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A Man Apart (Sponge)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

The sun was just beginning to set as Gerald pulled himself out of the rubble of the building he'd been in. He'd been fighting a powerful demon, an ogre, when one of his psionic cuts had weakened a support column in the center of the room. The demon had then smashed one of its massive fists into the weakened pillar, and the building had caved in around them. that had been four hours ago, which he had spent clawing his way out of the rubble. Luckily, he had held on to all of his equipment, so when he pulled himself out of the rubble and back into the demon infested town of Artmirst, he would at least be able to defend himself.

He was close to the heart of the town, just on the border of the factory district, and was on the side of a paved road in front of a collapsed tavern. He could turn left and go back toward the more tame parts of town, or right and go further into the demons territory.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

(all right, bear with me here. First time actually doing the dungeons and dragons type of RP. I'll highlight specific actions that could determine something like perception or seeking stuff. Or an action that might result in something)

Tapping his foot against the ground in impatience, he knew he wanted to immediately make a break for the demons territory since the time he had was very little. Yet to rush into a place currently in his weakened and tired state of being would only result in a pointless death. The fact he had so much trouble with the enemies he faced earlier proved only more so that he was still not ready to go balls to the wall against the demons. Being inexperienced in fighting didn't help either, mostly the previous battle was only won out of pure luck. He meant to try to dismember the ogres head, and missing just barely ended up bringing down the whole entire building. Not exactly what he had in mind, but it worked. Surely there had to be stronger opponents that awaited him within his future, and despite his willingness to fight the heartless monsters that ruined his life, he wouldn't accomplish what he set out to do through dying.

Sighing in dismay from this realization, he gazed towards the left, pondering if he could quite possibly fine some information or at least someplace to sleep. Hopefully the place wouldn't end up like where he had recently been. Mumbling aloud to himself, he glanced back at the pile of rubble."Somebody was sure to see the wreckage. Or at least hear the commotion. Shit, did anybody else in the tavern even survive?" Nobody else was there that he could remember, and the whole thing wasn't really his fault. Nodding his head with his reasoning, with a clear conscious he was able to start down upon the left pathway.

The sun finally vanishing from the horizon was then replaced by the starlit sky. Walking through the streets, it seemed rather vacant at the moment. Many of the shops remained unlit, obviously closed or something. Annoyed by the fact that every building seemed to be vacant at the moment, he tried to find someplace that at least looked like a hospitable place to take shelter for the night. Perhaps in the morning he could try to find somebody who had been combating demons for a long time, ask for some helpful hints or weaknesses they might possess. He really needed any help he could get desperately. Despite the fact he held so much hate for these demons, he couldn't deny the fact that many of the woman like figures were very attractive. Woman have never been his strong point either, so knowing himself he'd probably turn into a nervous wreck if hit upon a demon woman, let alone a normal human one. He'd have to prepare or at least have an idea of a way out if he ever got in such a pinch. These things used sex as a weapon, and since he had never been in a relationship with a woman, being too shy and timid to even hold a conversation with Ashley in his former village, he'd be fucked over in a matter of seconds. Literally.
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Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(There was no one else in the tavern. Or in the rest of the village for that matter. Full demon takeover. Sort of like a zombie apocalypse but with fewer brains. And leave the time lapses to me. In your posts, you should only be putting up what your character does, not anything regarding the environment other than any reactions to it. The thoughts and detailed actions are nice though.)

Gerald headed on toward the center of town as night began to fall, and soon it was almost too dark for him to see under the starlight. He decided that his search could wait until he could see in the morning, and chose a random house to enter into, hoping that no demons would be hiding within. He stood in the entrance hall, and found himself confronted with a choice: The stairs up lay to his direct left, and would take him to the bedrooms, which would be more comfortable to sleep in, but he saw the stairs into the basement nearby behind a partially opened door, which would probably be much safer, since there were no windows for things to creep into.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

(ok sorry, I've seen other posts and how detailed they were, I wanted to stay up to par with them. And thanks for the compliment!)

