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Lord Of Walkure

Re: Lord Of Walkure

FruitSmoothie I would'nt bother hunting those cards from floor 17-20 I know the earth fire and wind UC cards are rewards from the normal quest and they give u 4 of them idk about the water maybe that's next in the list and the wyverns around those quest areas drop them too guaranteed not super low drop rate like that place just u have to be lucky enough to find the right boss.

Well I'm trying to max level my two water girls to combine them, so these cards are helpful for that even if I don't get the UCs.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Are the books worth saving? I got a level 20 earth book from login bonus, but I don't have any earth cards. Is the exp boost worth saving for an earth card I find in the future, or should I just use it on my water R card?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

its better to feed the same element but you can feed them even if it doesnt match.

its up to you to save or not. i personally have at all time 20 or so space to play around with so i tend to save books for right element.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

for this event, do i just charge 1,000 to the credit card, or is there some more special i hav to do
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Actually managed to get 5 of the rare earth UC, awesome. I read the first bosses that drop R's are weak to earth and water? If that's true I'll need those.

Just got my first R from a rare spawn event boss :D 風妖精モニカ (Wind Fairy Monica). I didn't know I could get one from these since I'm not that far in the normal dungeons. I really need a good wind card, happy day.

Does anybody keep their original girl? I've heard she can't be evolved and she seems kind of weak.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

The first boss outside of this event that drops rares is weak to w/e type happens to spawn the big dragon not the little wyvern dragons there's fire earth water and wind and I think at the top of the screen the kanji for the bosses element should be the first letter in its name so u know what element to equip. Looking at the boss by its color to know its element doesn't always work least not for me both the wind and earth dragons were green and that threw me off and the fire one was kinda brownish so I thought it was earth element at first
Re: Lord Of Walkure

if I want to farm lvl10 C cards for leveling, should I run the event stages 17-20, or are there better spots in the normal quests?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

if I want to farm lvl10 C cards for leveling, should I run the event stages 17-20, or are there better spots in the normal quests?

It's what I've been using. I haven't heard of much better, at least not until much later.

I'm half a level away from maxing my 2nd R water girl...going to be my first max combine + card. Dang she's strong even at level 1. Do some people have her ++ yet? I thought somebody said there were 4 available in this entire event. I guess with SR's, she isn't all that useful to higher levels anyways.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

lvl 10 C farming is best for exp. the next best thing would be using R and SR from raid bosses
but R give a bit less exp and SR a bit random to farm.

also anyone else notice the lord of walkure mahjong game
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I take back what I said about this game needing a money sink. Once you start super leveling your cards, it drains you so quickly. Now I'm broke :p Not sure where to farm for good items to sell, the event ones and pvp ones aren't worth a lot. I leveled up in pvp too quickly, rank 9 is brutal for a level 35. Spending 10 blue points for less than a 2k item sucks.

The UC girls from this event are really nice for element teams for the special bosses.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

that one UC water card they give u early on was a dude :(
Re: Lord Of Walkure

I take back what I said about this game needing a money sink. Once you start super leveling your cards, it drains you so quickly. Now I'm broke :p Not sure where to farm for good items to sell, the event ones and pvp ones aren't worth a lot. I leveled up in pvp too quickly, rank 9 is brutal for a level 35. Spending 10 blue points for less than a 2k item sucks.

The UC girls from this event are really nice for element teams for the special bosses.

yeah I'm having the same issue, had over 170k+ gold but after leveling just one R card to max I'm down to 6k. Not sure where to grind gold either
Re: Lord Of Walkure

well easiest way is use your red points for junk gear and sell. dont keep going up in rank if its getting hard.
if you want exp and some cash maybe the event 16 since you get more exp then points spent.

another way is to sell extra lvl 1 cards. lvl 1 C and UC are crap for exp anyway

you can always help with higher end bosses too. most will drop the bar items which sell for a bit. reaper like one is best for it.

but in the end i wish gold had more uses. currently 1.7 mil and rising
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

anyone got connection problem atm ? :(
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Works fine for me.

What this means? timg.in/04Ohk
Re: Lord Of Walkure

so many effing event bosses its Saturday in japan already isn't it? I feel like more bosses spawn on the week ends
Re: Lord Of Walkure

still looking for active players who can at least generate 4 element emperor boss

my ign is 黒HS
ty :D
Re: Lord Of Walkure

My friend list isn't full too. Currently, my strongest cards are Spear Tsukasa lazuline UC++ 4M, Candy Mage Fam SR+ 2M, Izumi accuracy Revu~aia R+ 2M, and I plan to have 4M Yoki Berufu, Fam of the Red Flame, Emerald Full blade Hikaru Kia. My strength is always online. I have 2 char, add all and you can have double aid. With boss level 15, I can cause about 50k damage. My IGN: nonoha and BibBi.