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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
English DevBlog:
ILL's Patreon:

A game made by Circle Shoegazer, loosely inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. It follows the journey of Miene to seal the Corrupted Dragon, with the Demo ending just after Miene leaves the mainland on her quest.

Gameplay wise, this describes itself as a "tactical RPG" on it's DLSite page, but it's actually a turn-based map RPG (like a Roguelike, but without random generation in the main story. There is a randomly generated infinite dungeon in the demo).

It should be noted that the developer of this game, ILL, appears to have severe health problems. The last concrete update for this game was in 2013. It is unlikely that it will ever be finished. There was some activity on an official English version, but I'm not sure where the translator, MonkeyMan, is these days.

Controls: Standard RPGMaker VX

The demo can be hooked with AGTH v2011.5.9. However, some tools bundle the older AGTH v2011.4.11; if you get gibberish, update your AGTH. To hook the demo with AGTH (Edit: Forgot to mention - credit to Defcab for H-code):
1) Run the game
2) Run agth with this command line: agth /PNGame.exe /HQN@D3CF:TRGSSX.dll /C (Credit: Defcab)

EDITs: Lots, to bring this post in line with the new first post guidelines. Amazingly, this is one of the most replied to threads in the H-Game section, and it'd be a shame to see it completely deleted.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

How did u figure out the H code?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Sprite sex? I already like it
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Doubt there'll be any substance to the sprite sex, probably a gesture ala Bitchi Taimashi Rio 2.

The CG does look decent, now if it's got enough game content and/or good game design to go with it... Let's see :p

For sprite sex in rpgmaker games, only Vitamin quest really passes the test for me.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I have really high hopes for this game. Hell, this and Saboten's upcoming game is the only thing I'm looking out for right now. Granted, the battle system takes some time getting used to, and the amount of skills might make you want to know a little bit of moon, but I think I can slog through it anyway. A game like this makes it worth it, or at least I hope it would.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Doubt there'll be any substance to the sprite sex, probably a gesture ala Bitchi Taimashi Rio 2.

The CG does look decent, now if it's got enough game content and/or good game design to go with it... Let's see :p

For sprite sex in rpgmaker games, only Vitamin quest really passes the test for me.

The sprite sex isn't too bad, but the best part of it I think is that while it's happening, the "status view" of Mine (I think that's her name?) is shown to the right - and it'll change to show the sexual act being performed on her.

It's pretty impressive really. This game has a lot of potential, and a good translation I think will make it easily pretty well-liked.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

It's promising judging from the demo, but hopefully later versions will protect against some of the sequence breaks. I found 2:

1. You can leave the dragon cave when you're supposed to sit down at the campfire, go back to the castle, talk to the queen, and the game will think it's back at the beginning. So you'll get your weapon from the maid (again), fight the wolves (again), and maybe fight the boar (again) before the game blackscreens after realizing the problem.

2. You can actually win the port town bar fight... Well, not lose it. Enemies can't open doors, so you can make a break for the bathrooms and be safe from all the thugs. Additionally, ranged weapons are not impeded by walls at all. So you can cheese the whole battle with something like a halberd. Unfortunately, the game doesn't have a win condition set, so defeating all the thugs won't release you from the battle phase. You can actually go into the back room and fight the thugs there too, but whenever you go between rooms, the thugs all respawn. So it's an infinite fight until the game chokes and blackscreens. I managed to get to level 6 before that happened, off the infinite thugs. Granted, it's the end of a demo without much combat, so this bug might be the most engaging part until a new version comes out.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

It also has equipment change showing, piece by piece.

Lol'd when you equip her with the Great Helm.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

It's promising judging from the demo, but hopefully later versions will protect against some of the sequence breaks. I found 2:

1. You can leave the dragon cave when you're supposed to sit down at the campfire, go back to the castle, talk to the queen, and the game will think it's back at the beginning. So you'll get your weapon from the maid (again), fight the wolves (again), and maybe fight the boar (again) before the game blackscreens after realizing the problem.

2. You can actually win the port town bar fight... Well, not lose it. Enemies can't open doors, so you can make a break for the bathrooms and be safe from all the thugs. Additionally, ranged weapons are not impeded by walls at all. So you can cheese the whole battle with something like a halberd. Unfortunately, the game doesn't have a win condition set, so defeating all the thugs won't release you from the battle phase. You can actually go into the back room and fight the thugs there too, but whenever you go between rooms, the thugs all respawn. So it's an infinite fight until the game chokes and blackscreens. I managed to get to level 6 before that happened, off the infinite thugs. Granted, it's the end of a demo without much combat, so this bug might be the most engaging part until a new version comes out.

