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A Knights Tale (Feris)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Miruna walked slowly down into the desecrated town of Artmirst, casting her eyes about for movement. It had been a long walk, coming in from the East. She passed over the bridge into town, keeping her senses alert. She had not encountered anything on the way here, but she knew that that would not last long. Here, she could prove, to both the world and to herself, that she was truly a Knight. she saw a street sign on the other end of the bridge, indicating that she was on the main road. A right turn would take her to the docks, a left to the slums.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

With her Claymore strapped to her back Miruna slowly paced herself until she came to a cross in the road her objective was easily to become a knight of renown by either serving a great king or perhaps just be a free knight known for her righteousness. The paths lay many but all roads have their own destination. Though her dreams were high the place she had wandered to hadn't had a vague hope although it appeared deserted Miruna could tell that this place was filled with nightmares and stolen futures.

"This place isn't what I expected but I must preserver and if I can restore the light to this place...Though as for my direction the slums have a higher possibility of danger than the docks..." Tousa pondered her choices with whatever wisdom she could muster then took a step in the left. "I mustn't wary the more dangerous roads for I'm a knight of justice and fear nothing." She muttered to herself as she proceeded to the slums.

(Going to the slums.)
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Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(Just in case I didn't make it clear, the towns abandoned and infested with demons and monsters because of a dark portal that opened up in the middle of it. Also, you said you're going to the docks in your post but included that you're going to the slums OOC. I iz confused.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(Lulz @ self god do I feel stupid...Fixed post by the way)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(It's cool, we all make mistakes.)

Heading down the road, Miruna spotted a strange sight: two small groups of creatures fighting. Three she knew to be of the Fey, having seen both kinds before many times, two gruffs and a troll. The five beasts attacking them, however, she had never seen before. Three of them were short, dark skinned creatures that moved around on all fours, with long razor sharp claws. The other two were horrifying six legged beasts with dozens of tentacles sprouting from their backs, tipped in blades and spikes and some things which she could not recognize.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna looked cautiously at the event transpiring before her eyes it was easy to avoid this battle but such a cowardous thought was quickly shoved aside in her mind. She grasped the hilt on her blade and with no introduction or say she charged at the fray on beasts that were upon the Fey and their allies.

She wasn't trying to surprise the beasts either before even half way to them she let out a prideful shout trying to aim for the one of the small three beasts attempting to probable leave quite a scar upon him or to cleave him in two if possible.

(Attack dark skinned creature 1#...URRRAAA!)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 17 + 34 = 51 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 10 + 20 = 20 damage.

Miruna charges into fray, roaring a challenge, and cuts into one of the smaller creatures with her claymore. It recoils in pain, grunting angrily, and lashes back at her.

To-hit: 20 + 20 = 40 vs 43 = miss. (They can't hit you on a natural 20...)

But she easily backs away from its claws. The two gruffs quickly attack one of the other two smaller creatures, the mighty troll going for the third.

To-hit: 17 + 20 = 37 vs 20 = hit
To-hit: 4 + 20 = 24 vs 20 = hit
To-hit: 3 + 32 = 35 vs 20 = hit
Damage: 4 + 10 = 14.
Damage: 6 + 10 = 16.
Damage: 6 + 16 = 22.

The two gruffs hack and smash at the small demon, quickly killing it with their combined attack. The troll likewise sends the third beast flying a good five feet, and it struggles to regain its footing.

The tentacled monsters counterattack, their tentacles whipping about angrily at the Fey warriors and Miruna.

To-hit: 16 + 24 = 40 vs 20 = hit.
To-hit: 5 + 24 = 29 vs 20 = hit.
To-hit: 2 + 24 = 26 vs 25 = hit.
To-hit: 13 + 24 = 37 vs 43 = miss.
Damage: 4 + 6 = 10 on G1.
Damage: 9 + 6 = 15 on G2.
Damage: 10 + 6 = 16 on Troll.

