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[WIP - Full] [Acid Style] 銑鉄の探索者 / Explorer of the Golden Planet (RJ204720)


Sex Demon
Oct 19, 2012
Reputation score
Due to game update there will be nearly no updates till completed (explained here a bit). But follow this link as Loneranger69 picked it up with a bit more and so it is the latest version though incomplete

Everything below this is outdated from June 2023 as things have changed since then, it will all be changed/redone when the translation is pretty much completed

After playing the game a lot and recently chatter spurring on about translating this game I decided to give it a go and set out a little testing of doing it through doing everything in the HQ base area. I've done that now and through my taste I got to do a variance of translating the game's different parts and feel fine with going for the full body remodeling. So here goes my first attempt ever at translating a game with no experience what so ever with doing this, nothing at all will go wrong with this.

A bit of explanation about how I've set this out is that I'm going to update the world map if anything new is added in before doing the stages added so it's staying on the top of my to do list however newly added stages will be at the bottom of the list since changes are likely to be done to them. Next up something I'm not too happy about is that there just seems to be some characters that I cannot properly select to translate in the editor as in they don't show up the way they are meant to. Finally in my translating if I can not figure out the grammar of the translated words when I put the Japanese through google, bing and yandex. As a result I have either left a rough translation in place with the japanese characters or left it completely alone, these I will be asking for help with by posting in this thread when I've finished for the day so if you wish to help out please do so by helping me out with these that just confuse me. Oh and I'm not an expert in english so don't expect perfection in the translation with grammar or other minor things as I'm aiming for having you be able to understand what is going on roughly, this also goes for when I get the indentation off with menu's or not capitalizing the beginning of a sentence or something.

Thanks to cell943 for helping me with this in the past. (I currently would really like anyone with experience with the Japanese langauge to help me with translating sentences and possibly playtesting, please send me a PM if interested)

If you wish to help then please do play through what I have translated and if you notice anything that doesn't make sense or not translated at all please check here first >>> <<< to see if it has been reported along with checking below in the untranslatable issues part, before submitting a report of it here >>> .

Link to ULMF discussion thread: Linky
Link to Dlsite page:
Tags: Lesbian, Monsters, Long Game,Clothed, Female Heroine, Dot/Pixel, Nameless Sex, Interspecies Sex, Futanari/Dick girl, Combat Rape, Tentacle monsters, Robots, Aliens.

Game Engine: Action Editor 4 version 930 I am using (game is using 881)
Game version: 1.31-2 (some files are not updated due to difficulty in updating them requires completely redoing the translation in said files)
Translation version: 0.2

Status (11-1-2022)
World Map: 100%
Areas Translated: 51/312 (How many files to check)

