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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(Welcome back! :) )

"Mina, you can't-" Jerr yells at hearing Mina's idea, swiftly jumping to his feet. His protest however is cut short, by a snap of Mistellah's fingers.

"Jerr! Sit!" she commands. No sooner do the words leave her luscious lips then the gruff returns to his seat. His eyes remain on Mina, however, surprise laced with fear at her suggestion.

The succubus stares at Mina for a moment, then looks down into her lap. Her eyes drift to her perfectly shaped fingernails, which she holds out in front of her. "For a human woman to become a demoness," Mistellah says softly, "requires more than simply allowing our presence into your soul." The succubus' eyes flick back to Mina's and she continues, "If that were the case, then our armies would be overflowing with my kind. Only those humans who catch the eye of a lord or lady are ever offered the gift of our kind." Mistellah is silent a moment, then says, "Seeking out demonic royalty would be... madness..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I see....that is far too reckless even for me." Mina sighs and goes back to rubbing her chin. "For now perhaps I should go back to the fey's camp and tell them that your temporary position isn't a threat and about Akah's capture. In case he knows any important secrets the demons might milk out of him." Mina paused a moment and facepalmed at the unintentional pun she had made. "At least now we know there is a very powerful demon knight in this area named Dominus. What I wouldn't give for a tavern full of drunk expendable mercenaries right now...."

Mina glanced to Mistella letting her gaze linger finally, she was tired and could care less about the stories warning about doing so. "I really would like to know what your long term plans are though when you escape the city. I can usually read people well, you not so much. You're civil, intelligent and not power hungry, but you show no remorse for using your skill to sway others and that same intelligence is your greatest threat. You are not the cruel tyrant, you are the cunning serpent of an advisor who stands by the throne yet pulls every string and is always 3 steps ahead of everyone. I wonder how many steps ahead you are of me?" Mina tapped her chin, usually she ran into people like Mistellah when she was hired to kill them, this was her first time meeting one peacefully, something about Mistellah was unsettling but intriguing at the same time.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Dominus?" Mistellah asks sharply, her posture becoming much more rigid suddenly. The hellhound beside her likewise raises it's head from it's paws and emits a low grumbling growl, but quiets down when the succubus waves a hand at it. Slowly sliding back to a more comfortable position, Mistellah visibly attempts to calm herself, though the tenseness in her body is still noticeable. "If you encountered him, then you were lucky to escape with only one of your companions falling. I doubt anything less than an army would have helped you fight him."

After a few moments, the demoness sighs and seems to come to a much more relaxed state. "Don't worry yourself about Dominus, he's just an old friend. Wants to drop in and have a few words with me, I'm sure." She smiles, then adds, "Just stay away from him."

Mina's words cause a slight grin to appear on Mistellah's face. "So much flattery," she says sweetly, "is so very welcome, but I assure you is unnecessary." The demoness cocks her head to the side, an inquisitive look in her eyes. "You ask what I will do when I escape this city? You freed yourself from a cruel master. What did you do?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I became a wandering mercenery, for some reason I doubt that's what you had in mind. You're dodging the question." Mina smirks letting Mistellah see that she isn't going to let it go. "I can understand what you are feeling though, I had the good fortune to escape -and- leave him dead at the same time." Hearing that Mistellah shared something very important to her seemed to make Mina visibly more relaxed.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Yes, you found a way to survive, and we intend to do the same." Mistellah returns Mina's smirk and leans back into her comfortable chair. One of her slender legs raises slightly, her small foot reaching out to slide along Jerr's hairy leg. "If we're careful, we can find someplace to live and feed without drawing too much attention to ourselves." The gruff dumbly nods in agreement, sliding forward in his seat slightly. Mistellah continues to playfully rub Jerr's leg with her foot, though her attention remains on Mina. "Do you enjoy being a mercenary? Fighting all the time? Or would you rather lead a quieter life? Perhaps you could continue to help us after we leave: help us find some place quiet, blend in, and find some willing morsels..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina smirks, "Being a mercenary isn't so bad. Personally I have no idea where you should go, this is my first time out of the desert. I've had chances to settle down, usually half hearted proposals or someone wanting me to be a soldier. Very easy to pass on those either way. Then usually they uncover my past and are horrified that a tainted person like me is in their presence. That was really awkward after I saved that priest. Clergy are lousy fighters." Mina grimaces a bit before going back to normal.

