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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hi .. I'm joined this game too

User : kindleres

i'm just start playing this game yesterday.

d[>w<]b then see ya !!!
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

eh, from personal experience I have yet to spin and get an SR with my rare tickets. Gonna stop caring about boss drop methods, drop fatigue, and everything else about getting R's and SR's. just going to say everything is dependent on luck and be done with the whole matter.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

eh, from personal experience I have yet to spin and get an SR with my rare tickets. Gonna stop caring about boss drop methods, drop fatigue, and everything else about getting R's and SR's. just going to say everything is dependent on luck and be done with the whole matter.

Honestly it is best not to think too much about it. Regardless of whether or not there's a fatigue system that could make things a bit easier/more difficult, drops will still rely on luck like everything in this game. People will always come up with superstitious ideas for improving drops in games. Of course if someone has proof, I'd love to see it.

I just get tired of running the same map over and over again anyways and I can't decide if I want Revoica or Kanu more, lol.


Yae can turn invisible and shoots mind bullets. Proven. I mean she's almost worth using just for that. She just wanted to help Jean knock back enemies without her realizing it.

Oh and I finally got around to testing Otamono, figured I shouldn't just assume she buffs attack as much as Cleo but lo and behold, 1.2x modifier just like Cleo. So the only difference is how they function, buff and average move speed vs channeled and slow move speed and no, Otamono and Cleo's buffs do not stack. Well that was a waste of ST, but at least now I don't just have to assume Otamono is pretty identical to Cleo. Otamono's slow move speed really kills her for me, I'd recommend Cleo over her.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

What level's your Otomono and is her buff range nearly the entire stage like 2ch/wiki claims?

I'm going to max out Yae and see what happens after. I'm not convinced that she's not worth using yet. At a minimum she works well with my Tamaki/Maia based push team (All 5 SR roulettes gave me Tamaki, my first R roulette was Tamaki, and my last three roulettes have dropped nothing but Tamaki...), and I think two of her on the field solves your problems on red-armor heavy stages, where they basically beat you through attrition instead of raw damage.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

What level's your Otomono and is her buff range nearly the entire stage like 2ch/wiki claims?

I'm going to max out Yae and see what happens after. I'm not convinced that she's not worth using yet. At a minimum she works well with my Tamaki/Maia based push team (All 5 SR roulettes gave me Tamaki, my first R roulette was Tamaki, and my last three roulettes have dropped nothing but Tamaki...), and I think two of her on the field solves your problems on red-armor heavy stages, where they basically beat you through attrition instead of raw damage.

15+ N+ Yes it is, but so is Cleo's (At least 90% of the screen). You may just not notice it with Cleo because they need to be on screen to receive her timed buff, unlike Otomono's channeled buff that will be active on them as soon as they're summoned. Both are long enough to catch any long range units in it before they attack by far.

I'm still testing Yae as well, I always try to get them to max level before I abandon them (Short of Y-Poola because her teleport is broken regardless of level :p). Their ability at max level is what really matters anyways, even if you can usually tell if a girl sucks at level 1. To be fair and take into account the different growth types, I always max their levels for their final tests. Right now Yae and Otomono basically get one shot on Kanu's stage, which is really not helpful...

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So ,
Thank you to " heaven ☆ Taku " continue .
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

hm... I don't know what to say...
but... I am even abusing her teleport ability, it does not seem broken to me at all.
I just make sure my other melee girls like Jeanne and my 2 Minamotos are already engaged in battle and everything seems fine to me... Y Poola jumps in and helps out, it does even seem she can take quite a beating (maybe high hp?) at very high lvl.

I figured no one has something to say to Ono no Takamura.
Got her on lvl 27 R+ and she seems to be on par with Invadia.
The "bullet" is instant, but flies slightly slower... err that's about it, would even say that her "bullet" reaches its destination in about the same time, having the sameish cooldown.
So if there are any differences between them, it should be in small numbers, unfortunately I am not far enough in this game to go on proper testing like FruitSmoothi x)

Err FruitSmoothi? Do you have any suggestions for me for hellmode?
I got a 33 Jeanne, 32 Tamaki, 2 Minamotos lvl 33, 34 Elfella, 20 Sasuke Sarutobi and lvl 27 Takamura (midrange).
I get overrun in the very beginning mostly.
Got Y Poolas, 2 Elfellas, 1 Jeanne, Shadmalice and Asmodea on stock... and some other, but they're... eh.. meh... for ep.

edit- a I forgot, got 8 Card Slots and Energy regen on 8 aswell with 800 max energy.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Err FruitSmoothi? Do you have any suggestions for me for hellmode?
I got a 33 Jeanne, 32 Tamaki, 2 Minamotos lvl 33, 34 Elfella, 20 Sasuke Sarutobi and lvl 27 Takamura (midrange).
I get overrun in the very beginning mostly.
Got Y Poolas, 2 Elfellas, 1 Jeanne, Shadmalice and Asmodea on stock... and some other, but they're... eh.. meh... for ep.

edit- a I forgot, got 8 Card Slots and Energy regen on 8 aswell with 800 max energy.