It was odd really, he had never been outside of his towns area. He had always kept to himself, afraid of being outside in a world he had heard was full of danger. Only recently did he actually have reason to emerge from his sheltered life. Reading books and trying out his recent powers discovered. He felt like a baby bird freshly leaving it's nest to look at the rest of the world. Seems like the world got screwed over. Perhaps this demon takeover was on a much larger scale than he thought? He had figured a small little horde of these creatures broke through from somewhere. Not the entire landscape itself. "And if that's true, where the heck did everybody go then? Is anybody else even alive?"

Considering the town has been totally cleansed of any friendly lifeforms, he needed to make sure the whole building itself was safe. For all he knew, something could be hiding in the basement AND the bedroom. Thinking deeply, he pondered which room would most likely have an easy way out, should trouble occur. If he checked the bedroom first, he should be able to view the whole room just by peering in the doorway. The basement on the other hand would require him to enter it and scout it out. Should he take shelter in the basement, things indeed would be hard for things to sneak into it. But problem was, it worked both ways. If something did find him in the basement, it would be hard for him to get out as well. Perhaps it was laziness, but he really wanted to sleep on a bed. Buildings crumbling down atop of yourself doesn't exactly make your back feel great. Plus if he was cornered inside the bedroom, he most likely would have a window to escape from, jumping outside if possible.

Finally deciding, he would first take a glance inside the bedroom. Should nothing be in there, he'd check out the basement. If all was clear, he'd make his way back to the bedroom.

Glancing at the door, he tries to slowly open the door to take a quick peek inside to see if the place was clear.
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Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(You're doing pretty well so far. Keep up the good work.)

Perception: Success.

Gerald cautiously heads up the stairs, looking to check the houses bedrooms before he did anything else. As he ascends the wooden staircase, he hears the sound of the wooden floor creaking as someone or something moves on it. He can't tell exactly where it is, but he guesses that it was on the second floor where he was heading. That in mind, he keeps himself ready as he gets to the top of the stairs. The hall only goes in one direction form where he is, and that is to his right, where four closed doors line the thin hallway. There are no turns in the hall at any point, as it ends in an open and empty closet, and nothing moving.

He slowly opens the first door, which is on his right, to reveal a flight of stairs leading up. Deciding against exploring that way any further at this time. He closes the door and turns toward the second one, which is on his left. He pauses to listen for a moment, and hears another wooden creak from within, as well as what might be breathing. Gerald hesitated for a moment, wondering whether it was really a good idea to open it, before shrugging and pushing it open slowly. The door squeals quietly on its hinges, and what sounded like someone turning in their sleep while murmuring in annoyance emanated form the opposite side of the room. The room was dark, but Gerald could make out the form of someone curled up under the blankets lying on the bed, their back toward where he stood in the door. He couldn't tell for sure from where he stood, but it looked more like a woman beneath the blankets than a man. A red dress sat folded on top of the nearby dresser, and a pair of slippers sat at the foot of the bed, further indicating that it was indeed a woman.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

It was best not to wake her... yet. Thinking to himself in his head, 'Good thing I checked. Wouldn't exactly have a welcome committee if that woman had the woman awoken to find another man sleeping in a room of the same house.'

Slowly backing from the door way, he goes back to the entrance of the house, unlocking and opening the door all the way. This should allow him to make a quick getaway if something went wrong. He had to make sure that this woman could be a possible ally, yet if it wasn't he'd have to run. Usually demons that masqueraded as human woman were powerful, and he wasn't certain if he would be able to fend them off just quite yet.

