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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hey, I don't mind extravagantly large. I mean, I'm extravagantly large too you know, hmhm," Giselle said with a giggle, winking seductively at Kylie. "And we can leave early if you like. We have more than enough money to buy a beach house in Hespera permanently if we want," Giselle went on to say, flashing Kylie a smile.

Hope wrapped her little tentacles around Kylie's shoulders to hold herself in place when Kylie set her down there, and another one coiled up over Kylie's head for Willow to keep her from falling too. "Play... let's play!" Hope called out from Kylie's shoulder when Kylie asked what they should do.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

We could, but something tells me something else is gonna happen when we get there, we'll see. but I'm sure we can pack up more then enough gold to see us through whatever without much trouble. Kylie answered, helping Hope and Willow get seated a little more properly on her before she heard Hope ask to play.

Holding out her arms, Kylie blew a loud raspberry that she just held, a ridiculous humming sound coming from her lips, before she started running around, flapping her arms like a duck, whooshing around the grove without a care in the world, only taking care not to spill her passengers as she rushed around to the cackling of the small children... no reason not to get a light jog in... Eventually scooping up other children as she ran passed to set them down somewhere else randomly after a short tickle before finally, after a good long moment, she stopped back in front of Giselle.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"M'kay, but I'm still going to pack up a hundred thousand gold or so, just to have plenty to spend while we're down there and maybe buy us a summer home or something, hmhm," Giselle said while Kylie got Hope and Willow seated better.

Giselle just watched as Kylie jogged around and played with the children, with them all cackling when tickled and playing follow the leader as they ran after Kylie while she jogged. When she came back to a stop in front of Giselle, Kylie saw Maria had sat down too with her.

"Kylie, I'm getting really excited about this. I can't wait to get down to that beach," Giselle said with a smile.

"Play more mama! We want to play!" Hope cried to Kylie with a smile as she hugged Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Oooo Ok then. Kylie said, setting Hope down along with Willow. Looking around at all the children, Kylie grinned, before reaching down and booping Hope on the nose. Tag! you're it! she cried, waiting for the game to sink in even as she laughed and started to run away, the children all scattering as Hope, quick as she was, caught on and gave chase. The most insane game of tag with a bazillion tiny some tentacle wielding participants had begun!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie set Hope back down with Willow, the little alraune was bouncing giddily that Kylie had agreed to stay and play some more with them. "Eek!" Hope yelped as Kylie tapped her nose, with Hope falling down on her little butt.

It took her a minute or so to catch on, but as soon as she had, Hope jumped up as the other children scattered like cockroaches in every direction. She went after Kylie first, using her little tentacles to try and grab hold of trees and bushes and whatnot to pull herself as close as she could. No matter how hard she tried though, Hope just couldn't catch Kylie at all though and decided then to go after Maple. As they scampered along, Hope tripped and fell flat on her face in the dirt, and as Kylie saw her get up she'd notice that Hope was sniffling a bit and her face had dirt all over it.

Before Kylie came over though to check on her, Maple turned around and did so. "Hope... are you okay?" Maple asked, reaching down and helping Hope up.

"Hehe, got you Maple!" Hope squealed suddenly, tapping Maple on the head before turning and sprinting off as fast as her little legs would take her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie ducked and dodged for all she was worth, the game was not for her to catch the children, but for the children to all go nuts, and as soon as she was in the clear, she swung up into a tree to watch the ensuing anarchy.

Raising up a little as Hope took a spill, she waited, wondering how Hope would handle her own little injury, but it turned out to be a feint, and soon Hope had tagged Maple and was off, Kylie grinning from her little hiding spot, letting the chaos move passed her a ways before slipping back over to Giselle and Maria and sitting down.

Behold. The Chaos that is Free for All Tag.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie made her way back over to Giselle and Maria, the two smiled at her, with Giselle giggling softly at what Hope had pulled on Maple. "Indeed, it is utter chaos when there's this many children to have to handle," Maria said with a smile as they watched.

The little alraune ran around and played tag until their little legs couldn't keep them up any longer. When they were all finally through chasing one another, Kylie's six little alraune made their way over to her and collapsed down around her in a little pile, their little chests heaving from being out of breath.