"I guess I've just gotten used to it, I was born low and have stayed there, I've assumed I'd stay like this, just taking work until something slips up and I end up dead. It looks like I managed to slip between the cracks, too tainted to advance in the human world, too human to advance in a demonic situation." Mina chuckles, "Personally I kinda thought this would be my last job. Either I'd get killed by the monsters or I'd make enough money I could just vanish somewhere and retire. I suppose I'm getting tired of being a no name mutt who's only paid attention to because she can snap a man's neck during an erotic dance and no one even notice." She grins a bit obviously proud of that last one.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Mmmm, perhaps you'll have to show me your erotic dance sometime," Mistellah suggests with a sly grin. "And even if you can't help us find some place quiet to settle down, you're more than welcome to come with us anyway. I'm hoping to find a nice wealthy human looking for a exciting mistress that I can retire with, myself" The demoness laughs softly, bringing a hand up to her face in mock embarrassment.

The expression doesn't last long however, for she suddenly leans forward and places the hand on Jerr's knee. "Don't worry, dear, You can always come along as well." The fey, looking slightly upset at Mistellah's plan, perks up at the offer, another dumb grin spreading across his face. "There's a good boy," she says, leaning back once again, going back to playfully sliding her foot up and down the inside of Jerr's leg. The gruff scoots forward again, now only halfway on his seat, while a bit of flesh poking from his hair-covered lower half clues Mina in on why he's so eager to be closer to the demoness.

The sound of a door opening out in the hallway followed by pounding clumsy footfalls grabs the mercenary's attention, however. "Mistress! Mistress!" Cherry yells, running in with a worried look on her face. As the corrupted girl enters the room however, she catches sight of the woman, and slides to a stop next to the sofa, throwing herself at Mina to hug her. "Mina, you're back! I was so worried."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Ack!" Mina jumps as Cherry lunges at her. "Hello Cherry, erm...I'm guessing from your worried look we have guests..." Mina starts reaching for her swords nearby. "Well at least I'm feeling prepared for another fight. Is it the knight from earlier?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The naked corrupted woman squeezes Mina tightly, refusing to let go as the mercenary moves for her weapons. Finally, the demoness clears her throat and Cherry slides off Mina to the floor, moving over to look up at Mistellah from a kneeling position. "Mistress, scary man was walking around! Cherry and friends hid, he didn't see us! Others with him! Very scary!"

Mistellah glances at Mina during the Cherry's warnings. "I think it's safe to assume that Dominus has begun searching the area," she says to the mercenary. She shuffles in her seat uncomfortably, Jerr forgotten in the dark tidings. "The district is large. I think we have some time before he finds us, Mina."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina rubs her chin, "We might have time, as for an escape route I'd suggest the slums and forested area I came into town through, demon presence was extremely light, and I only ran into one tentacle thing in the woods.....which proceeded to rape me 6 ways from sunday...." Mina grumbled recalling her not so finest hour. "I'm not sure if even all of us would be a match for Dominus, though...if he's a powerful enough demon we could contact the fey, I'm sure they would love to hear that a powerful demon has wandered so far away from the portal." Mina looked at Mistellah. "I know it won't be quite as comfortable but I'd gladly escort you through the woods, the checkpoints beyond will be easy to get through, the one I went through wasn't even manned. Or we can try and contact the fey camp and have them send some heavy hitters this way. It's your call Mistellah, you know Dominus and his skills far better than anyone else."