Areas completion progress is shown by the (0/0) as that is how many file I have gone through/have to go to fully translate that area, once finished it will have a (✔) at the end. Any notes on the areas will be after that. Also I don't quite know where each area links up to another and switches check point areas so I may change this later on to a different format.
  1. World Map (1/1) (✔) (may need to redo each update if file is updated)
  2. HQ Base (underground and training included) (6/6) (✔) (Need to revisit unfinished parts if they are good)
  3. Partner Selection area (1/1) (✔) (Need to revisit unfinished parts if they are good)
  4. Cut-scenes inside Base (5/5) (✔) (Need to revisit unfinished parts if they are good)
  5. Terminal Stuff (aka the magical shop pod) + Gallery (8/8) (✔ ) (Only need to revisit if I find out how to translate background text)
  6. H-Cutscenes that are spread through the game and can be revisited in Aperi's room (2/7) (Story related ones done for now)
  7. Iron Mountain (7/7) (✔)
  8. Amber Cave (10/10+21?) (✔?)
  9. Grasslands (9/9) (✔)
  10. Lawless Area (2/5)
  11. Outlaws Hideout (0/10)
  12. Checkpoint terminals/between area's stop points (0/47)
  13. To Be Continued once I have progressed further in translating/investigating
Untranslatable Things/Characters or general issues: 6
  • Outlaw/Soldier/random person at the partner selection area as he shows up as a different icon in the editor which when selected does not show any thing to translate.
  • In the smuggler area there's an outlaw there who will force you into a H-animation if naked whom doesn't show up in the editor as well.
  • The font is very weird as the Japanese characters are all nice and neat but once I switch them to english characters....well things go very weird as then there's big spacing between each character here is an example in the next bullet point! If you know how to fix this then please please please do tell me and I'll make the changes as it's easier to do so before I've done the whole thing as currently I will be continuing on as I have not found a way to do so myself.
  • Capture.PNG
  • Can't find the blue text in the above image to edit it to be english but I can't read any of the editor due to it being in japanese...anyone translated it?
  • Possible issue: Need to start an new game for translation to work? (Would appreciate that if people have had this happen to say how they got around if they did and what version their save was started on that doesn't work as well as if they did anything to the game file such as renaming them.)
  • Unable to fully update the game to the latest version since I currently do not know of any way to port the text over the files. This will most likely result in future content updates being untranslated due to the amount of work inputted into the files. Thankfully the game has recieved it's last content update hopefully (I gone set a flag now haven't I?).
Current mood/time availability for this: NVM I had more things occur and now I'm currently trying to meet a deadline before another project starts up so....yeah a little bit more for the wait but wuhey that Loneranger69 got interested enough to pick this up....hopefully can work together with him when I am able to.

Link to current translation patch: Look in Attachments as currently assessing places to upload the translation to.
Please please please read this otherwise it will not work, also back up your files: To install just unzip and drag the exe to the area where the game exe currently is, then move the stg4 folder into the data folder and replace all. Then to run use the new exe as the old one will not work.

If anyone wants me to try and focus down on translating a specific thing then do say so in this thread, if there is enough people liking the post and I am okay with it I'll switch to doing that area. If anyone also has any suggestions (pics, less or more detail about some things) for what I should put or remove in this post then send me a PM.


  • Version 0.1 Base Draft Completed.zip
    1 MB · Views: 714
  • Version 0.2 Base+shop-terminal completed.zip
    1.3 MB · Views: 1,420
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Can you please confirm what version of the game do you use? I checked game folder, it seems version of game written at the bottom of the ★★必ず最初にお読みください text file. My is バージョン1.20. Also if there is something i can help with, i'll gladly do that.
Ah I now know that it's 1.31 so now I can have that be updated. Thanks.
Looking forward to this translation it's a good game but I'd like to understand what's going on.
Okay, I've been working away through the Terminal stuff and are currently at the gallery/archive where it's saying about the types of vehicles are around and well after translating it.....the text fills the entire screen and that makes it uhh very hard to read at certain points.....this is due to the font of the english characters being a lot bigger than the Japanese ones....here's an example of what I mean.
This font issue has been present else where with say the options you get when you are knocked down through no more HP and self destructing so I was ignoring it till it became more relevent. Which now it is so if anyone has a idea as to how to fix this then please let me know, otherwise I'll be continuing as I am which means more of this happening elsewhere since I have yet to find a way....
Okay, I've been working away through the Terminal stuff and are currently at the gallery/archive where it's saying about the types of vehicles are around and well after translating it.....the text fills the entire screen and that makes it uhh very hard to read at certain points.....this is due to the font of the english characters being a lot bigger than the Japanese ones....here's an example of what I mean.
View attachment 22608
This font issue has been present else where with say the options you get when you are knocked down through no more HP and self destructing so I was ignoring it till it became more relevent. Which now it is so if anyone has a idea as to how to fix this then please let me know, otherwise I'll be continuing as I am which means more of this happening elsewhere since I have yet to find a way....
Can't speak for everyone but as long as its legible then that'd be good enough for me. You're already doing god's work as far as I'm concerned, a few inconveniences aren't even close to a problem.
Little update as to how the terminal and gallery has been going. The archive section is over halfway done and I've looked over the other files and one of them is the shop tutorial....WHOOSP...uh um well that's being done now since I missed it. Speaking of the shop I've looked at the stuff to translate there and I'm getting the feeling that it's going to be slightly annoying to do since I need to make sure I don't change certain parts of the text and I don't know if indentation or what line it is on matters so some testing will be required for that.
No idea when I will have the files done but with the progress I've done in the last week I feel that if I've not done it at the end of June then uhhh something happened then to myself or I encountered another issue. I might have an better understanding once I get to doing the shop stuff which could halve that if I refine a method down to doing it, for now I have no clue.