Their sweeping tentacles tear at all save Miruna, who nimbly dodges out of the way of the tentacles reaching for her. The two gruffs are both severely wounded by bladed tentacles, and the troll is pierced in the chest by a spike.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Backing away to avoid the monsters reprisal Miruna prepared to deliver another blow upon the creature when suddenly the bladed tentacle monster slashed upon her and several others Miruna found herself retreating further to avoid it's deadly grasp. However the Fey warriors were not so fortunate in their endeavors to evade putting them in dire status this sad event reminded of her previous duty to protect the Fey's in the Highborn house she served not too long ago.

Miruna was sent into a frenzy determined to bring the foul beast down for hurting the precious Fey! Her target was now one of the Giant Tentacle beasts plunging into the forest of it's bladed hands to reach it's core all the while trying to slash away those who would try to impede her.

(Attack Tentacle Beast #1?)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 4 + 34 = 38 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 6 + 10 = 16 damage.

Miruna is able to quickly cut into the tentacled creature, slashing off several tentacles in one swing. The tentacled creatures swipe at Miruna and the Fey once more, the tentacled creature trying to ensnare her.

To-hit: 17 + 24 = 41 vs 20 = hit.
To-hit: 4 + 24 = 28 vs 20 = hit.
To-hit: 7 + 24 = 31 vs 25 = hit.
Grapple: 20 + 34 = 54 vs 43 = Success.
Damage: 4 + 6 = 10 damage.
Damage: 3 + 6 = 9 damage.
Damage: 2 + 6 = 8 damage.

Miruna quickly finds herself lifted off the ground by the creature she'd hits tentacles, the appendages already going for the seems in her clothes. The Fey are all struck once more, the gruffs looking badly injured. despite their wounds, the lesser Fey continue to attack the smaller demons while the troll goes for the tentacled demon holding Miruna.

To-hit: 3 + 20 = 23 vs 20 = hit.
To-hit: 1 + 20 = 21 vs 20 = hit.
To-hit: 15 + 32 = 47 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 8 + 10 = 18 damage.
Damage: 3 + 10 = 13 damage.
Damage: 7 + 16 = 23 damage.

The two gruffs finish off the two wounded lesser beasts, and the troll thunders over and smashes the tentacled beast into the ground with its massive hands. She is quickly released, and the four warriors stand against the now lone demon.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Just when Miruna thought she had penetrated his defense she was nearly enveloped by them though her cloth were soon ruffled as the demon would probable hit something hard the moment he got through it was her chainmail underneath the cloth she wore. Yet her dissent was short-lived as the Troll tore asunder the Tentacles that had her bound to the creature though she felt ill at ease owing anything to her rescuers it couldn't be helped.

She quickly turned her blade to the last dark one standing preparing to lunge at him in the same manner she did to his other companion she was wasting no time trying to end this battle!

(Attack Last Tentacle Creature)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 3 + 34 = 37 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 6 + 10 = 16 damage.

Miruna cuts into the remaining tentacle creature, and it recoils in pain as several of its limbs are lopped off. It has no time to counterattack, however, as the troll moves to pound it into the ground.

To-hit: 16 + 32 = 48 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 1 + 16 - 17 damage.

And the beasts swats the demon away, sending it crashing into the side of a building. It collapses to the ground, limp.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna took a deep breath regaining her composure, though she had fought against bandits and vermin in her time in the order she had never fought on par with horrors such as these. She then turned her head toward the surviving Fey and their Allies.

Sadly though her caring nature for the Fey caused her to lower her guard seeing them injured from the battle she sheathed her sword and ran to them. "Forgive my weakness I wish I had the strength to best the beast sooner...Though I'am not very skilled in the art is there anything I can do to help mend your wounds Fey or that of your companions?" She asked pledging her assistance so readily.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(They're all Fey.)

One of the two wounded gruffs stepped forward, also sheathing his bronze longsword.