Mina gets up and stands in front of Mistellah before leaning over to ruffle Cherry's hair. "Personally I think you'd give the creatures in the forest a run for their money Cherry." Mina chuckles imagining the mutated plants and animals fleeing from a still horny and willing Cherry. "My own opinion is I'd rather take my chances with the woods, no offense but I really don't think you have anything to worry about from demonic taint, Jerr doesn't really seem like their type, Cherry already seems tapped out, and I've pretty much stopped worrying about being twisted into a mindless monster. I'm far too stubborn for that." Mina smirks and rolls her neck turning her back to Mistellah's chair. "Either way I should probably rest, expending all that energy after just learning how to tap into really taxed me." She gives a small sigh of exauhstion. "Note to self, practice any new abilities before using them to blow up a large area and attempt to fly around like a humming bird...." Mina put a hand to her forehead and stumbled a bit before sitting down in the nearest available spot, Mistellah's lap. "Sorry a small dizzy spell leftover from all that flying." She shook her head with a smile and slowly attempted to get out of the chair and her lap.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 45/47, P = 40, EP = 29/51

Mistellah quietly listens as Mina asses the situation and offers solutions, a hand creeping up to her cheek as she takes in the beautiful mercenary in her element. A murmur escapes her lips as she considers the options suggested, though she says nothing, preferring to let Mina continue. When the woman falls into her lap, Mistellah gasps in delighted sounding surprise, rather than pain or astonishment. Her arms shoot across Mina's body, holding her down before the mercenary can stand. "It's all right dear, you can rest right here." she sighs seductively into Mina's ear, her warm breath tickling and teasing.

Looking up at the exhausted woman, Cherry giggles, saying nothing but sliding forward to rub the side of her face against both Mistellah and Mina's legs alternating between them. Jerr also reaches out to the women, though using his hands rather than his face. From her position on Mistellah's lap, Mina can see the gruff still seems to be excited and wanting attention after the demoness' teasings, though he is obviously too polite, or perhaps shy, to act on the impulse.

After a moment of silence, Mistellah once again whispers into Mina's ear, "It's so nice to have someone so... prepared for combat around here. Most of the stalkers and goblins who serve me are too young to know much about tactics." One slender hand reaches up to brush Mina's hair, while the other softly pet's the mercenary's stomach. "Your suggestions sound reasonable, but they are not without their own dangers." A quick flick of the demoness' tongue tickles Mina's ear, and the hand at her stomach slowly begins to move farther down her body. "If I leave this mansion, the magics protecting me will fade, and Dominus will have no trouble finding us. A fight is inevitable at that point. As I have said before, I doubt the Fey will be interested in helping me, even for the chance at striking out against one of our most powerful knights. They may simply kill me instead and then you for associating with me." At the word 'associating', Mina feels the demoness' fingers slip between the cleft of her legs. "I believe you may still find the key I seek before Dominus locates this place, and possibly even your missing friend. We can escape much easier with it, and be free of this cursed town. But if you wish to rest instead, you may do so for as long as we are able."

"I put my trust in you, Mina," Mistellah whispers, before lightly kissing her ear.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina shudders as Mistellah finally gets her hands on the mercenary, as her hands wandered Mina placed her own on top of them. She couldn't feel any flow of energy or dark magic, but for some reason Mistellah drew her in, she was a strong woman who had gone through exactly what she had. She was a demon but Mina felt like she could trust her, like she had a connection to her. Mistellah used magic on Jerr certainly but it had been obvious before that the gruff could care less about fighting here when they first met. And Cherry.....well she was probably a hyper nympho before the demons came.

"You may have a point, with Dominus here the area with the key should be guarded less heavily. Alone I could easily speed my way across the rooftops to the building it awaits in. My spirit still feels weakened though, I'd prefer to attempt such a gauntlet at full strength." Mina leans back against Mistellah, "How will the key help us, and what about all your companions? You said you planned to retire, how would you explain all of us to your lover, unless you were planning something grander...." Mina smiles and turns a bit red as she guides Mistellah under her outfit and near her wet folds. "I feel so strange, in such a short time I've learned not to fear what's inside me, I've felt alone and wandered for so long. Yet for some reason this all feels completely right. Is it possible that the asp has been charmed by the song of a succubus of all things?" She gazes at Mistellah, but not with blind devotion like Cherry, she seems to feel connected to the demoness by something deeper.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah's hand, being guided under Mina's clothing by Mina herself, has no trouble finding the mercenary's sensitive spots. The succubus' light velvety touch glides across the woman's crotch, gently rubbing in just the right places to send excited little ripples of stimulation up her spine. Rather than answer Mina's question, Mistellah hushes her, then says, "So many questions, but they are best left for another time. You need your rest." The hand that had been stroking Mina's hair then comes around to her cheek and guides the woman to face the demoness. A grin lights up the succubus' face as she stares into Mina's eyes, a moment before she leans forward to place her lips over the woman's. If Mina weren't so accepting, the action would almost seem predatory. The demoness' tongue strikes out into Mina's mouth, softly sliding along every part, tasting her.

