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Sarah (thetwo)

Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Nonsense, this is a gift from your master, you should be grateful." he say as he reaches for something.

The thing he pulls out is not at all what Sarah was expecting. It looks like a mini tentacle, although still large, just a single one of them, not attached to anything. He tosses it towards her and it lands on the ground, as it sort of crawls towards her.

The man gives a chuckle "Enjoy it." he says, turning and leaving the room.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah, still throughly bound, stands stock still as she stares at the tentacle. It seems fairly obvious what it's going to do to her. But the thing is coming straight towards her.

She sits herself down, and struggles away from the thing, but between her tied up limbs and the leash, she can't get far. Before long the thing is on her thigh, inches away from her well-lubricated pussy. She squirms desperately, trying to dislodge the thing against the wall or floor, but it doesn't seem likely to work.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah watches in wide eyed horror as the tentacle sort of morphs itself, the new form still very much a tentacle, but looking very much ridged and bumped like the dildo that was just removed from her. The tentacle wastes no time as it plunges straight into her womanhood, driving deeply inside as the other end, just as large and textured, drive itself in her ass.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah curses as she sees the tentacle change, then lets out a scream of arousal as its first thrust brings her to orgasm. She continues struggling for the moment, but already she knows she won't dislodge it, and part of her wonders if moving isn't just making things worse.

She can feel its continued thrusting bringing her towards a second orgasm already, and lets out another moan of forced pleasure. Part of her still holds out hope that it will cum once and then leave her alone, that the only reason the pits could fuck a girl for hours was because of the sheer number of tentacles, but another part of her knows that she wouldn't be so lucky.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The tentacle continues to thrust deeply into both her holes, making her reach her climax many times before it decides to release it's cum inside of her, an amazing amount for the size it is.

As it deeply fills her up, the thing continues to thrust. It seems to get slightly large every time she climaxes, as it's almost bigger than the dildos were now, only getting bigger each time she reaches her peak, filling her up with its spunk until she feels her body can't take anymore and it starts to leak our of her holes around the beast.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah screams out another orgasm. Each one seems to make the vile thing grow, and the bigger it gets the more often she orgasms. And it cums inside her. Again. So much for the hope that it would stop - it now seems likely that it will continue until the man returns.

The part of her mind that is still capable of rational thought between orgasms notices how full she feels, and thinks back to the slime. The worry that this little thing might get her pregnant appears, but next to the continued thrusting in and out of her pussy and ass this is a small thing. Her screams of pain and pleasure echo around the room as she waits for either the man to return or blessed unconsciousness.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

It seems that the tentacle s like the slime in some way, as she feels she can't pass out, even if she tried. It continues fucking her for hours, the cum still going into her as it grows just a tiny bit each time.

Eventually, after what seems like an eternity to Sarah, it stops thrusting. Though it's still deeply inside both her holes, it grew in not only girth, but length as it made her orgasm. It feels like it's almost pressing to her womb in her pussy, while still going very deep into her ass.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

As the beast continues to fuck her long past the time when she fell unconscious with the single dildo panties, Sarah wonders if it's intentional that the 'reward' is worse then the punishment. Then, without warning, the thing stops. She pants heavily, trying to catch her breath, and staring at the ceiling.

Then the thing starts to grow longer. Sarah starts to curse, but is cut off when she is driven to orgasm yet again. She feels the thing stretch further and further inside her, until it seems that it should be impossible to go deeper.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The thing finally stops growing as she can feel the edge of it just touching her womb. It's not at all pleasurable now. As the beast sort of seems to sleep now, plugging up her holes so that all the cum inside her womb and bowels is unable to leave, as the beast sort of shivers as if it was snoring, a small vibrator running along it every now and again.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah groans as she realizes that the thing is going to stay inside her, then gasps the first time it vibrates. Unable to do anything about it, she just lies there, in a puddle of the beast's cum mixed with her own. The periodic vibration from the beast is enough to make her grow slowly more aroused, but she can tell that it will be hours - if ever - before it makes her cum. There's nothing for it but to wait for the man to come back.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah gasps each time it vibrates, as it tends to vary how long between vibrations and how long it lasts.

Eventually, after almost an hour, the man returns and enters the room.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The man walks in just in time to see a particularly long vibration of the tentacle, making Sarah gasp in arousal. Then she realizes that he's finally returned.

"Reward!? You Bast... Son of... F-"

Sarah cut off her fractured attempt to curse, realizing what that was likely to do.

"Please! Please take it out! Master!"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The thing starts to thrust. "I'm afraid I can't you see, it will leave when it grows tired of you, until then, noting will bulge it."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah lets out a scream of orgasm as the thing suddenly starts thrusting again.

"You... why did you do this? Master?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"It's a reward, as I said before. But it may help you understand, you will be used just this often if you are a failure of a slave."

He snaps his fingers and the tentacle removes itself now. "Now, what did you think of master's gift?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah gasps with relief as the tentacle suddenly withdraws. Sticky white cum drips slowly from both orifices as they are no longer occupied.

"It was worse then the, ah..."

She looks over at the dildo panties in the corner, and her voice trails off. She snaps her gaze back to her captor.

the panties... Master!
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Really? I thought you would have enjoyed it, guess you'll have to wear the panties until you do then." he said, chuckling.

Sarah was feeling tired, as the cum leaked from her, she realized she was blacking out, tired and exhausted from her used body.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah, no longer kept awake by the tentacle, is too tired to protest. As she drifts off into blessed unconciousness, all she can hear is the evil little chuckle of the man.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah is woken up by a loud sound, something like a crash. She becomes dimly aware of yelling and screaming outside her door, as if a battle is raging.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah hears the noises of battle waking her up, and for a moment she's afraid. After all, she's tied up and naked, not the kind of position to be in if you need to defend yourself. Then she realizes that there isn't much that could be worse then her current position, and a chance that she'll end up being freed.

She struggles into a position where she can see the door, and waits to see who wins.