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ACT [Acid Style] 銑鉄の探索者 / Explorer of the Golden Planet (RJ204720)

3. Apparently, the sheer number of variations in animations are causing him a bit of stress, with the futa ones being very troublesome. Also, from what I can read without speaking moon, (and don't take this as a certain thing), it seems that enemies have different animations if you are futa. Interesting.

He can take all the damn time he needs then, even if it isn't true. I'm fucking hyped.
He can take all the damn time he needs then, even if it isn't true. I'm fucking hyped.

"Especially it is extremely painful to draw 3 patterns of erotic dot every time · · · Although
the pattern of normal and estrus is still compatible, the futanari does not do so, and it has fallen into the situation of dedicating special animation at a very frequent frequency (It is supposed to draw two very different things for each enemy)."

That's the direct quote. Maybe I've misread it, I don't know.
In his defense, EDF is a pretty fun series.
That's roughly what EDF is

To save our mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces
We won't cut them any slack
The E.D.F deploys!

Our soilders are prepared for any alien threats
The Navy launches ships, the Air Force sends their jets
And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonettes

Jeez, i understand the "gaming-too-much-because-fuck-work" thing, but if EDF is eating up his time, imagine how bad it'll get once MHW comes out. Since Monster Hunter to japan is Call of Duty to America anyway, i wouldnt doubt hes got it preordered
Jeez, i understand the "gaming-too-much-because-fuck-work" thing, but if EDF is eating up his time, imagine how bad it'll get once MHW comes out. Since Monster Hunter to japan is Call of Duty to America anyway, i wouldnt doubt hes got it preordered

Way I see it, from the looks of how he bases his games, it's pretty much 'researching reference material' at this point.
I like the straightforwardness they are showing though. Can't complain if there's communication.
After tasting the demo, I quite enjoyed it. ONE thing though, I really wish she had a proper walk animation, instead of a lazy dash. I really wanna hear those pointed legs clack. That's just me.
Release is set to indefinite.. Hopefully he actually doesn't delay it for too long.. :(
Release is set to indefinite.. Hopefully he actually doesn't delay it for too long.. :(

Goddamn it. Oh well, looking in the comments section it seems as if he's deciding on whether to cut out a few scenes (likely some of the futa ones since he was having difficulty with them) and update them in later, or to just take a while to finish it all off. From what I could read, seems as if he lost most of December to sickness and EDF5, so we're probably looking at sometime in Feb, i'd wager.
...it seems as if he's deciding on whether to cut out a few scenes (likely some of the futa ones since he was having difficulty with them) and update them in later, or to just take a while to finish it all off.

I hope he patches them in later, so there can be a version with no... uh, well, less futa for some of us.
So I've been keeping up with the comments on the blog, and it seems as if we've got an approximate time of release as being 'around end of February'.
So I've been keeping up with the comments on the blog, and it seems as if we've got an approximate time of release as being 'around end of February'.

I'll take that with a grain of salt, I can't deal with disappointment for a game like this. Nice to have a ballpark date though.
New blog update, seems the game is nearly complete and possibly slated for April release if not March
New blog update, seems the game is nearly complete and possibly slated for April release if not March

Man...I saw this thread on the front page and felt an overwhelming rush of excitement, only to find out that it's still a month away. Ah well, see you fine gents next month!
Well, that's what it seemed to indicate as far as google translate goes.
I hope this gets a translation like Ethereal Legion did
Fckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... I saw this thread on the front page and I was like: OH YIISSS, THE GAME IS COMING!
Only to find out that it's still a month away T.T
With necro-ing becoming so common recently I'm suprised you actually expected the release. Hearing that there's an ETA now was actually a pleasant suprise to me