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ADV [とろとろレジスタンス / Toro Toro Resistance] / もんむす・くえすと!前章 ~負ければ妖女に犯される~ / Monmusu Quest! (RJ074254)

Re: Monster Girl Quest

I read about the reasons that pushed you to make this game, and are the same that made you choose to make it non hentai.
I can understand those reasons but none the less I feel a non Hentai Monster girl quest loses most of it's charm.
And no, I'm not strictly talking about "fappability". Just that is a kind of setting and story that works on the premise to be Really explicit.
I read you want to keep the general notion that monster girls are somewhat sexually imposing and out to rape the humans but still... for example, one thing is to tell me that if the big zombie girl beats me she will rape me and I will be forced to be raped by a dead girl for an entire year.
Another thing is to actually see the miserable state of luka after that kind of treatment. The contrast between the philosofical horror of being raped by an undead and the objective fact that... she is Made for giving unbearable pleasure by design, and no matter what you do to resist that, you are going to succumb eventually.

I feel that to take that away from the game would be something like a remake of nightmare on Elm Street where you don't see any actual nightmare scene, you are just told that there is a dead psycho who can kill you in your dreams and you see people that falls asleep and dies in a mysterious way.

Then again, you plan to make a hentai DLC with the sex scenes. I fear that would do very little to bring back what MGQ is all about.
Because all in all you take a game about seduction and turn it in a game about brute physical confrontation with a game over rape, and I have nothing against game over Rape games, but the beauty of MGQ is that sex is a weapon. a deadly one.
Is a strugle against temptation more than it is a physical struggle. Actually, there are very few enemies based on pure physical aggression.

As much as I would like to see your final results I wonder if you would do a better job doing either a game with no monster girls and no sex involved that takes inspiration from the various plot hooks you find interesting in the game or a full fledged rendition of MGQ 3d based on explicit sex as it is meant to be.
I would probably play them both instead of a shaky middle ground.

Thanks for the well written feedback! I fully agree with you. As I said earlier, the game is being made to fit the explicitness and sexual style of MGQ, with full hardcore H-scenes, but then censored so to speak, with a DLC to remove the censorship. Kind of like 3D Custom Girl, it is censored by default, but there are mods to remove the censorship.
However as somebody on the Ntelliware forum pointed out, that could end badly in the same light as the Hot Coffee mod killed GTA San Andreas, leading Rockstar Games into a series of lawsuits and recalls, so we are debating once more how to handle things.

The current top thought is to release a rated version (Censored and dumbed down) and an unrated (no censorship at all). The product keys would be interchangeable, so if you bought the rated version, you could download the unrated version and your product key would work for it as well, and vice versa.

To use your example, it would be like if a movie producer got permission to remake Nightmare on Elm Street, but without a rating of R or below, studios won't fund it and movie stores won't carry it, and the MPAA just announced that movies containing images of nightmares are now NC-17. You could make an unrated movie, but you don't have the money to make it and it wouldn't get enough publicity without the marketing. So, you can either give up, change everything, or play by the rules and make an R-rated version to get the movie funded and out in the open, then simulatneously make an unrated version to release. That way you get funded and you can now remake Nightmare On Elm Street. Stores agree to carry the rated version, which generates publicity for both the rated and unrated versions. And in the end, you got to make the unrated version you wanted to and mass distribute it as if it were R-rated. It's basically just bending the rules.

To be totally honest, the biggest reason for hiding the sexual content by default is for money. Ntelliware is just starting out, Hero will be our first title, and in order to make it we need to raise about $20k. While the idea has been pitched by a few fans about accepting donations and offering rewards similar to a kickstarter project, the odds of it raising 20k are very slim, whereas Kickstarter gets more pulicity and would have a better chance. But in order to comply with kickstarter, the game has to be non-pornographic. So the best running idea is to get a non-pornographic version funded, and while developing it, simultaneously develop the full version of MGQ 3D. If anybody has a better idea to raise 20k, we'd be happy to not even worry about making an M rated version, would be easier on us anyhow. But if not, then this is the best we got.

So for those who want an accurate 3D remake of MGQ, you'll get it don't worry, we just have to make a non-hentai version too.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

I do fully understand your point.
more so since I am a Game Designer recently hired into a new company that is just about to release it's first title.

About the "better way" to do it. Right off the bat I would say. Make a fantasy game with a non Hentai setting that uses a lot of the base mechanics you intend to put into the future hentai games.
this is basically the thing we are doing in our company.
we have a huge title TBA and before that game (that is in such a early stage you can't even call it pre-production yet) we are doing other games that uses the same basic technology, so every problem we face and solve in these smaller projects is hopefully a problem faced and solved for the big one before we even start.
I am afraid you may find yourselves committed in a project that has a gameplay mismatched with the game setting.
I would try to at least steer it to a side story more fitting of the gameplay, like Luka Vs Illias Kreutz, make the game that will surely require all luka moves, the engine, the locations, probably a lot of npc monster girls (without rape animations but, that was always off the table anyway) and make a good action game out of it.
Then make the hentai one.

