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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

The vast majority of the people on this forum are fair and reasonable, but there are a few people who do their best to snipe you any chance they get and because of this, you are far more likely to receive neg rep spontaneously than positive rep.

Ultimately, if you want to avoid being bullied by some faceless coward who has much higher repping power than you, the only thing you can do is not contribute at all and remain a lurker.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Ultimately, if you want to avoid being bullied by some faceless coward who has much higher repping power than you, the only thing you can do is not contribute at all and remain a lurker.

However that would just make you a coward as well. Who cares if an anonymous person on the other side of the planet doesn't agree with you?
You won't ever see them in your lifetime and all they did was to click on "I disapprove" followed by some text that doesn't affect you.

I can very well live with that risk and the majority of the people here (that are nice) are worth the effort.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Cowardly? I'll gladly tell you I was the one who made that negrep, and I would have done it again. After several pages of discussion explaining perspective at length, I specifically pointed out how racism and bias born of more racism and bias is actually exceedingly difficult to avoid, and further more, that a pure objective perspective from which you can completely judge somebody from the way they act rather than the way the look, or the place they come from, is actually implausibly difficult. It is human nature to categorize stimuli and associate it with the common traits involved. IE: People with funny noses do this all the time, but I almost never see somebody with a boring nose do it. Your brain will subconsciously tell you that this is the way the world works typically, thus giving birth to stereotyping.

Then you come along, and I can only assume graze over the conversation for the briefest of moments, then basically say, "Racism is bad, I don't do that." Well NO SHIT. If you want to join the conversation, try reading the posts preceding your own and make yourself relevant. And yes, what I'm saying might be considered bitter sour grapes from somebody who is overly serious. Well I consider it a serious subject, and your comment had about as much thought and depth put into it as my early morning bowel evacuation. I disapprove. OPENLY.

And Obsidious, I rebuke people who make shallow comments other people have already made during the conversation(And then some). I would have had no problem if he had say, elaborated on his reasoning, or even simply said, "I agree with (x), he made some good points. Racism IS easy to avoid!" But no. And you know what, this is all just my personal opinion, which is why I didn't derail the conversation to openly go "YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY" rather than push out a negrep to quickly ease my annoyance. WELL SO MUCH FOR THAT!

A hundred points from Ravenclaw.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I should have realized that it was you judging from the unmitigated rage emanating from your previous posts on the subject, it is obvious that this topic is important to you, so much so that anyone who tries to get in the way of you voicing your superior opinion should be subject to penalty. Is that it?

My intention in this thread was not to overshadow your deep beliefs with my innocent quips and pathetic attempts at humor, but that doesn't mean that my statements are any less valid than yours.

I've got my own personal beliefs about human behavior, i just don't feel like it would be a very productive exercise listing them here, nor would i expect my opinions to change the way anyone thinks.

The fact that you value your established internet pedestal enough that you would neg me for poking fun at a subject which is impossible to solve makes you a prick.

Furthermore, it has been determined though careful deliberation and observation that you are in fact a Moron and/or Fuckstick. Good Day.

P.S. At least you had the balls to admit you negged me. but you are still a Prick/Moron/Fuckstick


Crappy said:
*NEG!* Honestly, for every one time I bother to neg rep you, there's 10 whiny/belligerent/irritating posts you've made where I wanted to but didn't. This is that one out of ten.

So who died and made you the arbiter of logic and reason? Is no one other than yourself entitled to hold a whiny/belligerent/irritating opinion on these forums?
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

And Obsidious, I rebuke people who make shallow comments other people have already made during the conversation(And then some). I would have had no problem if he had say, elaborated on his reasoning, or even simply said, "I agree with (x), he made some good points. Racism IS easy to avoid!" But no. And you know what, this is all just my personal opinion, which is why I didn't derail the conversation to openly go "YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY" rather than push out a negrep to quickly ease my annoyance. WELL SO MUCH FOR THAT!

A hundred points from Ravenclaw.

I shall only take up on what was directed at me.
I can see what you are irritated about and indeed it is a subjective matter, since you have somewhat of an expectation on what a "legitimate contribution" has to look like and therefore judge other's posts based on that expectation.

However discussions in real life are held in the same manner - if no argument would be used twice they would be much shorter. I won't however dictate you or anyone else what a discussion has to look like, mind you.
I really only stated that an anonymous negrep calling you an "asshat" is annoying no matter how you look at it. That's why I called it not only cowardly but also ill-mannered. Let's just leave it at that.

Furthermore, it has been determined though careful deliberation and observation that you are in fact a Moron and/or Fuckstick. Good Day.

