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A Man Apart (Sponge)

Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(You're doing the time skip thing again. Stop it. I pick the time skips around here! :p At the very least, leave me my NPCs.)

When Gerald looked up from his weeping, the thoughts of his innocent sister being forever lost to him still sticking in his mind, he looked up to find the wall behind the pinned demoness stained red. A puddle of blood had formed beneath the woman, but none flowed from her wounds now. Looking up, her eyes were open, but unfocused, and Gerald knew that the demon had bleed to death while he'd been weeping. He had no idea how long he'd been crying, but could it have been that long? Had the wounds he'd inflicted on her been so severe that she could have bleed out around the wooden slivers still sticking out of her wrists and shoulders? Regardless, she could answer no more of his questions now, and he was now left with a choice: Should he believe the demon, and abandon his sister to her fate? And, if so, what would he do with himself then? Could Gerald even live with himself had he not tried everything possible in order to save her?
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

((sorry! I get so confused how much my rp influence reaches. Am I only able to step outside and I have to wait for you to paint the surroundings or something? And I didn't do anything with your character. I had only taken the spikes out. Red words are his thoughts, and blue words are his actual saying, remember?))

Finally regaining his composure, he stood up and looked at the demon woman, almost a bit ashamed of himself. Everything else he's killed up to this point were obviously monsters that were heartless and savage. The woman here though, while she had tried to trick him, obviously had some kind of soul. Whether good or bad he had killed a living person.

He couldn't just let the corpse hang on the wall like that, so he pulled the pikes from her, the body slumping to the floor lifelessly. He lied her perfectly straight on the floor, and covered her with the sheets. Not exactly the greatest burial, but he didn't have time for anything else. At least she wasn't stuck against the wall like some sort of offering to a god.

Opening the door, he checked around as he left the house...
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(Whenever you want some time to pass, you should just say that you wait a for some amount of time, and end your post around there. Unless something happens, I'll just skip forward that much. I'm supposed to come up with the surroundings and the conditions/reactions of any NPCs. It wasn't too bad, the only thing you did that was out of place was assume that the demon would still be alive after you waited for a little while. You're doing a great job of RPing your character, and I'm not angry at you or anything, it just makes my job as a GM too easy when you take up half my responsibilities. :p )

The wooden spikes take a bit of work to pull form the wall, but it isn't too difficult for him to get done within a few minutes. The demons corpse was about as heavy as he'd expected. not any more or less than an average human girl of the same height and build, and that brought up another memory of his sister. The thought of lowering her lifeless, cooling body to the ground just as he was doing to this woman flashed briefly through his mind, and maybe he got up too quickly so that he could cover up her body with the sheet. It took only a moment, but the sheet quickly soaked through with the demons blood, which had formed a puddle on the ground beneath her. Watching the white sheet slowly stain red, starting at where it touched the blood and spreading outward as it soaked into the fabric was a uniquely disturbing sight.

Once that was done with that task, Gerald made his way out of the house, finding the hallways just as empty as before. Once he hit the bottom floor, he turned to the door only to find it torn form its hinges.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

((ok, from what I'm understanding... I only enter places and tell choices. Nothing more. You seem to redo a lot of the things I say. I've just read what others have posted and they are always quite well detailed in environment and stuff.))

His eyes grew wide at the site, seeing how there was no longer a door.

"Well that's not right at all. Did... Your powers were restricted within that room. You never tried to do anything beyond that. Something else... something else must be here."

Pulling his sword ready, and getting his mind powers prepared, he starts to search the surrounding area. If he were to flee, he might get caught off guard, it was best to eliminate the threat before such a thing could happen...
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(Pretty much. You should be playing the game more from a first person perspective, if that helps at all. So far you've been playing more like a traditional RP than a PbP. If you want though, we can drop the stats and just go like that. Whatever you prefer.)

Perception: Success.

As he pulls his weapon out and readies his powers, a strange presence entered his spiritual senses. He couldn't tell exactly where it was, but it was nearby, at least within twenty feet of where he stood. It was behind him, somewhere within the house most likely, and seemingly on the same plane as he was, so on this floor, but he couldn't tell much more than that, except that what it was was extremely powerful.
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Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Panic began to run through his mind.