I would gladly help you guys if you want but I'm not sure my contract allow me to do that.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

You could try something like this to get your 20k.
Though you may have copyright issues if you try to sell a game that virtually copies another.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

You could try something like this to get your 20k.
Though you may have copyright issues if you try to sell a game that virtually copies another.

Hmmm, I never heard of Offbeatr, I may have to give that some thought, thanks! But if you're referring to copyright issues of me remaking Monster Girl Quest, I already have permission from ToroToro Resistance to make the game.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Could someone smart tell me what is this error about, is it sOmekind of missing file or ? Untitled.jpg
Re: Monster Girl Quest

(replace xx with tt)

Chapter 10 of the Monster Girl Saga by Genocide Heart has been released!
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Could someone smart tell me what is this error about, is it sOmekind of missing file or ? View attachment 12750

The error message is something like "characters have exceeded the frame." You usually get that from an incompatible nscript.dat file. I'm guessing you replaced the one from the English patch with an nscript.dat designed for a specific side story.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

umm is this the same as monster girl assault(2 part that may be 3 eventually)
where you play as...(i 4get his name)some kid who just became a hero(a fake one) and then meets a monster named alice and travels around the world?

it the best hentai game i have ever played amazing artwork,amazing story and a entertaining fairly simple rpg(no pointless over thinking)
looking 4ward to part 3 :D
if this is the same game anyone know any info about that?
Pm me for the above info as finding responses in the forum could be a bit tough since i am not used to it thx
and if this is a different game some screen shots for it? :D
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Re: Monster Girl Quest

There is another update today, some new preview pics on the main page( ) but as usual I dunno how to get the monster page to update correctly.

Anyways seems like this part will be much longer than part 2, otherwise they would not give us that many spoilers? Looks awesome so far :D
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Torotoro said there will be about 80 monster girls in the final part today on twitter. Besides the main page update with lots of new pics, I don't believe there are any new monster girl profiles released. Also, nothing about a release date besides "first half of 2013" and no further mention of when we can expect a demo.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Torotoro said there will be about 80 monster girls in the final part today on twitter. Besides the main page update with lots of new pics, I don't believe there are any new monster girl profiles released. Also, nothing about a release date besides "first half of 2013" and no further mention of when we can expect a demo.

For Real? 80 monsters? :eek:

Normally I'd think after all they put in parts 1 and 2 they'd be out of ideas but damn, about 80 monsters in one part? Even if it'll take till 2013, that's still mighty impressive to say the least.

And the amount of story that will be put in between 80 fights, Roguetrasnlations has got their work cut out for them.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Well, there probably won't be 80 fights. I'm sure there will be fights against small groups of monster girls like the middle part was full of, like the 4 slime girls that counted as 4 even though it was just one fight.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Maybe, but we should also take into account that some monsters might be fought multiple times.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Chapter 3 cover image is out.

*vanishes again*
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Re: Monster Girl Quest

Thank you Jeszael it is the same one :D im so hyped for a part 3 :D i love it so much i wish they turned it into a anime even if they took the hentai parts out of it the story alone is amazing.
they could have it as a ecchi style to keep the perversion aspect in their
and have the monster girls say what they will do to him once he loses XD
want to see a anime for this as bad as HDN :D

also would like to add here for people having Trouble to combine the parts if i recall first you have to copy the arc.nsa file and put it in the main directory of p2 or p3 when its released and to transfer the saves over you need to copy the gloval.sav
file which is located in the save folder to the next part as well.
if i am wrong some1 please correct me its been a while.
figured i would put that here as i had trouble with it at first and its not located in many places i could find how to fuse the parts.
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Re: Monster Girl Quest

Anyone else notice that the plant girl in the preview pics looks an awful lot like the scientist girl?
Also <3 Loli Alice.
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Anyone else notice that the plant girl in the preview pics looks an awful lot like the scientist girl?
Also <3 Loli Alice.

Lolis are always welcome in my book!

That said, based on the preview images, there seems to be a lot more bizarre monsters/fetishes this time around. (Or maybe I'm just not tainted enough.)
Re: Monster Girl Quest

huh.. looks like Chrome makes a return
Re: Monster Girl Quest

Oh dang I can't wait for this game to come out. I loved the first 2 :)
Re: Monster Girl Quest

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! This time they have more lolis!!!!!!!!!!! AND DFCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!