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ACT Prelude RJ124011

Re: Prelude

A bit disappointing...seemed really rushed and buggy. =(
Re: Prelude

Thanks for sharing this, OP. Looks like my kind of game. :)

Also, I really appreciate you keeping the top post updated with links, etc. Nice work! :D
Re: Prelude

For those that want a full save, there is already one in the .zip file. I guess the creator knows that some players will get frustrated.

After you extract the .zip, inside the Prelude folder, there's a folder named "全クリアデータ". Inside that folder is the save file. Just copy it into the Prelude folder, and it unlocks all the CGs, animations, and stages, including directly to the boss stage.

As for what Hard mode unlocks, it just unlocks the Hard mode version of the CGs. Basically the heroine is more bruised, and a few small cuts in the CGs. These CGs are unlocked in the full save too.

For those that missed this on the previous page.
Re: Prelude

This game looked interesting, but to anyone who's curious, let me set you
clear right now.


You only get raped after your character is knocked out to 0 health, and
cannot move..

For RoR enthusiasts like me, that's an automatic red flag on this game..

This game DOES have what appears to be a anim. gallery, but the difficulty
is definitely high.

The battle style kinda reminds me of megaman zero, or those wierd mega
man games for the PS1. You have to juggle your enemies with attacks
so they don't even get a chance to attack you, because when they
prepare to attack, they become immune to pain.

The attacks "Seem" impressive, but they do a relatively small amount of

What I've learned is that space is jump, x is heavy attack, and c is normal attack.

My best strategy is to jump above them, use x to smash down, which flings
them in the air, juggle them with a C combo, then after they land, finish
them with X on foot, making you use a dash attack.

Take note that while using your dash attack you can change directions,
letting you go back and forth, focusing damaging enemies in a small group.

Don't get juggled by the arrow-guys.. Fake them out by jumping and letting them prepare to shoot up, then bash them on foot.

I haven't even encountered the slimes yet.. Got too bored at first, but I might try again later..

There's the 100% save, sure.. But I'd feel better if I earned those animations in the gallery..
Otherwise just jumping straight to the save might as well just make this game nothing but a "rape-animation-viewer with some worthless game attached"..
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Re: Prelude

Is people really that lazy? If you bother to read just a few pages back (it's only 4 pages, for loli's sake), you'll know you can get the save file already.
Re: Prelude

Is people really that lazy? If you bother to read just a few pages back (it's only 4 pages, for loli's sake), you'll know you can get the save file already.

Probaly i am blind, but wheare it is ?
Re: Prelude

Has anyone finished the game yet ? I've just beaten that damn last boss. By the way there is no difficulty settings, just change in CGs.
I can post a full guide for those who wanna earn the animations "by themselves".
Re: Prelude

Someone needs to confiscate the author's computer until he promises to read a basic programming manual.

This game has the worst memory leak I have ever seen. It eats 200MB of RAM every time you start (or restart) a stage because it doesn't ever unload or reuse anything that is loaded into memory.
Re: Prelude

This is actually not a bad little action game. A little slow, but it makes up for it by making you stand and fight and not flit around the screen dodging everything like most of these action sidescrollers. The animations could be better though, H- or otherwise.

A couple of tips:

- There's a block button - Use it! Not only does it negate incoming attacks, but you can use it any time during a regular combo string, allowing you to "cancel" out of it and immediately begin a new string. Do this and you can keep combos going continuously, keeping enemies in stunlock.

- Use what little mobility you have. The jump button does not only allow you to move up. Pressing it while you're already in the air will also propel you forward. Use this to get around quickly and to get on top of enemies. Then, press attack to do a quick divebomb downwards, and let loose with combos. This lets you eliminate ranged threats very quickly.

I haven't really tried the other attack button so far as the recovery time is rather bad.
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Re: Prelude

welp i can't beat the first boss and i'm not going o cramp my hand doing so XD
Re: Prelude

welp i can't beat the first boss and i'm not going o cramp my hand doing so XD
It's tougher than it looks, so don't feel too bad.

I didn't realize how important the slashing dash was until I fought that thing, lol.

Level 2 and I like this more and more. I wouldn't say the level design is good, but the guy really knows his own combat system and how to change things up to provide some variety without adding a whole bunch of new enemies into the mix. Also, I feel silly not using the meter dash before to dish out damage before...
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Re: Prelude

Wow. Make sure you all quit the game properly before shutting it down. I just lost 4 levels worth of progress because I had to kill the process from task manager after it ate up all my memory.


Whoever came up with the combat in this must play quite a lot of brawler type games. There's lots of little subtle touches to certain moves that you wouldn't expect given the rough look of the game.

The air dash, rather than just propelling your character in one set direction, will move you slightly upwards if you do it while on your way up, and down while you are falling. This produces some rather interesting results, like, being caught in mid air with a projectile headed your way if you blind jump towards a target out of reach.

There's also apparently crouch attacks in this, which I somehow missed until now. If you crouch and do a strong attack you do a backstep slice. If you do it with both X and Y you can burn meter to throw a fireball while backstepping. I haven't found any use for any of these things, but still neat, nonetheless.

EDIT: Wrong about the dash thing. Turns out it has hit detection. You can only cancel out of it if you hit something. Basically it punishes you if you try to spam it, and whiffs. Nice.
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Re: Prelude

A lot of people seem to be having trouble with the slime boss. I admit, I did for a while as well. Then, I found out about the powered up slash. Use X + C + Left or Right at the same time to use it. It costs an ability charge, but honestly, you get them pretty fast from just mashing C on the boss anyways. Basically, if you have an ability charge, you need to be using that upgraded slash to kill both the slime -and- his blobs. The blobs heal him, so they need to die as soon as possible. The only times you are not using that slash is if you are beating on the boss for ability charges, blocking his roll, or dodging his jump. That should do the trick.
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Re: Prelude

Just when I thought I could not possibly be more impressed with this game, I get to level 4 and find this thing:

... and suddenly it all makes sense.

Really looking forward to what this guy comes up with next
Re: Prelude

Anyone else having trouble with the Wyvern? Not the combat, but having him start a scene. The Wyvern just keeps fighting ^~^;
Re: Prelude

... aaaannnddd the final boss is total bullshit.

Nothing says generic final boss battle like an AOE spamming magic caster with randomly timed, simultaneous spells that make it literally impossible not to get hit, unless you have an insane amount of luck.

I don't get it. He came this close making a game that managed to be challenging without Fake Difficulty, and then he goes and ruins it all with that ridiculous crapshoot of a fight.

I am disappoint...
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