P.S. At least you had the balls to admit you negged me. but you are still a Prick/Moron/Fuckstick


And there I hoped this matter could be settled in a peaceful manner. Oh well...
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I should have realized that it was you judging from the unmitigated rage emanating from your previous posts on the subject, it is obvious that this topic is important to you, so much so that anyone who tries to get in the way of you voicing your superior opinion should be subject to penalty. Is that it?

My intention in this thread was not to overshadow your deep beliefs with my innocent quips and pathetic attempts at humor, but that doesn't mean that my statements are any less valid than yours.

I've got my own personal beliefs about human behavior, i just don't feel like it would be a very productive exercise listing them here, nor would i expect my opinions to change the way anyone thinks.

The fact that you value your established internet pedestal enough that you would neg me for poking fun at a subject which is impossible to solve makes you a prick.

Furthermore, it has been determined though careful deliberation and observation that you are in fact a Moron and/or Fuckstick. Good Day.

P.S. At least you had the balls to admit you negged me. but you are still a Prick/Moron/Fuckstick

Once again you prove your lack of intelligence and guile by not reading THE POSTS PRECEDING YOUR OWN. I have no problem with somebody disagreeing with my opinion, I just expect people to elaborate and contribute to a conversation with something worthwhile, rather than just cupping a hand to their armpit and making fart noises in the background while shouting "THIS IS MY OPINION!". Actually, scratch that, somebody cupping a hand to their armpit and making fart noises in the background might actually make me laugh.

If you're going to make a slapstick statement pointing out the humour of ironic self-importance, try doing it in the appropriate setting. Or better yet, be funnier next time. I have more wit in my left pinky than the content of your very being.

EDIT: OH, and actually presenting logic and reasoning WILL ALWAYS make your statements more valid in the eyes of the intelligent. PROTIP
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Once again you prove your lack of intelligence and guile by not reading THE POSTS PRECEDING YOUR OWN. I have no problem with somebody disagreeing with my opinion, I just expect people to elaborate and contribute to a conversation with something worthwhile,

What is this an English lesson? Mrs. Brown is that you? You are aware that this forum is dedicated to fictional art depicting cartoon characters having sexual intercourse right? This isn't the official NAACP website.

Crappy said:
rather than just cupping a hand to their armpit and making fart noises in the background while shouting "THIS IS MY OPINION!". Actually, scratch that, somebody cupping a hand to their armpit and making fart noises in the background might actually make me laugh.

What the fuck did i just read?

Crappy said:
If you're going to make a slapstick statement pointing out the humour of ironic self-importance, try doing it in the appropriate setting. Or better yet, be funnier next time. I have more wit in my left pinky than the content of your very being.

Once again, this forum is dedicated to the depiction of fictional Japanese art having sex or having sex done to them, if this isn't the appropriate setting to make humorous and comical remarks please direct me to such a setting.


Crappy said:
presenting logic and reasoning WILL ALWAYS make your statements more valid in the eyes of the intelligent. PROTIP

Who is this intelligent guy? I'd love to meet him. People have varying levels of intelligence. The fact that i choose to present myself as a cynical asshat has no bearing on my real world intelligence (whatever the fuck that is).

My advice to you would be to relax, sit down, drink some tea or something. The sooner you come to the realization that people have a wide variety of personal beliefs and values, the sooner you'll realize that your crusade against ignorance is the very definition of it....................SO SUCK ON THAT, BITCHLIPS.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

What is this an English lesson? Mrs. Brown is that you? You are aware that this forum is dedicated to fictional art depicting cartoon characters having sexual intercourse right? This isn't the official NAACP website.

What the fuck did i just read?

Once again, this forum is dedicated to the depiction of fiction Japanese art having sex or having sex done to them, if this isn't the appropriate setting to make humorous and comical remarks please direct me to such a setting.


So your argument is essentially.... This is a hentai website so the Debate thread must have tacky stupid comments attached? OK.


The sooner you come to the realization that people have a wide variety of personal beliefs and values, the sooner you'll realize that your crusade against ignorance is the very definition of it....................SO SUCK ON THAT, BITCHLIPS.

You obviously haven't paid attention to anything I've said, as usual, because if you'd bothered to actually read my shit, you might understand that I have nothing against your opinions, just the fact that you're basically shouting "MY OPINION!" without anything to back it. Of course I'm going to be against that, having people constantly saying controversial things without explaining themselves will lead to a bunch of moronic dimwits like yourself who get all worked up when they have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

Furthermore, I never called myself particularly intelligent, I'm just saying that you aren't. But don't bother sucking on that, you probably can't even understand what I'm saying, since you're just replying to an imaginary image of me you've created in your head. Instead, suck on my dick. Thank you.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So your argument is essentially.... This is a hentai website so the Debate thread must have tacky stupid comments attached? OK.

