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A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 93/103

To-hit: 9 + 46 + 3 = 58 vs 41 = hit.
Damage: 8 + 7 = 15 x 7 = 105 damage.

Nilliens bolt of holy flame strikes the first of the demons square in the chest, going right through her and striking against the far wall. The demons chest cavity seems to have been burned out from the inside by the blast, and her lifeless body collapses to the ground. As her magical light goes out, Nillien sees the other woman stare at her companions corpse in shock, and then glance around. Nillien suddenly realizes that her foe can't see in the dark, at least not nearly as well as could.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Having difficulty controlling her new instincts, Nillien uses the opportunity to leap forward and try to tackle the demoness to the ground.

(Attempt to grapple.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 93/103, Grappled

To-hit: 7 + 58 + 3 = 68 vs 41 = hit.

Nillien smashes into the surprised demon with unnerving force, tackling her to the ground. The demoness attempts to force the priestess off of her, her crimson eyes glowing brightly.

Grapple: 9 + 35 = 44 vs 9 + 58 + 3 = 70 == Nillien wins.

Nillien is surprised by her own strength, as she easily holds down the struggling demon. The desire to tear into the womans throat increases by the second, and Nillien can feel small pinpricks of pain on her lower lip as her canines lengthen.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

A grin lining her lips as her desires grow, Nillien quickly begins to try and force the woman into a position where Nillien can sink her teeth into the tender flesh of the woman's neck without having to worry about the woman trying to hit her back as she does so.

(Try to force a submission hold onto the demoness)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 93/103, Grappled, Submission Holding

Grapple: 3 + 58 + 3 = 64 vs 19 + 35 = 54 == Nillien wins.

Nillien forces the woman lower onto the ground and puts her weight onto the demons back, all but ignoring the demons desperate struggles to prevent it.

Grapple: 2 + 35 = 37 vs 14 + 58 + 3 = 75 == Nillien wins.

The womans attempts to escape prove little more than a nuisance to the priestess.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

With an uncharacteristically dark giggle, Nillien leans forward to gently lick the base of the demoness's neck. Then, parting her lips, she leans forward to let her teeth pierce the soft flesh and drink the life fluid that pours out as her instincts take full control over her for the time being.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 93/103, Grappled, Submission Holding

Grapple: 18 + 58 + 3 = 79 vs 2 + 35 = 37 == Nillien wins.
Drains 10 + 10 = 20 HP and causing Nillien to gain 20 corruption.

The womans glowing eyes widen in terror and confusion as Nillien lowers herself to the womans throat. She gasps and mutters; "What in the voids name?" As the priestess bites into her neck, before screaming in horror as Nilliens newly grown fangs pierce her neck, finding a vein naturally and causing the demons lifes blood to drain into Nilliens waiting mouth. It's easily the best thing she'd ever tasted, ambrosial to her as she drains the demoness. Along with it, however, Nillien can just barely feel something strange enter her, and begin to change her.

Grapple: 15 + 35 = 50 vs 20 + 58 + 3 = 81 == Nillien wins.

The demons struggles increase, but Nilliens hold on her limbs becomes iron hard as she tries to keep the demon in check. Her struggles begin to grow weaker, however, as Nillien drains moire and more of her blood.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

As Nillien continues to drink more of the demoness's blood, Nillien's more rational mind starts coming back to the forefront. At first however, it appears to Nillien almost as though someone else is controlling her movement as her body feeds on the creature beneath her. What am I...? Oh my! What's happening to me? Why am I doing this? Is this because of the spirit from before? I... I need to stop myself. This isn't right! Nillien thinks as she begins to struggle against her instincts. For now, however, she continues to drink.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 93/103

Grapple: 1 + 58 + 3 = 62 vs 7 + 35 = 42 == Nillien wins.
Drains 20 + 10 = 30 HP and causing Nillien to gain 30 corruption.

Nilliens instincts take over, and the woman slumps in her grasp as her feeding quickens, drawing more and more blood from the demoness. It isn't long before Nillien feels the womans blood stop pumping through her veins, and her body becomes heavier as the strength leaves the womans dead muscles.

(Gain 4 exp and a grand total of 50 corruption.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Shaking herself back together, Nillien quickly pushes to body away, shuddering at the thought of what she has just done. Getting up, she starts backing down the passage way the demonesses had come from before spinning around and starting a full tilt run down the passage and away from the body. What was that?! What's wrong with me?! She mentally wails as she goes.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 103

As she runs, Nillien realizes that she is now moving much faster than before, practically flying down the passage. She also notices that she barely has to think about her footing, reflexively avoiding every obstacle on the rough mine floor. She skids to a stop as she hears something skittering around up ahead, however.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

With a soft whimper, Nillien moves to press herself up against the nearby wall. While the changes to her body terrified her out of her mind, at least the thought of danger helped her to focus on something other than herself. Quietly, she starts to slowly edge along the wall towards where the sounds were coming from, trying to get a clear view before she did anything that might endanger her.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 103

Perception: Success

With her newly enhanced senses, Nillien can distinguish that there were in fact multiple creatures skittering around up ahead. She was reminded of the spiders she'd fought earlier, and shuddered slightly at the idea of fighting more of the foul creatures. She spotted one of them move across the corridor up ahead and out of sight, suggesting that another large room was up ahead.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Al-alright. Maybe if I just sneak over there without them noticing, I can send out a wave of spiritual fire and get rid of them... baring any more urges... Nillien thinks, ending with a mental shudder at the thought of what she had done to the woman. She then proceeds to try and sneak up to the room up ahead without alerting any of the spiders.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 103

Stealth: Failure.

Nillien slowly creeps toward the entrance to the chamber, and sees several more spiders dart back and forth across the entrance. Peeking out, she is practically bowled over by one of the things as it stumbles into her, apparently having not seen her. It lets out a high otherworldly shriek now, however, and she spots a great deal of movement behind the spider demon as it reorients itself to attack her.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Realizing that now every spider in the nest knows that she's there, Nillien begins to panic. Unfortunately, this compounds both the unsettled state she was already in from having unintentionally fed on the woman before and the fact that she isn't currently alone in her body. As a result, When Nillien closes her eyes to push a wave of spirit energy out at the spiders, the churning bonfire of power within her is difficult to contain and a large amount rushes out, far more than she would have needed to slay the nearest creatures. While this would likely annihalate the closest creatures, she wouldn't be able to continue expending energy at this rate if she didn't want to risk running out.

(Holy fire 25, cone.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 78/103

Damage: 2 + 1 + 2 = 5 x 25 = 75 damage.

Nilliens blast fries all of the nearby spiders, charring the foul things and destroying most of them. Only three remain in the large chamber that she can see, two to her left and one that seems slightly larger than the other two to her right. All of them close to attack, but are unable to reach her before she is able to unleash more of her deadly flames. The internal strife does seem to result in weaker flames, but she'd poured so much power into her attack that it had hardly mattered.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Slightly calmer now that there aren't as many spiders to deal with, especially since she has dealt with 3 successfully before, Sen decides to focus on the two spiders to her left. Gently scooping more of her power out to use, she once again finds that, even though she tries to stop the flow, a large gout of energy follows the install burst sending out another large wave of energy only slightly smaller than the last time.

(Holy fire 20, cone on the two spiders to the left)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 68, P = 59, EP = 58/103

Damage: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 x 20 = 120 damage.

Nilliens second blast, more controlled, seems much more concentrated, and burns the other two spiders into dust. The last one, seemingly uninterested in attacking her after watching it burn through all of its companions, turs and tries to retreat.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Whoa... I feel a bit light headed... I think I'll need a bit of practice to get back to where I can limit my power. Still, at least it's better than... Errrghh. Nillien thinks, lightheaded from the massive expenditure of energy and still remembering what she had done to the demoness earlier.Still, menial tasks are good distractions, so she starts probing the ash piles with her senses just in case anything valuable survived. Simply put, the fleeing spider wasn't a big concern right now.