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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine start to talk about her extra tool, the plant girl smile and get close her looking to the elf neither. The first time than i saw it, it take me a moment to recover myself, of course than after some years here one can see many kinds of bodies, it suit you really well. one of her tendrils move and even caress it before she continue. So this is your first time with this. hmm... Can i ask who take the virginity of this one? said pointing to the elf pussy.


Once Celine ask about the different places than she reach to see, Myrtle move slowly to the outside and this cause than the whole room shake slightly. Ohh... i really sorry, but i never tried to go there, i could die without doubt after a day walking there, maybe you should carry a huge quantity of water before try to explore there, even if is a beach you dont know how long will take ou to reach the coast.

After that she turn to the flying island and frown, i can see it too, that thing change of place from time to time, maybe you could be lucky to reach the peak of the mountain at the same time than that island get there.

About the things in the corner, Myrtle looks concerned but she nod weakly, i guess than you could look there... all my life i had collect them from the river and around these woods, you can take some of them if you need them...

It looks than the corner was filled with useless things, vases, some rags who could had been clothes in the past, remains of adventurers or explorers, a broken knife, a strange square rock with a symbol on it, shinning round rocks, some rusty coins in a bag, a panty with a torn side, some different monster parts and a rag doll. Out of that there was a rusty box and some jewels like collars and rings close some broken toys. Concerned Myrtle return to rest on a side where she wait for Celine.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Technically you took my first time there too Myrtle, as I um... accidentally did so myself with a toy some years ago... I was experimenting and got a little too curious," Celine explained to Myrtle when she pointed at Celine's pussy and asked who took its virginity. Celine of course remembered the times in her other game, but felt that they didn't count for this one, so that would technically make Myrtle her first for there too she supposed.

"Oh well, maybe I shouldn't go there then, I don't like the heat too much myself and unless I can get to the beach quickly I don't think I should risk it," Celine said when Myrtle told her she'd never gone over towards the desert like area to the left.

"Hmm maybe I'll try and make it up to that thing," Celine said about the flying island, more to herself than to Myrtle.

"Thanks Myrtle, I might be able to find something useful in there," Celine told her about the things in the corner. Celine rummaged about and looked at all she could find. There wasn't really much in the way of useful items that she didn't already have. In the end she decided to ask Myrtle if she could have some of the shining rocks, which she thought were gemstones, a few of the jeweled collars and rings to maybe sell or trade if she found someone to do so with, and she decided to ask what the square rock with the symbol on it was, as it could be magical.

"If I can have a few of the gems and things like that, I might be able to trade or sell them if I can find a merchant or something to trade with, then I could bring you some nicer things if you like," Celine said to Myrtle after asking if she could have any of the things she'd requested.

After she was done looking around she would go back over to snuggle up to Myrtle and rest for a little while, rubbing her belly fondly while saying, "If it isn't too much trouble Myrtle, could I rest for a little while before you fertilize the seeds? If you want to do it now of course I don't mind, just be as gentle as you can please. I... I'm a little scared, cause I've never done this before."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Myrtle blush before smile and accept to let the elf take part of her special objects, maybe she was still happy to know than Celine give her whole virginity to her, something really weird on these lands filled with perverted monsters. So you will visit me? Oh thanks Celine. Take all what you want from there, im sure than you will take care of them and will give them a good use. Like many others things, Myrtle dont have any clue of how that square stone could be useful for the young blonde elf. She just let her do what she want before decide to rest close her again.

Celine continued being pamper by the beautiful plant girl, her whole body start to get relaxed by a deep massage from the tendrils. Dont worry sweetie, that can wait until you feel better. Her tendrils wrap a part of the pregnant elf belly and then continue. I wonder if any of them will looks like you, this depraved world need more kind hearts to make it bright. Her eyes look to Celine for a moment and then she close the vulva ...yawn...Im also a little tired, normally my kind would drink more of our couple nutrients after use all that energy to impregnate them...but the nutrients of this tree and the river will be enough Both girls cuddle each other touching themselves in a passionate soft foreplay until both fall sleep. Celine wake up with the night light from a beautiful view, three moons each of different color surround the sky, the island looks to had changed a little of place and shooting stars could be seen from time to time, the starts were more bright than what the elf had seen in her whole life, maybe this was how the sky was in a past before the electricity, taking away the others two moons of course.