"Thank you for you aid, milady. Without it, we would have likely perished at the hands of those foul demons. Your offer for further aid is kind, but we must decline. It is time for us to retreat, and heal our wounds. These were only a few minor demons, and this place swarms with them, some of them many times as powerful as the creatures we faced. I would warn you away, milady. Mighty as you are, this place still holds its dangers. If you must remain, at least stay away from the portal itself. Even the mightiest of our warriors fear to red near it."
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna stood up lightly bowing to the gruffs "I thank you for your warning, But as the my code dictates I cannot leave things as they are here..." She simply states knowing there is little more she could do for them she turned after bidding them farewell with a simple hand gesture. She continued her way down the slums trying to steel her nerves of what horrors this fallen town has unearthed.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

The Fey waved Miruna off and went back the way she had come, while she went past them into the slums. It wasn't long before the quality of the housing decreased rapidly, most of the buildings now being little more than shacks. Up ahead, she saw a stone church with the emblem of the White Oak, a symbol for an order she knew of from back home, held above it. the streets around her seemed deserted.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna proceeded onward down the road leading deeper in the slums until suddenly a sign she was all too familiar with. She fell to her knee's and assumed a stance of prayer asking for the strength to help her cleanse the town of the evil that had infested it's inhabitants.

Then she raised for her stature looking at the church. "Maybe there are still some things in there that will help me combat this evil..." She muttered before walking up the small steps and into the church.

(Enter Stone Church)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

The doors to the church swing open, and Miruna finds the place dark and lonely. She proceeds down the entrance hallway, her bootsteps echoing throughout the large room. when she reaches the main hall, she sees the pews up front scattered and and moved aside, and two men and a woman lying on the ground, their forms un-moving and lifeless, despite the lack of any visible marks besides a few strange lumps. A lone red-cloaked figure kneels in front of the altar.

(Miruna gains 2 experience.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna narrowed her eyes to the destruction all around the once holy place it was clear the place had been looted quite long ago but the most puzzled thing lingered just a few feet away from her. Three figures having no fatal wounds she could make out just a couple of strange lumps upon their backside and one lone red priest standing kneeling.

Though many in the order usually wore lighter colors there were some in the order who adorned their own personal tint as a show of faith in their own affection. She walked just a few feet away from the bodies. "Are you praying for their souls Brother?" She asked the kneeling priest.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

"Brother? Who mistakes me for a man?" A soft, sultry female voice says from beneath the robe, as the lone figure rises. She lets the robe fall to the ground, revealing a tall voluptuous naked woman with moonlight skin and shoulder length black hair. She turns slowly, revealing glowing red eyes, and holding herself in such a way as to accentuate her figure. Miruna finds herself spellbound by the womans appearance, unable to do more than stare at the gorgeous woman as she turns to Miruna and takes a slow step forward, letting every movement of every muscle show. "I was praying for more such as them to arrive, as I am still VERY hungry. I'm glad you have arrived, little one, for I can see just how badly your body needs its release, so cooped up in that armor of yours." she takes another slow step forward, and continues; "You need my touch just as badly as I need what you have, little knight."

It isn't until she says the word knight that Miruna snaps back into herself, and is disturbed to find that she had also taken several steps forward, and found herself only five feet from the woman. This... thing, had attacked her mind, had tried to take away her honor and her dignity, she realized. It was no woman, no priest, but a foul demon.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

"Oh i'm sorr-Guh!" The moment she nearly apologized for her misinformation the woman turned to herself, stripping off her red robe to reveal a body sanctioned with lust with crimson eyes that captivated Miruna. She could say nothing as her body wobbled forwardly seemly being able to resist the demons temptations just a little however it wasn't until the demon insulted her stature as a knight that forced Miruna mind to come back into play.

"You...Know...Nothing of me HERETIC!" She stated muttering at first but then shouted raising her right hand to grasp the hilt of her sword to cleave away at the infidels flesh!

(Attack Demon)