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Sex Mugen

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Re: Sex Mugen

As long as the folder and .def file have the same name there shouldn't be any problems. I've changed both to the other, and both to something entirely new without any issues.

EDIT: You don't have to change every file in the folder, just the .def file and the folder itself.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Alright, well here's my entire mugen pack.

This is the first time I've compressed a folder and split it into smaller groups, and it's my first time using Mediafire so let me know if anything's wrong.

I've changed default controls around, which you can change to anything you'd like in options.

Current Layout:
Player1- Arrow keys
"a,b,c" = z,x,c
"x,y,z"= a,s,d
"Select" = Enter

Player2- Numpad 8,4,5,6
"a,b,c" = j,k,l
"x,y,z"= i,o,p
"Select" = Shift

Also, for those of you who don't know:
Alt, Enter = Fullscreen
Function Keys (F1,F2,F3, ect.) = various 'debugging' tools (full special bar, restart round, set health to 0, ect.)

Thanks so much for this!

I really wish I could contribute something, and also thanks to whoever posted that character/stage guide as well. Too bad the English forum is gone, I really wish I could speak spanish now! x3
Re: Sex Mugen

its too bad the 4shared site isn't completely filed so that every character that's compatible and that's not is listed. Some characters dont work well with konomaru 4.

There was kunomarru that had a girl in the background cheering for him. anyone remember him? im looking for him
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Re: Sex Mugen

actually im pretty sure i have that one in the old tantrumbull archive of characters i can upload it if you want not sure on compatibility however
Re: Sex Mugen

That's a great guide, but if i may ask, why is tendril there like 5 times? minotaurs there like 5 times too.

if i put tendril 5 times in select.def, the cpu will select this char with more percentage rate '-'

i do this with my female rapists (like shermie and kyouko '-')
Re: Sex Mugen

it looks like thats the problem. So if i rename all the files within each char file to be the exact name to match on all Sides it will work? or will that fuck the files up?

eww.... sry for double post:

if the characters won't appear try this:

1 = rename the .def of the char for the same name of folder (ex: folder = Shermie , and the .def file = Shermie , need to do it exactly (awww my bad english...))

2: if won't work, try to use the Fighter Factory (a little program from elecbyte) and rename in this program the .def file)

i hope it helps =)
Re: Sex Mugen

oh i got everything working fine. i just noticed when i had haruhi no panties in against kunomaru 4 she actually vanished when kunomaru tried a rape attack with a dog. I noticed the kunomaru that had the girl in the background, that version of him, that haruhi didnt, so i was thinking the one with the girl int he back is superior, and if so, get a hold of him.
Re: Sex Mugen

I downloaded Allsop's mugen pack, and man, I gotta say, you are the shit. Thanks a ton for that.

That being said, there aren't any stages in it save the one training room, and the thread is full of dead links thanks to... you know what. So does anyone know some good hentai-like stages?

Also, I'd like to find more futa characters, and more girls with the "special" Kuromaru swallow ending scenes. Those rock!
Re: Sex Mugen

found a mugen with a lot of characters and stages. might want to change the background on the character select though since it's hard to tell where the character select cursor is.

Re: Sex Mugen

Thanks Magenta, I'm downloading now.

And sorry for the lack of stages in my pack. I customized it to my own preferences and I've yet to find a hentai stage that I like so I left them all out. The ones I had would be long gone by now.

I'll post my review on Mugenta's link later (and let y'all know if there's more stages included).

EDIT: Hmmm... I downloaded and extracted everything but it looks like a mess. At least 16 characters missing when you go to play. I'm trying to see if I can clean things up before I go testing compatibility. At the very least there's a whole lot of content here, including hentai stages for those who were interested.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Allsop, I have 4 different mugens on my HDD right now and I have to say yours is by far the most compatible one yet. It doesn't have the most chars, but it DOES have the most chars that work together, the most animations that put the naughty bits within reasonable distance of each other, and finishers that actually work.

As for the backgrounds, 99% of them out there in the wild are crap IMO. The Hentai ones are the words offenders, somehow managing to combine ugly with distracting and littering the foreground with objects that block the "action". From other packs, I personally like park, clock tower, and final battle (a-stage), but YMMV.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Thanks. I put this together from like 4 different MUGENs I had. It's my favourite as well due to the compatibility. All credit goes to whoever made them - I was getting them from the English forum site before it closed down. The KuromaruLite and about 90% of the characters were all from the same thread. After I got them all together I just put them all into my favourite MUGEN engine pack. So just a lot of trial and error with what I liked and disliked.

As far as the UltimaXeno's MUGEN (the one posted by Magenta) goes I'm not impressed. Pretty much a mimic copy of Tantrumbulls Mugen except with missing characters and changed options. Not to be insulting or anything. It does have a truckload of characters, stages, ect. Trying to keep that all organized is alot of work, and trying to share it without causing issues is even more. All I'm saying is that I've been there, done that, and it's no longer my cup of tea.

If you're looking for more content then go for it, just don't expect high compatibility.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Okay, I've been trying for a very long time now, and I still can't figure it out.

WHICH Kuromaru and WHICH Princess Daisy are needed for the swallow finisher down the bottom of this image? I've tried like 5 Kuros and 3 Daisys and every time she just floats for a moment before sinking. All I really know is that it's something Alcnx did, but it doesn't even work with the Daisy from his site.
Re: Sex Mugen

Okay, I've been trying for a very long time now, and I still can't figure it out.

WHICH Kuromaru and WHICH Princess Daisy are needed for the swallow finisher down the bottom of this image? I've tried like 5 Kuros and 3 Daisys and every time she just floats for a moment before sinking. All I really know is that it's something Alcnx did, but it doesn't even work with the Daisy from his site.
I may be wrong, but i do believe none of those are finishers.
@allsop, thanks man, your a life saver, my mugen data just got corrupted, so you made it really easy to get back most my characters, hell you even had a couple i missed.
Re: Sex Mugen

here's a question. In my old mugen I have the same minatour as in Allsop's file, but during watch mode the AI in mine always goes for the sex attacks while in Allsop's just goes for beating the girls.

I tried replacing mine into Allsop's but goes straight to beating. Any idea as to why or how to change that?
Re: Sex Mugen

Hold the start button when you selet minotaur, you'll get dark minotaur instead.

Alternately, use Z instead of A to select him.
Re: Sex Mugen

Hold the start button when you selet minotaur, you'll get dark minotaur instead.

Alternately, use Z instead of A to select him.

yea I should've specified that's what I've been doing it isn't making a difference

edit: got it to work apparently I had to use the opposite button and hit A instead of Z.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Ah, I remember playing the non-hentai mugen games, and then I got excited when I found out there were hentai versions of the game a year ago. Now I have the sudden urge to play. Thanks for the links.
Re: Sex Mugen

here's a question. In my old mugen I have the same minatour as in Allsop's file, but during watch mode the AI in mine always goes for the sex attacks while in Allsop's just goes for beating the girls.

I tried replacing mine into Allsop's but goes straight to beating. Any idea as to why or how to change that?

Interesting, I've never had a minotaur with working rape AI. Would you mind sharing yours?
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