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ADV [hentaicook] Aching Dreams 2


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
I've been waiting for an update on this one for a while and slowly thinking it's more and more likely to end up like MG, but lo and behold it's almost done.

As the site says, there'll be a free version and a full version costing $10. Given as I enjoyed the first game, which came to me during the dark time of "No flash games except those stupid meet 'n fuck games" I'm looking forwards to this release, as it looks very promising. There just doesn't seem to be anyone else making good flash dating sims anymore.
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Re: Aching Dreams 2

Awesome, I hadn't heard of this one before. /try demo
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Re: Aching Dreams 2

Hey I remember the first one of this. I enjoyed it too, I just didn't really like the art style so it never really stuck in my mind as great. Will be looking forward to the finished product though.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

...Oh man, the voice acting.

The Wookiee in a ballcap was pretty awesome, though.

Also, I dunno, the Meet n' Fucks are pretty funny most of the time.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

The game does NOT need voice actors. Just... just no. It's not so bad I won't play, but it's an unnecessary feature. At least I'll give them credit for trying something new.

Aching Dreams 1:
- For those who didn't play the first one.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

Man..... I can't wait for Aching Dreams 2 too come out i loved the first one
Re: Aching Dreams 2

the talking isnt too bad, its actually funny that way.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

The demo was pretty amusing.

What I'd do to become Rank Omega 1300.

Anyways, when the time comes, would anyone be willing to share this?

*Edit: Waitaminute, did I just necropost? If I did, I'm sorry and please erase my existence from this thread.
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Re: Aching Dreams 2

Nah, don't worry about it, the thread was due for a bump anyways, given that the new release date is just under a week away.

Assuming it doesn't encounter yet another delay, I will most definitely be purchasing the game, don't know about sharing it though :p The authors were talking about putting in a method of anti-piracy in the paid release; given that they're releasing a freebie version along side it, I don't think it's too harsh.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

What a clickfest. Why make a flash of what is essentially a poorly written novel and terrible art?
Re: Aching Dreams 2

well like i said before i loved the first aching dreams so if you can follow through and make the full version of this one in download here that be cool
Re: Aching Dreams 2

well like i said before i loved the first aching dreams so if you can follow through and make the full version of this one in download here that be cool

i personally thought the first one was abit sadening as it is just spend 3 - 4 days with each one of the two girls then u get one or the other or both at the end of the first one then theres the second one which looks more like a fight it and date it game which is more my style
Re: Aching Dreams 2

July 16th, 2010
Release date extended to the 27th of this month. You can check our progress at achingdreams.blogspot.com, updated hourly.Thanks for the continued support, feedback, and patience.

July 16th, 2010
Release date extended to the 27th of this month. You can check our progress

Release date extended to the 27th of this month.

Release date extended

Release extended

lease exten

awww yeah.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I got to ask incubus....

Will you share this pot of gold if you buy it? @>@

Also, funny lol, how you got sex out of a sentence XD
Re: Aching Dreams 2

Firstly, there is no 'if' involved. I will buy this.

As far as sharing... depends on how I feel about the hentai games section at the time. Currently, I find the place rather... unpleasant... as there seems to be an abundance of people who at the very least act underage.

Lastly, I'm an Incubus; I can get sex out of anything.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

right i agree that not everyone on this forum doesn't act like his or her age and it seems like there are a lot of people who just do a one post to get more money for sharing there games or they just don't seem to follow the rules which is no surprise considering we only have one person watching the forums and seeing if they rules are being enforced......... but don't judge me im 22 and i try to act my age as much as possible
Re: Aching Dreams 2

Lastly, I'm an Incubus; I can get sex out of anything.

I agree, my thread was turned into a thread from adding a request sub forum to some stripping thing XD, but anyways, as an incubus can't you turn into a succubus and get sexed as well... By a guy I mean.

http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=3817 :D

Unless that's how you guys talk around new people then, all I got to say is "Oh," and "Sorry?"

Cuz I think I understand why you would trash a former lurkers thread.
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Re: Aching Dreams 2

Oh, that's just how those people are.

As far as the whole succubus thing, I can shapeshift into female forms, but I'll never be a succubus. There are a number of subtle differences between us, and the big difference is that demons cannot shapeshift to appear like other demons; while I can take any number of mortal forms and disguises, I will always loo like me in my demon form.

I could go into detail the differences, but suffice to say it doesn't matter. Yes, I can turn into a female form to get sex from a guy. But I could also do so without changing form.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I can act my age, I just don't choose to. I can if you so desire, either works for me.

Also I've been playing for the first one on Newgrounds. I feel quite dumb because every time I get really far I accidentally click "Skip to Festival" and screw myself over so I always get the old woman flashing me. Which I'm really, really glad they didn't get a graphic for. I'm going to finish this eventually!

EDIT: Never mind, I buckled down and finished all the endings. Pretty awesome game, interested in this sequel. I saw it will have more hentai, definitely a plus. The hentai in the first one wasn't bad, but it was mostly just working for static pictures that weren't super high quality so it's not high on replay value for me. Still, pretty nice.
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