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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Yes, its 5

I'm all for the lesbian sisters. Not sure how to vote though.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Hmm.. if there were seven and the 6th crawled into her urethra.. where would the 7th one go?

You've actually got me interested :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

I voted for machine, isn't Fallen Fairy already Lesbian? vote for new one! :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

I voted for machine, isn't Fallen Fairy already Lesbian? vote for new one! :D

Well the only one without a "member" is Alalune (Flower girl), isn't she? Lots of futas... Fallen Fairy, Spider chick, Snake chick.

But yeah, even though I didn't vote, I'd love a machine. Only thing he hasn't really hit on yet out of the poll options. Beastman sounds great too, wasn't there something about a doctor? That kind of gives me bad vibes about what could happen to Tiki if she fought a doctor enemy, just thinking too many near guro options.
Re: Fairy Fighting

From early previews both machine and doctor were pretty guro

Mist sisters seem rather pointless, I have a hard time imagining what they can do that hasn't been done before, lesbian fisting was already done by naga (hell even 3x les on Tiki was done by naga...) and then there's the scat in the preview :|
Re: Fairy Fighting

From early previews both machine and doctor were pretty guro

Mist sisters seem rather pointless, I have a hard time imagining what they can do that hasn't been done before, lesbian fisting was already done by naga (hell even 3x les on Tiki was done by naga...) and then there's the scat in the preview :|

Any idea how far back the previews are in the blog? Maybe I'll go dig through to look for them, I'm curious now. Found them! There are a lot more concepts posted than just the ones mentioned in the poll, some are pretty awesome.

Edit: All the image links were taken down, at least for me. I'm not sure if he blocked them or somebody took them off his image site. It was only the images that I posted here, the rest load fine for me. I even credited him so I hope I didn't upset him.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

It's too bad Fallen Fairy had changed. I personally prefer the original one that had the six legs and eye thing going on. There would have been a lot more possibilities for that one, but she still ended up good. Still is a bitch of a tease though lol. Anyone knows why he changed it?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Just me or did all those images get taken down, even from his blog site? I get a 404 error trying to load any of the images that I posted.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I don't know if its been asked and I don't have high hopes, but when playing as a monster is it possible to change tiki's skin. For example playing as the fallen fairy while fighting tiki with the same skin color.
Re: Fairy Fighting

To people having problems viewing images on the blog, I too often have problems trying to view it with certain web browsers. I'd suggest loading the blog into IE to view his images.

Out of the enemies shown there, my two favourites would certainly be the Machine enemy and the Meat Wall enemy.


The Meat Wall enemy looks exactly like what I've imagined this "door boss" that keeps being mentioned would look like. A stationary enemy where victory is all in the timing of your attacks would be a good addition to the current fighting strategy.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Thanks to all, I also get five enemies no more. I have not found any glitch to get more.

Oh, I've gotten the game to do some absolutely fascinating glitches involving grabs and Tiki's defensive punch. You should really play with it sometime, you can break the heck out of it, usually in ways that guarantee victory for one side or the other.

Specifically, I believe it was the game trying to pull me into a trap hole while I defended that caused the game to freak out (although I haven't been able to really repeat this regularly, so maybe not). Either way, the result was that the holes sort of freaked out, the imps popped out of them but the traps remained until I hit them again, and upon escaping the imps popped out again.

There are also several enemies you can get to freeze in place with this because the game thinks they grabbed you but they didn't (this is particularly effective if you can pull it off on Ropers).
Re: Fairy Fighting

the lesbian sisters looks pretty nice but idk how to vote :eek:
Re: Fairy Fighting

i know this is late but can someone tell me where is this pics of new monsters

Re: Fairy Fighting

yessss the sist are winning ^_^ hoping that he will do a vampire one *_*
Re: Fairy Fighting

Mmm... Im not sure What all I want.. I want the little goblin dudes to do what I was hoping they would do~

Impregnate the poor girl and constantly birth more of them until they win~


That's just me though
Re: Fairy Fighting

I'd rather he went back and added more to Frost Wolf.
So dissapointed he only has one sex move..
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yeah, that was kinda disappointing. Mind, the one he does have is quite nice.