Oh yeah and I found another character that doesn't show up in the editor.....dang it, it's a guy in the black market area.
For those wondering about what is up with the Iron Desert then well....don't open the following if you hate confusion:
Welcome so uh here's the thing with it....I have no idea what it actually means since the translation comes out as the following
【Iron Desert】Risk Level 4
Sand and iron minerals form a desert.
We think that it is some sort of ruins
of a long gone society as there is
something called black calcite there.
On the other hand, criticism of
"lacking in romance" was concentrated,
but recently it was found that a huge
space exists underground, and it is
likely that the theory of the society
will be reversed.
Jade Steel is found in this area.

I only changed the name along with the first and the last sentence....I've asked cell for help with this one when he has time, but while I waited I thought I would share this with those who were wondering about what is up with the Iron Desert. As you now know, I got no clue but I'm continuing on with translating the rest, so no delay with my non-existent deadline. ;D
Well that's that for now as I've not done much today.

EDIT: finished for today and as I spotted a difference on the world map I ended up in the tutorial and found out that I had missed about......15 messages........YAY! Though uhhh I am wondering if someone noticed or didn't play the tutorial....I suspect that my message about the fact there was a few messages left untranslated resulted in this being ignored. I found it out myself before I redid the area and missed it again so take that past self for missing it the first time as I have clearly upgraded to a better self.....(not perfect)
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I sorta see it like this:
"Sand and iron minerals form a desert." With the aforementioned map title "Iron Desert" means it likely is a desert with a very high iron mineral count, possibly higher than sand grain count. So instead of seeing a vast ocean of brown and orange, like normal sand deserts, it would likely be blue to grey in color.

"We think that it is some sort of ruins of a long gone society as there is something called black calcite there."
Without knowledge of a reference to "black calcite" elsewhere in the game files (like is it a key item, currency, crafting material?)
I'd assume "black calcite" to be a valuable resource of some kind, likely an ore?
But context clues later in the sentence lend to it perhaps being the resulting waste or end product of a refinement process.
Example: Petroleum can become naptha, gasoline, asphalt, diesel, paraffin wax or kerosene.
Producing Natural Gas leaves behind Sulfur. So perhaps the reasoning on why a society was once present, is the remaining product (being black calcite) of a civilizations refinement process.
So I'd interpret that line like: "It is suspected that the Iron Desert is what's left of an ancient society, as evidence of industrialization remains in the form of black calcite."

"On the other hand, criticism of "lacking in romance" was concentrated,"
Now I can try to interpret this but honestly, I feel this is a really un-needed bit of flavor text. Most legends and or scientific theories don't weigh whether it's romantic enough to be true or not. It could also be that romance is used differently in the Japanese language. Maybe it's something like this: "Such theories have received large criticisms, due to the lack of romantic theatrical appeal."??? Again I find this piece of text unable to translate well without better context.

"But recently it was found that a huge space exists underground"
I find the first bit pretty self-explanatory, it could be written better for English readers, but ultimately it's passable.
Perhaps like this: "However recently a massive cavern has been discovered below the Iron Dunes."
The part of "it is likely that the theory of the society will be reversed." requires some more context for me to rewrite.
I'm not sure if it means this discovery affirms the theory of an ancient civilization, or it debunks it.
Would help to know what's actually in that level of the game, Is there a society there? Or is it a massive monster hole?
A rewrite in favor of: "What was discovered in this cavern affirms theories of prior inhabitancy."
A rewrite opposed: "What was found in the caverns discredits all theories of ancient civilizations."

