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So is anyone still working on this or is it a collection of people trying to chip in to get it finished? Kinda confused with all the tech speak a few posts before, I'm to stupid so aint even going to attempt to understand any of that. xD

All I could do is the beta patch. To begin with, it's not my project to finish. I didn't fully pick it up as I have other projects (VNs) on my hands before I started helping out here.

That aside, the beta patch I provided is good enough to cover the storyline, most of the h-scenes, Quests, and all other stuff

I also put some effort into translating images. (names are beside the stars)
Yo is this translation thread dead now? Id like to know since its be awhile since anything has been posted here
Thank you for ur contribution and dedicated hard work, would love to see this project finished but regardless, thanks for making it allready easyer to play. Such a gorgeous game. Cheers
will the censorship be removed?

Censorship can only be remove on official translation since 1) it's illegal regarding JAPANESE law so it can only be made for work intended to be sold & use outside of JAPAN.
2) lot ot dev don't bother to draw the censored part so removing the censor is usually worse than with censor -> it need the artist to redraw the missing bit...
How much was actually translated of this game and what is still left in Japanese?
Offtopic Discussion - Game discussion in Translation section
I need help, I got the DLC from DLsite but i keep getting an ERROR unable to open UDM file when i try to install
I need help, I got the DLC from DLsite but i keep getting an ERROR unable to open UDM file when i try to install
Idk if this is the same problem but I got the game with the dlc from dlsite as well. I ran the dlc and when it prompted me I selected the folder for the main game. Then pressed okay to everything. It takes a little bit of time before the bars that show the installation progress to show something other than 0% but give it a minute and it'll start. If this isn't the problem you're experiencing sorry for the useless post.

After that I extract the rgss3a file with an extractor and then replace the game files with the patch files. Then I rename the rgss3a file to rgss3a.bak so that the game runs off of the translation files rather than the original file. There are a few helpful posts that go into this on page 2 and 3 of this forum thread. Hope this helps.
Anyone having bugs during Lily's quest ?
I already saved her from Mt Mars but she's not showing back at home and the old man keeps asking me to go rescue her .
Confirmed that this is a translation patch related bug (1.14 + 1.01 DLC + capu beta). Workaround is to do the quest using unpatched version of the game. Quest closes properly then. Hoping for a fix 🙏

Edit: confirmed that Eventidegames patch 0.05 also has the same bug.
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Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Permanent ban.
so where i can download game
Just adding a pro tip here for anyone else struggling with the same error I had.

In base game for Lizbel v1.14 by itself, or with DLC I would run into an error message when trying to pick up items. This error in the end had nothing to do with the translation packs. The error message is like:
"Unable to find file: Audio/SE/momimomi3"

The error would trigger upon picking up certain items (such as water, or items in the forest). It was clearly a multilingual character issue, where that last 'm' is a unicode character. I tried things like installing japanese language pack and such, but could not solve the issue. Eventually, the fix for me was to rename the file myself:
* Renamed the file from `\Audio\SE\momimoéìi3.ogg`, to `\Audio\SE\momimomi3.ogg` (copy this exactly from here, this last `m` is actually a special unicode character, not a real `m`)

Good luck! There may be more similar files named oddly that need to be fixed, this is just the first one I ran into so far.
Just adding a pro tip here for anyone else struggling with the same error I had.

In base game for Lizbel v1.14 by itself, or with DLC I would run into an error message when trying to pick up items. This error in the end had nothing to do with the translation packs. The error message is like:
"Unable to find file: Audio/SE/momimomi3"

The error would trigger upon picking up certain items (such as water, or items in the forest). It was clearly a multilingual character issue, where that last 'm' is a unicode character. I tried things like installing japanese language pack and such, but could not solve the issue. Eventually, the fix for me was to rename the file myself:
* Renamed the file from `\Audio\SE\momimoéìi3.ogg`, to `\Audio\SE\momimomi3.ogg` (copy this exactly from here, this last `m` is actually a special unicode character, not a real `m`)

Good luck! There may be more similar files named oddly that need to be fixed, this is just the first one I ran into so far.
Most such errors are result of people extracting ZIP file on English OS. If you extract it with JP locale, it will extract correct filenames. 7z and rar don't have this problem because they store proper unicode filenames. It's also possible for someone to corrupt filenames and then repack corrupted filenames to rar or 7z (so format is no guarantee). Try web search, there's a tool floating around which can correctly extract Japanese-encoded ZIPs on English OS. Purchased ZIPs are mostly Japanese locale encoded so just extract them properly and all is good.
Most such errors are result of people extracting ZIP file on English OS. If you extract it with JP locale, it will extract correct filenames. 7z and rar don't have this problem because they store proper unicode filenames. It's also possible for someone to corrupt filenames and then repack corrupted filenames to rar or 7z (so format is no guarantee). Try web search, there's a tool floating around which can correctly extract Japanese-encoded ZIPs on English OS. Purchased ZIPs are mostly Japanese locale encoded so just extract them properly and all is good.
Thanks for the tip! This was with the official purchased zip. Will explore other ways to extract it next time.