Myrtle looks to had been looking the view until she notice the elf waking up from her little rest. Now Celine is better than before, the whip little wound looks to dont cause any pain and her cunt is nearly fine, just still a little hurt. Do you like it Celine? i always look to the sky every night, i wonder what are all these lights, they look so beautiful... but not so much as you. Myrtle giggle and hug her again, quickly kissing her neck and mouth. I cant resist more~... i endure all this time looking you as you peacefully sleep...mmmhm... Are you ready sweetheart? The plant girl stop and cuddle on the elf, as her tendrils start to caress Celine's body in a delicate way, two vines ending in tongues start to lick her breasts and honeyhole, as other press softly her rear hole and many more are ready to have a fun time using her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Of course I'll visit you again Myrtle, I mean you've only been nice about all of this and you were very gentle with me and all. I feel obligated to come back in any case so I can see these little ones," Celine replied when Myrtle asked if she would come back and visit her, while rubbing her belly gently.

Myrtle told Celine that she didn't know what the square stone was for, but Celine decided that it may be useful later on, maybe she could show it to someone else and find out what it was for.

"Thanks for this Myrtle, I am a bit tired," Celine told her when Myrtle said she could rest first, as she was kind of tired too. The two cuddled and kissed as they slowly drifted off to sleep.

Later on, Celine woke up to a beautiful view outside. She saw three moons, each of a different color high in the night sky, with the floating island having moved some from its previous spot, and the stars were all very bright... it was a very breathtaking view to say the least.

"Yeah it is a very beautiful sight Myrtle, and those three large things up there are moons, while the smaller ones are stars," Celine said as Myrtle swiftly moved over and hugged her again, kissing her neck and lips. When Myrtle told her that she couldn't wait anymore, Celine giggled softly and smiled up at Myrtle as she began caressing her all over with her tentacles and gently prodding at both of her lower holes and a couple began licking her breasts again.
"I'm sorry you had to wait so long Myrtle, but thank you for letting me sleep a while, you're really sweet. But I'm ready now when you are sweetie... just try and be as gentle as you can and I'll do my best to bear with the pain of bearing your seeds."

While she was being played with and before Myrtle began having her way with her, Celine looked up at her again with a shy blush on her face.
"I was wondering Myrtle... oh that feels good... I was wondering if... if you have the uh... the proper parts to for this thing to go in?" Celine asked in a distracted voice, while gesturing at her now painfully stiff member.
"I-If you do have the proper parts... c-could you uh... you know... use them on me... I've always wanted to know what it feels like inside of a... pussy."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Now than Myrtle know than Celine has restored her energy after the intense fuck in the midday, she just giggle and start to pleasure the elf like there was not tomorrow. In a rain of vines, Celine nearly cant think straight by the different kinds of rubs and caressing. Her holes start to drip wet by just be pleasured with just soft touches, her breasts bounce and move happily between the time than they are pleased, a special vine rub between both milk orbs and then others make it press it to fuck her breasts and slowly get close the elf face to make both girls lick it when they were not busy giving each other deep passionate kisses. Myrtle place one of her hands to play with the blonde large hair making it get untied as other caress the delicate elf back.

...mmhm...A-a pussy?... I dont have one. Said ashamed looking to the lower elf lips. But i have something who could do that work. From her neither a special suction cup get attached to Celine and then Myrtle get over her. That strange vine was so thigh and incredible soft inside, the sticky warm feeling inside it make the elf turn on even more, leaving free some precum at the instant, then Myrtle start to bounce over the elf making the strange object start to suck the manlike member. With just this Celine start to moan without control, even with her pussy and ass not penetrated she was close to cum, she tried to resist but then a little pinch on her dick base make her free her hot seed than Myrtle take to her insides and then continued pleasuring the elf member with a lust grind. Celine could feel her dick get ready for other round just in an instant, her ass then get penetrated and her breast sucked, they continued like this for a pair of minutes before Celine cum in an intense orgasm and then she just have a minute of a multi orgasm chain, for strange than could sound her stamina was not reduced after all this intense pleasure.

