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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah turns her head back to look at Mina with a surprised, but also delighted, look on her face, before leaning over to kiss the woman on the cheek one more time. "Then allow me to show you the bedroom," she says softly. "Cherry, when Rax is done, Jerr would like some company as well."

The corrupted girl pushes her head against Mina's hand when the mercenary pats her, then looks up at Mistellah. "Y-yes, mistress," she says, her breathing heavy as the hell hound continues to please her with it's rough tongue. Jerr looks a little sad, but smiles down at the girl, and then Mina and Mistellah, backing up to let the two stand up.

Slowly Mistellah leads Mina away from the study and up the stairs, one hand wrapped around hers all the way. The succubus sways her hips back and forth as she walks, causing her perfectly rounded cheeks to bob up and down alluringly, while her tail swishes back and forth, every so often rubbing softly against Mina's legs. If it wasn't evident before, Mina has no doubt that every aspect of Mistellah's body is proportioned just right to be the epitome of beauty as most humans consider it. The perfect way to lure prey... like her...

All too soon, the door to the bedroom comes into view. Mistellah stops and guides Mina inside while gazing at her seductively. "Welcome to my parlor," she says with a hint of laughter. As Mina steps inside, she notices that the bedroom is suitably ornate for how Mistellah seems to prefer her surroundings, though more serious and businesslike than she carries herself. A very large bed, complete with a sheer canopy sits in the center of the room, while several finely carved chest of drawers made of expensive looking wood line the walls. A full length mirror sits in the corner, with a vanity set placed next to it. Set in one wall is a large glass paned double door, leading to a balcony overlooking the front garden.

With an audible click, Mistellah closes and locks the door. "Now," she says, stepping towards Mina, "you have me all to yourself." Almost without effort, the demoness shrugs her black bra off her shoulders, then hooks a finger into her matching panties.
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Two powerful girls used to using their bodies as weapons locked in a room together.....oh nothing good can come of this..." Mina smirks and walks towards Mistellah just as predatory with her hips swaying and makes the first move trying to entwine Mistellah's tail around her arm, using the other to pull Mistellah forward so that Mina could rub her leg into Mistellah's pussy. She wanted to make sure Mistellah didn't consider her as just another mortal and show that she could be just as cunning and manipulative as her.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah calmly watches Mina as she is pulled forward, then moans softly, her eyelids fluttering, as the woman's leg brushes against her crotch. "On the contrary," she says, "I think this will be very good." As she speaks, the demoness' tail coils and relaxes on Mina's arm, creating a strangely pleasurable massaging feeling. She softly slides her hands up Mina's thighs and around behind, her previously clawed fingers now surprisingly smooth and gentle as they sink into the woman's flesh.

While she can't tell just how the demoness considers her, Mina can see clearly that Mistellah is enjoying her forwardness. "So," she says sweetly, "I've heard humans use the phrase 'grabbing a tiger by it's tail' to describe a dangerous situation." Once again, the succubus coils and relaxes her tail on Mina's arm, then grips her rear tightly. Mistellah giggles and leans forward slightly, her erect nipples brushing against Mina's breasts as her face hovers just a few inches away. "I wonder which of us has the tiger," she says, pressing her lips against Mina's for a second, then pulling back an inch, before continuing, "and which of us is in danger."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Well this wouldn't be the first time I've rushed into danger and to be fair tiger tails can't really do that much...." Mina squirmed around and shook her arm trying to get Mistellah's tail loose from her arm. "I suppose rushing a succubus without knowing what one can do was an unwise decision on my part...." Mina sighed realizing that there was little she could do in this position, one arm bound up and Mistellah with a firm grip on her. "Do try to leave me with a little bit of my soul left."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

As soon as Mina shakes her arm, the succubus' tail uncoils and falls back behind her, swishing in the air playfully. "It's all right dear," Mistellah says, a comforting tone to her voice, while her hands slide up from Mina's rear, along her sides, and up to her cheeks, "I'm only as hungry as you are." Slowly, the demoness leans forward to press her lips against Mina's, eagerly resuming her earlier kiss.

