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A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 77, P = 66, EP = 115

Nillien is left unbothered as she ascends the cliff, and sees a cluster of small shacks nearby. The area immediately around her is a vast field of tree stumps that stretches out as far as she can see or feel along the cliff to either side. She could also see larger buildings past the shacks, suggesting that she had reached the town proper rather than just a little outskirt.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding to at least take a break from the sun, if not simply wait for it to set, Nillien quickly stumbles towards the shacks. They were closer and would provide shade, which is all she really wants at this point. The turmoil within her is really starting to bother her, so even when she reaches the shacks, her she'll enter first, check to see if it's empty second.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 77, P = 66, EP = 115

Perception: Failure.

Nillien stumbles into the first of the shacks she can find a door to, heading inside to get out of the daylight before looking around to ascertain the condition of the small building. The shack is clearly of shoddy construction, as slivers of sunlight from holes in the roof are all over the place. Still, it isn't nearly as bad as being outside, as Nilliens innards and spirit begin to calm.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Now that she's inside and out of the sun, Nillien soon begins to look around, preferably for the darkest corner to rest in, but also to make sure she's alone. She could probably deal with a demon if she isn't alone, but she still prefers to know if she's going to be attacked or not.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 77, P = 66, EP = 115

Perception: Failure.

Nillien searches the room, deciding to rest in the far right corner, where the least light falls. There wasn't anything hostile that she could detect with either her natural or supernatural senses nearby.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Content that the area is safe enough, Nillien makes herself comfortable in the corner, sitting with her back against the wall. In that position, she closes her eyes to sleep, hoping to wait out the day until it's dark enough to venture outside.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 77, P = 66, EP = 115

Nillien makes herself as comfortable as possible, and passes out before she knows it. She awakens to total darkness, though she can see perfectly, feeling much better. Slivers of moonlight, bright as the daylight had been earlier to her eyes, now flow into the hut through the holes in the roof.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Glad that nothing had snuck in when she had fallen asleep, Nillien gets up and glances around. Moving towards the door, much happier now that it didn't seem to be so bright outside, She opens it and glances outside for any movement.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 77, P = 66, EP = 115

Perception: Failure.

Not spotting anything of interest, Nillien heads out of the door. The way left ran deeper into town, while the path to her right would take her back to the cliff. Night had fallen in full at this point, though Nillien was surprisingly comfortable in it.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Shrugging her shoulders to work out any kinks from the awkward sleeping position she had been in, Nillien glances around. Seeing now the terrain she had missed when it was brighter, she decides to head into town. However, trying to refrain from attracting too much attention, she tries to keep to the darker shadows. She didn't seem to have any trouble seeing in them, though, so all they should do is mess with the vision of anything looking to find her.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 77, P = 66, EP = 115

Perception: Success.
Stealth: Success.

Nillien creeps deeper into the town, hiding in the shadows as naturally as any thief ever has. After going on for a minute or so, she pauses, having spotted movement up ahead. She wonders what exactly she'd seen for a moment, since it hadn't been very clear even to her eyes. The sound of heavy boots clunking toward her, along with a cape being lifted by the wind, allows her to spot the knight in black armor as she steps into the open, being revealed by a sliver of moonlight.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Trying to press herself deeper into the shadows, Nillien closes her eyes. Now she tries to focus her spiritual senses on the knight. As she does this, she will slowly siphon a portion of her spiritual energy into one hand, readying it to attack as soon as the knight gets close. After letting the energy build for a few seconds, Nillien changes her mind on waiting. If she waits too long, she might end up feeling those urges again, so she lets loose the bolt of spiritual fire, hoping to take out the knight before she gets too close to Nillien.

(Holy Fire 5, bolt)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 77, P = 66, EP = 110/115

Stealth: Success.
To-hit: 6 + 56 + 3 + 4 = 69 vs 58 == Hit.
Damage: 1 + 3 + 6 = 10 x 5 = 50 - 10 == 40 damage.

Nilliens bolt of holy flame reaches out and strikes the knight, who recoils in pain. She immediately turns on Nillien, however, and begins to glow in a dark violet light. She advances on Nillien, coming within five feet before Nillien is prepared to attack once more.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Bad! She's getting closer to me. I don't want to end up doing what I did to that demon to her. I have to kill her quickly! Nillien mentally decides, hurriedly scooping a fair portion of her spiritual energy and pushing it through her hand and towards the knight. Hopefully this will be enough to finish the Knight off. Otherwise she might end up... feeding... again.

(Holy Fire 10, bolt)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 32/77, P = 66, EP = 110/115

To-hit: 4 + 56 + 3 = 63 vs 58 + 21 = 79 == Miss.

Nillien releases another bolt toward the approaching knight, but suddenly her form blurs, and she seems to vanish and reappear a few feet to her side, cleanly avoiding Nilliens bolt of flame. Suddenly, a heavy mace appears in the womans hand, ans she rushes forward in a swing directed at the priestess midsection.

To-hit: 2 + 52 + 21 = 75 vs 57 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 20 + 21 = 47 - 2 = 45 damage. Armor takes 47/2 = 24 TP damage putting it at 1/25.

The demon knight moves faster than even Nilliens eyes can track, and the mace cracks against her midsection so hard that her robes are practically shredded by the impact. The wind is knocked out of her, and she thinks that she feels one of her floating ribs crack or break from the impact beneath the sudden extreme wave of agonizing pain. She tumbles back, practically flying backward from the heavy hit, and crashes into the wall of the building behind her.

