as soon as they enter the map, lol).

Bleh, guess I'll wait a bit on that, not sure I can brute force that map like these videos just yet.