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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Looks like I underestimated just how many people were hording for this event. Had 1.1 mill worth of candy at 1.3x saved up, and I'm playing constantly and slowly slipping down the leaderboards. It doesn't help that SR Valentinius 100 is actually slower at finishing the stage than R Valetinius . . . if you haven't blown your candy yet and still want to try for some more, then I recommend not taking her to 100 just yet.

Its a crap shoot from here if I make it or not, I suppose it depends on how many people haven't gotten on and blown their horde yet. Didn't know I'd get so many ST boosters from feeding her all my candy, I'd have used more of them earlier (I got over 40 from taking her from 155k to 1.15 mill).
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

New event is a repeat of the Satan/Dementia event from the fall . . . two 3-stage sections fighting boss sized enemies of various sorts, 30 tickets to be had if you can finish each of the six sections.

New girls seem rather boring; the two event girls are rather bland looking, and the three gatcha girls are all naked hot-spring girls (what even happens when you unluck their H-picture? They are already nude).

The R-variant dark haired girl is insanely easy to get at 2,300 points (you will get her in a half hour or less), and you get tons of her rising through the ranks. You get the SR version at 83,000 points . . . not bad, but it will take a bit more effort.

Lighter haired girl comes from being in top 300 of rankings, though expect that to get bumped up a bit next week.

Oddly enough, one of the easiest end-level girls is the boss of 3-6 in the light haired girl's stage. I found her to be significantly easier to survive AND finish than 3-4 of both stages, 3-5 of both stages, and 3-6 of the dark haired girl's stage. Beating her nets you 5k points.

I found SR Valentinius 100 very useful for killing her, it gives you the needed DPS to take her down . . . the light haired girl is not very good at killing your team for some reason, and just has a crap ton of health. Beating her 600 times would be enough to completely max out the rewards for the points reward list . . . thats no slouch, but its certainly possible. Doing so would cost 9000 ST though, which is 31 days worth of regen, so you would need a lot of ST potions.

I'm not sure how useful the hot tub girls are for boosting your point income, but last event like this had a third stage on week 2 that gave better points, so . . . might be worth holding off.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So far, it's certainly seems that 3-6 stage of the light hair girl is doable and most profit. It's just that you have to survive the first wave (when the boss summons tons of SR), and after that it's mostly just you vs the boss.

My team:
- 2x Demensia
- 2x Yoshitsune
- 2x Elf
- Valentinus 100, Benkei, Revoica, Y-Poola

Skill: Param up
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well new week, new event status, any one knows exactly what´s comming for the second part, I understand something about 3 units together doubles the damage dealed at the boss, but also say´s somthing about the friend´s units.
So any one can read the anouncements and trow some light for this week?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

This week doesn't have any noteable changes. They just reduce the price of revitalizing potion, and increase exp gain from event stages (about 25% I think).

About 3 gatcha girls:

- Their perk for this event: x3 HP, x3 dmg, lower summon cost, + 200 energy at battle start ( for each card)

- Their skill (not bound for this event): they buff dmg for all of your allied unit when they are summoned (same skill as Arthur). This buff is stacked for 3 girls, so if you have all 3 of them you can have up to x2 dmg for your troops.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

OK, so it's been a while since I said something, but I'm sorta back...

Thing is, not too long after the Halloween event I tried to spend some money on DMM, and I guess my account got banned or something, because I started at lvl 1 again and lost all my friends and items; not only in Tentaku, but in Taimanin Asagi as well, so...

Yeah, if someone wants to add me, I'm still Belzaboo.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

OK, so it's been a while since I said something, but I'm sorta back...

Thing is, not too long after the Halloween event I tried to spend some money on DMM, and I guess my account got banned or something, because I started at lvl 1 again and lost all my friends and items; not only in Tentaku, but in Taimanin Asagi as well, so...

Yeah, if someone wants to add me, I'm still Belzaboo.