Heading back up to the room, he peers inside from behind the door. Inhaling deeply, he holds his breath for whatever consequences he'll be getting. 'Hope she's friendly.' Still behind the door, peaking through he knocks his hand on the door. "Hello?" He softly speaks aloud.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

The front door opens with a low creak, and Geralds exit is seemingly secure, so long as nothing is in the street waiting for him when he runs out of the house. If the woman proved to be a hostile demon, he would be able to retreat if necessary, though she hadn't exactly looked dangerous as far as he could tell. Making his way back upstairs, he once more looks into the room with the sleeping woman to find her still firmly asleep in the bed, still tossing and turning occasionally. She starts awake at his knocking, and her head turns to look at him in the doorway, while her body still lies on its side, pointed away from him. "Hello? Who are you?" Her voice was a quiet mumble that still held a pleasant feminine ring to it, and she looked up at him with half-closed crimson eyes, still obviously tired. At least she hadn't attacked him outright, or something like that.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Gerald sighs with great relief, glad that he wouldn't have to deal with anything too dangerous currently. His mind was too sluggish and tired to handle such things at this point. Of course... woman were also something he didn't exactly have the thought process to currently handle either.

Opening the door all the way, he makes a polite bow. He could already tell he would mess up his first impressions. "S-sorry to disturb you! I was just looking around in the house, seeing if it was safe so I could sleep without having to worry about getting eaten. Seeing as your the only person here I don't think that would be a problem to worry about anymore?"
He really did feel like a jerk, waking this woman just so he could go to sleep himself. What if she didn't feel comfortable having somebody sleep in the same house?
"So um... sorry for to wake you again. Uh, I'll just go and let you sleep now. If something tries to kill you, just yell something ok? I'll try to help."
(mentally thinking) Oh smooth. Remind her the fact demons could come and devour her in her sleep. He started to head out when another thought occurred to him. Oh crap, you didn't even introduce yourself. He turned around real quick upon remembering it. "Oh! My name is Gerald by the way. Again, sorry to bug you.. heh.." He started to head towards the door leave out...
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

The woman yawns contentedly as Gerald begins to speak, and her face turns into a beaming smile as she rolls over, the covers falling away to reveal her naked breasts just as Gerald introduces himself. She pulls herself out of the bed and stretches, giving Gerald a perfect view of her completely nude and completely gorgeous body. Her full breasts sway unsupported as she stretches her back, and bounce as she returns to a normal standing position. Then, she begins to slowly stalk toward him, her now evidently red eyes gleaming as she says, her voice a quiet purr; "Oh.... It's okay, Gerald. I'm not that tired anymore anyway. Though, I would certainly appreciate it if a big, strong man like you were around while I was asleep. And I'm sure we could find a suitable way to... Tire me out again...." As she came toward him, she looked into his eyes, and Gerald stared into her eyes as though he were hypnotized, a tiny voice in the back of his mind immediately crying out that he was in danger, and that her movements were those of a predator, stalking its prey. It was only a tiny voice, barely a whisper, however, and by the time Gerald got control of himself, the woman had a hand around the back of his head, and was pulling him down toward her for a kiss.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

(Mentally) SHIT! It wasn't a person! You moron! You should of just left without even bugging her. Get the hell out of there!
Then again, she's real cute... and besides, she doesn't want to hurt you... Can't be all that bad right? You've always wanted to be with a woman right? Here's your chance.

Gerald furiously begins shaking his head, conflicting thoughts becoming overpowering, drowning the other out. He knew she was a demon obviously, but... The woman's lips connected with his, feeling soft and moist. His first real kiss, with a demon? How did it come to this? He could feel almost all will and power being drained from him, almost as she was beginning to sap it away from his breath. Struggling to stay standing, his knees shake with nervous anticipation for what was to come. He could not help but to wrap his arms around the woman with a soft embrace, brushing her soft hair through his fingers. Inhaling with each breath, he couldn't help but notice she smelled divine, fresh roses blooming mixed with... he couldn't describe it! He didn't care to even think about it now anyways. But this woman, he didn't even love. Was it really ok for him to do this?
NO! Your sister, remember? Remember what happened to her? Look at what she's turning into, this thing! If your gonna get caught in this, at least go out with a fight damnit!!

