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ACT [PABISSHU] ぱびっしゅ! -竜の花嫁- / Dragon Bride RJ07568 / RE076472

Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

You don't have the last English release. And you're not missing much, just a bunch of machine translations, and a broken(or maybe not?) body parts selection feature.

Except the translated menu makes things easier.

Oh okay then never mind.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

id greatly appreciate a pm of the full version of Dragon's Bride, i GOTTA have it id greatly appreciate it a thousandfold ive read the dont pm request and i hate to be a bother about it, its just all the full version links are duds now, i REALLY hate to go against the threads rules but i just dont see any other way besides asking someone politly, so please if it is not too much trouble, hook me up
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Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

id greatly appreciate a pm of the full version of Dragon's Bride, i GOTTA have it id greatly appreciate it a thousandfold ive read the dont pm request and i hate to be a bother about it, its just all the full version links are duds now, i REALLY hate to go against the threads rules but i just dont see any other way besides asking someone politly, so please if it is not too much trouble, hook me up

Ah come on.

I can understand that you missed the bashing about this in the previous pages but at least read the title of the topic
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Ah come on.

I can understand that you missed the bashing about this in the previous pages but at least read the title of the topic

i totaly did and totaly understand, the links are just are as broke as i am, and im not bashing on anyone about this but maybe a new link could be posted to end all the nonsense, like i said i hate being another statistic for breaking the rules and such but as it stands the dud links kinda put me on the spot here :S
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Ah come on.

I can understand that you missed the bashing about this in the previous pages but at least read the title of the topic

Statement revoked, it was a poor post of me.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

some kind person please send me a working link
to the translated uncensored version.

every single link is far from active.
and this seems to be very good
id appreciate very much, thx.

seems all you people really love this game.:rolleyes:
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

i totaly did and totaly understand, the links are just are as broke as i am, and im not bashing on anyone about this but maybe a new link could be posted to end all the nonsense, like i said i hate being another statistic for breaking the rules and such but as it stands the dud links kinda put me on the spot here :S

I understand your situation here, and I apologize that it's come to this. The only reason why I have this rule in the first place is because of the post right above me. As soon as one person puts in a request here, more and more start piling up, and it's another giant spam fest before long (And believe me, it WILL become a spam fest).
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

I can only say, the work of this creator, is actually decently priced on dlsite english and I'd say, support him and just actually buy it.

And yes I am aware that most of that money likely ends up at dlsite and not at Pabishu, the creator.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

I can't access dlsite because i live in Korea right now and I won't be leaving for a couple more years so, can you post a link to another download site.
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Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

To the people with the english demo, could you guys please post a pic of the translated shop items?
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Don't have the english one, but the first page is weapons, second page is clothes, third page is stats. Go to the stat page and buy whatever you can as soon as you can - don't waste time saving up for the more expensive stuff until you've exhausted all the cheaper purchase items.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

To the people with the english demo, could you guys please post a pic of the translated shop items?

Someone fully translated the items and more somewhere in this thread , to lazy to look for it tho.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

My apologies for bumping what may seem to be a dead thread, but it looks like he updated his site again as of January 22nd. Google translate provides nothing new to my ever-so-dull mind, but going by the pictures he posted, it looks like either a new game or sequel to Dragon Bride. I say sequel because I can't help but notice a "2" * on the second picture he posted. Of course, it could be a new game entirely.


[Edit]*Turns out it isn't a two, but rather the character for "zu". My thanks for clearing that up, tentakuru.
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Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

That's... not what I had expected
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Sorry to disappoint but it's not a "2" it's a "ズ" (a "zu").

The post is just about the art he drew, it does't mention anything about a new game.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

The post seems to mainly be a self complaint that all he tends to draw are female warriors of certain types, hence making this variation picture.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

But at least we know that he is still around. It would have been a really shame if he quit.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Sorry to disappoint but it's not a "2" it's a "ズ" (a "zu").

The post is just about the art he drew, it does't mention anything about a new game.

Ah, thank you for clearing that up. My apologies; they look quite a bit alike. That or I just skimmed over things too quickly.
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

he added another update but it seems to still be about his drawings
Re: Dragon's Bride (DO NOT SPAM PM REQUESTS)

Once again another new drawing and mumblings over his drawing style.

Also a note on Queen's Hunt and 1000, I presume it is 1000 sales on Dlsite. Which is surprisingly low as I am pretty sure ten times that has been downloaded off various sites.