"Jade Steel is found in this area." This area has high deposits of a resource known as Jade Steel???

I'm sorry if this doesn't help you. Context is king and perhaps I'm missing lots of it. I wasn't sure what you wanted by posting that Iron Desert passage, other than some help interpreting it. If not please ignore my ignorance.
Wasn't expecting this though I probably should have since this is the translation section, so should have posted this sooner as this is the original text of the text I posted before:
I plugged the original text into a couple translators (I don't know Japanese, only English) and I'd say your translation of it was pretty on the money. Other than trying to make it sound more like an English speaker wrote it, which I tried to do. What exactly did you want? Just some input on if your translation made sense? Or you weren't sure what the translated outcome ment?

Sorry maybe I'm just really confused, it happens all the time :p
It's that it doesn't make sense as a description of the area since it tries to explain a theory about a society being there before saying something about love and then saying that the theory has been debunked due to a large underground area being found. Compared to all the other areas (I've done all of them at this point) each one explained in a small way any part mentioned, while this has been completely abnormal so I do not like leaving it there as it is.

However unless more comes to light as to the actual meaning of this then I plan to leave it as it is and put it under the translation issue spoiler I got going with the hope that someone figures it out or I find something later that explains it.
Ah I understand now. I'm sorry for the confusion. I was under the impression that you wanted some help with that part. I was trying to break down the text to be more transparent, so it could be rewritten more clearly and briefly.

Again sorry for the confusion, was just trying to help. Didn't mean to add anything to your work load. Good Luck!
No I do need help with it as I said, but it's not help with remaking the translated text, instead with getting the actual meaning of the japanese text as translation sites as it seems they can't make head or toe of it. So until I get the help I have to leave it as it is while putting it in my "I need help with this as I have no clue" section becuase I do not want this project to drain on me by making the english be the same as a published book, my goal is to have you understand what is going on.

Also do speak up if you have ideas to help with this as I very much am in the dark since this is my first time with doing anything like this.
Quick question what is "チ●ポ" in english as uhh I thought it would be penis but it is "Ji ● port" through the translators?
All the original text is this:

Well I was just a bit off with thinking that Acid wouldn't censor the word penis in their game, hahaha. Thank you.
Nearly completed the first file of the gallery archive/terminal stuff (WOOT) but first.....a question....how does this seem to you guys, as it said sleeping before I changed it to heavily buried.

【Unexplored Planet Venus】
Unexplored planets of the solar system.
Not far from Earth, closest approach by
position of revolution is about
42 million km.
Many resources were thought to be
heavily buried from a conducted
survey 12 years ago.


EDIT: right after I posted this I moved onto the next bit and....well some of the text just isn't there.....WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF????
It is this thing in the image that I'm trying to do and after the 3rd forward slash it just has no text at all...
Oh and I've checked other duplicates I have of this file before I started doing any of the translation and they are all the same...why just why.

EDIT 2: well I figured it out...and it's a sneaky little thing....but it's sorted now. And now that file is done whew...
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Pushed myself out to get the bob shop done which is small but gives a good taste as to how the shops are and that I find them repetitive but tricky if you mess up with copy and pasting. It also shows the drag time of translating the archive which you can't copy and paste stuff anywhere near as much as the shops. However now I got a bigger shop to do or rather equipping to translate after sleeping.
Though I do have an issue that I can't figure a way around yet as the blue text indicating what section you are selecting in the menus doesn't show up in the editor as far as I can tell, you can find the blue text in the image I've uploaded in my last post and first one.
Nearly completed the first file of the gallery archive/terminal stuff (WOOT) but first.....a question....how does this seem to you guys, as it said sleeping before I changed it to heavily buried.
Considering it's talking about resources that are buried and not some ancient evil, I think that's fine. By the way, I feel 'conducted survey' should be 'survey conducted.' Flows a little better.