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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I appreciate all the thanks and kind words guys, but really it's ILL who deserves it all, he's created one HELL of a good game, and despite translating being hard and tiring, I'm still really looking forward to it as a fan.

Plus, I only have the text files so I'm not spoiling any of the pictures on myself just yet ;)

To anyone who still doesn't fully grasp the magnitude of the work monkeyman is doing on this thing, this is a pretty brutal way to localize something.

The traditional approach would be to export the scripts to something like MemoQ and use that for editing/division, then re-insert it into the application. The tools to do that aren't available, so he's doing it BY HAND.

This is a little like discovering your tablesaw isn't going to cut that steel girder, and going "FUCK IT WE'LL DO THIS SHIT THE HARD WAY" and Karate chopping the thing in two.

Actually, funny enough, this is the exact opposite. Normally I do it all by hand, editing every single event and sometimes pictures too in photoshop (only ones that offer guides, never the art :p) but this time around, as ILL said above, he's using tools to extract it, so I actually just have text files with everything laid out all neat and stuff, which is probably why I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get sick of translating this one like I do with my other translations.

Either way, even if I do find it hard, I'm not going to give up on translating it.
I'm stubborn like that.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

That's probably true, about not getting as frustrated when using a proper translation tool. I'm using the same tools (or maybe not.. can't remember what version dnppatcher was based on..) and I've not yet grown frustrated with my own translation project.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Actually, funny enough, this is the exact opposite. Normally I do it all by hand, editing every single event and sometimes pictures too in photoshop (only ones that offer guides, never the art :p) but this time around, as ILL said above, he's using tools to extract it, so I actually just have text files with everything laid out all neat and stuff, which is probably why I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get sick of translating this one like I do with my other translations.

I work for a company that localizes business applications and we use the fuck out of MemoQ. I swear we must be putting somebodies kid through college at Kilgray, and I used something like it back in the day on SNES translation projects. I'm glad to hear habisains tools are at a workable state for the VX engine, even if they aren't ready for release yet. More and more tools being available for this stuff is great, people seriously underestimate how much difference it can make.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Anyone else getting a looping "Content Warning" screen at Ill's blog? It doesn't happen for me at any other Blooger site with a content warning screen, only Ill's.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Anyone else getting a looping "Content Warning" screen at Ill's blog? It doesn't happen for me at any other Blooger site with a content warning screen, only Ill's.

You sure it doesn't happen on any other Blogger site with the Content Warning screen? Because it does happen for me at many other Blogger sites. Probably going to fix itself in a few hours.

E: Now it works for me again.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Yep only Ill's. Both his jp and english ones. Every other Blogger site with a content warning in my favorites is fine. Hopefully your right and it fixes itself in a few hours.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Well both blogs are back. Hopefully we hear news by the end of the month like Ill mentioned before.

Now for me to speculate something, this random dungeon for the next demo, which again may be coming out in a few weeks, I wonder if this is another solo dungeon or if we get to experiment with Lynn in the party. I'd realy like to the see the mechanics of a party capture. Things like, does your party member go through all the same things or, considering the amount of work it takes to do the art, are we just seeing things mostly from main character even if both characters are captured together.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

On the boat when the sahuagins attack they have sprite sex with the nuns so I'd imagine at least that's possible.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Comiket 86 is coming in less than a month, on mid-August.
I remember that ILL said somewhere he will release next demo before release full game, that seem too close.
so I think I will hopefully look forward to Comiket 87, in December.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm beginning to think that this game will never start ...
It's a shame that the demo is very good
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Every time I see this on the front page my spirits go up.

And then it goes back down.

(Also hi to the person who's spirits I just dashed :D)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm beginning to think that this game will never start ...
It's a shame that the demo is very good

He's still been making progress on it. Seems like he's been expanding greatly on what he initially wanted to make. You can follow Ill's twitter for recent updates/progress on the game and preview pics.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm beginning to think that this game will never start ...
It's a shame that the demo is very good

He's still been making progress on it. Seems like he's been expanding greatly on what he initially wanted to make. You can follow Ill's twitter for recent updates/progress on the game and preview pics.

Yeah it's still going, as moogles said, ILL's twitter is the best place to see updates.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm beginning to think that this game will never start ...
It's a shame that the demo is very good

dont be like that he's trying to do best hrpg that you see in world! xD

give him time

think it if you make one game what you want???

to be perfect.........and men this will do history

To ILL ......take you'r time,you will bring us something very special ;)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Well that's fine if you take time to create something good, but reminds me of Hunter X creator and endless Hiatus ...jajaja
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

i just hope the delay worth it

since i liked the game already with the sistem he already had last year
if all this delay that he takes and he plan to just add some more maps and some cgs instead of more gameplay and sprites then it be like all delayed games

that 99% delayed games are completely worthless

well i do not think he will make same mistake as those. cuz his game so far seems very good and if were to make same mistake i am sure will not have future on creating more than 1 game

or maybe he does plan to just make 1 who knows

anyway take all your time. everything will be clear once he finish his game! so il wait with my wallet on hand till then =3
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

i just hope the delay worth it

since i liked the game already with the sistem he already had last year
if all this delay that he takes and he plan to just add some more maps and some cgs instead of more gameplay and sprites then it be like all delayed games

that 99% delayed games are completely worthless

well i do not think he will make same mistake as those. cuz his game so far seems very good and if were to make same mistake i am sure will not have future on creating more than 1 game

or maybe he does plan to just make 1 who knows

anyway take all your time. everything will be clear once he finish his game! so il wait with my wallet on hand till then =3

not at all...
see how parraler fantasy IF... is it finish? or still any incompleted?
i dont want to see this game half making like that game..
take ur time for develop...
i see this game like princess sacrifice too..
its take a time.. but its not bad either...
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

there's a new pic for the people who aren't watching his twitter feed (a couple days old) pic.twitter.com/rML4HYXizO