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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I needed longer skill duration for Ricca lot of times already and I really love the girl. Unfortunately I do not use her as often as before.

My shidisu is max cost 1 skill but I want to farm one or two copies with magic crystals. My Spica is 4/5 only by Laurens and my Carry has 2 copies and few gadoras waiting for dinner... these three are out of competition then (atleast for now). I was thinking about Bernice but wondering if I ever cost reduce her :(

You did not solve my puzzle and I still have to think about it but thanks to you Fruit I have some more useful info :) thank you :)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally got 1103souls. After the last week was a very busy one and barely have time to burn the stamina but this week I went full to farm and I think I used more crystals that I was planning to burn...

I had spent most of the time farming 50/5 maps and I don't know if I was a Phyllis magnet but I got 12 and only 4 Giovanni (2 drops were accompanying with Phyllis), Does someone have similar drop or I broke the lottery?.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update:
-Emergency Mission "Capital of Princesses, Bandits and Evil Spirits" Ends.
-Emergency Mission "Dark Dance Party" Begins.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.
-"Otsu Appli" 2-star Success Sacred Crystal Present.
-Gold Princess Themis Sprite has been updated.

Capital of Princesses, Bandits, and Evil Spirits Unit:
Bandit Princess Imelia
Skill: When it expires, her current HP is halved (i.e. 6/10HP to 3/10HP), but her attack and defence are raised greatly during its duration.
AW Ability: All Bandits (including her) gain +10% HP by her being a party member.

CC70 Stats: HP2403; AT679; DF334 (Skill 10/10? Attack and Defence raised by 2.0 for 30 seconds; WT40; CT80)
AW90 Stats: HP3122; AT758; DF328

Upcoming Anniversary Event from November 20th to December 4th:
-Sacred Crystal Log-in Presents
-She'll finally appear in an emergency mission (Anna?)
-Strong Helpers for Awakening Maps
-Princess Awakening (Yay!)

Dark Dance Party:
Platinum Dancer Waltz will drop on all five maps with a greater change on more difficult ones. If you get 3-stars on all five maps, an extra difficult map will become available.

Platinum Dancer Waltz
Skill: Passion Step (1/10: Increases her range by 1.0, and gives a 100% attack/defence buff to all allies within range for 10 seconds.)

Imprisoned Dancer (20/1):
Waltz (2), Iron Soldier (60), Iron Heavy (50)
Waltz: "Now then, I guess it's almost time. Today, I must must cheer everyone up with my dancing!"
Waltz: "The monsters are making so many people disheartened. At times like these, it's best to make the people remember times of merriment and joy..."
Waltz: "It would be nice if I can put their minds at ease, even for a moment, with my dancing..."
Waltz: "Now, this is all I can do as a dancer, so I must do my best...!"
Anna: "Prince, it looks like a party of entertainers have arrived in this city."
Anna: "Let's let the soldiers, who have been working so hard, enjoy themselves. Ah, it looks like they're about to begin!"
Dark Knight: "Kukuku... The fools have all gathered together. It's almost time."
Dark Knight: "That dancer's instrument is already... Thanks to this, the city will be mine. Gufufu.
Dark Knight: "Go forth! My monsters!"
Anna: "Monsters!? Prince, the enemy! We must engage them before they harm the townspeople!"
Waltz: "...! What!? My lute is playing on its own...?"
Waltz: "My body won't listen to what I say!? My legs are moving... Ahh, even my hands...! What in the world's happening to me!?"
Dark Knight: "Kukuku. It seems my dark curse was effective. Now you're mine."
Waltz: "No, no! I don't want to dancer for you!"
Dark Knight: "Even if you say so, it's futile. There's no escape from my dark curse. Now. Dance for us!"
Waltz: "Aah, my body's moving on its own again... Someone... Help...!"
Dark Knight: "Fuhahaha! Splendid...! Our strength will become much greater thanks to her dancing!"
Anna: "Become stronger...?"
Anna: "Prince, that dancer over there is somehow making the monsters stronger. Lead with caution!"
Dark Knight: "Curses... I can't believe that damnable prince is also here. Let's retreat for the time being."
Dark Knight: "Now, you also come!"
Waltz: "Kyaa—! Someone help...!"
Anna: "Ahh, they're gone! Prince, I'm worried about that dancer. Let's follow after them!"