Ahhh...I...im going... im going to cum! AHHHHH! Myrtle moan before insert a huge vine inside the extra lubricated elf cunt, this time it was in a sudden motion but Celine only reach to feel a soft sharp pain, a warm fluid get inside her which make her roll her eyes and uncoil her tongue, her belly get a little more bigger and a amazing feeling invade her. Even some of her cum start to drop out of the vine to join the poodle of sex juices bellow both girls.

Myrtle continue thrusting her vines on Celine who looks to love each moment of this event, her mind cant focus the enough to know how much time has passed or the times than she have cum and be filled with that substance, the plant girl increase her motions even when she looks to be really tired and with a last push she let free a last warm substance stream. Celine fall unconscious after a moment later like also Myrtle, both girls were moaning lewdly until they fall sleep.


Celine wake up after maybe a pair of hours, she looks than she was in the completely closed vulva, Myrtle was resting over her and all the tendrils were flaccid and out of energy. What alarm her more was her heavily pregnant belly, the plant girl was so tired than she just fall unconscious over her without even take her vines out from the elf, her dick was relaxed once again even when it was still inside the vine.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine heard Myrtle giggle softly before she began pleasuring her, she rubbed her tentacles all over her, causing so much pleasure that she couldn't even think straight as she lay there, her juices all but flooding out of her from the sensual rubbing of Myrtle. Celine's breasts bounced a little every time she twitched from the pleasure. While her breasts were toyed with a special vine slid in between them while a couple of other vines pressed them together around it, then the special vine began slowly thrusting, with Celine letting her lust take over as she began licking it whenever it got close to her lips along with Myrtle who licked it in between her deep passionate kisses with Celine.

In answer to Celine's question of whether or not she had a dick, Myrtle said no, but that she had something that could make a perfect substitute. Celine wondered what it was for only a moment, as Myrtle attached a suctioned vine over Celine's hot hard member and began bouncing on top of her like mad. With the warmth, softness, and tightness of the inside of the tentacle, Celine couldn't help herself and began to lewdly moan uncontrollably into the room and not long after Myrtle began doing that, Celine felt her hot seed spurting out of her when the tentacle squeezed her dick. Myrtle didn't stop there though and continued pleasuring Celine's member, almost riding her even harder than she already had been.

Celine of course was more than ready for another round as Myrtle continued to ride her, with her dick not even losing any of its hardness after her first orgasm. Celine felt a vine slip into her tight little pucker and gasped when she felt it penetrate her there, as she'd never had anything in there before either and it was a new and strange feeling... one that she kind of liked as she gave a lewd look of pleasure for Myrtle to see when she began thrusting the vine in and out of her. Celine then felt a couple more of the suction cup vines attach to her breasts again and begin suckling and drawing milk from her. Celine lasted this time for only a couple of minutes before exploding in a very intense orgasm, one that caused her toes to curl as she rode out that climax.

Celine felt Myrtle start back up again and soon she heard her moan out that she was going to cum and before Celine could even think about getting ready, she felt Myrtle slide a very large vine up into her now sopping wet pussy with a single quick thrust that only brought Celine an instant of pain. Immediately Celine felt the pleasure of another climax wash over her as Myrtle's vine began spurting her own warm fluids into Celine's honeypot, causing Celine's eyes to roll as it only increased the amount of pleasure she was already in and her cries of pleasure turned to screams of pure bliss. After her climax subsided enough for her to do anything except moan and writhe around in pleasure, she glanced down to see her belly now bulging much more so than it had been while a warmth filled her entire being.

After that Myrtle started back up again and Celine lost all track of time and how many times she climaxed, with Myrtle not stopping until they both fainted from exhaustion, and Celine feeling such intense pleasure from it all that she couldn't even move an inch as she blacked out.


Some time later Celine woke with Myrtle still on top of her and her now soft member still wrapped inside of the vine that held it so well earlier. She saw her belly was now greatly distended and Myrtle was asleep on top of her, looking quite exhausted after their fun. Celine could tell she'd been so tired and out of it because she didn't even bother to pull her huge vine out of Celine's poor little pussy.