"Well I think they're all tuckered out now," Giselle said, scooping up Willow and Pino to set in her lap, where they curled up and closed their eyes to sleep.

"Yeah, come here you two little strong things. You can lay in my lap," Maria said, scooping up Lauren and Maple and letting them lay in her lap.

Hope and Orchid crawled up into Kylie's lap and laid down to snooze some after they saw the others in Maria's and Giselle's laps. Within a minute they were all sound asleep as Ayane sat down with the trio and the children. She looked very happy that Hope and the rest were so taken with Kylie, Giselle, and Maria. "I'm so glad they have you girls. It really takes a load off my mind to know that they have someone they can call mother, or several someones rather, hmhm," Ayane said with a giggle, one of her smaller tentacles rising up and gently caressing Hope's little face.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

We're all just one big crazy family. Orphans cling to whoever they can. I'm more then happy to do the same. Kylie answered Ayane, smiling down at the snoozing children.

It wont be too long now, and they can move with us in a more enduring way, rather then odd pseudo parents who only come to visit. A home with the biggest, most insane family ever. Kylie whispered, just letting the children sleep. Hespera was tomorrow. Today hardly mattered compared to another trip, she wanted the children to get their licks in, and they had, playing to exhaustion only to sleep in the laps of their adoptive family.

She grinned at Giselle and Maria, before sighing ever so softly, and closing her eyes, just sitting their stone still, a little smile playing on her lips. She was one with her inner couch.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ayane smiled as she looked over at Kylie and the others while they rested and watched the little ones sleep. Hope, Kylie could see, was laying there with one of her little tentacles in her mouth sucking on it while she slept. Orchid had grabbed one of Hope's other ones while she slept and was doing the same thing, the two laying next to each other in Kylie's lap.

Giselle and Maria both scooted around with the other little ones still in their laps, where they were back to back with Kylie at an angle, where they all leaned back against each other. Everything was very peaceful and serene in the alraune village at the moment. Most if not all of the other children around had quietened down now as well and were napping in the laps of the various other alraune, mostly pink and blue, but quite a few greens as well. There were a few of the older reds that were there as well though.

Giselle and Maria were content to just stay there with Kylie for as long as she wished to stay. "Hey Kylie... it is okay if I come to Hespera with you isn't it?" Maria asked quietly as they relaxed.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yea it's fine. Kylie said, opening an eye and grinning. Seemed Maria had gotten the message, at least one of many Kylie had meant to send that night. Her presence and involvement was fine.... if she remembered. Territorial? Certainly, but also natural, and admittedly fair in the grand scheme of things. First and Foremost Giselle was hers, and she was Giselle's. That was the truth of all things. and the only one that mattered.

Kylie would stay with the little ones until they woke up, before daring to say goodbye again. It would be unfair to sneak away while they slept.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright, thanks. I need a vacation too," Maria said, sounding relieved that Kylie didn't seem to mind her joining them in Hespera.

While they relaxed, Kylie would notice that Giselle dozed off herself and was snoring softly as they laid back against each other. "Just rest for as long as you three like, and let us know if there's anything that you might need okay," Ayane whispered to Kylie before getting up and heading off across the village.

After an hour and a half or so, Hope stirred in Kylie's lap, along with the rest of them. "Mama," Hope mumbled sleepily as she looked up at Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hello sweet thing. Kylie said softly as Hope came around, stroking her face before picking her up and plopping her on her head so she could wake up and look around.

Watching the other children, Orchid came around as well shortly after Hope was moved, Kylie giggling and rubbing her head before reaching back to tap Giselle on the head. They're all waking up, time to get moving. she said softly, helping to rouse the children as a group, keep them all on a similar schedule and giving them all hugs and kisses before standing.

Stretching out herself and yawning, Kylie smiled down at her little gaggle of miscreants. Be good for Ayane, we'll be back before too long ok. Bye bye. she said, leaning down to kiss them all again before beginning to head back with the others.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hope yawned and looked around as she was placed on top of Kylie's head, where she rubbed her eyes and looked around. Orchid meanwhile stretched and yawned before climbing up Kylie's shirt, where unless Kylie stopped her, Orchid's little head would pop up between Kylie's breasts after a few seconds. "Mama, hehe," Orchid said with a giggle as she popped her head up.