(Attempt to break free from grapple, which I assume she has done by doing this?)
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(Nope. She's not attacking you. It wouldn't take more than a light push to get her away from you, at the moment. Also, for future reference, when you want something to happen, what you write should reflect it. IE: If you wanted to break grapple, you should have Gerald here trying to push the demon off of him or something.)

The womans lips press against his, feeling soft and moist as they touched him. Her scent was nothing like he'd imagined, more like the sickly sweet scent of fresh pine than the roses he'd expected, but it was no less pleasant for it. Her arms gently wrapped around his neck and waist even as his fingers combed through her soft, silky hair. Despite the fact that his mind had immediately registered that she wasn't any normal human girl, he couldn't help but let the kiss last for a few more instants, the desire to feel and taste, more of the woman whos naked body was pressed up against his own briefly overriding his brain.

When he pulled away form her just as she was about to deepen the kiss, she looked up at him, startled and frightened at his sudden reaction. She shifted back, naked fear in her no longer glowing red eyes as she regarded him, her arms lowering down to her sides as she released him. "Wha.... What's wrong?" She whimpered, evidently scared of him. She looked completely helpless and vulnerable, and didn't try to re-initiate the contact with him.

(She's a demon. There are no flowers in hell.)
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

(Ah ok. And doesn't mean she can't smell of flowers, because she's from hell. Could be just some aroma they give off, was trying to think of a natural pleasant smell or something. Hell didn't leave me much but burning embers and ashes, which smell not so great.)

Regaining control of his body and mind, Gerald blinked a couple times trying to clear his head. Taking a quick glance around he remembered the situation instantly.

Looking at the woman, he noticed that the demonic aura she had seemed to give off had vanished, and in it's place stood innocence and concern. She could of taken advantage of him and immediately followed up with another kiss while he was regaining his consciousness when he pushed her away. So why didn't she? Demons weren't like that. They were monsters. But.... there were always exceptions in life. Maybe she... no, he couldn't fall for it. She was trying to play him off as an innocent sweet thing when in reality she was only wanting him to let his guard down again. At least that's what he thought.

Blushing slightly, he turned his head to the side gathering up his thoughts, trying to make sense of what had all happened. Breathing in deeply and letting out a long exhale of breath, he finally began to speak.

"I'm sorry! I... you are a very pretty woman. No doubt about that. I.. um."
His face blushed crimson.
I.. well you are... um.. your a demon. I just.. well.. I'm uncertain about you. Demons are usually bad and evil creatures and hurt people. I... um.. I also don't really know you that well to be.. well.. doing stuff....

His view lowered to the floor, trying to keep himself from being aroused by her perfect figure, he twiddled his thumbs as he tried to gather up more thoughts.

I... well... most humans... when they do.. stuff... they have known each other for a long time. Love also comes into play.

(Mentally)"What are you a priest now? She's freaking gorgeous! Quit being such a damn prude."

Just looking at her did make him feel very hot inside. She looked so sweet and innocent with that look she was giving him, her eyes filled with what seemed to be fear. He reached his hand out to her shoulder and squeezed it gently, her skin against his fingers sent an electrified thrill up his spine. He wanted to touch her more.. but.. what he had said earlier...
He closed his eyes, and pressed his lips to hers softly, enjoying the moistness of her lips. Parting from her, he smiled radiantly, showing that he would never mean harm upon her. She shouldn't be afraid of him, of all things.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(Fair enough.)

The girl only stares at Gerald as he speaks, and he spots tears silently running down her cheeks as he looks away from her face. She embraces him harder than she had before as he kisses her again, wrapping her arms around him and holding him tightly, before pulling back and whispering; "But.... I do love you.... It's like I've known you my whole life...." Then, her hand suddenly darted down and settled over his crotch, and began rubbing his member through his pants as she whimpered; "Please... I need it...."
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Gerald shivers violently as he feels her warm hands caressing his groin, making him grow hard just at the touch of her fingers. Bits of sweat bead down from his face, anxiety and nervousness welling up inside him as well as lustful thoughts. Being so closely embraced, he could feel the buds of her tits pressing against him. The idea of sticking himself inside her, filling her with himself, he was almost losing control. But another thing was also making him more inclined to do it with her. The fact she was crying only made him want to comfort her, tell her that things will be ok. He didn't know what could of been troubling her, maybe the fact he had rejected her at first. If she really was hurt, he wanted to make her happy again.