Waltz in the Darkness (25/2):
Waltz (5), Bernard (10), Russel (50), Magic Crystal I (60)
Anna: "We've made it! Over there!"
Dark Knight: "Goddamn obstinate Prince. We're busy. I don't have time to fight you guys."
Anna: "Please wait! What do you intend to do with miss dancer?"
Dark Knight: "Fuhaha. She's a vital piece to my plans. I'm going to have her dance for us for all of eternity."
Dark Knight: "Her dancing was marvelous, wasn't it? To think that a mere person could make us so much stronger."
Dark Knight: "With her, it would be a simple matter to lay waste to a multitude of cities. She'll have a firm place among our ranks..."
Dark Knight: "Gufufu. I can't stop laughing thinking about it."
Anna: "You monster... I won't let you do such a thing!"
Anna: "Prince, we must stop them here before they endanger other cities!"

Mad Dancer (30/3):
Waltz (10), Clave (10), Mauro (50), Magic Crystal I (80)
Dark Knight: "You again!?"
Anna: "Naturally. There's no reason for us to leave you alone after we heard you talking about destroying cities!"
Anna: "Also, please release miss dancer at once!"
Dark Knight: "What are you saying? There's no way I'll hand over such a useful thing. Come! Dance for us once more!"
Waltz: "Aah, my body's moving on its own again... Am I going to keep dancing for the monsters like this for the rest of my life...?"

Scorching Stage (40/5):
Waltz (27), Dolka (10), Elaine (10), Silver Fairy (50)
Dark Knight: "Hot. So hot... However, I heard there's loads of treasure around this area. And a great many of those damned human's cities as well."
Dark Knight: "Kukuku. I'll deprive them of everything."
Anna: "Finally caught up to you. Please release miss dancer at once."
Dark Knight: "Following me all the way here... Your persistence is extraordinary."
Dark Knight: "Fine. If you insist, I'll have my elite forces be your opponent this time."
Dark Knight: Fufufu. This place looks like a suitable stage for my dancer!"
Dark Knight: "Like always, I'll have you dance for us. Come! Dance, Daaaaance!"
Waltz: "aAhh... I'm trying to resist, but my body won't listen to me!"

Two Melodies Extreme-tier (55/7):
Waltz (50), Khuri (13), Velotte (13), Platinum Fairy (30)
Dark Knight: "Gunuu. Even here, they keep getting in my way..."
Dark Knight: "Well, this is the damned Prince we're talking about. It seems I have no choice but to get serious."
Dark Knight: "I'll use my dark powers, and make my army much stronger...! FunuUn...!"
Waltz: "Kya! My lute's tone is dreadful..."
Waltz: "Ugh... What's this? This feeling! It feels as if my body's splitting into two..."
Anna: "Prince, miss dancer is acting strange! Let's quickly rescue her!"
Dark Knight: "Guhahaha! Did you see that!? My power! With this, my army has been strengthened twofold. Onward, my army! Let's give the accursed humans a taste of true terror!"

Dark Dance Party God-tier (100/2):
Gold Fairy (50, 100 first drop), Platinum Fairy (10, 100 first drop), Black Fairy (5, 100 first drop), Completion: Rainbow Fairy
Waltz: "Kyaaaaa. My lute's tone is steadily becoming stronger... I'm scared, what in the world is happening...!?"
Waltz: "...! My body... is splitting apart..."
Dark Knight: "A marvelous tone... The more intense it becomes, the stronger I feel!"

Premium Summoning:
-Gold Princess Themis
-Platinum Princess Sherry
-Black Princess Olivia
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah an event dancer, interesting. Could make Betty capable of one shotting gobbies on Rural. Their class ability does that passively so even if she's not maxed she could be useful.

Dammit would be nice if they fixed the archer targeting already. So tired of them ignoring enemies walking right into the end area for monsters that are 5+ seconds from it. It's not even like the path they chose to aim at was technically closer to the exit.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

how do dancers work exactly, i never really got that since the badly translated description for the other plat dancer that i got off gatcha (Marnie?) just makes it sound like it only slightly increases the dmg of ranged units nearby, also wonder if this event one would be worth it over this one
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anniversary event, so hype.

how do dancers work exactly, i never really got that since the badly translated description for the other plat dancer that i got off gatcha (Marnie?) just makes it sound like it only slightly increases the dmg of ranged units nearby, also wonder if this event one would be worth it over this one

I think they don't attack, but they passively give 10% of their max attack and defense to units in range of them (140-170 range). 10% with their low stats isn't great, but they are extremely cheap on sortie cost, Marnie can get down to 4 cost and could reach a bit over 250 attack and nearly 400 defense. 25 attack and 40 defense to all units in range for 4 cost is decent (Without Prince).

