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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Here's some pre-Alpha gameplay of WH40K Eternal Crusade.

Some things I noticed offhand include chainsword finishers, jetpack use (including jumping off walls for additional speed and the classic jetpack smash-down), and kind of a Space Marine style of combat, all told. As it is pre-Alpha there is a lot of placeholder, but still, for a alpha build this looks pretty good PVP wise. Hopefully PVE can stand up as well I say.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Something a little special for the Final Fantasy people around here...

The Youtube/Normal Boots channel That One Video Gamer (aka The Completionist) is doing a special, six-part episode on Final Fantasy 7, the themes behind it, and the rest of the anthology during this coming month, with new episodes being released each Friday. The first episode (The Prologue) is already out now, and I say it gives a good taste of what's to come.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Here's some pre-Alpha gameplay of WH40K Eternal Crusade.

Some things I noticed offhand include chainsword finishers, jetpack use (including jumping off walls for additional speed and the classic jetpack smash-down), and kind of a Space Marine style of combat, all told. As it is pre-Alpha there is a lot of placeholder, but still, for a alpha build this looks pretty good PVP wise. Hopefully PVE can stand up as well I say.

Interesting. Though I have to agree that hopefully they get some PVE in there as well, since straight up PVP gets kinda boring to me after awhile.

On a side note, this also reminds me that I still haven't finished Dawn of War 2 yet.....need to get on that >_>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Suddenly Warframe takes a page out of TF2's book and did a Update 13 teaser page.

Includes thus far a trailer, a teaser for melee accessories (as people figure) and a image of the new water warframe (Eldrich abomination, surprise!)

Three more pictures to show up on it, so something to look forward to '-'
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Enjoying Kingdom hearts final mix at the moment and can't wait till 2.5 is out later in the year both hd released versions should keep me busy till the long delayed kingdom hearts 3 finally is released.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'll just leave this here

Re: Games Discussion Thread

For the people keeping track of MMOs, Elder Scrolls online (Overall nickname of 'the Scrollocaust' for how it handled Elder Scrolls lore) news

Game breaking bug not fixed, ingame economy is pretty much entirely wrecked
In response, instead of fixing the bug, they just banned anyone caught using it. Which includes the people who reported it as a bug
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So. It seems they have gone full Action RPG with this one, huh?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

With a bit of freeroaming involved, too. There's an extended trailer where they actually show gameplay that I've been meaning to finish watching.

Oh, and the preorder's gone live. Standard and Deluxe edition. This, ladies and gents, is what I've been hoarding my gamestop cards for, heh. Now I just have to keep an eye out for a strat guide.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, tabletop gaming counts, right?

Games Workshop decided that in the latest edition of the 40k codex that they'd allow for a new army setup, known as 'Unbound'. Calling your army Unbound allows you to ignore standard force organization chart (aka 1 HQ, 3 Elites, 4 Troops, 4 Fast Attack and 4 Heavy Assault options per army) and instead take whatever you wish for your point limit.

Thus far, the only known major downside is that your army will not be able to take and hold objectives (most gamemodes for standard gameplay involve holding objectives with your troops to gain extra points for victory), but when you can just ignore that and blast away, that's not very major.

In some regards, I can see how this would be good (special thematic armies like tank divisions or 1st Company Terminator squads), but you just KNOW people will suddenly field armies of 6 Helldrakes or 12 Hydras. There's a good chance that a lot of 'competition' armies will turn to Rock/Paper/Shotgun.

The original force organization chart, known now as 'Battle-Forged', isn't technically obsolete though, thanks to the fact that a varied force will still win out than a mono-army force that for the most part can't hit specific units efficiently, if at all. Also apparently they may get bonuses to following the balanced route as well by some verbal hints.

Still, good luck enjoying the game if you run into 'that guy' with a entire 1500 points of nothing but the biggest cheese on his chosen list.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Haven't played Skyrim in forever and I feel like starting an unarmoured brawler orc playthrough after work tomorrow, the only problem being is that going around unarmoured (and not investing in alteration) and using unarmed is a fucking stupid idea usually. Does anyone know of any decent mods to balance out the shittiness that is the lack of unarmed skill trees and not wearing any armour.

Enchanting is a possibility, but the most clothes I want my orc to wear is some leather pants, a pair of shoes, and jewellery (I have a mod so you can wear one additional ring) so I'll be limited in what he'll actually be able to have as enchantments until I max that tree out. Which will take forever.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

@Lurker: Probably a little more than a note on my part, but I can easily imagine 'Unbound' to represent, say, the Remnants of a local force, for example, a few squads of riflemen in a small building-complex holding out, or to allow a scenario where a retreating army is composed of light units attempting to bypass/escape a better equipped army chasing them down. Perhaps a specific scenario that only allows basic units until a point is captured, allowing the rest of the force to appear, ala drop-ship? Meh.

Etc etc I guess, just throwing out the thinking.

Soo, don't suppose anybody's already nudged the Space Engineers bandwagon yet? Survival is pretty good, at least from the perspective of crash-landing an escape pod and improvising, annoyingly the attention span is somewhat wilting.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

@Lurker: Probably a little more than a note on my part, but I can easily imagine 'Unbound' to represent, say, the Remnants of a local force, for example, a few squads of riflemen in a small building-complex holding out, or to allow a scenario where a retreating army is composed of light units attempting to bypass/escape a better equipped army chasing them down. Perhaps a specific scenario that only allows basic units until a point is captured, allowing the rest of the force to appear, ala drop-ship? Meh.

Etc etc I guess, just throwing out the thinking.

Soo, don't suppose anybody's already nudged the Space Engineers bandwagon yet? Survival is pretty good, at least from the perspective of crash-landing an escape pod and improvising, annoyingly the attention span is somewhat wilting.

Well I know how it's supposed to go. Doesn't mean that the cheese wheels won't roll come tourney time :p

Still, yes. Kinda tempting for a first army maker should I get there to lower some of the pain of unit purchasing and getting something playable.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gog's doing a spring madness sale. Lots of deals, but random how they put them up and when.

They're also teasing at a free game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Update on the new Army Orginization Chart stuff on 40k, as well as other things in these three videos.

Force Organization, Unbound, enhance on Formations.

New mission types, called Maelstrom of War. Uses 'Tactical Objectives' to keep a constant flow of victory point options.

Psychic Phase. Psyker powers get their own little section of time now, psykers have more abilities (like spawning demons, or allowing 'possession', as a few minor chaos themed ideas). Nutters didn't say where those powers show up though, but I'm assuming it'd be after the Move phase.

Kinda interesting, all told.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Double post, but more important.


And here's what the lot of you daft wankers have done so far:
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nintendo Wifi Connection has come to an end today. Many games on the Wii and DS that use it will no longer be able to use the online multiplayer. You're only hope at this time is to use a emulated or private server which are being worked on by the time you read this message.

This is caused by the closure of GameSpy which Nintendo has been using as a medium for NWC. Any other games that used GameSpy for their online services will soon be effected by this as well such the Star Wars: Battlefront series and Neverwinter Nights.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Okay, so I mentioned the Deluxe edition they were coming out with for Dragon Age: Inquisition. So, like, a week after I pre-order, they come out with this:

Double the price. Double the stuff.


And lockpicks. And a tarot deck. And maps. And...yeah, so I canceled my first order, got my gift cards back and doled out for this one. Even if the game turns into a raving disappointment, the swag will be nice.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Watch Dogs: It's a whole lot of fun, but it's certainly nowhere near a 'next gen' game

It's pretty fun, but never trust marketing