Unbidden, but obviously reacting to Mina and Mistellah's show, both Cherry and Jerr move to join in. From her position on the floor, Cherry takes Mina's left leg n her hands, sensually running her palms down the woman's clothed leg to her ankle. She slowly removes the mercenary's cloth shoe, then leans forward to kiss at her toes, her tongue flicking into the spaces between. One of her hands travels back up to the back of Mina's knee, lightly tickling it. Jerr, on the other hand, focuses his attention on Mina's upper body, his hands greedily seeking out her chest. Through the light cloth covering, she can feel his fingers groping her breasts and rubbing at her nipples. His face lowers to join them but he pauses, looking up at the preoccupied mercenary, waiting for her to tell him to stop, or ignore him and let him continue.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina gasped as Mistella's lips pressed against her's, for years she had feared succubi, feared what she was connected to....but now she was in awe. A succubus wasn't just a monster that ate souls, it was a slim predator that made it's prey come to it. All this time had she been following what was in her blood? Dozens of times she had been after fierce warriors, men who could wipe out entire legions with either their bare hands or mighty spells, yet time and again had left their weapons on the floor, let their minds become too unfocused to cast, only to have a sword driven into them as they lay next to the one few knew as the asp. She had no fear anymore, Mistellah was everything she aspired to be, planning for what next would have to wait, for now she had to attend to the group around her.

Mina returned Mistellah's kiss passionately, she knew Mistellah didn't regard her as just food otherwise she would have tried to force herself on her when they first met. Her leg twitched a little bit as she let out a delighted giggle from Cherry tickling her leg and toes. Her nipples became stiff and rigid against the cloth as Jerr squeezed them, a pleased moan going from her mouth into Mistellah's. The hand on Mistellah's slipped away and began to undo her clothing, the other wrapped around Mistellah's neck.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The demoness moans into the kiss, pleased with Mina's enthusiasm. Mistellah pulls back enough for the two to breath, then hungrily sends her tongue back into Mina's throat, the mercenary's hand on her neck only pushing the succubus further on. Her fingers, meanwhile, continue to delve into Mina's womanhood, going deeper with each pass. Supremely skilled, every one of the succubus' touches lights Mina nerves on fire, sending wave after wave of stimulation racing through her body. Mistellah's playful motions quickly begin to intensify into more directly pleasurable motions, yet at the same time, Mina can feel the succubus is restraining herself, teasing the woman with thoughts of what is to come.

As Mina's hands move to remove her clothing, Jerr's moves to help her, eagerly but clumsily opening up her top to reveal her erect nipples. The goatman looks up at Mina again, then at Mistellah, before descending on the woman's breasts, greedily sucking on one while his fingers flick and pinch the other. His other hand slides along Mina's side down to her hip, slowly caressing the side of her rear.

Giggling at Mina's reaction to her ticklings, Cherry kisses Mina's toes a few more times before she sees Jerr removing the woman's top. With another giggile, Cherry moves forward and hooks her fingers into Mina's pants, slowly working them down her legs while leaning forward to plant soft kisses along her inner thighs.

