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A very hesitant attempt

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Alright, gotcha! However I usually run as a madman when I see stuff like guro, scat, loli, shota etc... I respect other people's tastes but that's just not my piece of cake and, moreover is a mood-killer for me.

I also still have to understand why is futa/yaoi rising soooo much in these last years. I mean, there were weird things even when I was a child but I see that straight sex is being less and less considered. Whatever, seems the world's tastes are changing and that's another way to say I'm getting old! :D

However, here another little update. I changed the floor since there was too much "wood" in that frame, if you know what I mean...
Also did some minor tweaks and adjustments to the outlining.
How do you like the ears ring now?

Also I'm not sure about her hair's color, what do you think? Classic silver-blonde? I always preferred dark haired tho...


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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...


I also still have to understand why is futa/yaoi rising soooo much in these last years. I mean, there were weird things even when I was a child but I see that straight sex is being less and less considered. Whatever, seems the world's tastes are changing and that's another way to say I'm getting old! :D

However, here another little update. I changed the floor since there was too much "wood" in that frame, if you know what I mean...
Also did some minor tweaks and adjustments to the outlining.
How do you like the ears ring now?

Also I'm not sure about her hair's color, what do you think? Classic silver-blonde? I always preferred dark haired tho...

Well, Yaoi is simple to me it's for gay people. ...A no brainer:p

About futa, it maybe 'cause lots of the futa artists draw lots more extreme/silly/funny stuff that non-futa artists, don't they? For reference check 'Gura nyuutou'; 'drill jill', I don't mind reading futa comics of these artists their art-style is just awesome, ocassionally they even write/draw stories that partially have straight sex in it.:eek:

On a personal note, I like straight sex-scenarios the most in erotic art, but then I compromise when it comes to artists whoms style I like alot, though I personally think their works depicting straight-sex are sometimes their best works.
'Eroquis/butcha-u' is a good example for that he does so little straight/consensual sex scenarios, but when he does it's awesome, some of the loving/consensual scene are his best works, by far.

I like the broken tiles on the floor.
About the ears, yeah inlining looks nice, but maybe you want to change the ears angle/positioning, make them not stand up, but face downwards? Or even make them appear on an horizontal line...alot of options and room for experimenting, here I feel.:eek:

Hmm, hair color, I always like white silvery hair on elves, but then we have hairdye, it could be any color imaginable...sorry, that didn't help much, I guess.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Alright, gotcha! However I usually run as a madman when I see stuff like guro, scat, loli, shota etc... I respect other people's tastes but that's just not my piece of cake and, moreover is a mood-killer for me.

I also still have to understand why is futa/yaoi rising soooo much in these last years. I mean, there were weird things even when I was a child but I see that straight sex is being less and less considered. Whatever, seems the world's tastes are changing and that's another way to say I'm getting old! :D

My preferences are similar but i would add tentacles to the turn off list of yours(a wiggling plant with a penis, hilarious)
I can survive seeing a female with a prick(no ridiculous size) humping another female though (futa)?

Well, obviously thanks to the internet and the ease of comunication, chance for the artists/turned games developers to show their skill/make a living. It is being used by milions of peeps so i dont see anything unusual that the market expands and covers more and more "flavors" with each coming day.

About the elf hair color.
I like any but havnt seen many of them redhead elves :)
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I think a lot of the emergence of futa, yaoi and all that is because that the mainstream porn industry doesn't really cater that much to same-sex interested people, and partly because certain fetishes just looks better in an "imagined" medium like drawing or hentai.


As for art critique, I can't help feel that the elf's eyes and smile feel a bit forced. Her eyes in particular lack a certain something to make it feel genuine.


Narrowing the eyes by raising the lower eyelids might help, and/or emphasizing the raising of the cheek muscles by shading something between her mouth and cheekbone.

These are all suggestions, mind you, I don't know if it'll clash with the style and look too busy.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I think a lot of the emergence of futa, yaoi and all that is because that the mainstream porn industry doesn't really cater that much to same-sex interested people, and partly because certain fetishes just looks better in an "imagined" medium like drawing or hentai

Snip :D

It may be as Crawldaddy says, people of any sort are getting boored watching the same dull stories(or lack of any) with only the porn actors and actress changing on the screen, and they look for other forms of fiction limited only by the creativity of artists in hentai movies/manga/games
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Well yes I can understand that the internet community is becoming more and more open minded and that obviously means that even the gay fantasies need to be satisfied. I got that and I'm fine with that, everyone has it's tastes.

What I don't really understand is that material which is actually intended for straight tastes but that suddenly develops through different pats. That makes me think that even straight appetites require more extreme fantasies. I am just surprised by the increasing of this material.
Anyway, I think it's just a matter of tastes...like me liking monster/tentacle. Actually that must sound weird at someone else's eyes...

However, coming back to the artwork, I tried to improve the facial expression even more; thank you for making me notice that!

I resized the eyes making em a bit smaller. Bent em and refined all the outlines a bit. Also worked on her shoulder/neck. It should be better now.

