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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 42, EP = 43/55

Following the fence, Mina comes to a small gate which has been forced off it's hinges and lies on the ground, pointing towards the cathedral. A large number of human shaped footprints all over the area gives her the impression that it was large mob of people that had forced it down, rather than any demons. The grass in the area is overgrown, obscuring any signs of movement, though a small wooden door on the side of the cathedral to the west is a likely destination for anyone entering from the gate. Most likely a servants entrance, it remains closed and undisturbed. To the east, Mina can see that the grassy area opens up before the building, suggesting a main entrance. Judging by the size and craftsmanship of the building, a pair of large double doors would probably serve to let worshipers in during service. Looking up, many of the stain glassed windows have been shattered, but they are more than a story up from the base of the building, out of reach of normal humans.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina decides to sneak in the servant's entrance, going through the front doors would just be insanity, pushing giant doors open was not helpful when you're trying to be stealthy. Hopefully if there did happen to be demons inside she could keep her disguise of being a demonic ally going.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 42, EP = 43/55
The tall grass muffles Mina's footsteps as she heads over to the side door. She hears nothing from inside as she approaches the door, and it opens easily, if squeaking a bit due to the hings not having been oiled in some time. Still, Mina manages to slip inside the cathedral without making too much noise.

A dark hallway greets Mina on the other side of the door, though she is able to see well enough thanks to sunlight coming from a door straight ahead of her. The door leads to a much larger room, that Mina can only suppose is lit from the tall windows on the outside of the cathedral. On either side of the hallway are wooden doors much like the one she entered, though they undoubtedly lead into smaller rooms inside the building. Along the sides are the hall near the door she entered from are several large crates strewn haphazardly, looking more like they were shoved aside in a hurry rather than placed carefully. Mina still hears nothing from any rooms nearby.
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina thinks to herself that she's fortunate to be wearing cloth shoes as she quietly walks down the hall weaving through the crates towards the door with light coming from it. Perhaps the tower is connected to the worship hall....
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 42, EP = 43/55
Perception: Success

Mina's padded feet barely make a sound as she pads towards the door. Coming closer, she sees that it leads to a very large hall that is indeed lit by the tall windows she had seen, as well as several more. The door exits in the back corner of the large room, to her left is the back wall which stretches all the way to the roof four feet above. Set in it is a large circular stained glass window, before which stands a large golden statue of a bearded man in robes holding a staff with a sunburst on the tip, the head of which is almost directly in in the center of the window. In front of the statue is a carpeted stage with a podium in the center, before a large set of stairs that lead down to the stone floor of the cathedral. The stage looks mostly untouched save for scattered debris, while the hall itself is a scene of chaos.

The bodies of many humans lie dead throughout the room, most of them appearing to have been torn apart by claws or teeth. Dried blood stains much of the floor, signaling that these deaths happened long before Mina arrived. As well as the dead bodies, the rooms furniture belies evidence of some kind of attack. Many rows of wooden benches were obviously placed to give worshipers comfortable places to listen to whoever would have stood at the podium, but most of them have either been thrown about or destroyed wooden. Throughout the room are splintered wooden beams and the remains of the cushioned backs. At the far end of the hall is the large pair of double doors Mina suspected would be the entrance, and in front of it many of the benches piled off, barring the way in.

As she looks over the destroyed hall, Mina notices that two of the bodies are less damaged than others. In fact, the people aren't dead, but they aren't fully human either. From here she can't tell what is wrong with them, but their bodies are changed. One lies on the ground near the northern wall, while the other sits in one of the unbroken benches. Neither have noticed Mina, and they seem to be sleeping. At the other end of the large hall, in the opposite corner Mina entered from, she can see another wooden door. Perhaps it leads to somewhere she can get to the tower from.
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina rubbed her chin as she noticed the two humans guessing they were corrupted like cherry however they were probably sex starved like her as well without any self control still she had to investigate the door across the hall hopefully she could slip by the sleeping people. If not she might be able to bluff her way by again. She kept her hands on her swords to hold them still as she walked into the massive room and tried to slip by the two.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 42, EP = 43/55
Stealth: Success.

Keeping her footwork light and her hands on the hilts of her blades steady, Mina makes her way into the hall. Her experience with combat tactics serves her well, allowing her to glide through the rubble without making a sound. One of the corrupted humans briefly murmurs in his sleep, but quickly falls back to sleep without noticing the woman.