Hi man when you accept the terms of every game on dmm (at least all the ones I played) you accept one term that says if you dont login the game whitin 30 days your game will be reset to 0 resulting on lose of every thing that you have earned or purchased, so if in a future you cant login daily at least try to log in once at week to not lose your money or your improves.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hi man when you accept the terms of every game on dmm (at least all the ones I played) you accept one term that says if you dont login the game whitin 30 days your game will be reset to 0 resulting on lose of every thing that you have earned or purchased, so if in a future you cant login daily at least try to log in once at week to not lose your money or your improves.

Thanks man; so THAT's what happened.

Aw, crap, serves me right for not paying attention.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

It´s my idea or the drop of BP gonne awfully lowered during this event, during the last event runing revoica stages I usually get one or two every 10 runs now runned an entire ST tank (120 points at my lvl also the half ST cost makes 60~63 runs) and never get a single BP drop and only 3 leather wimps.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ok this time look´s like the amaterasu event,new sr gatcha girl´s boost´s drop , inital mana and summon them cost 100, 5 gold tikets for beating the boss the first time (each stage), but what are the Lucy versions efect?
About the drop this time seems to be changed a little, seem´s the more st the marked stage cost more candy you get. for example at stage 2 the first kitten girl (1~3 st) you get 5 candy and the 14 stage (4~6 st) maria you get 10.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Another grinding event. At least the amount of candy drop is better than New Year event.

ATM, I'm grinding 10 stage. 3 ST for a chance of dropping 10 candy seem good enough.

The new Lucy gatcha card effect: she get param up if your team has any version of Lucy.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hello, I've just started to take interest in this game after reading the op.

Though I'm having difficulties accessing the site even through a Japanese IP by VPN. Does anyone have a solid way of accessing and playing this game?

Thank you in advance, I ask as really can't think of anything specific to put in the search thread function.

Again, thank you :)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hello, I've just started to take interest in this game after reading the op.

Though I'm having difficulties accessing the site even through a Japanese IP by VPN. Does anyone have a solid way of accessing and playing this game?

Thank you in advance, I ask as really can't think of anything specific to put in the search thread function.

Again, thank you :)

Ok man well come, seem´s like there are some variants but for this game you dont need ip mask I played it in fire fox IE and chrome, each one have teir pro and teir bads, firefox terribly slow, IE 10 or superior works fine some times don´t loads, chrome goes smoot but some times crashes specially if you dont clear the cache over a new event (take the chance when them make server mantinence), but in escence first in every browser you need to clear the entire cache by any way (I sugest ccleaner) and reload the browser, after that when load the main page to log in, clik on jp flag and chek the little red square at the top marked over the japan caracter not the english letters that if you´re playng on pc, if you´re at smartphone some pages back Midnight shared a link for a phone browser that works very well

Well took some time but finally found a good browser with no ads that works.
Cheetah Mobile.

In case anyone's looking for a nice phone browser for the game. Lacks translation but then this game can't be translated due to it's flash nature.

But seems quick and lightweight and the game runs pretty quick. Have to see how it handles sprite overload. Chrome was good but would slow down with too much on the screen.

Now to see if I can repair my new years event standings.

Game on!

hope this helps you.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

The game is freezing a lot for me, tried Firefox and Chrome, cleared cache. Is this happening to somebody else? I didn't have this problem until this event, having a hard time grinding 10-5 because of it :(
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Has been some time peeps. Happy the game works again on my phone. Yay. I'll get the spreadsheet updated soon. Lots to catch up on.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ok this event is over, can´t believe it only 150 points to get te second sr card from stages but gess i made it to top 200 so maybe the powered sr is mine.
Now to clear cache and wait for the next grindy 2 weeks.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well, there's no grind this week. Just login daily and you will get a new card :p

Also, it's seem that there will be a major update next week. Looking forward to it.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ok 2 things.
what are those taka taka thinking? maybe new insane stages? or drop at nightmare? hope maybe:rolleyes:???
Well for now try to get bp items the most the better any sugestion where farm them?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So pissed I couldn't get friggin' dark demenshia or the red haired girl. By the time I figured out that the freezing apparently was due to having Lupin in my party or that stage in particular, I didn't had enough time to grind all the @#$% items to unlock the stages. *sigh* Really miss the normal events like "here, 3 girls, 3 stages. Just fight until you get the drop" :mad: