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ACT [ touhou-marupon-dou] [ 当方丸宝堂 ] -SACRED- /【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】 RE132648 RJ132648

Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

Hi every one here, I hope you can help me, because the game will not run for me.
I had locatet my pc to the japenese system but it wont work.

May be somebody can help tanks:eek:

I'm guessing you're 15 (since you put '99 on the end of your name), so I'm gonna give you some slack here.

But you're definitely old enough to know that you need to spell check posts so that they're legible, and that you need to be very specific when asking for help on the internet. We can't help if all you say is, "it won't work".

EDIT: Holy shit I got to the plant boss. This is the least fun thing ever conceived. It's like it was designed explicitly for player frustration.
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Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

Kill the plant boss, and the tiles with the eyes disappear. You can't do that until you can get to the east side of the overworld.

plant boss o.o? any special weapons or things that will kill her quickly
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Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

plant boss o.o? any special weapons or things that will kill her quickly

Spam your charged scythe/fireball moves. I won't say it's quick, though.
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

The gallery mode is only unlocked once you reached a certain area in one of the prison stage
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

Fuck this game. Made it through without a single GOR, and it still gives me a Bad End.
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

Are we talking about the one that you have to climb to the top? To me that was the most difficult Or is it most annoying? My second try was much easier considering I got its jumping down better and now know it can orient its Master Spark downward a bit.

Also, to get the true ending, you need to rescue all 6 of the captives.
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

That armor thing boss was quite fun, and the music was great,although I do not understand why did the game end there, and a bad end to boot.
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

Fuck this game. Made it through without a single GOR, and it still gives me a Bad End.

Yeah, you need to get the true ending, which is done by unlocking the glyph underwater near the starting zone, then after that you can reach the 'inner' part of the dungeons and kill the last boss. I think.
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

Yeah, you need to get the true ending, which is done by unlocking the glyph underwater near the starting zone, then after that you can reach the 'inner' part of the dungeons and kill the last boss. I think.

I think someone mentioned something about an even "better ending" by never letting your character get raped.
And I don't think it means no GOR, I think it means never get knocked down and mounted.
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

So you go back to the beginning, and then approach the 'armor robot' boss from behind... There's a level that consists solely of a giant downward staircase, and a distant growling (and an obvious but inaccessible secret under the staircase), then that's the whole level. After that, you can approach the armor boss from behind, but it stops you before you get there? So what was the point of going back at all?
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

Does anyone know the answer to my question in the post above this one? I'd appreciate any insight. Also here is a dog being money.

Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

I've scoured the aforementioned first stage of the area on the left side of the map, and I can't for the life of me find the damn prison. Is this only accessible in new game plus?
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

I've scoured the aforementioned first stage of the area on the left side of the map, and I can't for the life of me find the damn prison. Is this only accessible in new game plus?

The very first stage. Like, you start out, go to the right, into a hole (there is an unreachable ledge that goes right) that goes down and to the left, then you're on the world map for the first time.

Go to that stage, go up and out of the hole, but instead of going LEFT (which leads to the first room), go to the RIGHT, which is now accessible because you have high-jump. It leads to some waterfalls you can umbrella shield your way past, and then some gross eye-blocks which disappear when... I don't remember. I think when you reach the boss stage in the prison.
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

I am also suffering from a lack of any sound except BGM.

I'm assuming this is likely due to not extracting the game properly. How would I do so? Is it possible to do so by only using AppLocale, and if so how?
Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

I am also suffering from a lack of any sound except BGM.

I'm assuming this is likely due to not extracting the game properly. How would I do so? Is it possible to do so by only using AppLocale, and if so how?

This happens to me sometimes when I start the game. No idea what the cause is. I just open the game over and over and it goes back to normal eventually.

Unrelated, I just wanted to say that the sprite sex in this game is fucking awful. I can't tell what's going on, the proportions/perspective are all messed up, there are erroneous colored pixels floating around some animations... Just awful. However, the gameplay is SPECTACULAR. Truly extraordinary. Every encounter is creative and interesting (though a few are a little grindy/frustrating). The bosses are fun, but have a bit too much health. The combat is fast paced; I originally agreed with Kyrieru that the movespeed was set way too high, but I've come to enjoy the freedom of movement. Puts the skill ceiling way up there, which is a great incentive to keep going.

I've legitimately enjoyed playing this game, even if the sex animations were horrendous.
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Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

The very first stage. Like, you start out, go to the right, into a hole (there is an unreachable ledge that goes right) that goes down and to the left, then you're on the world map for the first time.

Go to that stage, go up and out of the hole, but instead of going LEFT (which leads to the first room), go to the RIGHT, which is now accessible because you have high-jump. It leads to some waterfalls you can umbrella shield your way past, and then some gross eye-blocks which disappear when... I don't remember. I think when you reach the boss stage in the prison.

Your instructions take me to the backdoor way of the Bad End mech boss, which contains nothing but an empty downwards stairway area above the hidden access-to-true-final-boss-area.
I see no prison/gallery thing anywhere here.

Edit: Never mind, it popped up after messing around in the prison stages for a bit.

On an unrelated note, I'm not sure if this was mentioned previously in the thread, but there's an ice weapon ability in the first prison area after the big bug boss. It can be accessed from the 3rd staircase down past the lift on the right, there's a small lift that takes you up (need high jump and platform summon). My favorite part about it is the ice chunks it fires at full charge transforms those obnoxious invulnerable flying things into blocks which you can destroy with the block break ability (just be careful you're not close to a wall when you "freeze" them, I've been wall-crushed doing this once).
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Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

Your instructions take me to the backdoor way of the Bad End mech boss, which contains nothing but an empty downwards stairway area above the hidden access-to-true-final-boss-area.
I see no prison/gallery thing anywhere here.

Edit: Never mind, it popped up after messing around in the prison stages for a bit.

Oh. I thought people decided to call the silver tileset area (northern end of the map) the "prison area". My mistake. That brings me back to my question though: I can't travel from the staircase to the robo boss (clockwise on the map) because it won't let me go right, in between the two levels. I can only go the normal way (approaching counterclockwise). Why can't I approach from the right? Is that how you open the grand door directly south of the robo boss level?

Also, apparently you found the gallery yourself, but yeah it's at 3 o'clock on the world map. [edit: 9 o'clock, not 3 o'clock]
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Well, I tried playing a new save. I make sure to not get raped even once (not even let the enemy mount on the character).

Still get the good end....

I wanna see the true end, but yeah....I'm so lazy now. @_@

I try to play the game again. Not get raped or let the enemy mount on you even once, but still knocked down from time to time.

The game still give me the good end after I defeat the boss though (the one you stand on the cliff, looking down to the sea below I guess).

What exactly do you need to do to get the true end? Now I'm really lazy to play the whole game again. ~_~
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Re: (RJ132648) - 【異種姦ACT】セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】

I know it's likely a bit late at this point to say this, but I'm going to anyways.

Against what would be considered common sense, piracy is usually GOOD for a number of things. Piracy is usually indicative of a problem with service anyways. If it is easier to get something free than it is to get it legally, then there's something wrong with distribution. Consider almost all DRM.