""Shit! This doesn't feel good. I don't think I'd be able to take something like this on. Think man, think!"

Looking around in a frantic manner, he figured whatever had come in, it was looking for something inside the building. Whether it was actually Gerald himself wasn't exactly clear, but if he was caught by whatever force this was, he'd never stand a chance.

Taking a deep breath he ran for the door to leave the house.....
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

The powerful presence in his senses still in the back of his mind, Geralt turned and ran out the door away from it. He was back on the street, and could now go either left or right. In addition, about twenty feet to his right, an alley turned up to his right. It was late, and the moon was new, so it was very dark, but in the open streets he could see well enough to navigate by, at least.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Looking at his choices, he needed to think this one out.

"Ok, if I take the streets I'd be able to see where I'm going. Problem is that means whatever the heck is behind me whenever it senses me it will be able to find me easily as well."

He dashed into the alley, hoping it will provide him with more cover instead of being exposed easily.....
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

Gerald feels the presence getting farther and farther away as he runs, falling out of the range of his perceptions as he steps into the alley. The narrow causeway is darker than the full streets, surrounded by buildings as it is, but it is still easier to see in than if he'd remained in a building. The alley proceeds for about thirty feet before Gerald comes upon another large paved street. The coast seems clear, as he can neither see nor sense anything nearby. The street leads left into what looks like an open area, and right which is flanked by more houses. Alternatively, more buildings line the street, any one of which could provide shelter for the night.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

"All right... got away. Still, I can't just dismiss whatever presence that was just yet. I need to be careful, it could still be within the city, or village. Or whatever this is supposed to be. Ugh. You don't even remember where the hell you are don't you? Whatever. Need to find shelter for now. Just because you can't feel him doesn't mean it can't feel you."

Despite the feeling of whatever force it was that was following him, he still felt the sense of dread. How could something be so powerful? The fact that he could just feel it being there without seeing it, what kind of power could it possibly have? Did his journey even have a chance anymore? Hell, how many actual people were left in the world? Was he like one out of the 50 humans out alive right now?

No, not now, he couldn't question things at the moment. He needed to find a place to run to. Still feeling paranoid about being in the open, he takes the pathway to the right, hoping that he'll still have the cover he needs. He wasn't in any mood to deal with trouble right now. He looked around as he walked, trying to gain a better bearing of his surroundings as he continued to wander.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

In the relative dark, the buildings all look more or less the same as Gerald travels down the paved road. He almost stumbles several times as he walks over bumps in the paving stones that he was unable to see. As he went, he saw no sign of anything, hostile or friendly, that was still alive. He did come across numerous bodies, however, some of which were apparently human, while others were humanoid, and still others were totally inhuman.

Since the sun had set, and the buildings blocked a complete view of the stars, Gerald had very little idea of where he was or where he was going. He did notice that the houses were getting smaller as he went along, however, and the bodies began appearing less frequently. He went on for what seemed like hours before Gerald found himself standing at the edge of a large fountain. It was surrounded by trees and benches, and was still full of water despite the length of time that Artmirst had been deserted. Streets ran in all four cardinal directions, and the center of the plaza next to the fountain looked like it would allow him to see the stars and get his bearings.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Gerald was exhausted, panting and leaning over his knees. Seeing water was a great relief, and the fact there was something to sit on was also a blessing in itself.

Stumbling to one of the benches, he collapses on it, lying straight along as he takes a quick breather. He was exhausted, but not so much by the physical of running or fleeing, but more of the mental aspects of fear and paranoia that had taken hold of him much earlier. But now that it was what he could consider safe, he was able to relax a bit. As he lifted his head, the sound of the wind blowing through leaves on the trees brought him back from his momentary bliss of relaxation.

He couldn't relax fully, ever since he left home he's never been able to have a peaceful sleep. Something out there could kill him while he snoozed for all he knew. Just once he'd like to be able to close his eyes without needing to fear anything.