The children returned Kylie's hugs and kisses, clinging to her en masse and refusing to let go, looking like they wanted to play some more. They would let Kylie go however when she told them to and that she was leaving, though they did look a little sad that she wasn't staying. "Come back soon mama!" Hope called to Kylie from Ayane's shoulder after she pulled herself up with her little tentacles.

"You want to head back over to the apothecary and see if Alan's back yet?" Giselle asked curiously when they finally left, wrapping an arm around Kylie and Maria both.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

We will! Kylie called as they left, shivering slightly as Giselle snaked an arm around her, her little buzzing rings making the touch a little more then friendly, Kylie looking a hair pent up again. She'd been wet all day... it was an interesting feeling.

Yes, we need to see him.... and other things.... Locked door after Alans... or a backalley, or a bush... don't care. Kylie said, closing her eyes and breathing deep for a moment as she blushed slightly, leaning into Giselle and sighing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle seemed to notice Kylie's cheeks flushing red as they walked, because Kylie suddenly felt a hand groping her ass. "You alright sweetie?" Giselle asked Kylie softly, smirking. "I know, let's go over to one of the nearby groves and work off some of that stress you've been building up for the last three or four hours or so, I have an idea," Giselle said with a naughty grin.

Grabbing Kylie's and Maria's hands, Giselle scampered off the main path and soon enough Kylie heard running water. Looking around, Kylie saw a little grove against the stream that ran towards the alraune village. It was quite beautiful all things considered, and peaceful looking. "Alrighty, here we are. This is a nice little place to relax when you want to get away from it all in town," Giselle said, walking over to a large tree that had a bed of moss growing all over the base and the ground around it.

Giselle took a seat and leaned back against the tree, gesturing Kylie down to sit in her lap. "Alright honey, come here. I'm going to give you some relief... or rather I'm going to help give you some," Giselle said, smirking as she got Kylie down in her lap.

She turned Kylie around to face away from her before helping to get Kylie's clothing off, stripping down herself as well in the process. "And now Maria, you come over here with us, and I want you and Kylie to get closer, so you're going to lick Kylie's pussy until she cums so hard her eyes cross," Giselle said, locking her legs and arms around Kylie to keep Kylie's legs spread wide and her arms held back, though not in a painful way.

Maria smiled and undid the tie on her robes before slipping them off and setting them aside. Kylie watched as Maria got down on her hands and knees by the water's edge a good dozen feet from them, where she then crawled very seductively towards them, shaking her perfect ass from side to side as she went. A few moments later, Maria reached them and before she did anything else Maria leaned in and kissed Kylie on the lips very deeply, her tongue entwining with Kylie's. Kylie felt Maria's fingers brushing across her tight wet folds while they kissed, with the young priestess dragging her fingernails across Kylie's clit a few times, making her moan softly.

Maria trailed kisses down Kylie's nude form every inch, starting from her lips and not stopping until she reached Kylie's slit, making a couple of detours along the way to go for Kylie's breasts. Giselle released Kylie's arms and moved to tease her breasts, lightly pinching and twisting Kylie's nipples and tickling the undersides of her breasts with her fingers as she kissed Kylie's neck all up and down it, leaving hickeys all over.

Kylie was getting eaten out expertly by Maria, whose tongue was delving as deep inside of Kylie's tight wet tunnel as it could go. Every now and then, Maria would pull back a little to nibble and suck hard on Kylie's clit some before going back in and licking more. "You like that Kylie? I know you do, because I can feel you squirming around because of it," Giselle asked, twisting Kylie's nipples pleasurably enough to make her moan if she answered anything but yes she did like it.

Soon, Giselle moved out from behind Kylie and let her lean back against the tree, with Maria moving closer as Kylie leaned back further. A minute or so after Giselle got up, Kylie felt her body spasming in climax from Maria's tongue. "Okay you two, I want to watch you scissoring while I sit back and relax. It's time you two got to loving each other again and I won't give either of you any if you don't make up and go back to the way things were before," Giselle said mischievously with a naughty grin, pointing at Maria's robe which she'd laid down for them to sit on right behind Maria's butt.