Celine decided to simply wait there until Myrtle woke up, as it would be hard to move without help for a while in the state she was now in.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine dont have to wait too much for Myrtle, as she start to whimper and make soft groans until open her eyes in an half sleep state.

...ouch... owwh...Celine, are you fine?
Myrtle looks to be completely tired and with a huge headache, she looks the elf body and slowly remove her vines, at the instand a stream of the warm fluid escape from Celine reducing her belly a little, she could feel than there should be more inside her womb feeding the little seeds on her.

Myrtle was close to move to a side and maybe prepare herself to sleep again. Even with her heavy belly, Celine could try to move or talk with her friend. For a strange reason even with all the intense sex she cant feel any pain, exept maybe a continue soft pain in her sore pennis.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Yeah I'm okay Myrtle... thank you for asking," Celine replied after Myrtle asked if she was okay.

When Myrtle finally realized she had left her overly large tentacle inside of Celine she immediately pulled it out, which allowed a good deal of her cum to flow out afterward and it also thankfully caused Celine's belly to reduce in size a little, though her belly was still quite large with the seedlings in it. Thankfully the only part of Celine that was sore seemed to be her penis which seemed only a little sore after earlier, but it was a good pain. Of course she was still a tad bit numb from the sex earlier so she wasn't sure how sore her body truly was just yet.

"Myrtle I've got a question or two, if you don't mind answering them," Celine suddenly said to Myrtle before the plant girl could go back to sleep once she'd rolled off of Celine.
"How long will these seeds take to come out? Also Do you know how many were there?"

After asking her questions Celine would simply lay there and rest until the next day, as it would be rather hard to move with such a large belly.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

In her dazzed state the plant girl caressed Celine's belly in a mother like way. She take a moment to gather her remaining strengh to think befor answer ...The seeds would had leave you normaly in two days but with my nutrients they will get out in the midday... yawn!...mhmm, i never had been so tired... Myrtle yawn and whimper weakly. I dont know how many they are... maybe 9 or 15. Dont worry they will leave you in their seed for and after 2 weeks... of being undergrown they will sprout like young little girls... im so tired, lets talk more in the morning Said Myrtle before cuddle close Celine and kiss her cheek.

In the morning Celine could heard some birds outside, even three of them were inside the vulva looking for food, maybe waiting for something. Myrtle remain sleeping close her with a small drol leaving her mouth.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine felt safe and protected when Myrtle caressed her belly, as she'd been nothing but nice to her and even apologized to her after capturing her and all.

"Midday huh, that's pretty quick but good I suppose," Celine said while fondly caressing her belly along with Myrtle. Then she giggled softly when Myrtle said she'd never been so tired.
"Did I tire you out that much sweetie, I didn't think I'd be that good on my first time."

"Well it doesn't really matter how many there are I guess, I was just wondering is all," Celine said when Myrtle replied to her earlier question of how many seedlings were in her. When Myrtle cuddled up and kissed Celine on her cheek, Celine turned and kissed her back on the lips. After that she snuggled up to Myrtle as best she could with her large tummy and went to sleep.


When Celine woke the next morning, she heard some birds chirping outside and when she opened her eyes she noticed some inside of the vulva like structure they were in, probably looking for food she thought to herself. She looked over at Myrtle and saw she was still sleeping soundly and had a peaceful look on her face, though she had a small bit of drool running out of her mouth and Celine couldn't help but giggle softly at the sight. She figured she'd let Myrtle sleep for now and tried to dislodge herself from her without waking her up so she could get some of her rations out of her pack and eat. If that proved too difficult then she'd simply stay abed until Myrtle woke.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Luck rolls... bad, bad, bad... hmm

Her belly was difficult to move, but slowly she reach her backpack. Inside her backpack all looks to be fine and without doubt she start to eat the stored unknown fruit. She tried to eat only one at the start, but all that change with the first bite, delicious was a really short word to describe the taste, in an instant the first fruit dissapear and the elf eat others two in a blink. Maybe she would have eating all of them, but she notice than Myrtle was moving like trying to touch her even when she is still sleep.

Celine place her sight on the tired plantgirl an the memories of that passion night come to her mind as she eat a last fruit, licking her lips she feel a strang feeling in her whole body, her dick start to grow and get hard with precum once Celine end to remember all. Fully aroused a through of just use Myrtle to sattle her needs come to her mind.

