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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

No, it definitely replaces the shapes. When I attempt to run the game, it survives until the segment that it moves to, i.e. the flash file that was changed. Then the flash file just explodes.

Not throwing errors, so I'm assuming it's my system having some conniption. Thanks for trying, though.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I had a bit of a giggle at moments in both Orekko and Kaname translated. "You do know I'm a woman, right?" and "I'm a woman you know." Yes. Yes I am well aware that you are a woman. If you weren't this would be a bit awkward.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

We got the reports a while back. Looks like people wont finish any game anytime soon( unless something changed) The games that are being translated are: Defeated!Demon king girl, Shogun Princess Christianne, Fuuma Maisa girl and maybe Ritsu will pick another one.

EDIT:AOW, i think you forgot to add the English Vampire N.

Thanks for reminding me
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Erm, I did pick one. I'm working on Miyuka.

Oh im sorry, i must have make a mistake. Are you translating the japanese text or are you bringing sense in the machine translation?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I had a bit of a giggle at moments in both Orekko and Kaname translated. "You do know I'm a woman, right?" and "I'm a woman you know." Yes. Yes I am well aware that you are a woman. If you weren't this would be a bit awkward.

I think that thing was said because of the danged of pregnacy. For example "Dont blow your load in me, im a mature woman and i can get pregnant". What drives me nuts its that the TEN YEAR OLD BOOBLESS AND HAIRLESS SISTER SAYS THAT.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I'm translating the original.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Guys I think the newest game is out.

My mistake. It's the first Demon game.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I think that thing was said because of the danged of pregnacy. For example "Dont blow your load in me, im a mature woman and i can get pregnant". What drives me nuts its that the TEN YEAR OLD BOOBLESS AND HAIRLESS SISTER SAYS THAT.

I realize what was meant but it was still funny. As far as the translations go I thought I spotted a few minor grammar errors here and there, nothing bad. Though I swore I saw an untranslated line of text in one them. Going back through to make sure I'm not mixing something up.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks for the comments, all. I'll wait a little while longer and see if any other glaring issues come up, then I'll fix and re-upload everything.

runeflare pointed out that leaving Chisato's last name in kanji was a bit jarring so I decided to just go with his suggestion of "Doushin" unless someone has a better idea. It doesn't seem to be a real last name.

EDIT:I replayed the games just now and i saw a mistake in Kaname. In the sex scene on the turnaround ending you confused "your dick" with "you're dick". Might wanna fix that.

FFFUUUUUUUUUU.... I've been finding myself doing that of late (writing "you're" when I mean "your") and it's quite annoying because I should know better. Fixed.

For the Orekko translation, maybe you could tone down the use of cursing and dirty words a bit, my first impression upon playing this is that it felt like it was a rewrite rather than an actual translation and that's probably due to the heavy language.

Fair enough. Whenever something she said could be construed as swearing, I did tend toward making her swear profusely. GetBend hit the nail on the head: I figured that given her, shall we say, 'unlady-like' personality, she might be kind of a potty mouth as well.

I agree it might be a bit overboard though: I'll take a look at toning it down a bit, but no promises! :)

I had a bit of a giggle at moments in both Orekko and Kaname translated. "You do know I'm a woman, right?" and "I'm a woman you know." Yes. Yes I am well aware that you are a woman. If you weren't this would be a bit awkward.

Haha, yeah. When I first happened across that line (typically something like "オレだって女なんだぞ…っ。") I was like, "Wait what. I must be missing something here because it roughly looks like "I'm a woman" and that's pretty obvious." But yeah, I figured it was, "I'm a woman (no longer a girl) and am now capable of getting pregnant."

There is actually a fair amount of overlap in lines between the different games. In fact, there's a whole section in the Kaname one that goes on about, "foolish humans challenging us devils" and so on. I was pretty sure those didn't belong, so didn't bother translating them. ;)

As far as the translations go I thought I spotted a few minor grammar errors here and there, nothing bad. Though I swore I saw an untranslated line of text in one them. Going back through to make sure I'm not mixing something up.

If you did find anything untranslated, please let me know. If I couldn't figure out how to get to a line I generally didn't bother with it. As mentioned above, there's a lot of lines that don't even belong and I didn't want to spend time on them.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Who is the one that keeps reporting the mediafire links?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yeah, the potty-mouth fits perfectly on the redhead, though with the sparring sister I do wonder a little bit more.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

If you did find anything untranslated, please let me know. If I couldn't figure out how to get to a line I generally didn't bother with it. As mentioned above, there's a lot of lines that don't even belong and I didn't want to spend time on them.

It might be in one of the other games that have been translated. I've played a few of them over the last few days and I remember a game having an untranslated line in, I think, one of the endings. I've been busy the last few days so the ones I played sort of ran together in my memory. Went through all endings in Kaname and everything was fine.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks for sharing the 4server link. When you generate a link using that can that be used an unlimited times from different IPs? (If so, I'll generate the link myself and embed in the signature). Or is it a one use/one IP only thing?