Panting softly from the exertion of licking Kylie so thoroughly, Maria moved back and sat on her robe, pulling Kylie with her, who was still in her pleasure high from orgasm. Giselle retook her seat and watched as Maria and Kylie positioned their legs around before Maria pulled Kylie against her so their pussies were grinding against one another.

Lost in the lust of the moment, Kylie's urges guided her to start rocking her hips as Maria joined in and together they worked in perfect harmony to pleasure each other. "That's it girls. I want to see my lovers loving each other," Giselle said, her voice full of desire as she watched Kylie and Maria going at it.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kylie could see Giselle pumping her shaft up and down as she panted softly. Kylie could tell that Giselle was really enjoying watching her and Maria going at it like they were, and she could also tell that Maria was greatly enjoying it too and was lost in the pleasure, her eyes glazed over with lust.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Following Giselle, Kylie only nodded mutely, occasionally twitching as she let down her defenses a bit and let the rings vibration hit home, gasping every few steps as her pussy clenched now and again, biting her lip until they came out into a separate little glade by the stream.

Sitting down with Giselle by the tree, Kylie certainly didn't protest to being undressed, her nipples hard and her slit dripping due to the constant teasing she'd endured. She hadn't cum randomly during the last few hours, she thought that was a good thing, but now, with the wind and Giselle's hands playing across her exposed flesh, she moaned, even as she felt Giselle restrain her, holding her legs wide as she told Maria what she would do, Kylie shivering in anticipation.

Leaning back, Kylie blushed a little deeper at being exposed like this, even as she squirmed slightly while she watched Maria take her sweet time getting over to her, her eyes following the priestesses body with each crawling step she took closer.

Her heart pounding in her chest because of her need and the free show, Kylie's lips parted eagerly as Maria reached her, returning the kiss feverishly while Maria's touches pulled soft little twitches from her flesh and her voice whimpered into Maria's lips, her tongue following the priestesses motion for motion while her hips started to roll ever so slightly below them, the little ring forcing her hips into motion to try and find some release.

When she felt Maria's fingers, she tried to follow them with her folds, wanting that touch even as Maria worked her way down her body, leaving hickeys and small bites all over her as Kylie ached more and more for something substantial in her pleasure.

It took a lifetime for Kylie, waiting, to feel Maria's hot breath wash across her petals, before her slick tongue split her folds, and Kylie cried out, squirming, not even noticing Giselle slipping away, just leaning back as Maria did as she was told and worked Kylie steadily towards her climax.

It didn't take long, Kylie's over teased body sensitive, and a few minutes later, her back arched as a silent scream framed her lips as she came.

She was still in her own little ecstasy hazed world as Giselle gave more orders she didn't hear, and Maria moved to follow them, Kylie's legs limp and her body easily positioned. She came back down leaning on her arms, body turned sideways, just in time to feel the heat of Maria's folds against her own quivering pussy, Maria able to feel a very soft vibration in Kylie's petals that slid seductively into Maria's own as their hips started moving. Kylie just focused on keeping time with Maria, moving In unison with her while Giselle did whatever she was doing, probably beating off while Kylie closed her eyes and just let the feeling of Maria against her carry her off.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria was moaning like crazy as Kylie and her ground their pussies against one another, the vibrations of the ring channeling over to Maria, making her moan and squeal even more. Maria seemed not to have noticed Giselle's words any more than Kylie had, the two too lost in the lust of the moment to care what she said. Kylie could see Maria starting to arch her back, and could tell that she was nearing climax. Kylie was starting to near her second one herself, but it was obvious that Maria was much closer than Kylie was.

"O-Oh goddess yes... it f-feels so good. Kylie... I... I can't hold it... m-much longer. But I... I want to cum with you," Maria panted, gently pulling Kylie up towards her where their lips met in a deep passionate kiss that was full of love and lust, and fueled the flames of desire even more in both of them.

Maria's hips kept rocking back and forth against Kylie's in an effort to bring them both to climax. Soon enough, Kylie felt Maria's body tensing, signaling her release was imminent and not likely going to stop unless they stopped shaking their hips, which wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Maria licked her middle finger on he right hand before reaching around Kylie, who suddenly felt it slide into her tight ass. This set Kylie off a second time, throwing her over the edge in a sudden burst of ecstasy as she squealed, and Maria squealed at the same time as Kylie did, both of them hugging against the other.