I think it will mostly just be useful for farming with Betty though. Not really worth the roster slot and field position for most maps I'd imagine, except on maybe rush maps. They do have great synergy with fast attacking units like ninjas/vampire hunters though, I could see some great strategies with them. There's also that they should stack ontop of other buffs, so Prince + Strategist attack boost would be interesting.

So far the massive hit to my crystal reservoir from the last event means I probably won't be farming her except with natural regen, wanna have crystal ready for the 20th.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So Imelia is not princess type.... Maybe I did just okay farming only 800 crystals, hmm...

Ps. Yay for orb helpers!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

3-starred all the way to the 50/5 map. The map are extremely easy if you ask me.

50/5 map has silver fairy and silver healer Dolka drop.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Holy shit biscuits, 700 Souls, 10-11 crystals spent, last 7 souls gotten at 9:58 JST.

Cutting it close.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I did first two (no stamina for more) and this dancer girl looks really cute :) I know nothing about dancers but according to you guys she might be nice boost to AW Spica ability...?
I am still a little upset that I farmed only 800 souls though, even when Imelia is bandit nor real princess :/

Edit: dancer already on wiki

Imeria AW, wooooot.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lol got her from the 2 stamina map. Her skill seems is equal to the other dancer and the affection is HP and Atk.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Princess Awakening is going to be exciting and it's going to be conflicting for me. I was considering splitting the platinum armors (3/2/3 split) between a healer, Jelius, and Olivia, but now it's tempting to put it all on Olivia or Sherry.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anya AWing so hype. Little sad I spent most my black fairies on Desupia, but I do need her anyways. Oh wow Themis might be useful again and Claudia could be more solid as well. I'm really looking forward to that, hopefully it'll be all benefits over their normal forms and not make us decide if it's worth it to AW them because of increased cost or whatever.

I have a feeling it's going to be a nightmare to AW them though.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OK, this event was simple enough. Finished rough translations for all maps, though I don't know if some of the earlier maps have multiple drops.

I'm mainly curious if Anya or Karma are included, since they're both unique classes. I have a feeling that Rune Fencer Orbs are going to be one half of the requirement for Princess Awakening, and I'm hoping that they use orbs for a class that isn't in high demand, like dark knight (I have 13 of these) or rear tacticians (I have 9 of these).

Themis's sprite got updated, so I'm also curious if her attack speed has been increased to match her peers.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

千年戦争アイギス 暗黒舞踏会 闇の舞踏会 神級 ★3 (金以下&覚無)

100/2 is actually easier than I expected.

Do read the description though, since it has a hard demand on your skill level to keep your HA alive.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Themis's sprite got updated, so I'm also curious if her attack speed has been increased to match her peers.

Ah I'm so happy Themis is getting some love. I think she's one of the most visually appealing characters in the game, great design and art. I love that artist. Her CGs are really awesome as well. It'll be great if I can use her again, she'd also be the first Princess I could AW, 51/60 atm.

Her new sprite is bitching too, I'll have to use her to see it on the field in a while.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This event is a little disappointing as far as difficulty is concerned. At least this event will give me a breather to spend time leveling up units and prepare for the next event. Despite wanting to skip this event, it is still tempting to farm for a few more copies and use it as food for other units.

I'm not a fan of her design, but her new sprite is really cool. She has gained height over the shorter princesses and looks fabulous.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How do you have thermis from a past event or is she premium summoning only? I tried summoning with 15 magic crystals and it gave me silver twice and then that gold flying unicorn knight
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How do you have thermis from a past event or is she premium summoning only? I tried summoning with 15 magic crystals and it gave me silver twice and then that gold flying unicorn knight
Themis was a reward for people who played this game during its beta period, and a completion reward during an older Gold Rush event.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How do you have thermis from a past event or is she premium summoning only? I tried summoning with 15 magic crystals and it gave me silver twice and then that gold flying unicorn knight

You can also get her from rare/premium summon.

My first ever premium summon unit was Themis. And from that time she is my #1 waifu, never do any event map without her in the rooster :D