This could be his chance, he had never been with a woman, but he's always had ideas what he would do with one if he ever got one in bed. But would she like tender love, or rough? He didn't want to hurt her if she liked it rough. But this was their first meeting, and usually that should always be tender.
Sure he didn't know her but...
"Wait a second......."

Looking her straight in the eyes, Gerald speaks softly to her.
"What do you mean by 'you need it?' I don't even know your name. How could you feel like you've known me forever if we just met? And the fact I've never been with a woman my entire life?
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

Mind Check: Gerald Wins.

As Gerald looks her in the eyes, he suddenly feels a strange pressure on his mind, one that tried to force him to remain passive and unresistant. He threw it off easily, just in time to keep the girl from yanking his pants down. She jumped back, her cheeks flushed and panic in her eyes, as she said; "Uhh....."

She seemed clearly surprised that he had resisted her mental domination, and she didn't seem to have any clear response prepared for his questions. Her eyes glowed a menacing red once more, and she backed away from him further, until she hit the wall, clearly afraid of what he might do now that she had tried something so aggressive and failed.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

(Interesting, I was about to give in as well. Glad I questioned her reasoning. *grin*)

Gerald scowled at the woman, knowing now that she was trying to use him the whole time. As the woman backed up, he advanced on her with anger and detest.

Emotion is what has always driven him, and it surely showed within the room. His psychic powers began to kick in, throwing the furniture and anything not attached to the floor crashing into the sides of the walls, allowing him an unhindered path to the woman's current standing. The door which led out of the room suddenly slammed shut, the impact strong enough to create multiple fractures in doorway wall, similar to that of veins coming from the eyes. The bed creaked as the sound of cracking and splintering wood could be heard, suddenly shattered into to pieces and was cast out behind Gerald forcefully, impacting against the walls and falling to splintered shards upon hitting the floor. Finally standing face to face with the woman, he spoke.

"So you really were just some bitch trying to get into my pants all along. It's things like you that disgust me. I was actually starting to kinda like you had it all been true."

"Since you know she's the enemy, you should try to learn something at least."

Nodding to his own thoughts, the shards of splintered and broken wood began to hover within the air suspended above the ground at varying heights. In one simultaneous instant they all turn towards directly at the woman, sharp points threatening to impale her at any given notice.

"Now... I have a proposition. Knowing demons, your kind sometimes likes to make deals right?"
He unsheathed his blade from the scabbard, rotating the point up to the woman's nose.
"If you comply, I will not kill you. Even as disgusting creatures as you all are, I'm sure that even things like you value your own life."
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Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

The woman scowled at him throughout his display of his power, staying back up against the wall as the small amount of furniture was shredded into splinters. The expression on her face suggested that she was not as intimidated by Geralds display as he'd have liked, and at his question, she replied; "We make deals when it suits us."
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

In an odd sort of way, he was hoping she would say this. He had never had to use psychic powers for intimidation. He was always intimidated by everything else in the world. Always thinking that people were talking behind his back. Everything seemed stronger than him, seemed to tower over him in size. Being a short guy always made him feel so little.

But now it was different. He had power, he could finally hurt people who deserved to be hurt. He could make those who always feel powerful against him feel weak. The people who always got away with torturing others too kindhearted to fight back, or to weak to even leave a bruise upon the others skin. In a way, he felt kinda evil. The fact he was enjoying this so much. But he could never hurt a person that never deserved it. And besides, this thing tried to use him, perhaps was going to kill him when she was done using him. It was justice.