I think I will need more and more and more attempts and sketches and even more artworks to become confident and control the facial expressions with ease. Isn't an easy thing to do for me, but I'll work on it.
Thank you guys for making me notice my weakness, I really appreciate that kind of help! :)

Meanwhile I started working on the shading a bit. Now I'm working on her.

About the background, do you guys have any idea about some additional furniture/items to add?

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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

The eyes do look better. Good job. :)

Also: holy hell, the dick looks damn defined now. Nice shading job.

(I'm one of those who's never "gotten" tentacle porn. It just doesn't do anything for me.)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Something bothered me with this picture from the start, at first I thought it was what 'craw' said about the facial expression that bothered me so much, but looking at your 'elflady-handjob picture', today...ima just call it like that, if you allow it...:p

I feel there is something seriously messed up with the viewpoints in this picture, they seem slightly off from wherever the viewpoint is. I assume the viewpoint is either from the guys head or someone took a picture holding a camera facing down the right shoulder of that dude.
If the viewpoint is indeed from the top right her nose should be slightly facing to the left but it mainly should be sketched as if you would look down flat on the nose.
The way the nose is painted now, it looks more like someone would have looked at it from the bottom right, not from the top.
Same goes for the hip, well her right asscheeck, I feel it's too far to the left she must be in a weird and uncomfortable kneeling position, it almost seems dislodged...
Also, the reference points are a bit messed up when you compare her hip to her shoulders/upper body, like the shoulders kinda indicate her upper torso is standing straight up, while her hip indicates she is kinda bowing down into the right area of the picture.

Well, maybe these misalgining effects were made intentionally by you, but for me it gives the whole pose of the elf-lady a weird and very unanatomical vibe.:eek:
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Something bothered me with this picture from the start, at first I thought it was what 'craw' said about the facial expression that bothered me so much, but looking at your 'elflady-handjob picture', today...ima just call it like that, if you allow it...:p

I feel there is something seriously messed up with the viewpoints in this picture, they seem slightly off from wherever the viewpoint is. I assume the viewpoint is either from the guys head or someone took a picture holding a camera facing down the right shoulder of that dude.
If the viewpoint is indeed from the top right her nose should be slightly facing to the left but it mainly should be sketched as if you would look down flat on the nose.
The way the nose is painted now, it looks more like someone would have looked at it from the bottom right, not from the top.
Same goes for the hip, well her right asscheeck, I feel it's too far to the left she must be in a weird and uncomfortable kneeling position, it almost seems dislodged...
Also, the reference points are a bit messed up when you compare her hip to her shoulders/upper body, like the shoulders kinda indicate her upper torso is standing straight up, while her hip indicates she is kinda bowing down into the right area of the picture.

Well, maybe these misalgining effects were made intentionally by you, but for me it gives the whole pose of the elf-lady a weird and very unanatomical vibe.:eek:

Alright, first of all let me tell you that you MUST say whatever you want. I always appreciate constructive criticism. Fullstop.
Therefore I thank you in the first place for having spent time writing a comment and explained me your point of view.

Then, considering my drawing skills level, if there is some issue it's with no doubts my fault and I must improve my knowledge overall.

So I made some sketches to explain what I attempted to do.


I highlighted the body volumes so you can see what I tried to do.

I do agree with you that there is some weird point of view. It's not a PoV but something move on his right shoulder.
Also the table doesn't look tall enough but when I realized that I was already in the shading process.

I believe I still have a lot of work to do to improve my skills, that was a hard pose.
I feel sorry because somehow it seems I did a step backward, even though I think I can still put something in the experience bag anyway, surely I've learned something.

Perhaps I don't only need to work on facial expressions but also work a lot on body volumes/perspectives.

Thank you again for the comment, I'll try to do better with the next artwork!
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Wheew, the flat down perspective of the nose and the posiitoning of the pupils looks way better in the sketch than what you pictured over it, later on.:p

Can't say much about her hip and shoulders there is too many lines in the sketching to really tell apart what is what...

++The sketched ears do look more kinky as well, I feel...

Aehm, about my criticism I try to point out the flaws I can see from my little experience as an artist + studying some art myself, everything I point out is ment to improve your works with the little knowledge I have. That being said, me having not the biggest art knowledge and all, I try to compare your works with other artists I like and thus point out differences I can see.(differences = room for improvements?)

I kinda hope you don't see it like me badmouthing about your work, 'cause I really like to see how your work improves from sketch to sketch, it's a fascinating progress and let me tell you, I really like how you enhanced your skillset comparing it to the very first picture posted in your thread.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Wheew, the flat down perspective of the nose and the posiitoning of the pupils looks way better in the sketch than what you pictured over it, later on.:p

Can't say much about her hip and shoulders there is too many lines in the sketching to really tell apart what is what...

++The sketched ears do look more kinky as well, I feel...

Aehm, about my criticism I try to point out the flaws I can see from my little experience as an artist + studying some art myself, everything I point out is ment to improve your works with the little knowledge I have. That being said, me having not the biggest art knowledge and all, I try to compare your works with other artists I like and thus point out differences I can see.(differences = room for improvements?)

I kinda hope you don't see it like me badmouthing about your work, 'cause I really like to see how your work improves from sketch to sketch, it's a fascinating progress and let me tell you, I really like how you enhanced your skillset comparing it to the very first picture posted in your thread.