I wouldn't recommend Tamaki, she's very specialized and needs a proper set up and strategy or she's quite bad, her CD is far too long for what she does. Is your Sarutobi evolved? If not, replace her for Hell Mode or she's just wasted space. I also wouldn't recommend Y Poola as she's mostly just a gimmick and around Shadmalice's level of ability. They aren't bad persay, but there's better options if you're having trouble in Hell Mode. You can only improve your chances by replacing them with a fighter that has an aoe attack or insane damage like Minimoto, Oda, SAPPHIRES, Hybrider, etc.

Mid range is very weak in Hell Mode, it's rare that their attacks will find a weak point in projectile immune tanks like Elfella will. I stopped using Caesar there for instance. So using Takamura may not be the best option either, though I haven't personally tested her to confirm that she functions like most mid range girls.

For 8 spaces out of the fighters you listed, I'd say:

Jean, Minamoto x2, Elfella x2, Sarutobi, Shadmalice/Y-poola/Asmodea. Evolved and up to the proper level, you should be okay with that for most of Hell Mode.

The best team I'd recommend with 8 slots is something like:

Jean, Minamoto/Oda x2, SAPPHIRES, Elfella x2, Hybrider, Whatever else you want here.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Thanks you for your advice... I guess it's back to farming then...
damn... i ran Hybriders and SAPPHIRES stages like 50+ times each and they won't drop me, even if they're just rares...
Gets me the creeps when thinking about farming Oda Nobunga, people with my luck will need 1000+ runs >.<

ah as for gacha, my first 5 SR gacha tries were utter rubbish... nothing with a SR there.. so... whatever, i guess.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Happy happy happy dance time. Finally got 6th... Took me a few seconds to realize I had her and only 4~ days of running so not so bad.

Is there anyway to speed up training a girl to L10? (I mean, other than not sucking at the mini-game, which I can't really change :p) I know that the higher the number of chains you have gives you more XP but still, at L7+ I have trouble maintaining chains about 10~. The minigame is kind of tedious after a while....
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I use Y-Poola and high HP/high KD girls (with a single copy of Elfella and a maxed out Yae) for Hell mode because I stack Y-Poolas. Don't do what I do because my team's build around Tamaki, and I personally find Y-Poola to work well with her. She can plug holes in your lines instantly, does a reasonable amount of damage, and more importantly can be spammed at a reasonable rate if you have multiple copies up.

Specifically: her repositioning is awesome if she gets KD'd or if your opponent is KD'd. In my case because of my multiple high KD characters, they're constantly moving about, which helps the survivability tremendously. You also need to lead with other girls so she doesn't run headfirst into a wave - no amount of repositioning can help you if that happens.

My entire strategy more or less boils down to "hold the line until elfball" or in cases with projectile-immunes "knockback to victory". I'm still tweaking and leveling characters, but if I ever clear 12-6 I'll post a guide for it.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Is there anyway to make the guide include either a picture of the 'cards' for summoning the girls, or the names in Japanese to make comparing what we need?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

If you click on a girl to see her detail information (say from the change deck screen) their english names are listed right below the japanese ones.

Note that the game can sometimes be REALLY finicky about clicking on girls and it often takes me a number of tries to get to their detail screen.

Not sure what's up with that.

The first is Jean's picture normally, the second is her detail view where you can see on the top right just to the left of the R+ image it shows her name.



Those names are what Fruit is referring to in his guide. I think that's what you are asking anyway :)

[edit] Has anyone gotten Laser Sword girl on 18-6? I'm curious about her.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Spess Sheriff Giruban?

Someone at ULMF has her as a favorite, and I had her before the great account bans last year. She's a decent beatstick and counters enemy attacks reasonably frequently, but she's not going to be a tideturner like 6th Heaven.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Happy happy happy dance time. Finally got 6th... Took me a few seconds to realize I had her and only 4~ days of running so not so bad.

Is there anyway to speed up training a girl to L10? (I mean, other than not sucking at the mini-game, which I can't really change :p) I know that the higher the number of chains you have gives you more XP but still, at L7+ I have trouble maintaining chains about 10~. The minigame is kind of tedious after a while....

Wow, congrats :)

Just to get the premium whips. You get them sometimes from NR gacha. Once you have been playing for a while, they add up. I use them at level 7 to get level 9 and a half or so. I have 22 atm. Just try to use only one per girl and you'll keep gaining more. Also obviously don't use them on girls that you plan to eat or are just testing, but I'm sure you don't do that.

