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A very hesitant attempt

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Thanks guys for the comments a for the good criticism!

I was a bit surprised by the sudden face change. The new one, while perhaps more appealing, looks a bit generic and expressionless, imho. The first face had a look of slight shyness to it, that I found interesting, this one looks... I don't know, really - which I guess is the problem I'm getting at. It's a pretty face, but it's just sort of there.

Beyond that, I think the piece is very solid.

Thank you for this comment. You are totally right, I felt that too but at a certain point I wanted to see the piece finished.

What I am heading now is to train myself with eyes, noses and mouths sketches. I truly need that, don't you think?
I have a lot to work on, I'm aware of it. That's still a hesitant attempt after all. Hopefully my next tries will be better.

Thank you guys for the support! :)
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Definitely looking promising so far! :D
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Looking damn good Vicissitudo!
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Thank you guys! :)

I've almost finished the lining...I'm working a bit on the hair...
What do you think of the facial expression this time? Does it look good?

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Her eyes are a bit wider, which imho more gives the impression that she's a bit afraid than the sketch, where her eyes seem to convey a sense of pleasure.

Btw, I can't help feel that they're made in somewhat different styles... these newer eyes look a bit more... asian, maybe? I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

...kinda reminds me of butcha-u...Did you take one of his pictures and try copy some of his style? If so great job, looks really similar I think.:cool:

Thank you guys! :)

I've almost finished the lining...I'm working a bit on the hair...
What do you think of the facial expression this time? Does it look good?


Hmm...Yeah this one looks more like the style you used in your previous pictures, nonetheless still looks good!
About the facial expression. Did you try to make her look at the crotch? Maybe then give her a more focused look...Though, I really like the dazzled look from the original picture where she just looks someplace, it kinda implies a more laid back feel like she is enjoying the intercourse more and doesn't focus on nothing particular. Do~ooozing off into a sexy-dreamland, hehe!:p
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Her eyes are a bit wider, which imho more gives the impression that she's a bit afraid than the sketch, where her eyes seem to convey a sense of pleasure.

Btw, I can't help feel that they're made in somewhat different styles... these newer eyes look a bit more... asian, maybe? I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Yeah, that's my problem. I haven't a proper style yet. Sometimes I try to get inspiration by looking at other artist's styles (not copying) and attempting something. I assume it will take time to improve...

...kinda reminds me of butcha-u...Did you take one of his pictures and try copy some of his style? If so great job, looks really similar I think.:cool:

Hmm...Yeah this one looks more like the style you used in your previous pictures, nonetheless still looks good!
About the facial expression. Did you try to make her look at the crotch? Maybe then give her a more focused look...Though, I really like the dazzled look from the original picture where she just looks someplace, it kinda implies a more laid back feel like she is enjoying the intercourse more and doesn't focus on nothing particular. Do~ooozing off into a sexy-dreamland, hehe!:p

Actually I wanted her to look down even in the sketch..perhaps I can try to move her eyes a little to give her back that dazed expression.

However, thank you guys for the comments!
Here the step I'm on right now. I slightly tweaked her eyes, but nothing particularly noticeable.

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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Imo, you should fix his left hands, two middle most fingers showing on her thigh, looks like they are facing away from each other, but my mind is saying this looks incorrect.

Maybe have the finger closest to his pinky, more similar to direction his middle finger is, or turn his middle finger to face the same direction as the other's.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Imo, you should fix his left hands, two middle most fingers showing on her thigh, looks like they are facing away from each other, but my mind is saying this looks incorrect.

Maybe have the finger closest to his pinky, more similar to direction his middle finger is, or turn his middle finger to face the same direction as the other's.


Thank you for pointing this out! I didn't see it until you made me notice it!

It should be fixed now. I also tweaked the outlines here and there and began some shadings.



New update.

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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...


I'm again full of work and with no spare time for drawing. I wanted to finish this one even though I'm not really satisfied of the final result.
There is much to improve but I also believe it is not my style. I would like to focus on something less accurate and more "sketchy".

I'll do more when I find some time...

Comment it please! Tell me what you don't like.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

What happened to the colorizaiton of the dick? Is it indicating that the babe is squirting out deep-blue sparkly-cum? I don't get it. :confused:
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

What happened to the colorizaiton of the dick? Is it indicating that the babe is squirting out deep-blue sparkly-cum? I don't get it. :confused:

Was a bit too stronk, fixed it :p

It should be just "wet skin", nothing else.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Oh well, it did look kinky was just wondering about the story behind it, hehe.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

Alright, once again it's been a while I haven't posted something.
Sorry, I've been very busy lately...however I "worked" also a bit on my style, trying to simplify it a bit. Not sure if I am getting into my intent but worth a try.

Here a rough sketch. I want to try to make some figures with different poses trying to make em a bit more dynamic in the postures.

Perhaps not drawing "H" for a while...until I get more confident with my own style...

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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I think it is a solid piece, technically, but I feel a strong disconnect between the confident, strong pose at the top of the body, and the inwards-facing, coquettish foot position. It ends up harming the image, imho.
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Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I think it is a solid piece, technically, but I feel a string disconnect between the confident, strong pose at the top of the body, and the inwards-facing, coquettish foot position. It ends up harming the image, imho.

Thanks for the tip! I did some minor adjustments. Kinda out of time lately...

I'll upload more soon.

Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

That looks a lot more natural. :) Is it perhaps a bit short?

If you bend the knee forwards a bit, you might achieve a bit dynamic in her pose as well - though I'm not an artist, so I might be talking out of my ass. :p
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

I think her foot should be a mix of the two, not in so much, but not out so much either. Imo it (her foot, toes) should be facing us, so her weight is in it, deflecting whatever force her shield encounters.

Sure she looks a tad short, but short ladies can be hot too.
Re: A very hesitant Attempt...

That looks a lot more natural. :) Is it perhaps a bit short?

If you bend the knee forwards a bit, you might achieve a bit dynamic in her pose as well - though I'm not an artist, so I might be talking out of my ass. :p

I think her foot should be a mix of the two, not in so much, but not out so much either. Imo it (her foot, toes) should be facing us, so her weight is in it, deflecting whatever force her shield encounters.

Sure she looks a tad short, but short ladies can be hot too.

Thank you for your comments guys! These are always welcome! :)

I'm working on it a bit more then I'll move to another subject.