Coming back from his thoughts, he glanced briefly at the fountain. His throat was dry and completely parched, breathing rapidly as he ran must of dried out his throat. He promptly started scooping up hands full of water to his mouth, letting the sweet liquid flow down his throat and give a bit of life back to his body. After taking about 10 from his first drink however, he realized he'd forgotten this place was deserted, void of any life from what he knew.

"Wait... clean water in a fountain at a deserted area? That can't be right. It should of stagnated by now, or at least have a couple dead bugs floating in the water.... Maybe I'm just being paranoid."
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

Despite having been going without any maintenance for the last two or three months, the water in the fountain was still flowing, and therefore wasn't stagnant. It was slightly warm, but was still drinkable, so when he scooped some up and gulped it down, Gerald began to feel at least a little refreshed. Whatever presence had been in the house hadn't followed after him, and he couldn't sense anything else anywhere nearby. As he drank, Gerald also noticed that the trees and plants in this area seemed to be much healthier than the others he'd seen in the city, most of which were scraggly and either dead, or dying. These were not only alive, but seemingly thriving, despite having not been taken care of by anyone. This also seemed to be the entrance to a park, as he could see a path leading inward after the fountain with more trees and bushes underneath, though he couldn't see how far it went in the dark.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Looking onward in awe, he couldn't help but wonder what was further inside the park. A place with life? Was it possible? If anybody was alive surely they would go to a place like there to hide. It seemed untouched by demons, so if anything it should be pretty safe. Plus if he was lucky, maybe he could find some fruit trees and settle down and relax a bit. It wouldn't help him to pursue his quest utterly exhausted. Plus he now was filled with water, so he didn't feel so dehydrated anymore. If he could find food in such a vibrant forest, perhaps even just a berry bush, he'd be full of vitality again!

"Probably the only sensible thing to do really anyways. The water in the fountain was fresh, and the fact that plants are actually able to live out here can only be a good thing. Still, should be a bit careful if I'm going in there..."

With his hand on the hilt of his sword, he slowly enters the park.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

Whether or not he was likely to find any fruit or vegetables in an inner-city park was yet to be determined, but Gerald found nothing of interest for the first several minutes. The park was as dark as the city at night, if not a little darker, as he didn't even get much of the ambient glow cast by some of the buildings that had caught fire.

Perception: Failure.

As he goes through the park, Gerald thinks he sees things moving among the trees and bushes lining the path, and occasionally hears a rustling, but whenever he stops to check it out further, he eventually concluded that it was only the wind. The strange sounds he heard a few times, almost sounding like moans, he writes off as the wind as well. After a while, he arrives at what is ostensibly a square where people would gather for festivals and such, as suggested by the numerous tents and stands and such that were still here despite the apparent lack of inhabitants.

Suddenly, he heard a weird giggle come form directly behind him. It was definitely feminine, but somehow... Wrong, as though it was coming through some intermediate substance.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

"Why... why does this not feel right?"

Looking around it was actually quite obvious why he felt it wasn't right. The fact there were tents like people were living here or at least taking shelter for the night and not a single soul being present was one of the major factors. Another one is that there was no evidence of demons or such from what he could see. If people did leave here, why just leave their tents behind? And if the people never intentionally meant to, why would everything look ok? If people are in a hurry somebodies bound to trip over something. A tent knocked over, or at least some sign of struggle if they were attacked. Which brought on another question. The people were gone, and if they were attacked by demons there would obviously be blood or even a dismembered arm. Demons aren't exactly neat and tidy creatures.

"So why is it like everybody just vanished? Like they could of been in the middle of something and suddenly just.... gone? Did people even live here in the past? Then again, people would always go to public camps and use the available cottages. But there wasn't a cottage anywhere, and tents aren't something just to be used by the random public. I mean it is a park but....."

His mind continued to go round and round in circles, just confused and baffled about what the reason for this area was. The only thing that distracted him was a sudden giggle from nearby. Where it was he couldn't locate. Oddly enough, upon hearing whatever it was, chills ran up the back of his spine.