After a few moments of sneaking, Mina soon finds herself at the other end of the cathedral before the wooden door. It swings open freely and quietly, though she notices claw marks and splintered areas all over it. She finds herself in another dark hallway, though this one features no open doors. As soon as the door she just entered from closes, she is plunged in darkness. Leaving it open allows her to see an archway with stone stairs leading up on the right side of the hallway, as well as yet another door leading left at the end. She can make out a plaque before the door that reads 'Monastery.'
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina sighs relieved as she makes it across, once the door closes she heads to the stone stairs in the archway.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 42, EP = 44/55
Passing through the archway, Mina enters the bottom of the tower she has been using as a landmark. The stone staircase leads far up past the point where she can make out individual stories, coiling around the tower by hugging it's four walls. Hanging in the center of the tower are a pair of thick ropes, their origin beyond her view. The end of the ropes are knotted and hang several feet above the floor, but within easy reach of the woman. Several barrels and crates lie underneath the lowest section of stairs,
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(Thankfully I know enough about old church towers to -not- grab onto the ropes for the giant bell. ;) )

Mina rests a moment after such a long climb and looks up into the tower, noticing the ropes and quietly thinking about how much trouble she would be in if she grabbed those ropes and ended up ringing what was probably a giant bell. "Hmm It's a tough choice but I believe I'll take the stairs again." She thought to herself with a smirk and made her way over towards the stairs to head up to the highest point of the tower. (stealthily of course)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 42, EP = 44/55; Grappled
Stealth: Fail
Perception: Fail (by 1!)
Grapple: Auto-Success

The stairs seem to go on forever and Mina has no idea how many flights she climbs before she finally spots the landing of the tower. As she suspected, the ropes lead to a large bell, sitting idle in the center of the landing. Her cloth shoes crunch softly on small bits of stone that had chipped off the walls of the tower over time, though it isn't very loud. What is loud, however, is when she opens the trap door that opens up onto the landing. The old wooden door squeals on it's long rusted hinges as the mercenary climbs through it. Too late to simply try again, Mina finishes climbing through and takes a look around. The four walls of the landing are open, giving her a clear view of the horizon and the surrounding city, though each opening sports one of the hideous stone statues in it's center, facing outward. It is when the mercenary steps around the bell to check the other side however, that she stops in surprise.

Lying on the wooden floor of the landing are three women, their forms covered in a thick translucent slime. All of them have distended bellies, suggesting pregnancy. Despite how loud the sound of Mina's entrance was, though, only one seems to be awake. The woman stares at her, raising her head with her tear filled eyes wide in surprise, before she suddenly points behind Mina with a gasp of fear. Before Mina can react, she is grabbed from behind by a pair of clawed hands with a surprisingly strong grip. An unnatural hiss sounds in her ear, and warm, foul smelling breath wafts over her shoulder. "I'm sorry," the woman says as her head falls back to the wooden floor of the landing.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina grumbles as she retrained, "Hmph....I'm surprised a stalker has been able to keep three women up here all by yourself...." She turns her head to look back with her demonic red eye not struggling any, she wanted to help the three women but if she fought up here the demon might flee or hit the bell alerting more than she could handle. "I'm not here to bother you. And I'd prefer it if you let me go. I'm here on business." Mina let the demonic energy flow around her, hopefully she could bluff her way through again. If not it would seem she'd be getting to know the three women a bit better.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(sorry, no talking your way out of this one...)
Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 42, EP = 44/55; Grappled
Diplomacy: Fail
Tear Armor (Gargoyle vs Mina): 40 + 6 = 46 vs 20 + 16 = 36. Hit
Damage: 46 - 36 = 10 durability damage. 10/25

Unfortunately for Mina, the thing grabbing her is not a stalker. Looking back, she finds herself staring into a pair of similarly glowing red eyes, but the face they belong to are more animal like than any demon she has seen so far. Long and angular, the demon's face resembles a bat, with large, pointed ears and a flattened nose. In fact, it looks exactly like the stone statues mounted around the cathedral's roof...

The demon seems completely unimpressed by Mina's aura, and either doesn't understand or simply ignores her words. It keeps one hand firmly on her shoulder, while the other moves over to her chest, grasping at her clothing. It's long claws pass through the fabric easily, and the demon pulls fiercely, tearing a long gash down the front. Mina's breasts are exposed, but the rest of the clothing remains intact.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(stupid uncivilized killer statues.)

"Well.....that's new....." Mina raises an eyebrow as she looks at the gargoyle, the thing obviously wasn't listening and she couldn't easily fight back, flailing around her blades with 3 bystanders and a giant bell nearby was not a good idea. She decided she'd have to ride it out, poor choice of words she thought to herself, her free hand went to pull the rest of her clothes off. If she could skillfully make the thing wear itself out before her she'd have an easier time escaping. She rolled her eyes just imagining somewhere Mistellah was saying, "Ooooo you're learning fast."

After stripping her clothes off Mina jerks herself around, "Let's see if I have learned anything yet. Ready for what you're looking for?" Everything in her body language said that she was willing and if the gargoyle stood still long enough he'd have her mounted on him.
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

At first, Mina's movements earn her a small bit of pain as the monstrous statue's clawed hands grip her tighter, expecting resistance. When the demon realizes her intent is to help it, though, it's hands slowly withdraw as it watches her, keeping it's body very close to hers. As she strips she feel it's breath on the back of her neck, as well as it's clawed hands hovering near her, while it's member pokes against her backside every so often.

Spinning around, the mercenary gets a clearer view of the demon. Like before she is struck by how much it resembles a mix between a man and a large bat. In addition to it's bat-like facial features, it also has a pair of wings growing from it's arms, from wrist to waist. It's body is lean, muscular, and lanky, though it stands slightly hunched over as it stares at her.

Once again, Mina finds her words falling on deaf ears, though her body language and actions are obviously welcome to the creature. After only a few seconds of staring at her, the demon surges forward, it's clawed hands grabbing Mina at the shoulder and waist to lift her in the air before it. It turns while holding her and pushes the mercenary up against one of the stone supports in the corner of the tower. With the rough stone against Mina's back, the demon drops one hand to her crotch, roughly pulling one leg away to give his long cock access to her womanhood. The skin is surprisingly similar to that of the rock, solid but rough, with only a small bit of precum dripping from the tip to lubricate it. The demon slowly rubs the head of it's cock against Mina's lips for a second, before pressing forward, spreading her as it lets out a short high-pitched shriek.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Upon seeing the demon Mina smirks a bit, "Eh, I've seen worse." She gasps a bit taken off guard when she's suddenly grabbed and pressed against the stone. She moans lustfully her succubi traits making her enjoy the sensation more than normal, her newly enhanced pussy squeezes tightly around the gargoyle as it enters her. "Mmmm if it feels this good for me I can't imagine what my new upgrade must feel like to you..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The bat-like demon shrieks again as it begins repeatedly thrusting it's cock into Mina, arching it's back as it's hips buck back and forth. Each time the demon pushes forward, Mina is pressed against the stone pillar behind her. It's large cock presses against her tight walls, sending immense waves of pleasure throughout her body, while it grunts and shrieks in pleasure. Every so often, it leans it's face forward and sticks out a long, thin, flexible tongue, sliding it over and around Mina's face.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"This must be...how the other women ended up covered in slime...." Mina pants heavily trying to keep control of herself as she squeezed her hips, determined to get the gargoyle to lose itself before she was lost.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 49, P = 10/42, EP = 44/55; Penetrated; Pregnant
Working hard to bring the gargoyle to orgasm while keeping herself short of it, Mina finds herself wondering if she can hold out when the moment arrives. With one final shriek, the demon thrusts it's member deep into Mina, and she can feel the warmth of it's release inside her. Shuddering in pleasure, the gargoyle's grip loosens, though with the demon inside her and pressing against her, she finds herself still pinned to the stone pillar. Since Mina had given herself to it, the demon isn't focusing much on holding her, and she can tell that she can free herself without much struggle. How the demon would react to that, however, she doesn't know.

With the demon's attentions stopping for a moment, Mina is free to look around the bell tower. She notices that the other three statues had come to life just like the one she is currently held by. Apparently they each had the same thought as her attacker, but there was easier prey that wasn't already occupied. Each of the three women from before were host to a lustful gargoyle, their cries of pleasure mingling oddly with the demons' shrieks. The woman that had momentarily spoken to Mina lies on her hands and knees facing the mercenary, but with her head hanging down as she fights to keep from screaming in pleasure. The other two, however, have given themselves over completely, obviously enjoying their demon lovers.

(Mina gains 32 corruption and is pregnant)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina pants catching herself just before she loses herself and tries to gently push the gargoyle away, her eyes scanning the horizon looking for the factory Cherry had described. She felt sorry for the three women but stalling here might end up getting her stuck here a long time.