Some tips on playing the game better though: The whip has a better range than it appears, and even being a bit off from the target will still connect, anywhere on the whip icon will count as a hit as well. Really the only difficult part should be the timing (and occasionally moving quickly when a pink then green/blue combo appears since they'll perfect around the exact same time). Another thing is that you lose points for a miss, unlike just losing your combo, it's a hard thing to remember in the heat of the moment, but it's better to just to hit a good/great and ruin your combo than to miss one trying to keep it going.

You may also zoom in or out on the game depending on your browser (Ctrl + Mousewheel for Chrome), which will shrink or enlarge the icons that can either make moving to the icon easier, or make hitting them a bit easier. I haven't played with that option though, not sure if the trade off is worth it. Smaller icons to hit but it's quicker to move to them or bigger icons to hit but it takes longer to reach them. I wouldn't consider it cheating as some people have limits on their dexterity or eyesight or have different sized computer monitors. I mean if you reaaaally scroll out, you'll barely have to move your mouse to reach any, but then you can't use the entire tentacle as a hitbox and only around the tip will connect. I just tried it and it's pretty interesting.

Might be stuff you already know, but this can be useful for anybody.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

If you want to add me my name is 12
Yes 12, just the number :D I'm level 25 and Invadia as my favorite

I tried to add a lot of people from the list but no-one accepts me :(
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Try going from bottom-up. There is a limited number of friend slots (mostly because at maximum "Brotherhood" level it's 55 RP per assist, which is a pretty decent chunk).

There. :)
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well they have to be online to accept it and it's an awkward hour. Some people on the list are also inactive, it's very difficult to keep track of. You didn't send a request to me and my name is plastered all over the place >.>
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Been farming Sixth Heaven and I still have no luck. Capped four SRs doing that stage already. :mad:

Anyhow, I read a few people asking for advice on doing Hell Mode stages and the team set up everyone gave works but you might want to consider adding one normal card like Akame as fodders for a quick wall. In my opinion, thanks to prima or Fruit mentioning this before, the most effective way to tackle Hell Mode stages is with Silence Skill (one you get at level 15). Having that skill at level 8 is enough. Basically, the idea is to hold out until you have three MP to cast them consecutively for a lock. Hell Mode doesn't drop any items as far as I know so you're not missing out.

Edit: It might also work to gain a few more levels for your girls if they die too fast.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

well um ... need help for 12-5
damn it there is to much off enermy i can't even reach crystal once.
it keep birth like zombie and then bumm!!! my tentacles died in no time

what girl should i pick for this stage
I have minamoto and akeno for tank , minamikata for heal
but bow or gun can't use againt red armor soldier ...hell

or I should find Gaius Ilius Caesar ...is it work on red armor?
please help meee!!!! argghhh

and i have problem with gacha that use gold coupon cause i alway got tamaki ... 10 coupon
what a waste TwT

anyway sorry for my poor english grammar haha:D
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

well um ... need help for 12-5
damn it there is to much off enermy i can't even reach crystal once.
it keep birth like zombie and then bumm!!! my tentacles died in no time

what girl should i pick for this stage
I have minamoto and akeno for tank , minamikata for heal
but bow or gun can't use againt red armor soldier ...hell

or I should find Gaius Ilius Caesar ...is it work on red armor?
please help meee!!!! argghhh

and i have problem with gacha that use gold coupon cause i alway got tamaki ... 10 coupon
what a waste TwT

anyway sorry for my poor english grammar haha:D

i suggest taking out Minamikata. i've tested her healing skill isnt worth it. it's even better to use the Tentacle Healing skill than hers. she can be replaced with any other foot soldier mobs like Martian Marte but since you already have Akeno you wouldnt need her anymore unless you like to spam the field.

bring Elfella along with you. she should remained permanently on your team as your long range attacker until you find better replacement for her. sure she cant scratch the red armored knights but she can wipe out any other non projectile immune mobs. also, her arrow might hits the red knights when they're vulnerable, like when they're attacking

Nishiki and Maia Mercurius bullets pierce through their armors though i dont recommend using them in the new stage and hell stages since their damage is quite low.

have AoE lots of melee attackers with you (ex: Nobunaga, Revoica, Yoshitsune, or even Manqu Qhapac if you want to but it's not recommended)

you can use Silence Skill to make the stage easier. or alternatively the 1st skill to push them back, giving time for you to regen some MP. 2nd skill works to slow them down too.

well basically just deploy all melee fighters. having only 3 evolved Elfella is more than enough to take non immune projectile mobs.


it looks like the MP + CD regen skill isnt bugged (since they didnt bother to fix it from last year).

this is the easy way to gain field control. make your path to the boss then before entering the humiliation game, use the MP + CD regen skill. purpousedly lose the humiliation game. the CD speed will remains after that (you'll notice that the burning icon on the bottom left of the screen is gone but CD bar still remains red)

that's it. have fun