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Kyrieru's new game!


Formerly Havokor
Sep 6, 2010
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

He shouldn't even had preorders in the first place if he wasn't prepared to even give an ETA on the release date. Preorders due come with expectations which unfortunately increased hostility to some of his rabid self-entitled fanbase

Ah I misunderstood, thought Kyrieru had some sort of long existing medical issue similar to ILL(DnP developer).
I do agree with one thing...preorders were a bad route...just gives license for people to whine.

I've got no clue if it's a existing condition or what it might be...but he could have been expecting it to get better.

Just don't think that all this negative treatment makes things better. If I were him, zero fucks would be given to get this out in any kind of timely manner when people here are berating him on personal stuff. But that's just me...and I'm kind of an asshole. Well...no kinda.:cool:

Deleted member 194301

Tentacle God
Sep 26, 2014
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

The problem with that is that I'm sure there are a ton of us who preordered who haven't been rude about it and have been waiting patiently, and to do that is just giving a huge middle finger to us all. If that's not enough to deter that, I doubt it'd be good for future sales to punish the majority for the very small (but vocal) minority.


Dec 28, 2010
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

To clear some things up,

First of all, I don't really consider people who are complaining to be whining. They have good reason to be annoyed. While I never gave an ETA on Noaika, a lot of people donated under the impression that the game would be done soon. That's on me. That said, though, it does get very stressful to read, and after a while I began to dread reading comments instead of looking forward to it. Again, that's on me, and really I'm just looking forward to things going back to normal once the game is done

Second, regarding medical issues. I do have long-standing medical issues that have been slowing me down in the past year. However, one of the reasons why they have had such an impact on my work lately is because I kept trying to work through them, which in turn just made them worse. Without going into too much detail, I basically have two issues, one which could probably be managed with long-term lifestyle changes, and one which I'm more or less going to have to live with. Individually, at best they're little more than a inconvenience here and there. At worst, and when both effect me at once, it makes it difficult and sometimes nearly impossible to work.

However, that's not to say that my health is entirely to blame. that's only part of it. Noaika is simply a much larger project than I've ever worked on before, and frankly, I'm still learning how to deal with that kind of development.

For example, just in terms of programming, the larger a game gets, the more difficult it becomes to figure out what's causing a problem, let alone fix it without breaking something else in the process. I've redone collisions numerous times, sometimes over the course of a few days, only to realize later that it still doesn't work in some specific circumstance, or for some enemy, and then it's back to the drawing board. While I let programming mistakes slide in the past (*cough* GEARS *cough*), that sort of thing isn't acceptable anymore. At the very least, after this is all over with I'll at least have a much better idea of what I need to prepare for. (For example, image_xscale can go F*ck itself)

The rest is just psychological bullshit, stress, trying to kick my ass into gear when I should be working, and trying not to beat myself up over things when I shouldn't be.

Also, to the person who said I should post about streams on ULMF, I'll remember that for next time.

For those of you who think I'm going to make a 3d game, I probably won't try one until I've made at least 3-4 more 2d games.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2012
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Hope you kick those medical issues in the ass man. Glad to see you back in here. Sending good mojo your way.
What if his medical issues have medical issues related to their ass(es?)?

Come on, man. Be more considerate.

ombre vengeresse

Demon Girl Master
Dec 24, 2010
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

For those of you who think I'm going to make a 3d game, I probably won't try one until I've made at least 3-4 more 2d games.
Lots of work in prospect, this is good planning for several years ;).


Mar 17, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Second, regarding medical issues. I do have long-standing medical issues that have been slowing me down in the past year. However, one of the reasons why they have had such an impact on my work lately is because I kept trying to work through them, which in turn just made them worse. Without going into too much detail, I basically have two issues, one which could probably be managed with long-term lifestyle changes, and one which I'm more or less going to have to live with. Individually, at best they're little more than a inconvenience here and there. At worst, and when both effect me at once, it makes it difficult and sometimes nearly impossible to work.
I can understand this, having medical issues myself (mine are all skeletal and basically just amount to pain and being hard to stay at the computer for long). Hard to concentrate on game creation when you are dealing with issues like that.

For example, just in terms of programming, the larger a game gets, the more difficult it becomes to figure out what's causing a problem, let alone fix it without breaking something else in the process. I've redone collisions numerous times, sometimes over the course of a few days, only to realize later that it still doesn't work in some specific circumstance, or for some enemy, and then it's back to the drawing board. While I let programming mistakes slide in the past (*cough* GEARS *cough*), that sort of thing isn't acceptable anymore. At the very least, after this is all over with I'll at least have a much better idea of what I need to prepare for. (For example, image_xscale can go F*ck itself)
I can understand this too, having run into similar issues myself with Planet X. By the time you get very far the chains of events are so complex (or just long), that it not only takes time to track down and fix an issue, it will likely break something. And yeah, collisions. :mad:

Anyway, just wanted to say you're not alone, and some of us understand and are okay with waiting.