"I'll make sure it suits you quite well." He sheathed his sword and began to walk for the door, before turning around and suddenly twitching his hand.
Upon being signaled, four of the bigger wooden pieces shot forward into the woman's arm entering her flesh and exiting into the concrete, one pierced in each of her shoulders, and the other through her wrists, pinning her against the wall. He honestly hoped it didn't hurt to much in the back of his mind, but he had to intimidate her if she was going to take him seriously.

He again approached the woman, propping his hand up against the wood embedded into her shoulder, as to make sure it was firmly in place. He also wanted to come off like he was being casual, like he had much worse in mind should he be forced to.

"Now... I just want to make sure I've very clear that I wish to get some information out of you in the most civilized manner as possible with you. I have a sister of mine who is currently becoming one of your kind. I wish to reverse this. Is there anyway that you might know of, or any lead to this solution? Or will I need to give you a belly button piercing next?"
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

The demoness watched him as he went for the door, and so was taken completely by surprise when four of the shards of wood that had once been a bed tore into her wrists and shoulders, pinning her to the wall on nails of wood. Fresh blood began to flow from her wounds, and she let out a hiss of pain that quickly turned into a quick scream. She clenched her teeth as he spoke, holding in the wail of pain that he knew would have filled room had she had any less willpower. "Not one of you humans wouldn't know civilization if it came up and bit you on the ass! Look at what you've done to me, vile barbarian! Is this what you'd call civilized!" She spits at him in reply, before issuing another hiss of pain.

Her blood begins to form a puddle beneath her as the seconds tick by, and after a moment she continues; "If your sister was taken by my kind as anything more than a plaything and food source, then she was already one of us to begin with, she just didn't know it yet. either way, you'll never get her back! She's either corrupted, one of us in full, or dead by now! Regardless, your sister is gone!" She spits fiercely, anger evident in her face as much as pain.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

This took him completely by surprise. Was she telling the truth? His sister would of never been such a person, he knew all too well. She had been a virgin.... as far as he knew.

He needed to think things through before making his next choice.
This doesn't feel right, yet it doesn't seem like she'd be lying. She's in pain and furiously angry, and anger is always impulsive so she's naturally speaking what comes to mind first. Or at least that's how I think it works.

Taking a startled step back from her harsh words, he couldn't say anything back in retort. All he could do was cast his eyes away from her, staring at the floor as he tried to make sense of what she had said. It was strange, her words hurt him. He had never considered himself a barbarian, he only wanted to help his sister. This thing is a demon, something that's not a person. As far as he knew, they were more like animals instead of people. But perspective could prove otherwise. What was her point of view on humans? Perhaps they were just creatures to fill their desires and appetites for sex and hunger and nothing more.

You see them as monsters, feeding and killing your loved ones without mercy and brutality. You think it might be possible that as there are good and bad people, that their could be good and bad demons?

His feelings seemed to reflect in his powers, the splinters and shards of wood shaking unsteadily in the air before collapsing down onto the floor. Was all this for nothing? Was it really hopeless? Was the last person he cared for already far gone beyond his reach? Collapsing to his knees, he quietly sobbed into his hands......

Unsure how long he had been crying, he suddenly lifts his head up remembering what had recently happened. The demon woman was still pinned against the wall. Glancing at the woman he was relieved to find her still alive, but who knows how much of her blood has drained. Hopefully the wood had kept her from bleeding out and helped clot the blood. Glancing back at the broken bed, he picks up a bed sheet and tears it into separate strips of cloth. Wrapping it around the woman's arms and wrists loosely, he prepares to tighten it around her wounds into a makeshift tourniquet. Grabbing the steaks pierced into her, he quickly pulls them out and slips the cloth around the wound immediately to prevent her from bleeding out.

I'm...... sorry. I know you didn't do anything to her, I have no reason to make you hurt." His voice shaking somewhat, he struggles to utter the rest of the sentence.
"I just wanted to help her." Wiping his eyes, he steps back away from the woman, walking over to the furniture blocking the doorway and pushing it aside allowing her to leave.
"I just need to ask. If there is nothing I can do for her, would it be best if I don't return to tell her goodbye? What should I do...?"
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