While they came, Kylie and Maria both glanced at the movement towards where Giselle had been. They could see through the haze of their climaxes, Giselle standing there and stroking herself hard and fast, where she began to spurt her seed all over their breasts, which were pressed against each other. Maria watched Giselle cumming all over them in a daze, looking back to Kylie and kissing her on the lips while Giselle glazed their tits white with her cum.

After Giselle finished cumming finally, Maria broke their kiss and rolled her tongue across Kylie's breasts, licking up Giselle's seed some before kissing Kylie, sharing the taste of their lover before repeating the process until Kylie's breasts were completely clean. Once Maria's breasts were cleaned by Kylie, or not if she decided not to, Giselle maneuvered them both around to face away from her on their hands and knees.

"Now I'm going to plow both of you and make sure you're both full and satisfied my naughty horny lovers," Giselle said, deciding to take Maria first and thrusting inside of her.

Maria cried out and reached her left hand over to grasp Kylie's right hand, her body rocking in perfect harmony with Giselle's thrusts. Kylie could see the lost look in Maria's eyes, showing her just how much she enjoyed it no matter how Maria tried to deny it. Giselle didn't leave Kylie without any though and with her left hand she fingered Kylie's folds, keeping her on edge as she pounded Maria's tender folds.

"Yes... yes... m-more... YES!" Maria panted aloud, already cumming a second time and clamping down around Giselle's cock after only a couple of short minutes.

Giselle didn't hold back and let Maria's gripping folds milk her to climax, where she deposited a very large load of seed into Maria's womb, spurting so much that Maria's belly swelled a little. When Giselle pulled out of Maria after she finished cumming, Maria's head thumped down onto the ground, a completely fucked silly look on her face as she lay there panting, her ass still high in the air as Giselle's seed leaked slowly from her tight slit.

Giselle moved over behind Kylie, her cock dripping with Maria's juices and her own seed, where she plunged into Kylie to the hilt. "Oh f-fuck yes. You both feel so good. It's impossible for me to pick which one of your pussies feels the best," Giselle said as she entered Kylie.

Giselle wasted no time and began thrusting into Kylie hard and fast, going in to the hilt with each thrust. "Oh s-shit I'm gonna cum again already. Y-You're both just so good," Giselle panted after two more minutes, the lewd sounds of their wet sweaty skin slapping against one other.

The pleasure was so intense for Kylie that when her third climax started her vision went white for several seconds as she reached the perfect pleasure high. It made her feel so good she felt almost as if she were flying, with the only thing keeping her on the ground being Giselle's hands on her hips, and the love radiating out from her. Giselle took a few moments longer before she came along with Kylie, but she didn't stop thrusting the entire time, even while her seed spurted out of her and into Kylie's womb. Kylie's belly swelled even more than Maria's had and she looked nearly six or seven months pregnant from how much Giselle came.

Giselle didn't pull out of Kylie though and leaned down on top of her, pressing her down to the ground as she reached over and grasped Maria's butt and pushed her down to lay as well. "Oh wow Kylie, that was magnificent," Giselle said as Kylie's belly and hips came to rest on the ground, where Giselle rolled over onto her back and pulled out of Kylie before she did, her seed leaking from Kylie's now well used folds.

Giselle pulled Kylie and Maria over to lay against her, laying their heads on her shoulders as she laid there to let them rest. "Do you two feel better now girls?" Giselle asked Kylie and Maria, both of whom were still on their pleasure highs, though Maria was starting to come down from hers some what as the priestess reached over to gently grip Kylie's hand in her own.

"I don't even remember what happened the other night. Who cares about it anyway. Sex is so much better," Maria mumbled.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was just along for the ride, her brain had gone into autopilot the second her needs were being indulged, and that included the squirming, moaning woman sawing against her between her legs, listening to her moan and pant with pleasure while Kylie kept perfect time, trained abs keeping her rhythm steady and without flaw as they both got closer.

But Kylie was still recovering, and while she could still feel another climax coming for her, Maria's was closer and listening to her whimper, and watching her twitch and squirm was making Kylie hotter by the second. When Maria said she wanted to cum with her though, Kylie only nodded, making a point of watching the priestess try and hold back her peak while they kissed again, waiting for the moment until they both burst.