Strangely, the pain doesn't bother her too much, and she is able to view the fight with a sufficiently critical eye that she can plan her next move. Noticing that the night, rather than follow through with her attack and come after Nillien, pulled away from and into the open street, still glowing. She must have fought others like her, Nillien realized, because from that position she had many avenues of retreat, giving her a chance to avoid the attack if Nillien simply filled the entire area with her holy flames. With her supernatural speed, she might even be able to do it, though Nillien knew that there was a good chance she'd be hit anyway. Nillien also realized that whoever struck next would end the fight. She also knew that the hunger from before, when she'd drank the blood of the other woman, had returned ten fold.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Unconsciously letting loose a feral growl, Nillien tenses the muscles in her legs. While she was upset about the knight damaging her clothing, the pain and hunger were more pressing. The hunger overriding most of her normal thoughts on tactics, Nillien eventually gives in. Quickly, Nillien tries to capitalize on her speed to dash forward and tackle the knight to the ground. Hopefully she would be able to pin the woman quickly so that she could feed.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 1/77, P = 66, EP = 115

To-hit: 7 + 62 + 3 + 4 = 76 vs 58 + 21 = 79 == Miss.

The demon knight does seem slightly surprised by Nilliens sudden charge, but she still easily dodges the priestess as she runs and lunges toward her. taking the opportunity to finish the fight, the demon spins, cape flying, and tries to smash Nillien in the back of the head as she rushes by.

To-hit: 14 + 52 + 21 = 87 vs 57 + 4 = 61 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 20 + 21 = 47 - 2 = 45 damage. Armor is destroyed.

Nillien feels the blow hit her in the back of the head, and instantly afterwords falls unconscious.

Later, she awakens to a dark room, completely naked with chains holding her up in the air. Her arms are wrapped behind her back, and she is held off the ground by three chains, one from her her arms stuck behind her back and one from each leg, at just above the knee. The chains were positioned such that they didn't dig too badly into her legs, but prevented her from closing them at all. She also felt something cold and metal around her throat, and sensed that it blocked her energies from flowing properly outward.

A woman suddenly came into her view, holding a pathetically struggling goblin up by its throat. She was completely naked except for a pair of boots, and her toned impressive figure and voluptuous curves seemed more befitting the body of some kind of goddess than the demon that stood before her. She had smooth, pale skin and long black hair that she had let down so that it fell past her shoulders. She smiled, her eyes glowing bright red, as she saw that Nillien was awake.

It was then that the priestess became aware of the hunger, the vile need to rush forward and drain the woman dry of every drop of her blood. It was nearly overpowering now, and took all of her will to suppress the urge to growl like some kind of animal. Nillien also felt incredibly weak, as though nothing more than a hard breeze could knock her over.

"Well, aren't you a curious little thing? So much delicious soul, just waiting for me to take every last little drop from you, and yet your life energy is so weak that you can barely keep conscious for more than a few seconds. You seem to be unable to regenerate it. I wouldn't try using your powers, by the way. Normally, those collars only cause pain, but that one is set to explode if you start gathering any sort of energy. Anyway, since you seemed so eager to get your hands on me earlier, and since your teeth have gotten so long now, I may know what you are. If you're a good girl, I might even tell you. Now, hungry?" She says, her voice low and mystifying, and she holds the goblin out toward Nillien, as though offering it to her. Nillien feels her hunger grow even more insistent, even though she and the squirming demon were still a good ten feet apart.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Her vision clouded by her hunger, Nillien's vision narrows down to focus on only the goblin and the woman. Despite the chains holding her aloft, Nillien begins to struggle to reach one of the two, desperate to sate her hunger. All the sounds that come out of her mouth sound like feral growls by this point as her hunger interferes with here ability to think straight. In the end, even if she can't break the chains because of her weakness, she would gnash her teeth as she struggles. If she could break the chains, however... The first one of the two she reached would quickly have her trying to tackle them to the ground to drink from their body.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 1/77, P = 66, EP = 115, Grappled, Submission Hold

(Stupid me forgot to put in the statuses again.)

Body Check: 7 + 40 + 3 = 50 vs 60 == Failure.

Nilliens hungry struggles only seem to amuse the demon, and she approaches Nillien, carrying the still struggling goblin with her. She doesn't manage to free herself from the chains, or even make any headway toward freeing herself and attacking the demoness.

She hefts the goblin as she approaches, and suddenly grabs it by its rough, short hair and pulls its head back, maintaining her grip on the back of its neck. It screams in horror as she slowly lowers its throat toward Nilliens mouth, keeping it just out of reach for a minute or so as she tries desperately to reach the little demons vulnerable neck, before pushing it just a little bit farther, and within Nilliens reach.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Panting and growling, Nillien continues trying to reach the goblin until it's neck comes within reach. Lunging her neck out, she bites at it and tries to suck in the blood as quickly as she can to satisfy her hunger. As she does this, she continues to try and rip her hands free in an attempt to grab the goblin and make sure the woman won't pull it away. Of course, given her current state, the woman looked more delicious. So if she could just get free, Nillien would definitely switch over to her instead of the goblin. For now, though, the goblin would do until she is fully mobile again.