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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

Don't apologize to me, apologize to who made the rules :rolleyes:
Re: virgin island

So there is fully translated version in existence, in the bowels of the interwebs ?

no, half translated

well, a little bit translated.

not really enough to finish playing the game with.

i downloaded it before, played through the opening, was all like "and no i will finally know what this game is about!"

stepped off the boat, talked to the first dude i met.


not sure how much is done, its like 20/30% i think?
Re: virgin island

not sure how much is done, its like 20/30% i think?

I'm still working on the translated version, I'm using the older version as a base (with the author's permission of course) but no it's not 20%, this is a big assed game... like incomprehensibly so. There's almost no events, it's all per character which is a HUGE pain in the ass to work with, not to mention loads of scripts that need to be translated and tested as well as pictures that need to be done.

Speaking of, anyone that can actually read japanese (as opposed to me who is just really good at cleaning up Machine Translations) care to help me translate the help pictures etc? Normally I'd leave them but some of them seem to be important for missions.
Re: virgin island

I don't think it's that important. Because people has even written a proper walkthrough of it. The only complain right now is how all the characters throw moon runes at us, lol.
Re: virgin island

I don't think it's that important. Because people has even written a proper walkthrough of it. The only complain right now is how all the characters throw moon runes at us, lol.

It's more me being pedantic about it really, if no one can do it, it's fine. They aren't too hard to figure out anyway
Re: virgin island

I can read hiragana, katakana, and Kanji if they are basic nouns and vocabulary, such as dad & mom, brothers, sisters, me, you, he/she, dog, cat, pig, fire, water, ice, rain, tree, river; and many more. What kind of image files do you want to translate to begin with?
Re: virgin island

I can read hiragana, katakana, and Kanji if they are basic nouns and vocabulary, such as dad & mom, brothers, sisters, me, you, he/she, dog, cat, pig, fire, water, ice, rain, tree, river; and many more. What kind of image files do you want to translate to begin with?

Well at the moment I'm able to translate most of them, they're typical "Ah..huh" stuff, the big issue is, those cut in scenes where she says those in battle rape are all actually images so they look funny when the whole battle system is translated and they're not.
Re: virgin island

Well at the moment I'm able to translate most of them, they're typical "Ah..huh" stuff, the big issue is, those cut in scenes where she says those in battle rape are all actually images so they look funny when the whole battle system is translated and they're not.

How do you translate VX games anyway? Don't you like need some special tools in addition to the unencrypted version of the game?
Re: virgin island

How do you translate VX games anyway? Don't you like need some special tools in addition to the unencrypted version of the game?

If I remember right, Monkeyman just uses RPGMaker (the actual editor) to translate the games. I do have special tools, as you put it, but they're a bit buggy at the moment...
Re: virgin island

If I remember right, Monkeyman just uses RPGMaker (the actual editor) to translate the games. I do have special tools, as you put it, but they're a bit buggy at the moment...

Thanks for the reply, bro.

So just the normal editor works? Can the english translated editor operate on japanese games then?

...And you do need the RGSS archive for it to work, don't you? You can't just decrypt them and need the original author's files, no?
Re: virgin island

Probably - there may be a few caveats (script editing is the only non-unicode bit I think). You need to recreate the project file, and decrypt the RGSS2a file, but I think that's it.

If you're thinking of doing any translations yourself, I'd strongly advise to wait until I finish RPGMaker Trans's VX support though. It does solve all the problems that Monkeyman has mentioned (i.e. problems with events)
Re: virgin island

Probably - there may be a few caveats (script editing is the only non-unicode bit I think). You need to recreate the project file, and decrypt the RGSS2a file, but I think that's it.

If you're thinking of doing any translations yourself, I'd strongly advise to wait until I finish RPGMaker Trans's VX support though. It does solve all the problems that Monkeyman has mentioned (i.e. problems with events)

it's not the authors project file, any one will do. I usually create a new project and delete all the files bar the project one.

It's not so much that there's a problem with the event's its that some authors use events to control everything, some use invisible boxes in certain maps etc. Though I suppose I see what you mean, your tools that pull any text would fix that (which by the way I'm looking forward to :D) The only REAL advantage I find using the editor gives is that I can view the pictures in certain scenes so that if I can't exactly understand the translation then I can at least get an idea of the scene and try and extrapolate from there.
Re: virgin island

Thanks for the reply, bro.

So just the normal editor works? Can the english translated editor operate on japanese games then?

...And you do need the RGSS archive for it to work, don't you? You can't just decrypt them and need the original author's files, no?

For RPG Maker 2K, 2K3, or XP games there is a tool to extract all dialogues allowing you to translate them than it will recompile them back into the game maps called Dreamaker.


It works quite well I did just for test to see how it worked did a machine language translation of dialogue for the game Hi No Tetsu no Buresu RJ052839 just to see if it decompiled and recompiled properly and it did.
Re: virgin island

Urgh, if they are long sentences, I can't help.
Also, won't it be a pain in the butt to edit, if the text overlaps with the drawing?
Re: virgin island

Urgh, if they are long sentences, I can't help.
Also, won't it be a pain in the butt to edit, if the text overlaps with the drawing?

Not really, gonna find out what it says, get the nearest approximation of the font and then just photoshop in the text.
Re: virgin island

I have about the same proficiency in Japanese as tubehunter and I've learned various tricks from doing other things that may help me do the long sentences. Although, I have a feeling I'll be more rusty at it all than him. At least for the starting point.
Re: virgin island

Well for people interested in tools, I'm currently (hoping more-or-less) that I'll be releasing a proper version of RPGMaker Trans VX some time in April. There's still some ways to go before it's ready for public consumption. As 2k games were mentioned, I'll point out that RPGMaker Trans does already support 2k games - albeit that's somewhat off topic.

Also I may as well announce that I am actually (slowly) working on a translation of this game as well. I mean no disrespect to Monkeyman on this, but... well, more choice is better, right? Also, as one of the few people on this forum who is highly anti-piracy, I really can't condone Monkeymans distribution methods... and I seem to remember the older translation - which Monkeyman has used as a starting point - being somewhat bland as well (though I may be confusing it with something else...)