It took longer to come around, but she noticed Giselle above them, spraying her cum across their tits while they came down, both shaking slightly and panting with open lust. Though when Maria started to lick her clean, Kylie moaned aloud and pushed her chest into Maria's hot tongue, letting her take what she wanted before returning another kiss, before returning the favor, tasting Giselle and Maria at the same time sending another thrill through her until they were both a bit cleaner, at which point Kylie whimpered with open need as Giselle got them both on their hands and knees.

She groaned in mild disappointment however, when she felt Giselle's fingers instead of the cock her clenching folds wanted, Kylie left waiting while she listened to Maria cry out in bliss as Giselle fucked her first, only making Kylie want it even more. When it was her turn, Maria left laying face down, ass up on the ground, Kylie clenched down as tightly as she could, wanting to scream in pleasure, and she did as her fiancé buried herself inside her, Kylie's inner walls spasming powerfully in an immediate orgasm while Giselle knocked away, getting to fuck both her lovers without question out here in the forest, the smell of their sex carrying into the woods, and the mess they were making seeping into the soil.

When it was over, Kylie panted tiredly on the ground, her hand gripping Maria's who said the other night was forgotten, Kylie nodding her agreement along with another moan as she laid there, the little rings still leaving her hips twitching and bucking ever so slightly every few moments as she came down at only a tenth of the pace as Maria... She was getting her wish, hot, ready, and slick for Giselle all day... without rest... without a reason to care... and it was wonderful...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"And you're both mine all day. Because, I have a present for you Maria. Come here a sec," Giselle said, winking at Kylie before reaching over to her clothes and producing another one of the little rings similar to Kylie's. Giselle reached down and attached it to Maria's clit, as the priestess was still too weak from her orgasms to try and stop her. "And now you'll be just like Kylie, constantly wet and ready for me whenever I want you, hmhm," Giselle added to her with a naughty giggle as Maria simply lay there and gasped softly as Giselle activated the ring.

Kylie felt Maria's hand grip her own as a mixed look of pleasure and submissiveness wash over the priestess's face. "Now I can keep you both hot and bothered all day long," Giselle said with a smirk.

The three of them lay there for a few minutes before Giselle raised up, pulling the two of them with her. "Now let's get cleaned up before we go see Alan," Giselle told them, pulling both of them up to stand before walking over to the stream.

The water was cool, and as soon as the three of them were out in it, Kylie was splashed in the face by Giselle, snapping her out of her daze for the most part. She repeated this to Maria who shook her head a little before wiping her eyes. "You both awake again now, hmm?" Giselle asked them both, smiling at them.

"Y-Yeah, but Giselle... I don't know if I can handle this ring c-constantly buzzing like this. I... I already want it again," Maria whined at Giselle, who shook her head.

"Nope, not yet. We got other things to do, so you'll have to hold out until later honey," Giselle told Maria, kissing her on the nose and flashing a naughty wink at Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled wickedly as Maria got to join her with a ring of her own, the priestesses gasp music to her ears. Giselle had a nasty habit of ambushing them when they were too out of it from a recent orgasm to protest... it was really turning her on.

As they set about washing up, Kylie eeped as she was splashed, sputtering water and nodding. Yeah I'm awake. she said, giggling while she tried to and completely failed to ignore her own rings, of which she had 3 to Maria's 1.

Though when Maria said what she did, Kylie could only nod. You and me both, I've had them on since last night. I think Giselle is trying to train us like pets... she said, Kylie's tone telling her she really wouldn't mind that overly much, the open lust crawling into her voice while Giselle just winked at her.

But then they were off again towards Alan's, and the constant movement made the vibrations just barely ignorable enough for Kylie to function. She was wetter then the stream had been, but she could move.... Granted, if she saw a dick, she'd take it in a heartbeat...

Or a tentacle...

or something with a tentacle or dick inside it....

Or Bob...

But Alan's! errands! Morning after potions! She'd been filled with a gallon of cum, she needed her birth control or she was going to be in for a much longer pregnancy... If she could keep her head out of her pants long enough to remember it... in this case her skirt.... She'd just given up on panties... Underwear seemed like a serious waste in this place.