Demon Girl Pro
Sep 20, 2012
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

To clear some things up,
...For example, image_xscale can go F*ck itself
Haha man image_xscale gave me so much shit with Labcoax. Had to do much tedious workaround that one.

Good luck with Noaika's dev. Learned quite a lot from Kurovadis and Eroico.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Haha man image_xscale gave me so much shit with Labcoax. Had to do much tedious workaround that one.

Good luck with Noaika's dev. Learned quite a lot from Kurovadis and Eroico.
Fuck all the default variables in general tbh, lol. I use custom variables for everything. Animation, image scaling, movement and gravity speeds, etc. All of the defaults take too much control away from the programmer. Viva la custom variables!


Dec 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Fuck all the default variables in general tbh, lol. I use custom variables for everything. Animation, image scaling, movement and gravity speeds, etc. All of the defaults take too much control away from the programmer. Viva la custom variables!
Pretty much. I still use image_speed and image_index, but I'll probably stop using those once I'm done with Noaika. Next step after that would probably be to handle floats/sub pixels manually.

Haha man image_xscale gave me so much shit with Labcoax. Had to do much tedious workaround that one.
Well, it wasn't too tedious. It was basically as simple as replacing any instance of image_xscale with "xscale", and using the draw event. The problem with image_xscale, for me, was that if you flip a mask, collisions are always imperfect, regardless of the mask size.
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Demon Girl Pro
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Fuck all the default variables in general tbh, lol. I use custom variables for everything. Animation, image scaling, movement and gravity speeds, etc. All of the defaults take too much control away from the programmer. Viva la custom variables!
They're pretty nice at the beginning since they handle everything. Now custom vars are where its at!

... The problem with image_xscale, for me, was that if you flip a mask, collisions are always imperfect, regardless of the mask size.
Yeah I only now flip for objects not using collisions. They're always off by a pixel or two no matter what. For animations and fractional image_index, I lazily use floor/Ceil();


Mystic Girl
Feb 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I gave him money and I'm just fine with it. Please don't be mad at him for my sake. Negotiate your own refunds if you wish to complain. Pretty sure I paid for Starbound and Edge of Space and both are turning out to be shitpiles. I knew what I was getting into.

You've got some nice 3d models being built though, Ky. I just wish Unity wasn't as clunky as Java and resource-hogging as Unreal Engine for the end user. I've never played anything on that engine that doesn't feel awkward and buggy as hell.


Mystic Girl
Oct 25, 2011
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

New blog post, an interesting point about development. Personally, I'd like a binary choice that changes some significant things about how the game plays out. But 3 or 4 such choices is means more replaying than I probably want, if each branches things out.

Personally, I really like the way some castlevania (other 2d platformers too, but I remember castlevania best) games let you replay with a different character after your first playthrough. They've got different movesets, fighting and platforming in a way distinct from the first main character. It's fun and lets you get a lot of new mileage out of old bosses and levels. But it sounds like we're looking at something a little different here.

If Noaika gives you a choice of two familiars, and each one unlocks something special later on, that sounds like it'd be cool. But it also sounds like the sort of thing that you can probably just unlock the missed content in the postgame without requiring a full replay, unless this game ends up being really story-heavy.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 4, 2011
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Unfortunately for this type of game, my least favorite thing is repeating sections. I don't like the 'come back when you have X item' places. It's really unfortunate that this is such a standard part of Metroidvanias.

I wouldn't mind the different monster if you reach it after different stages of the game, making you repeat the game to get the different results. However, I'm not as keen on it being gated by time. It shouldn't be a "oh shoot I missed it by 5 seconds, better restart" type thing.


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Unfortunately for this type of game, my least favorite thing is repeating sections. I don't like the 'come back when you have X item' places. It's really unfortunate that this is such a standard part of Metroidvanias.

I wouldn't mind the different monster if you reach it after different stages of the game, making you repeat the game to get the different results. However, I'm not as keen on it being gated by time. It shouldn't be a "oh shoot I missed it by 5 seconds, better restart" type thing.
so you dont like the thing that defines a metroidvanias as a metroidvania?
or do you mean you prefer areas to be gated with abilities?
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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Got to second that, ability gate = win, stopwatch gate = suck.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 4, 2011
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

so you dont like the thing that defines a metroidvanias as a metroidvania?

or do you mean you prefer areas to be gated with abilities?
Yes to both questions. I'm aware that it's pretty silly to dislike the defining feature of the game, but I find backtracking areas with new abilities more tedious than rewarding. I've only fully played through Kurovadis once because of this. The gameplay moments were well constructed, but I don't find the hunting for areas part enjoyable.

And in the case of him changing bosses, I mean there should be boss fights where you can choose sort of how to engage or defeat the boss, resulting in some different scene. I would be okay if this was a per-playthrough thing. However I don't want to have it be where you missed a time window and therefore get only this result.