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Re: Akabur Games

The only reason I can see for so much rage about this game is because it's a really good game but frustrating. How I also feel. This game left me hungry (or horny) for more. So I hope that Akabur will work on it some more adding the content everyone feel is missing.

So for all those people whining about being scammed and should ask Akabur their money back, there's a good pile of games worth your money: Meet and Fuck.
Re: Akabur Games

Does anybody know how reliable or quick to update the Patreon counter is? If you've already given for the month, do you disappear from the count immediately after you withdraw funding? He went up to 888 or 890 and then back down to 880 at one point. I don't know if that's new funding coming in and others leaving, or if the counter is just unreliable as all hell. Akabur himself complained that the Pledge amount on the page was inaccurate, and he was actually receiving 10%-20% less than stated. I don't know if that means actual inaccuracy, or if it's just a timing issue for a given month that merely conflicts with his expectations.

Where is this commentary? He always bitches about being rushed, frankly. He doesn't seem to have the capacity to just ignore those complaints, and it seems like feeling responsible to his patrons made that worse.

What was up with all this content Dahr was supposed to have produced that was creating all kinds of work for him? Aside from the Scrolls, I don't see much of anything. Yet, at the time, he made it sound like he'd been set back some out of a desire to work all of it in.

In the gallery, turn comments on and look at the scrolls. The robes in particular.

What i want to know is who exactly is Dahr and why aren't people throwing 8 thousand dollars his way? He's pretty good at the art department...
Re: Akabur Games

I did not donate to his patreon, just putting this out here first so people don't have to worry about making assumptions, which seems to be all the rage on this discussion.

I played the Witch Trainer game to the end and it is a fun enough game, although a little more frustrating and grindy than it had to be with the inability to keep track of the stats and the guessing games on what to do to raise a star or unlock something, it still killed time effectively, BUT, I can see why people who put money on the patreon would be disappointed with the result.

I played it for free, so I don't get to bitch, but compared to Princess Trainer, he did kind of cut corners on the "everything chibi" matter. Princess Trainer had chibi, sure, but it was on the mindless errands to earn money, stats and reputation. Here in the Witch Trainer, everything is chibi, even the sex acts, so I can definetely understand why some people who don't particulary enjoy this kind of art style for sex scenes that we get on ADV games would be upset, and I am frankly surprised there are people who can't see that they aren't unreasonable to dislike it.

Well, just my humble opinion.
Re: Akabur Games

The only reason I can see for so much rage about this game is because it's a really good game but frustrating. How I also feel. This game left me hungry (or horny) for more. So I hope that Akabur will work on it some more adding the content everyone feel is missing.

So for all those people whining about being scammed and should ask Akabur their money back, there's a good pile of games worth your money: Meet and Fuck.

The reason for the rage was because Princess Trainer was so awesome and even with it being so out of this world great there is still a golden edition that is set to be released later on.
I myself was didn't view Witch Trainer as up to par as Princess Trainer, but I understood that Akabur hands were tied because someone reported the game to Harry Potter copyrighters and that forced him to have to change the name of the game from Hermoine Trainer to Witch Trainer, remove chunks of content. I felt he probable would have tweaked the game to skirt the copyrighters had some moron not leaked it.
So my overall opinion on the game is its ok, could have been better but not gonna rage about it, because in the end shit happens.
Re: Akabur Games

Oh hey, I didn't notice there is Jewkabur thread here!

I'll state my opinion about the fire that has been going on:

There's nothing really wrong with the game, its kind of finished. A simple and grindy H-game which is kind of normal for me. Basically just a grind and win H-game and its completely ok for me [Some people enjoy simple H-game, some enjoy a gameplay in a H-game because its a game, its completely normal.]

The problem lies within the dev itself because he is one sly asshole, I will state it here :
First thing first, you have to see his dev page which is a "PATREON" page

Its a site which you subscribe [or donate] to people monthly in exchange for creation of something, so you can get content or whatever the creator creates, my comments for this site is just : Free money if you can do marketing right. As you can see that he gains 8k per month.

You get the idea he creates a game, and it needs money. The problem is that so many backers throw their money it blinds this Akabur. As the result is unfinished game, cut content, false promises, and not to mention he stated a ridiculous reason to release game with a load of cut-content.

-nobody pays him for Jasmine trainer
-is a good game
-people start giving him tons of money to make an even better trainer game
-its a half assed lazy game

What happened?
Marketing happened. His art is liked well that he smell business then instead of making a good game, he patreon'd it, which is now the result.

So is this incomplete because it's a leaked version and will "eventually" be done or did the creator just say fuck it and this is all we're getting?

Well honestly, if what he's looking for is a money, he'd delay this to abyss to get free money, while his donors getting a shit game.


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Re: Akabur Games

I remember a discussion on 4chan or HF some time ago where it was claimed that Akabur was impossible to work with and never delivered on time if at all. IIRC it was also claimed that if you confronted him with this, he would get very defensive and blame everybody else...or pull the "I'm so poor" card.

I thought it was BS at the time, but recent events make me wonder...

Loved PT, not a big fan of HT, hoping for updates for both.
Re: Akabur Games

a1 "Sub-quests that never happened."
a1 "You are allowed to feel bad for rushing me."
a1 "If you did not rush me you are allowed to feel angry at people who did."

OK, yeah, fuck that.