Mistellah's passionate kiss is broken suddenly, however, by her hands pressing against Mina, pushing the woman towards the large bed. "I know you humans think succubi are evil soul-leeching fiends, and most of us are," she says with a grin, "but right now, all I want is for you to enjoy yourself."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I believe for the first time in many years I truly desire........to be on top." as they reach the bed Mina grabs Mistellah by the tail again and does a quick turn holding onto her causing Mistellah to flop down on her back with Mina stradling her. "Several years of playing the meek traveler or dancer starts to grate on ones nerves." She smirks and lays the tail in her lap leaning forward to grasp Mistellah's impressive chest and knead it in her surprisingly soft hands. "One thing I must admit I liked from the blood poison was I always seem to look my best." Despite what must have been years of battle and trips back and forth across the desert country Mina's body did not have any scars, any blemishes, no signs of the harsh life she led, even her recent spider bite had vanished like it never existed. "I think I figured out why I was drawn to you. You're just like me, you started as something others used for their own pleasure, then you broke free and refuse to ever fall back down and are determined to keep going. I think the bleeding heart poets would use the ironic term....-soul mates-" She chuckled at the horrible pun before sitting up a bit and idly observing Mistellah's tail as if it were a serpent with one arm and her free hand massaging her stomach.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah gasps in delight as she is spun around and flung onto her back on the bed. She stares up at Mina, moaning softly as the mercenary kneads her breasts and plays with her tail, and giggling at Mina's small joke. The demoness doesn't respond, but she does begin to twist her tail in Mina's grip, letting the woman see it's full range of motions, while at the same time sliding it back and forth along her arm, the innuendo clear.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina smiles and slides the tail down slipping it between her legs with a pleased moanshe lays herself down on Mistellah slipping two fingers into her pussy and slowly pumping them in and out as she nibbles on one breast and roughly kneads the other. She was going to make sure Mistellah's first time on the bottom after escaping hell was an enjoyable one.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

As soon as Mina's hand releases the tail, it snakes down and curls back, the tip lightly tweaking her clit before dipping between her nether lips. The tail doesn't penetrate deeply though, instead only sinking into Mina's pussy a inch before retreating and rubbing against her sides teasingly. Mistellah grins slyly at Mina, obviously intent on drawing her pleasure out as long as possible.

The grin changes to a gasp as Mina's finger's slide into Mistellah's pussy. She grins again, though this time in pleasure as her hips begin to gyrate, helping Mina's fingers find their way inside to her sensitive spots. One of the succubus' hands come up to press softly against the back of Mina's head as the woman plays with her breasts. At the same time, Mina can feel the tail beginning to work it's way deeper into her pussy, while the succubus moans lustilly.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina roughly squeezes and bites on Mistellah's chest, letting her passions flow out more easily as she becomes aroused and she began to grind her hips against the tail. "Oh gods I had no idea what I was missing out on....I should have tried to hunt down a succubus a long time ago....." Her fingers worked more rapidly, "By the way...what happens if you cum before I do?" Mina seemed to calmly ask the question as her fingers did everything right as if she was skilled at working women up to orgasm.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah moans as Mina's attentions continue, writhing underneath the woman. Her tail picks up speed, pumping in and out of Mina's pussy, while her free hand slides down to clutch her ass, sharp finger nails digging into the skin, but not cutting it. Just as Mina grinds against the tail, so does Mistellah grind against the woman's surprisingly skilled fingers, her love juices coating the woman's fingers and dripping out onto the bed. "If... if I cum... before you?" Mistellah asks in between breathes, her face flushed and voice filed with pleasure. "I... I think I'll... turn into a mortal woman!" The succubus lets out a quick bout of laughter, obviously joking, but is quickly interrupted by needing to suck in breathe as Mina hits a sensitive spot.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's fingers picked up as she gasped for breath, "How about we go together....you give me some of your sould and you can have some of mine...." Her walls squeezed and pulled at Mistellah's tail while her finger rubbed and flicked against her clit.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah's back arches after a particularly well placed thrust of Mina's fingers, the succubus moaning in bliss. "Together?" she asked, sounding confused, though she quickly accedes. "Alright...mmm... together."