I don't think you'll have to worry about that. The release is slated sometime July, so he has plenty of time to iron out the bugs. And judging by the trial, I don't think we'll have to worry about the maker suddenly going half-assed about it.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Just played the demo. This has to be one of the best RPG Maker games I've played yet.

I'd be interested in helping to translate this one.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The only in-game rape the trial has right now is anal, right? Just wanted to ask in case I missed something.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The only in-game rape the trial has right now is anal, right? Just wanted to ask in case I missed something.

Anal will be the bulk of the rape, I imagine.

Mine (Again, I think that's her name?) has a barrier that electrocutes anyone who tries to penetrate her vagina. It's a "Virgin Barrier" thing. If you get raped by the bandits too much, it seems one of them penetrates her anyway, or maybe she "turns it off" because she's mindbroken now - that full game over isn't in the demo, so the details aren't clear.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The only in-game rape the trial has right now is anal, right? Just wanted to ask in case I missed something.

Yup, unless you include the dragon like things, which I think.. when they tried vaginal with their tongue got shocked.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Anal will be the bulk of the rape, I imagine.

Mine (Again, I think that's her name?) has a barrier that electrocutes anyone who tries to penetrate her vagina. It's a "Virgin Barrier" thing. If you get raped by the bandits too much, it seems one of them penetrates her anyway, or maybe she "turns it off" because she's mindbroken now - that full game over isn't in the demo, so the details aren't clear.

Am not too keen on anal, to be honest. Still, it seems like your party members can still get their fair share of dickery. And they don't have a taser for a hole. I hope the heroine gets some action in the right hole once the full game comes out.

Upon inspecting the in-game pictures with a decrypter, it does look like there will be some vaginal action involved too. Good times.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Version 1.01 of the demo seems to be out already. Just some minor bug fixes for now.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

OK, so a few things...

1) I didn't figure out the H-code; Defcab did - I just have a good memory. Ironically, I forgot to link Defcab in (because I was having some trouble with post counts and the fact that H-codes apparently count as an external link)

2) I'm not looking for help translating the game at present. First off, I'm still trying to work out if it's technically possible at this stage. Second off, my translation tools for VX games are still pretty poor to use.

3) I'd say that the protagonists name is Minnie (Literal Romanisation is Mi-Ne, and I think to get those sounds it would be Minnie). Her "Virgin Barrier" attacks anything that tries to take her virginity which she doesn't want to - so what happens with the bandits is that they make her addicted to sex, which counts as her wanting it in the game, and voids the barrier (then demo over). Note that it is mentioned before you go into that room that in the main game it would take much more to become addicted.

And a few things that I discovered whilst tearing the game apart to see if it's possible to translate.

1) There is a reason why the ship leaving at the end of the game has pretty much only girls on - only Maidens can have the protection spell cast on them. I'd expect this to be in one of the added events.
2) The game engine (at least) supports Male characters - not sure about Futa characters though.
3) There's a named player character not used in the demo: Waakaba, a half-orc. (Note: No pictures of her, but she's in the demo code multiple times)
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'd say that the protagonists name is Minnie (Literal Romanisation is Mi-Ne, and I think to get those sounds it would be Minnie

Please don't go changing the protags name to something silly like that. Mine is just fine. Probably pronounced like "Mi-neh" or something.

I sure hope that at some point in the game you could get rid of that barrier without triggering a game over. It would be a 'bummer' if the protagonist was limited in anal violation.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

First, her name is written in clear English I want to say when you view her character sheet, to to best of his ability...

Second, coming here from a DnD 3.5e background, would knowledge of some of their shenangains help a bit, or you think it won't quite help due to the structure? (OTOH, It does look like they're using a variant "Armor as DR" rule though)

Another curiosity come to think of it: You think Reverse Rape would be possible if it really adheres to 3.5e rules? (Grapple Rules be damned)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I know about the name Mine being in the game: The problem is that Mine is likely a mistake because it *doessn't* sound like the original, and doesn't follow the rules for Hepburn romanisation. ミーネ is the Japanese, which I'd romanise as "Mii-ne", hence I figured Minnie was a decent English version.

Note that there do appear to be other Romanisation mistakes in the games source code as well, although not in the game proper yet. The Half-Orc Waakaba I mentioned earlier is officially romanised as "Wa=KaBba" at present.

(Aside: I do know D&D rules - I haven't picked apart the source code to see how faithfully it implements them though. Not sure about reverse-rape, but I don't think so at present)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm pretty sure there's an option not to be a virgin. One of your passives is "Virgin - +20% Magic Attack", so similiar to Virgin Island, you decide you love sexy time, you lose your bonus.