I still want to know why some people are saying that the game's content was somehow reduced because of the leak or because of copyright issues. Like I say, all the commentary on Patreon was that the game was mostly done for about the last month, and he was waiting on proofreaders and testers to get back to him. If he reduced the game by 40%-50% as some have suggested, he sure made a good job of carving it out in a very short time.
Re: Akabur Games

For everyone who complain about lack CG, to satisfy your greediness here some extra Acabur's Hermione - exhentai. org/g/524322/456ca6d4e3/?p=1 last 4 pages...
Re: Akabur Games

What i want to know is who exactly is Dahr and why aren't people throwing 8 thousand dollars his way? He's pretty good at the art department...

His name is Daniil and you can find his stuff here

He also has a Patreon page
Re: Akabur Games

I remember a discussion on 4chan or HF some time ago where it was claimed that Akabur was impossible to work with and never delivered on time if at all. IIRC it was also claimed that if you confronted him with this, he would get very defensive and blame everybody else...or pull the "I'm so poor" card.

I thought it was BS at the time, but recent events make me wonder...

Loved PT, not a big fan of HT, hoping for updates for both.

From what I've seen, people[donors] already confronted him, and it is not bullshit
Re: Akabur Games

All I care about now is when the next version will come out with more content. I've played through the game twice, done every single thing, and many faps were had. Is that not what is important?
Re: Akabur Games

For everyone who complain about lack CG, to satisfy your greediness here some extra Acabur's Hermione - exhentai. org/g/524322/456ca6d4e3/?p=1 last 4 pages...

It is not greediness. He got paid to make this game. It might be free upon release, but he got paid, GENEROUSLY, for this.

So yes, people had some expectations, especially considering that he made PT without getting paid, so by logic, they expected a game that was better or at least as good as PT now that he was being paid so much. WT might be a fun and good game, but not nearly up to par.
I think that is the biggest issue for some of the people who are complaining (The rest are just either being dicks about it or going with the crowd).
Re: Akabur Games

@Dickster : Apparently you'll have to wait a while for them. He's supposed to be working on an (entirely?) new game with his JAKxxx characters now. Let's wait and see what happens.
Re: Akabur Games

All I care about now is when the next version will come out with more content. I've played through the game twice, done every single thing, and many faps were had. Is that not what is important?

He said that in a month or so he would release a bug fixed version of WT and then princess trainer gold edition with more cgs and quest is coming, no more info
Re: Akabur Games

ok tried the witch trainer and well after 30 min (100 days in game) I didn't see a nipple xD

even though I gave her so many presents her mood is still "NOT upset with you"
Am I doing it wrong? :confused:
Re: Akabur Games

ok tried the witch trainer and well after 30 min (100 days in game) I didn't see a nipple xD

even though I gave her so many presents her mood is still "NOT upset with you"
Am I doing it wrong? :confused:

Advancing in the game is based upon the reading the fiction books, you get ideas based upon the books you read.
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Re: Akabur Games

ok tried the witch trainer and well after 30 min (100 days in game) I didn't see a nipple xD

even though I gave her so many presents her mood is still "NOT upset with you"
Am I doing it wrong? :confused:

Her mood doesn't get better than "NOT upset with you".

You are wasting presents. You only give her presents when you make mer mad, so you give her presents until she isn't upset anymore.
Re: Akabur Games

Does anybody know how reliable or quick to update the Patreon counter is? If you've already given for the month, do you disappear from the count immediately after you withdraw funding? He went up to 888 or 890 and then back down to 880 at one point. I don't know if that's new funding coming in and others leaving, or if the counter is just unreliable as all hell. Akabur himself complained that the Pledge amount on the page was inaccurate, and he was actually receiving 10%-20% less than stated. I don't know if that means actual inaccuracy, or if it's just a timing issue for a given month that merely conflicts with his expectations.

Where is this commentary? He always bitches about being rushed, frankly. He doesn't seem to have the capacity to just ignore those complaints, and it seems like feeling responsible to his patrons made that worse.

What was up with all this content Dahr was supposed to have produced that was creating all kinds of work for him? Aside from the Scrolls, I don't see much of anything. Yet, at the time, he made it sound like he'd been set back some out of a desire to work all of it in.
You are billed at the time of "charging", be that per submission or per month, depending on the patreon fundee's settings. There is no commitment and you can withdraw at any time before you get charged. The counter is updated immediately, or within the hour at the longest. When you see it fluctuate like that, it's people funding for a little bit and then backing out to "peek" at the patron-only posts.

This morning he went from 880, to 883, and back down to 880, yet his total funds per month went up. The people who backed out were offering less than those who stayed.

For those of you saying he doesn't "deserve" 8 grand a month: guess what? An artist is only worth what those are willing to pay for him/her.

Take a look at this painting:

Is that enraging? Sure. Did he deserve that much? In my opinion, no. Does the effort reflect the sale's price? FUCK NO.

But guess what? That's not your fucking problem.

880 people find him worth giving a few dollars a month for a total of over $8000 per month. He has a loyal fanbase who supports him financially to follow his dreams, enough to pay for his work. He's a popular artist making money doing what he loves, and that's none of your fucking business.

Quit getting mad over how much an artist makes. Quit getting mad because your expectations for a porn game were not met.
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Re: Akabur Games

I just finished my 1st game and started a NG+ but I feel like I forgot something, I can't ask favours to Hermione (the option isn't here).
Is this a bug or did I missed something ? I took my time to read all books and now it's day 200 but I still can't ask favours.

Or maybe I just can't remember when we get this option ...