As soon as she agrees, Mistellah begins to ramp up her attempts to pleasure Mina. The tail begins to twist like a corkscrew while at the same time speeding up it's thrusts into the woman. The hand groping Mina's ass inches over, and she soon feels one slender finger poking into her rear. Mistellah's other hand slides from the back of Mina's head down to her lower back, gently rubbing up and down, tickling her. All the while, the succubus continues to moan lustily, enjoying Mina's fingerwork greatly. "Whenever you're ready... hm... dearie." she says, stopping to let out a particularly pleased squeel in the middle.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Well I never was a patient one when it came to having fun." Mina arched upwards crying out as she orgasmed puncuating her statement by grabbing both of Mistellah's breasts and pinching them to signal the succubus that it was time for her to let go as well.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Just as the first waves of uncontrollable pleasure rip through Mina's body, she feels Mistellah tense and begin to shudder underneath her. The succubus gasps as Mina pinches her nipples, then begins to moan loudly, tilting her head back into the soft mattress beneath her. The tail within Mina begins to curve, while its previous quick thrusts in and out change to sporadic bursts of movement, though as her orgasm reaches its peak, the tail becomes stuck in place.

It is Mina's fingers, though, that feel the most evident proof of Mistellah's orgasms, the succubus' inner walls clamping down strongly on the assassin's digits. The rhythmic pulsing is accompanied by a flow of warm honey sliding past her fingers, while Mistellah's moans change to excited high pitched gasps of ecstasy.

How long the two women remain there, neither can tell, but it is over all too soon. Mistellah lays still on the mattress, her chest rising and falling as she gasps for breath. The hand on Mina's back slowly slides back up to the back of head, though gently patting it rather than holding it down. "You certainly do have the blood of a succubus," Mistellah says, looking down at Mina happily, "I've never met a mortal that good with her fingers."

As Mina recovers from her orgasm, she begins to feel very sleepy. Having already been tired, and then indulging in so much activity has taken much out of her. Mistellah, sensing Mina's exhaustion, cradles the woman in her arms. "It's alright, you can rest now, dear."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina manages a weak kiss on Mistellah's lips before going limp into the most peaceful rest she's had in many years. "Wake me...if anything...happens..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah giggles softly at Mina's sleepy action, swinging her arms around the woman to cradle her to sleep. "Don't worry dearie, I won't let anything get you," she whispers, before beginning to hum softly. Mina passes into her deep peaceful slumber laying atop the succubus, the demon's warm skin and velvety voice lulling her along.

Mina awakes just as warm and comfortable as she had fallen asleep, though not from demon flesh. Instead, she lays swaddled in the silky smooth bedcovers upon which she and Mistellah had enjoyed themselves the previous night. At first, she sees no sign of the demoness, but a quick look around reveals the succubus standing outside on the balcony, looking out over the nearby buildings.

Dressed in a sheer, almost see through, shift she seems almost overdressed compared to the thin bra and panties she had lounged around in yesterday. The light purple negligee blows in the light breeze coming into the room from outside, giving Mina quick flashes of skin that are only hinted at when the light cloth lays against her skin.

Beyond the demoness, Mina can see the rays of the morning sun bathing the rooftops of the nearby mansions. Now fully rested, the mercenary feels fit enough to tangle with any demon foolish enough to raise it's head from the shadows.

(It's now the morning of the third day. You can spend xp if you'd like)
(Mina's corruption resets to 0 and she gains a mutation.)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(Added tight to my list of flaws, and I don't think I have any xp)

Mina stretched with a yawn, she felt kind of different, she wasn't sure how but nothing seemed to be out of place on her so she shrugged it off and wrapped the sheet around her a bit and walking over to Mistellah. "Is it wise for a hunted woman to be standing out on a balcony in broad daylight? It's strange I had almost forgotten what the sun looked like. Given the situation it seems quite surreal for the sky to look so perfect." She leans on the rail with Mistellah. "I think I might be able to get that key by going solo.....if I stick to the rooftops with short bursts of spirit I should be able to make it all the way to the factory unhindered."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(actually, I gave you 4xp after your fight with the demon knights)

Mistellah smiles before looking back at Mina. "Hunted yes, but also hidden. One of my followers is concealing our presence." As the mercenary joins her, the succubus moves to wrap an slender arm around her, hand at Mina's hip. "The sun of my world is not quite so charming. Neither is the company."

The demoness considers Mina's plan quietly, then looks back out over the city. "The rooftops are not as well patrolled as the streets, but you will be more exposed while traveling that way. The darkwalkers prefer to build their nests high." She pauses for a moment, then asks, "Are you sure you wish to travel alone?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina leans back holding onto the balcony, "Yes, I'd rather not lose anyone else on my watch, Jerr isn't quite as agile as I am and Cherry isn't built for a fight. Plus I'd rather have all your allies here should anything happen while I'm gone. Though....I'm not familiar with the term darkwalker. Are they some kind of demonic bird?"