8 AP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine managed to disentangle herself from Myrtle easily enough and then she maneuvered over to her backpack. She reached inside and pulled out one of the fruits she'd picked from the tree the day before. As soon as she bit down into the first one an explosion of flavor assaulted her taste buds and she quickly devoured it because she was quite hungry, she immediately grabbed a second fruit and then a third one, figuring that she didn't have to worry about running out as she'd grabbed a quite a few so she decided to eat her fill as she picked up the third fruit. Celine only stopped eating them because she noticed Myrtle moving around in her sleep and was reaching out to grab and hold her, which drew her attention.

When Myrtle's form came into view however, Celine's thoughts of the night before swam to the surface as she finished the third fruit she'd started eating. Celine licked her lips as she thought of the passionate time she'd spent with Myrtle and before she knew it her member was standing at attention and aching painfully for release. It ached so badly that she couldn't stand it and needed relief now, so she moved over to Myrtle and shook her gently.

"M-Myrtle... hey M-Myrtle... p-p-please... wake up... I n-need some help," Celine whimpered as she shook her friend, hoping that Myrtle would help her, because if she didn't she felt that she'd go crazy. With the intense need to seek and find pleasure, Celine didn't even wait for Myrtle to wake up completely and sat down beside where they'd slept and began stroking herself in an attempt to find relief for the burning desire in her loins.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

uhm... Celine... you came again~The young elf tried to wake her up, but Myrtle was really tired and she was getting awake more slowly what Celine could resist. Without resist more she start to masturbate herself, her hand could feel her warm penis getting exited by just fapping in front of the luscious plant woman, her pervert eyes look each inch of her green skin for for a time as Myrtle stretch herself half sleep, the dry milk on her body and the smex scent in the place soon order her hand to stroke even faster as her remain hand caress her excited breasts and drenched pussy. In her dazzed mind she just notice than this could not be a normal arousement, but she has passed for many things the last night and this morning. Could be a side effect of her pregnancy or something more is causing this? She dont know it as just let herself reach her peak just when Myrtle opened her eyes, in the instant a white shoot of cum land on the plant girl chest and face, even getting inside on a Myrtle eye making her free a soft groan and start to clean her face. Awww that hurt, what are you doing ? Myrtle said before notice the problem on her lover. I dunno what is happening but i will help you. Said worried before start to lick the manlike member mhmm...mmhm Please resist as i calm this guy.

Myrtle could not be so experienced in oral, but at the moment her skills were enough to settle the blonde girl needs. Her hands rub the aroused cunt and rear with a soft foreplay worried to hurt the holes who were overused the last night, her vines recoil the dick and help her to increase the speed and let Celine to pleasure the elf ample blossom for herself. Celine cum after some minutes and even after reach her third orgasm she was not settled until an hour of soft pleasure in that while she even started to pull the plant girl head to increase the speed and suck the vines to try to fulfill her needs.


Ahhh... are you better now? Looks like your kind must have many problems in the morning, it the first time than i know someone with that high libido. Said Myrtle in a worried tone, it looks than another factor caused this sudden effect or maybe the futa girls act like this when they are fertilized by these creatures, what had happened had leave Celine with a slight permanent arousement maybe for the rest of the day.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After trying and failing to wake Myrtle, Celine sat there on her knees in front of her while the plant girl slept, stroking herself like crazy in a desperate attempt to get herself off. She had no control over her actions as she stroked herself off, looking at Myrtle's naked body to do the deed with. The strong scent of sex could still be smelled quite a bit from the night before and that coupled with the sight of Myrtle's sexy body as well as the thoughts of the night before drove Celine mad with lust. Celine couldn't tell if this was an aftereffect of her pregnancy or what, but all she knew was that she needed relief and just as Myrtle was waking up again, Celine exploded in a powerful orgasm, spurting her seed all over Myrtle's chest and face and getting some in Myrtle's eye, making her groan in pain as it burned her eye a little.