Drawing his sword and readying himself for whatever it was, he cautiously talked in a calm manner.

"Hello? Is somebody there?"

((Activate skill Harmful Spirit on any hostile individuals.))
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(Carnival tents, not camping tents.)

His discomfort caused by the empty-of-life scenery making him jumpy, Gerald turns around somewhat awkwardly as he draws his sword, looking for the source of the giggling. He spots it immediately, in the form of a woman standing directly in front of him. She was a little taller than her was, and the limited light made it somewhat difficult to recognize her features very well, but he could tell that her hair was very short, or perhaps done up in something that hid most of it, and her arms looked strange, as though she were wearing weird clothing. "What are you doing here? I thought people like you couldn't see in the dark so well. Are you here to play with me?" She says, and her voice sounds odd, as though it is coming to him through some intermediate substance that causes it to echo.

She stands a few feet away, and is in a completely non-threatening pose. While he was unable to see her well enough to know what he looked like exactly, Gerald could tell that she was impressively voluptuous even in the near-darkness they were in, as her full breasts and wide hips showed in her silhouette. It seemed likely that she could have attacked him immediately if she had meant him any harm, but since he couldn't see her, Gerald wasn't even sure if she was human at all.
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

((ah my bad))

Gerald immediately jumps back in startled surprise upon seeing her. "What the hell?! How could he have missed her when she was so close? When did that happen? Was she really that fast? She could of killed me within less than a second if she could pull a stunt like that! But she hasn't, so... she doesn't seem to be a threat.. yet."

Gathering his wits he regained composure, trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness to get a better glimpse of the woman. Gradually sliding his sword back into his sheath, he wanted to display he meant no harm as well. But he was able to clue in on the fact whoever this was, she wasn't human. The fact she had said 'people like him' couldn't see in the dark very well. And if she was human by some sort of off chance, she'd have to be something special instead of a normal human.

He began to speak truthfully, as he figured she was friendly enough.
"No, I'm sorry, I'm not here to play. But your right, I can't see so well in the dark. I've come looking for shelter. I've been on the run from some sort of evil force, I think it's trying to kill me. I needed to hide, and find someplace with food. Would you happen to know where I could find some food? Or at least shelter that can be considered safe?"

"Wait... what did she mean by 'play' anyways?"
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

Geralds Stats: HP = 30, PP = 32, EP = 58

(No problem, I was unspecific about it. And she's not tough, you just failed a Perception roll a few posts ago so she got to sneak up on you.)

Despite his eyes gradually becoming more accustomed to the darkness, Gerald can't make out any more of the womans features in the near-total-darkness. The woman, whoever she is, seems more than a little off, even more so than her strange words and voice would normally seem, by the way she says the things that she says, in an almost childlike gleeful tone of voice. All the while, she seems unconcerned by the fact that he'd drawn and then sheathed his sword.

"Awww, you poor dear! don't worry, me and my kind don't let anything mean in here, so you shouldn't have to worry any more!" She replies to him, and then, when he mentions his need for food and shelter, she emits a squeal of delight, and replies; "Why, you could stay with me of course! I've got plenty of room! And if you're hungry, I could feed you right now! You'd have to share a little though. I've got to eat too, after all!"
Re: A Man Apart (Sponge)

"Wow, awfully chipper isn't she? Well finding a person not trying to kill you is a nice change of pace as well. Can't complain. And so willing to offer shelter and food so quickly? Kinda odd."

It didn't matter though, he had to take what he could get. His stomach was starving, and if he didn't find something soon he'd be unable to run from stomach pains. He COULD try to eat some of the plants he comes across, but he had no knowledge of what was eatable or considered poisonous. Plus it was so dark how coul-

"Wait, why didn't I think of this sooner? I know pyrokinesis! Idiot, just light up the place with a small flame."

"Thanks, I'm very grateful. And don't worry, I'm fine sharing food. It's yours after all. Um, you can see in the dark right? Could you please find me a stick or something? I got an idea that should help me see better. Much nicer to be able to view the person being so generous."

(wait, am I able to light my hand on fire without being burned with pyrokinesis?)
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