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[Tsukinomizu Project] 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン / Lilim Union: Dream Demon Zone (RJ103157)

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Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

depended also chapter 5 in the pyramid
ka what you have to type in their graves ^ ^
and give the beach where there is NEN tag where ebe is up there right ne island
the access to do with the skill bomb
are also on the way to the far left on top of the pyramid mountain so ne agency with ner crate with pw ^ ^
But ka pay with passwords

must do so would be great wenns who knows times chapter 5 + the city where z beach is there must be something to have succubus and need funny from seeing type + of viticulture man (I guess XD) beduten to och + de costumes where to get additional events where you se nd gets ^ ^

well not to be waiting on hold on the English enforcement ^ ^
and thanks to the many who do these smears the Aghat with me at whatever play off forever.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

So, what's the proper strategy with Iris' scenes? You only really get them when you fail to collect the materials within time. It's not that hard to get them though, so usually you can prevent the scene.

But that sucks.

One idea I had was to fail intentionally, collect the scene and then hand in the materials, going on to the next stage. But when I try to look at the second scene, I only get the first again. So, you can't leapfrog over the scenes you've already got.

How are people choosing to do this?
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

i decided to do that once i am at last chapter since training scenes change by chapters so in last you will go through all scenes i presume. just sleep each day and that.

also any help yet on chapter 5? sorry sangoku i dont undertand a thing you just said. ( my english is bad as well so )
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

ah another game from the company which likes to get the player stuck all the time, because of story/twists/triggers that noone cares about.
does anyone want to make a walkthrough? i dont have the time to trial and error this game for days.

but i admit this game seems far superior to the last ones. (sorry im probably alone when i say, i'm absolutely not a fan of this company ;) )

also: thanks for sharing.
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Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

For chapter 5, you need to get 3 crystals:
The first one is located in the forest with the fairies
The second one is in the sewers
For the third one, you need to trade with the merchant to the NW in the town. She'll ask for the Ruler's panties. Timeskip till 日向の日 and you should be able to enter the Ruler's room. Check her laundry and return to the merchant.

After you've got all three, go to the bottom floor of the Pyramid and find the (not so) secret entrance to the room with the skeleton. Place 兜の宝珠 to his right, 盾の宝珠 to his left and 剣の宝珠 at his feet
Head up and the glowing doors that were there previously should be gone. Tlak to the blue spirit and you've cleared the chapter
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

The first one is located in the forest with the fairies

Regarding this forest, how to clear the trees that are in the way? Can't get past them.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Regarding this forest, how to clear the trees that are in the way? Can't get past them.

If you mean the little leafy things, you need the Fairy Outfit. If you go west and then north, before going into the fairies' forest, you'll find a house. In the house you can get the Fairy Outfit.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Regarding this forest, how to clear the trees that are in the way? Can't get past them.
If you're talking about the one leading to the Jewel, you need to get the Fae outfit damaged before talking to the plant

To communicate with the plants, you need to get the Fae outfit
Meet Succubus in Slime Forest -> Item Store -> Armor Store -> Meet Succubus again in Slime Forest -> Continue till you reach a crossroad -> Head up to the mansion -> Timeskip till you see the father outside -> Check the cupboard in the East room
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Yup, got it.

Thanks everyone.


Not really stuck, I can get to a whole new place with the purple warp thingy but the monsters there are too powerful so fuck it too tired from this game.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

passed that new area in chapter 6 i picked last Fire in there but there is nothing else- aside when yuo reach dragon boss the green clothed succubus that i presume is the right hand of the lord one appear and kill the dragon herself then nothing to do there. i ve checked most dungeons as well nothing much to find for me so quite stuck again. also i went to the castle in the mountain with the 2 captives and the left one is now blocked by fire.

Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Did anyone else find it completely stupid that fighting those slimes in the first forest was completely RNG based? If they get two of the dissolves off its a loss every time. I basically had to keep loading a game until they decided to just attack for the entire fight.

Does anyone have a full save for this? I have no intention of trying to play further.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Did anyone else find it completely stupid that fighting those slimes in the first forest was completely RNG based? If they get two of the dissolves off its a loss every time. I basically had to keep loading a game until they decided to just attack for the entire fight.

Does anyone have a full save for this? I have no intention of trying to play further.

Yep, you need fire spell to 2 shot them. While game art looks great and it got interesting ideas... Its really frustrating and hard to play without walkthrough. Every mission got limited time so far, a lot of events can be done only on certain weekdays so you cant really explore, every event moves time forward so you need to save and reload often not to get game over. Also enemies are vulnerable to certain attacks so once again you need to know in advance where to spend your money on.

I already restarted game few times and im fed up, think ill just wait for full walkthrough from someone.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

I discovered a difference when you involve Iris in your game. If you leave her untouched, when you complete the second mission (getting the blue and red crystals), you get to open two chests in the girls' mansion. I can't remember what they were, but I think it was 300 in money and something else.

And if you bring Iris along with you, those chests don't appear for you. So, you can get bonus stuff if you complete the missions, or you can get her CGs, and miss out on that.

Just making a note of that.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

mega is "Temporarily unavailable"

can anyone upload to mediafire or something?

Edit: nvm, it's back
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Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

There's a lot going on in the combat system, it's pretty deep but without understanding the language you have to do a lot of trial and error.

I've got a pretty strong magic attack that seems to be element-neutral, purple skill book at level 2, I think it might be the one that is empowered by number of H-scenes or something.

One of my other books is a passive that adds a ~200 damage attack to the 10SP grapple escape move, which means that she can not only keep dealing damage when forced to escape from grabs, but she tends to do MORE damage when escaping than when using regular abilities.

Most importantly, if you lose-to-night and get attacked by the tentacle being of darkness, you'll lose that night, and another night to give birth to it's critter, but you'll get an item out of it that you can either consume for some bonus, I think it's +5 Max HP and +5 Max SP but I don't know for sure, or you can sell that item for 1000 LG to the catgirl.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

In the final mission (rescue your senpai), you have to somehow open a gate by using a series of levers. I can't find any hint anywhere as to how the levers are supposed to be adjusted, and there are far too many levers to brute force.

Edit: So even Etigoya doesn't know how to get past this? There's gotta be something we missed. As I said there are simply too many levers to brute force, and each lever can be in three positions.
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Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

In the final mission (rescue your senpai), you have to somehow open a gate by using a series of levers. I can't find any hint anywhere as to how the levers are supposed to be adjusted, and there are far too many levers to brute force.

Edit: So even Etigoya doesn't know how to get past this? There's gotta be something we missed. As I said there are simply too many levers to brute force, and each lever can be in three positions.

use the door a few times
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

the red hair girl always die and it give me game over @@
im giving up
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

There's supposed to be a scene where you wear the swimsuit and go into the clothes shop and go into the dressing room but I can't seem to get it. Is there something else I have to do for it to work?
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

There's supposed to be a scene where you wear the swimsuit and go into the clothes shop and go into the dressing room but I can't seem to get it. Is there something else I have to do for it to work?

go to the clothes shop with your clothes damaged from combat and talk to the girl in the dressing room
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