Well I know sometimes things look better in the sketches rather than in the final version. That unfortunately still happens quite often to me.
However, about your criticism, don't misunderstand me, I really appreciate it.
Obviously it's pleasant to read comments of appreciation congratulation but, on the other hand, these won't help me improve.
If you were just telling me "Wow, that's cool! Good job!" we would just ended like that. Me keeping drawing in a bad way and you not enjoying my art because you see it faulted.
So, please, always feel free to criticize my works at your own will without holding back!
Then I would like to point out that even if you are saying you experience is little (which I hardly doubt since you gave me a well thought analysis) it's still another point of view, different from mine.
To have your point of view I should have been you, lived your life, seen things that you had seen, met your friends etc..
That's can be compared to an architect who project a beautiful bridge but who doesn't think in the same way of that person who lives in front of the bridge and crosses it every day to go to work. Different points of view and confrontation always lead to improvements!
And life taught me to be humil and always listen at other people's opinions because there is always something to learn!

So coming to my "art" I can synthesize it in the following points:

1 - I think I acquired a proper way to color/shade/light objects and environment although I believe I'd need to switch to another stile a bit less detail-oriented but instead more "sketched" faster to use. With a simpler method I can get into final versions quicker and therefore produce more artworks in order to improve my technique.
2 - I have to focus more and more on facial expressions. I can see myself I'm far from control it and give to my subjects the traits I would like them to have.
3 - I have to work more on body proportions too. I feel I took some steps forward but there is still much I have to work on to make my models more natural and dynamic and, obviously, also well proportioned.

So right now I'm a bit busy with my job but I will surely come back here with more updates soon.

Thank you guys for your feedback, as always!

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Ayo, I think you could probably take requests with you awesome level of art skills man. You might wanna look into maybe making money off of your skills man.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Ayo, I think you could probably take requests with you awesome level of art skills man. You might wanna look into maybe making money off of your skills man.

Oh well thanks for the compliment, however I think to be quite far from being able to take commissions. Out there it's plenty of artists WAY more talented than me. Also I do these drawings for my own interest and pleasure. Somehow I'm afraid that if I turn this to a way to make money I would lose all my interest in it. As long as it isn't a duty I feel the thrill to do more and more!
Don't ask me why, I don't know either...
However tomorrow I'll have a hell of a day at work so maybe I'll sketch something during the weekend, if I'm still alive...

Meanwhile...that's another kind of porn I really love...


My two stroke old style baby is coming back to life!!!
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...


Meanwhile...that's another kind of porn I really love...


My two stroke old style baby is coming back to life!!!

Looks amazing:eek:, though I myself never got much into disassembling and assembling motors:(. I'm guessing, you bought a bunch of new pistons for your machine?

About your art, it's definetly commission worthy, there is lots and lots of erotic-artists that get comissioned everyday who create far less sophisticated artwork.
Maybe, just make an account on 'hentai-foundry' post some of your artworks there, and people will eventually ask you to paint some scenario for them. If you don't put any pressure on yourself, as you was writing before, it's a great way 2 fish for some naughty ideas/scenarios...
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Oh well thanks for the compliment, however I think to be quite far from being able to take commissions. Out there it's plenty of artists WAY more talented than me. Also I do these drawings for my own interest and pleasure. Somehow I'm afraid that if I turn this to a way to make money I would lose all my interest in it. As long as it isn't a duty I feel the thrill to do more and more!
Don't ask me why, I don't know either...
However tomorrow I'll have a hell of a day at work so maybe I'll sketch something during the weekend, if I'm still alive...

Meanwhile...that's another kind of porn I really love...


My two stroke old style baby is coming back to life!!!

Well, if not commissions, perhaps requests? I still think you could. You really have improved since you first started.

Also! Great to see another mechanic around here. :D
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Well, if not commissions, perhaps requests? I still think you could. You really have improved since you first started.

Also! Great to see another mechanic around here. :D

I'm a Graphic Designer! :p
I do mechanics as well as handcraft as hobbies, but I kinda love motorcycles.

Requests...how about you guys ask me a request? Just ask for something and I'll try my best to fulfill it! It's sounds both thrilling and challenging to me! :)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I'm a Graphic Designer! :p
I do mechanics as well as handcraft as hobbies, but I kinda love motorcycles.

Requests...how about you guys ask me a request? Just ask for something and I'll try my best to fulfill it! It's sounds both thrilling and challenging to me! :)

I got one for you. If you've heard of the show RWBY (If not, check it out, pretty awesome), think you could do one of Blake Belladonna? :D
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I got one for you. If you've heard of the show RWBY (If not, check it out, pretty awesome), think you could do one of Blake Belladonna? :D

Yep I know RWBY :)

Something more specific? Pose? Environment? Giev me some imput!
Try not to make it too hard tho! :p
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Yep I know RWBY :)

Something more specific? Pose? Environment? Giev me some imput!
Try not to make it too hard tho! :p

Hmm. Perhaps at a brothel? I'd like to see your mind explode with this. :D And perhaps cowgirl pose? :p