When Myrtle had wiped her face off and noticed the problem, she immediately moved to help Celine and started licking the busty elf's large throbbing member. Celine of course had no objection and simply leaned back as Myrtle played with her. Myrtle's hands wandered all over Celine's body and ended their exploration at her lower holes, which made Celine squeal in pleasure as Myrtle's fingers gently rubbed her honeypot and pucker, going softly and slowly so as not to hurt Celine's still tender holes. While taking care not to hurt Celine in any way, Myrtle coiled a vine around her stiff member and began squeezing and stroking it while groping the young elf's bosom and pleasuring it. It didn't take long after that before Celine felt another climax wash over her.

They continued for an hour or so before Celine finally felt herself calm down enough to think of anything except finding pleasure.

"Y-Yeah I... I think I'm a little better now. I don't know why I... got so h-horny all of a sudden like that. I mean the only thing I did since waking up was eat some of this fruit," Celine said, trying to give an explanation as to what happened. She then looked at her still very stiff member and sighed.
"I... I hope that this goes down eventually."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Licking her lips as Celine explain what could had happened, Myrtle frown and look the remains of the fruit. Uhm... maybe you should avoid to eat unknown fruits, i heard than this one in particular is very dangerous as each of them looks to could have random effects... i hope than you dont get a permanent effect. The next time than you get hungry just drink from me or i could look for something different around this place, maybe a fish or safe common fruits and leaves

From that moment, Celine was pamper by the plant woman in many ways, taking water from the river sucking it with her vines to wash the elf and filtrate it to make it safe to drink, she polish her bod with some rags and make her pony tail. Celine was so relaxed with the soft caress on her whole body than she forget her slightly aroused dick or the fact than midday had passed, she cant feel any change in her belly and the lunch time come. weird fruits like bananas were taken from other tree, as also some delicious round fruits with a completely new flavor.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"T-Thanks Myrtle, the only reason I didn't wake you to help me find something was because you just looked so peaceful and I though you needed some more rest. Especially after last night," Celine said to her friend.

After that Myrtle began pampering Celine, taking water from the river with her vines and bringing it up to wash Celine with the cool clean water, she also used her vines and purified some of the water for Celine to drink when she got thirsty. Myrtle got some rags and used them to wipe Celine clean as she rinsed the dried milk and cum from the night before away. After she'd washed Celine's hair and it dried she even helped Celine fix it up into a ponytail with a hair bow that she had over in her pile of things in the corner.

Celine was so relaxed and had lost all track of time while she was pampered by Myrtle and didn't even realize when midday had come and gone and she'd forgotten all about her still quite aroused member. When she finally noticed that midday had come and gone, she caressed her belly and didn't feel any change just yet and was growing slightly concerned about it, as Myrtle had said midday was when the seedlings should come out. Her concern though was swiftly forgotten however by the prospect of lunch, with Myrtle taking a couple of different kinds of fruits from the trees around them, one of the fruits looked somewhat like a banana and the other was a round fruit of some sort.

"These won't do what those other fruits did earlier will they?" Celine asked nervously as she picked up one of the round fruits and looked at it closely. Then she decided to ask why the seedlings hadn't come out yet, expressing her concern to Myrtle about it.
"I thought you said the seedlings would come out by midday Myrtle. Or is it pretty much guesswork as to when they'll come out? It isn't that I mind or anything, I'm just hoping nothing bad happened to them because of me being stupid earlier."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine could eat the fruit given by Myrtle once she get answered than this fruit is safe, But once the elf place the topic about the seeds taking too much time to grow, the plant girl made a worried and clueless face.I... i dont know why the birth has not started, maybe it will take a little more of time or...

Myrtle shake her head and tried to think in something different. They must be fine and i will take care of you until they leave you.

If all continue like this, we must try something new to save them, maybe i will put one of my vines inside you to check them and if needed add more nutrients.