My argument is that you should chill the fuck out with your negs, because this is the internet, and as it turns out, it isn't as serious of business as we had all originally thought.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

My argument is that you should chill the fuck out with your negs, because this is the internet, and as it turns out, it isn't as serious of business as we had all originally thought.

Are you implying that I take negreps seriously? If I did, I wouldn't have openly ostracised you and made myself a target for the shit-ton of negreps that people give out when you insult just about anyone. Well, except Young Mike, but he's an exception. And you might want to note, that's the first negrep I've given in about a week, so you have no cooking clue what you're talking about.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I haven't negged you yet, nor do i intend to. I could be just like you and go around negging people all damn day just because i don't agree with them, but i have integrity, and i respect other peoples opinion and furthermore, i respect other people's right to have an opinion and express it even if i don't agree with it.

So even though you are an incredibly unreasonable douche, i won't hold it against you and i certainly won't deduct your magical internet points because of it.

I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave and here, we respect each others right to have as many magical internet points as they want, because this is America, where everyone is a incredibly unreasonable douche.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I haven't negged you yet, nor do i intend to. I could be just like you and go around negging people all damn day just because i don't agree with them, but i have integrity, and i respect other peoples opinion and furthermore, i respect other people's right to have an opinion and express it even if i don't agree with it.

So even though you are an incredibly unreasonable douche, i won't hold it against you and i certainly won't deduct your magical internet points because of it.

I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave and here, we respect each others right to have as many magical internet points as they want, because this is America, where everyone is a incredibly unreasonable douche.

>The first negrep I've given in weeks
>You can take my points, BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE MY FREEDOM!

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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

The comment that started this was posted about two hours ago.
I found your argument amusing for awhile. What's left however now is a struggle for moral high ground that solves nothing.

Both of you, please stop this now.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well, at first i was worried that i was negged by someone of importance, someone whose status was deserved, whose opinion i respected and who i had considered to be a fair and reasonable person.

I was relieved to discover that it was just you.

Edit: I'm done.

p.s. That was fun.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Ok, and to wind ourselves down from that, I have an interesting topic!

The problem goes like this:
Mainstream medicine has a cure for a good many things, but much is still lacking. There is however the Placebo effect, and we know that it can do wonders. We can't really expect doctors to lie to their patients about their treatment, but we do potentially need some channel through which we can tap into the potential of the placebo effect.

Enter homeopathy, a treatment that has been shown to have nil difference with placebo, and since the pills advocated as containing something, well, don't contain it, the risk of overdose is also nil.

So far so good, but one problem remains.

There are countless examples of homeopath "doctors" advising against listening to the advice of the medical doctors, including advising people against their aids or malaria medication.

How would a society solve this?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Ok, and to wind ourselves down from that, I have an interesting topic!

The problem goes like this:
Mainstream medicine has a cure for a good many things, but much is still lacking. There is however the Placebo effect, and we know that it can do wonders. We can't really expect doctors to lie to their patients about their treatment, but we do potentially need some channel through which we can tap into the potential of the placebo effect.

Enter homeopathy, a treatment that has been shown to have nil difference with placebo, and since the pills advocated as containing something, well, don't contain it, the risk of overdose is also nil.

So far so good, but one problem remains.

There are countless examples of homeopath "doctors" advising against listening to the advice of the medical doctors, including advising people against their aids or malaria medication.

How would a society solve this?

So you think that it's acceptable for homeopaths to lie in order to achieve placebo-effect while it's not acceptable for real doctors to do that?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

(This part was a repy to a deleted post about just letting them follow their own advice.)
Well, firstly, many of them won't, and secondly, that doesn't solve the problem. While we might not have to deal with them, therein lies the problem, because in such a situation we have lost the medium through which we could normally take advantage of the placebo effect to better the lives of people
To be entirely clear:

The placebo effect works. It's not some trick of the mind, (ok it is, but bear with me) it really does work. For many illnesses (including cancer) it can truly do wonders. While it is something that we perhaps do not fully understand, we do not understand why lithium is good against manic depression either, or indeed why many general anesthetics work at all.

EDIT: Wait, wasn't there a post by Cappy here? Am I seeing things?

@Spider: I do not think it acceptable for doctors with their oaths and their education to lie to their patients. There has to be trust. Now, we have homeopathy, which is has been shown to be no better than a placebo. It is already filled with lies, and if we were in any way interested in the truth they'd all be sued.
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