As all this is happening, Mina hears a soft whuff from the side of the chair, followed by the soft thuds of large paws on the carpet. Though she can't see what's happening, Cherry's sudden gasp and her face pressing against Mina's leg, followed by a giggle and whimper, let's Mina know that Rax has decided to help himself.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina writhed and panted as her heart began to pound, so much stimulation she had never experienced all at once, she switched back and forth between lustful moans and pleasured giggles. "I hope this isn't....getting out of hand..." Her pussy swelled and flowed with desire, she needed release. She looked at Mistellah with a familiar almost primal look in her eye, desperate to end all the teasing and have something drive her to her limits with pleasure. She kept one arm around Mistellah and used her now free one to hold Jerr's head against her chest as her blood boiled.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"No, no," Mistellah murmurs in response, "I've got everything well... in hand." Just as she whispers the last, Mina feels the succubus' fingers suddenly plunge deep within her, striking a very sensitive spot, before withdrawing and resuming their teasing. The demoness giggles at Mina's reaction to the sudden move, then resumes kissing her, though moving around the woman's face, kissing her cheek, nose, eyelid, and any where she could reach.

Jerr eagerly accepts Mina's pushes, driving his face hungrily against her breast, and mauling the other with one hand. His other hand manages to slip between Mina and Mistellah, and the gruff begins to grab the mercenary's firm ass cheeks, while occasionally straying towards the space between them.

Sensing Mina's building desire, Mistellah shifts in her chair, leaning back and taking Mina with her. The demoness stops when her head is halfway down the chair however, the two women's bodies stretching down in a laying position, though they were both more vertical than horizontal. Breaking a particularly long kiss, Mistellah gasps, then lustfully calls, "Cherry." She speaks no other words, and resumes pleasuring Mina, though the demoness' fingers withdraw from inside her folds and move to focus on Mina's swollen nub.

"Y-yes, mistress," Cherry replies breathlessly, her face slowly sliding up the inside of Mina's leg. Without hesitation, the corrupted woman presses her lips against Mina's, though farther down than Mistellah had. Cherry's tongue skillfully replaces Mistellah's fingers, pressing into Mina's folds, turning and coiling to strike spots even the demoness couldn't. Every so often Cherry pauses to let out a soft gasp, but unerringly drives her tongue against every inch of Mina's womanhood, while the demoness continues to play with her clit.

The increasingly intense stimulation is overwhelming, and Mina can feel her orgasm threatening to overflow at any moment. Without even needing to look, she can tell that all of her playmates, the demoness, the gruff, and the slavegirl, and desperate to bring her as much pleasure as possible.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

With a sharp gasp both hands go to Cherry's head holding it as her hips grind against her tongue. She couldn't hold it back anymore, her heart felt like it was going to explode and she could barely remember where she was at this point. "Oh gods....it's.....it's coming, I've reached my limit!" She let out a cross between a scream of joy and moan of passion as she erupted onto cherry. Panting in satisfaction as she felt her body getting heavier in the wake of such a massive orgasm. "I've never felt anything....that good." Her eyes rolled back as a look of drunken pleasure went across her face.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

As Mina shudders and cries out in violent orgasm, Mistellah wraps her arms around the woman's shoulders and stomach. "Yes, let it out," she whispers breathily into Mina's ear, moaning along with her. Mina's orgasm is incredible, the excessive stimulation driving her well past her limit and sending wave upon wave of stimulation racing through her. At the same time, however, she feels a draining sensation, though it is overwhelmed by her pleasure.

Once she had recovered, Mistellah hugs the mercenary against her. "I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did," the demoness whispers before beginning to plant small kisses on her cheek. Finally able to focus on something other than the stimulation, Mina sees her other companions are enjoying themselves still. Jerr looks happily at Mina, one hand softly kneading her breast, while the other has moved to stroking Mistellah's arm. Cherry, her face now dripping with Mina's juices, moans as she presses against the woman's thigh, the demonic hound busy pleasing her just as she had pleased Mina.

With a sigh of contentment, Mistellah leans back in her chair, then turns to look at Jerr. Her left hand slides off Mina's stomach, and moves over to the gruff's erection, fingers softly running over the member while she smiles up at him. "Would you like to feel more, my dear?" she asks, still looking at the gruff, but obviously speaking to Mina. "We can move to the bedroom, if you'd like. Or maybe you'd prefer to rest in the more traditional manner?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Well I suppose I am the only one who hasn't visited this bedroom yet..." Mina smirked while trying to regain a bit of composure, "I think Cherry and Jerr will be all right alone....What could happen?" Mina chuckled and pats Cherry on the head while leaning her head back against Mistellah.