Celine could see how her lover send more vines outside the room, as Myrtle looks outside for some minutes. Seeds like nuts, roots and even a fish were bring to then, they were cleared and given to the blonde elf, then Myrtle get close her to invite her to drink her milk if needed. Looks like the amateur seed laying is starting to be out of ideas and feed the pregnant mother is her last resource before cum inside her again.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After Myrtle told her the fruit was safe to eat, Celine went ahead and ate it, feeling a bit hungry while she waited for the seedlings to come out. Myrtle told her that she didn't know why they hadn't left her yet, that maybe it would take just a little longer, and also that she'd take care of her until they did leave her. Celine smiled at Myrtle when she said that, it made her feel very loved that her friend was fretting so much over her, so Celine decided to help with the seedlings in any way she could. Celine saw Myrtle send some vines out to gather more things and they came back with nuts, roots, fish, as well as some more water, as it seemed that the young plant woman wasn't sure of what to do now and Celine saw that she looked quite worried about all this.

"Go ahead and check them if you need to Myrtle. Just tell me anything I can do to help, cause I'm getting worried now too," Celine told her friend as she gently parted her legs to allow Myrtle access. After Myrtle checks them, Celine would go ahead and eat the things Myrtle's vines went and gathered for her, after which she'd drink deeply of Myrtle's milk while they waited as patiently as they could for the seedlings.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Oh dont worry Celine... it will be just a check up, they maybe just love to be inside. Said with a soft smile before lick seductively a pair of little tentacles snd then get close the elf's crotch. Even when she tried to hide it, Myrtle looks to be in a hurry to see her babies than even she proceed without let Celine lubricate herself the enough, it was a look than the vines were so small than they pass through her cunt until reach her womb wall.

At the moment Celine could only masturbate herself to make this faster and easy for Myrtle, who now is licking other two small vines who place inside her friend making her whimper a little. Ahhh, Celine are you right? I will make it slower and wait until you get ready. It was not my intention to hurt you, but i... Said completely in a hurry, she dont want to love her partner but she must check if her seeds were in perfect state.


After Celine decide her next move and both were ready, the plant girl proceed again to check the inside of the elf's womb, with caution the four vines stretch the blonde girl conduct to her womb and then a fifth vine start to press the wall in a soft and gently way, from the point a bunch of small tendrils reach to get inside the womb and then push the last defense before the tendril could get inside. Celine was feeling a strange pain but she was able to resist it and she remain there waiting for Myrtle who take a pair of minutes, as a little trial of green fluid leave the elf honeyhole.

The suspense was so much for Celine who start to feel how Myrtle start to store her vines and let the elf rest. She have a thinking face looking to the floor until slowly get close her lover and hug her without say anything. Im so sorry... i cant do more for them. Where her words as she start to let her tears drop and fall on the elf shoulders. They will take at leas two days more to get out, something strange look to had happened to their growing rate and you could have a painful birth... is all my fault to had place you in this situation, im so sorry Celine.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"It's okay Myrtle go ahead and do what you gotta do, I'll manage somehow," Celine told Myrtle when the plant girl began checking on her seedlings, Celine would ready herself as best she could while Myrtle did what she needed to. Celine sat there doing her best to endure the pain and managed to stay calm and relaxed while Myrtle did the deed. Celine waited patiently until Myrtle was done with her examination, enduring a strange pain as Myrtle vines wriggled around inside of her womb.

After Myrtle was done checking on the seedlings, she slowly removed her vines from Celine, making sure not to hurt her in any way as she did so. When Myrtle didn't say anything and just looked down at the floor for a moment before pulling her into a tight hug, Celine couldn't help but fear the worst for the seedlings until Myrtle finally spoke and told Celine that she was sorry and couldn't do anything more for them and looked to be crying. Celine almost started crying herself when Myrtle said this and thought it had gone from bad to worse, but then she continued speaking and told her that they wouldn't come out for a at least a couple of days.

"It's okay Myrtle, so long as the seedlings are okay I'll endure the time and pain for them. I mean it was probably my stupidity that caused this to happen anyway by eating that weird fruit earlier or something even dumber than that. So don't blame yourself," Celine said to Myrtle after the plant girl finished speaking, trying to get Myrtle to believe it wasn't her fault, as it was most likely Celine's for some reason or another.
"They are okay aren't they?" Celine then asked while caressing her belly with a worried look.

After that, assuming the seedlings were okay, Celine would wait there with Myrtle until she gave birth to them, as she probably wouldn't be able to fight or anything until they were out of her. While she waited, Celine would talk with Myrtle some and get to know her to pass the time until it was time.