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[Tsukinomizu Project] 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン / Lilim Union: Dream Demon Zone (RJ103157)

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Sex Demon
Jul 14, 2010
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'Nuff Said
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Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

You are my new god!
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Firefox demands a plugin to use this site. Can anyone using it verify it's safe to use?
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

I was surprised that no one else put this up yet...

Was stuck spending time with the wife, which I awesome because she is, but limited my ability to make any kind of post. I was able to steal away long enough to ensure the upload completed.

Now I finally get to check it out. :)

I have heard that Firefox needs an extension to use Mega, and am pretty sure it's ok, but I use Chrome, so cannot be certain.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Firefox demands a plugin to use this site. Can anyone using it verify it's safe to use?

This is the new Megaupload site, yes the plugin is safe.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

I was surprised that no one else put this up yet...

Was stuck spending time with the wife, which I awesome because she is, but limited my ability to make any kind of post. I was able to steal away long enough to ensure the upload completed.

Now I finally get to check it out. :)

It's only come out in the last hour or so. I just posted to someone a couple hours back that it wasn't out yet.

Edit: And somehow I double-posted, go me.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

HE IS NO GOD! he is even greater than that!!! haha thx a lot!
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Oh god, I almost completely forgot about this game. @_@
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Thanks doob. This game has been on everyone's waiting list I guess. Glad I'll be playing it (and hopefully understanding some of it) soon!
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Ehmmm what do I need to do, all I get is, I get beat by the blue slimes, I got scenes in the house thingy when I sleep, the robot tutorial thing, I can enter most buildings now, apart from the forest one, with the girl there, that sells stuff, and the top one at the first village, where there is this demoness/succubus girl blocking the entrance...

When you get beat by the slime, you get in the campfire and if you lose to that monster twice its game over for me....

No clue how to train or get better equip, I bought the spellbooks, but they mostly didnt do much of anything for me.... (lightning kinda spell did only minor damage...) :rolleyes:

Any help greatly appreciated... (I dont get how I cant get it now though, cause in the demo it worked all fine and dandy for me... though my memory of the demo is vague at best...) :eek:
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

You're probably missing either:
1. The first brothel event which give you some money to buy spell books
2. Buying said spell books (and equip it with the magic circle in the shop)
3. Make a potion using the items the slime drops.

Note that you only get exp once from enemy, repeated killing of them doesn't get you anything (and the scene for losing to them unlock even if you win)
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

You're probably missing either:
1. The first brothel event which give you some money to buy spell books
2. Buying said spell books (and equip it with the magic circle in the shop)
3. Make a potion using the items the slime drops.

Note that you only get exp once from enemy, repeated killing of them doesn't get you anything (and the scene for losing to them unlock even if you win)

How do I unlock the first brothel event?
(I saw something when I talked to the lady at the desk, but no idea what I had to do...)

I already equiped 3 spellbooks btw... (not sure if I got the right ones though?)
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

How do I unlock the first brothel event?
(I saw something when I talked to the lady at the desk, but no idea what I had to do...)

I already equiped 3 spellbooks btw... (not sure if I got the right ones though?)

Well, out of the initial spellbooks (in no particular order), 3 are the fire/ice/lightning (the color~)

One of the other is a 'lockpick' skill (passive), and the last one is Lust-based magic (which start out at 1, go up with each rape, etc etc the usual stuffs)

For the brothel, if you've talked to the owner and got the flashback of the girl who was at the hotel, talk to the owner a few times until you get a Yes/No choice (whether to work there), obviously Yes.
Then go east where the bread shop is, there should be a girl on the bench to the right of it.
After talking to her she should appear on the 2nd floor of the hotel, talk to her for the scene +500 cash.

You should have enough material to make the potion (at the spell shop, one of the other option should be for making it) after killing 2-3 slimes.

That's where the demo ended anyway ' 3' waiting for the game to finish downloading.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Thanks, but I still didnt get the brother thingy....

Also no longer can take a nap, or the game results in a game over.... :(
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

Thanks, but I still didnt get the brother thingy....

Also no longer can take a nap, or the game results in a game over.... :(

I don't know the condition for GO yet, but I think you probably wasted too much time and hit some limit.

Since it's still early I'd recommend restart from scratch, it's probably better than somehow making it by only to hit that game over again later.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

According to the hints game over happens after Iris' training level (調教) exceeds a certain limit.

Looks like H4Shit was fast in taking your free links to feed his third world ass.
Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

According to the hints game over happens after Iris' training level (調教) exceeds a certain limit.

Looks like H4Shit was fast in taking your free links to feed his third world ass.

yeah, apparently, the thing though, I am stuck, I beat the red slime, cant get past the plant, cant get into the tunnel thing either, also the brothel event never realy started for me, no clue how to get it, even got the job, said yes, and talked to that girl at the bench, then sat on the bench and she was gone, but she wasnt at the inn....

Realy, wished there was a walkthrough or something, been trying for a few hours straight to get anywhere, even restarted again to see if I missed something, missed like 1 scene from what I could get.... but I have no clue what to do to get more or even get further in the game... :(


Edited, okay, wel I got that scene now, thing though, it game over-ed me, due to the thing I said earlier, I cannot go to sleep or anything like that, or its game over, and still no clue how to even get further in the game yet... :(

So some help for me is realy needed....
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Re: 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン

RESTART, like I said you most likely have pushed a few things too far already and since it's still early on just restart from beginning so you don't waste too much time.

To 'clear' the 2nd chapter you just need to make the potion at the spellshop using the thing those blue slime drops.

EDIT: Note on endings that the author gave:
There's 7 endings total, 1 bad, 5 normal, and 1 true.

Bad - It's when Iris's training get past a certain point.

Normal - If you fail to meet the condition for True ending by the time you clear chapter 6, you'll get this.
The variation is based on the lewdness and training level of the two heroines.

True - Find all the clue for the sempai and you'll enter chapter 7. Note that if you meet the condition for True ending you can't get normal ending.
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