Guide updated with translated screen shots and walk through for Tomboy and Kaname.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Guys I think the newest game is out.

My mistake. It's the first Demon game.

I'm interested in this one too.It IS the old demon queen game,but it's different from the one on dlsite,kinda it's precursor. We had some version of it laying around on swfchan,named f546.swf or something,but combat there was bugged(buttons don't react after a bit,and skill points didn't add).So you can only see scenes with decompiler.
The new version on gamesofdesire and such sites however seems to be ok in combat department,but missing the girl dialogue.
Anyone knows where can i get normal swf for that version,with all the stuff working?I want to finally sink my AGTH text hooks in this :3
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Apologies for stepping on other people's toes (I just read the thread and saw some people were already translating these...) but I thought I'd contribute the few (amateurish) translations I did for myself so far. One for the orekko one, and one for the "sparring with your sister, Kaname" one. I can really appreciate all the work involved, so kudos to all the others who've done their own translations: you guys are awesome. Since my own work is less than perfect, I'd be really interested in seeing someone else's translation attempts on these two as well.

Orekko: localhostr.com/pz2qtgjxotPS
Kakutou Imouto: localhostr.com/fKtplJDMbpjG

A couple notes:

I used 7zip instead of zip because it allows me to include "uncensored" versions of the swfs for little extra cost. Just google 7zip if you don't know how to open .7z files. If this proves too much of an issue, I can go back and make them zips instead.

For orreko.swf I included an uncensored version (there's a "(u)" at the end of the filename). For kakutou_imouto.swf I also included an uncensored version "sub(u)", a bloodless version "sub(b)", and a combination of both "sub(ub)". Just replace the contents of the "sub" folder with the contents of the one of your choice.

I only took a year of Japanese in university, and I'm kinda rusty now. Not everything is translated verbatim (I often changed lines around to make them sound more natural in English) and some lines I had no idea how to translate, relying mostly on a few understood words and the context of the lines before and after it. Basically: my translations are definitely not 100% correct, but I'd like to think that they at least sound decent. :eek:

Could not, for the life of me, figure out how to translate 堂神 in orekko.swf (pretty sure it's Chisato's last name), so I left it as is.

In the Kaname one I largely translated 兄貴 as "Aniki" (how it's pronounced in English) rather than "big brother." She says it A LOT and it translates awkwardly into English when she says it so often.

Feedback is appreciated.

I translated it to I am the temple god Chisato. I cant imagine her just introducing herself as Chisato Doushin.

I see you translated the whole game. Good work. So i guess i dont need to translate it anymore then.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I am the temple god Chisato
That sounds silly, if you ask me. Can't see why you don't like Doushin.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

That sounds silly, if you ask me. Can't see why you don't like Doushin.

Cause a friend of mine told me that he heard about a story of a god/priestess named chisato in ancient japan. He wanted to give me more information about it.

Some other told me it could also be translated to Chisato the shrine priestess.

That would fit to the story above, so i just let it open till ill get more information.

Cant really say why i dont like just Doushin. It just sounds weird to me for some reason. There has to be something behind the name....
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

A lot of the names picked for the women in these games have unusual names because it seems the creators from JSK like those types of names for their characters (various posts to customers in JSK Blog or in the download page about the game). Plus the name can relate to the story line, but I don't think it is meant that those characters are those people literally.

But if you do find out what Chisato relates to, it would be interesting to hear.
Vampire Hunter N - Kama - Kāma (Sanskrit, Pali; Devanagari: काम) is often translated from Sanskrit as sexual desire, sexual pleasure, sensual gratification, sexual fulfillment, or eros, but can more broadly mean desire, wish, passion, longing, pleasure of the senses, the aesthetic enjoyment of life, affection, or love, without sexual connotations.

Demon King Girl - Aura - Blog post that the creator liked the name of that woman around Germany (Singer-Songwriter Aura Dione?)

Chisato Doushin - ???

Shogun Princess Christianne - French origin name (European) Character looks European.

Imoutoto - Yukano - normal girl name

Fuuma Girl Maisa - Maisa - Name Maisa generally means Walking with proud swinging gait, is of Indian origin, Name Maisa is a Feminine (or Girl) name. Person with name Maisa are mainly Muslim by religion. .

(Upcoming game) - Yumisu -

Google Translate...

2012年11月06日 02:09
I noticed now, is it "short Yumisu name" ...
Let's examine the origin

JSK Response
>>5 由来はどっかのマイナーな神話の女神…だったはずです。
Is derived from ... was supposed to be a minor goddess somewhere.

13. ZEEK
2012年11月11日 06:10

JSK Response
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