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VN/TEXT NTR Loli Shota Ryona [Alice Soft] Sengoku Rance / 戦国ランス


Dec 11, 2008
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New OP courtesy of noman :

Sengoku Rance
(also known as Rance 7)


Official website:

Description of Gameplay:
This is a turn based conquer strategy game with visual novel elements. The map of Japan is divided into dozens of regions, similar to Civilisation except not hexagons. During each turn the player can spend command points to perform actions such as attacking an enemy, searching for resources or developing their army. Battles are also turn based. At the start of the battle player can choose up to 6 captains to bring into battle and assign them on the front row or the back row. Battles are won when one side is completely eliminated.

The story (and h-content) is played in visual novel style. Scenes are unlocked as the player conquer more territories, develop relationships with their captains, or time based. There is a hard time limit during the first playthrough that would result in a bad end. On subsequent playthroughs the time limit can be avoided and alternate endings are also unlocked.

Point and click.

Description of story:
You are Rance, a notorious sex addict and rapist. You have travelled to an altnerate Japan during the warring period with your slave Sil for hotspring, delicious food and sex. By a strange turn of fortune Oda Nobunga has hired you to unite Japan as the shadow ruler of the Oda clan. Can you unite Japan successfully? And how many women can you fuck along the way?

Fetishes: Rape, Bondage, NTR, LOLI (note: one of the loli scene is unavoidable during the first playthrough. It's also extremely unpleasant.)

Mod edit: I removed all the links since they were dead and the instructions since they are useless without the links.

Have you all seen this? This game is addictive, I found it on another forum, and simply quoted the original post from there.

Really addictive.
All credit for the find should go to "Rokoka" of the WWOEC forums.


All translation credit belongs to Yandere Translations, yet again they have done an excellent job releasing an amazing game to an English audience. This game was created by AliceSoft

You can use this topic for discussion, posting images, and finding help if you are having problems with the game.

Game Description

In the east of the continent lies an island country called Japan. Many feudal lords are fighting for supremacy during the age of civil war. Rance, who is called a brute and has done as he pleases on the continent, has come to Japan with his slave, Sill. Hot spring vacation? No. Site seeing? No. Rance’s intention is to have sex with all the beautiful princesses, maids, and townswomen he can find.

Game Walk though to give a better grasp of the game
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Re: Sengoku Rance

I found this game on Fakku, but I wasn't sure I should post it here because there aren't any tentacles or monsters to speak of (that I've found). It's a pretty fun turn based strategy game, and you get CG scenes for completing certain tasks.
Re: Sengoku Rance

This is awesome. It's like that old NES game, Gem wars, except with updated graphics and hentai.

Big grin =D Definitely going to experimenting with this on my day off.
Re: Sengoku Rance

I think I've seen it before, but it didn't have an english patch back then.

+rep for you.
Re: Sengoku Rance

This is game is absolutely epic. I've played the Japanese Version all summer until my computer crashed... but it's so good to see there's an Engrish patch.

Keep in mind, you can't get all the girls or the fighters on your first playthrough; according to the wiki (which has been posted here also, awesome!), it takes about five playthroughs.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Pfft. Where is this walkthrough? I'll bet I could defy that statement, with my play style.

As an aside, I love this game's music.
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Re: Sengoku Rance

YES! This is probably the first Hgame where I've kept the music on for a reason other than laziness. Usually I cut it off so I can listen to my own stuff, but the music in this game - especially for the H-scenes - is great! There doesn't seem to be much variety but still, props to them for having some tunes that are worth listening to =D
Re: Sengoku Rance

Havent played any games like this in a long time. Mainly cuase Japanese knowledge really helps. English patch will have me give this game a shot.
Re: Sengoku Rance

This game is a great game, but...er...there's some lo li in it. About 10-15% of the H-scenes seem to have lo li.
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Re: Sengoku Rance

Eh. Those girls are just flat chested. They're over 18 and thus it's not loli (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). If the whole game was like that I could definitely see it as grounds for removing it from the site but it's not a major factor.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Anywho, I agree with Alias that the music is great. It is repetitive after you play it for awhile, but it's really well done and AliceSoft has kept up its good reputation in general. Honestly, I'm also not in it for the H-scenes, but for the actual gameplay itself.

The story is more for comedy purposes in my opinion, but maybe that's just the Engrish.

There's a decent bit of depth in gameplay, and while there are staple characters that you can and should get every time you play, the randomness of most of the characters you will end up playing as gives it a new twist each time, as does the insanely large number of paths you can take during the game. Also, check out Alice's mansion's staff comments for a decent laugh :)
Re: Sengoku Rance

The music is good, the story is ok (the translation is good too), the gameplay is great, and so is the H-scenes; I have no complaint. The demon army is too strong though _ _". And it's so addictive that it took all my weekend
Re: Sengoku Rance

Downloading now. By the sounds of it, this is a "h-scene then gameplay then h-scene" game, but I'll forgive the lack of the two mixing if the gameplay is as good as it sounds.
Re: Sengoku Rance

The gameplay is quite good actually, or at least addictive. It's challenging too if you're aiming for a maximization run...

H-Scenes are... rather nice I suppose, and the real fun comes around in the second gameplay when its not as 'story driven'.

All in all, probably the best H-Game I've played in a long time. One that's made me actually NOT want to download the 100% save straight off, and managed to make me stick around because I want to try unlocking everything manually. (There's a lot of stuff to do overall.)
Re: Sengoku Rance

Arisu really does good in it's games but I never got too many of them, we need more things from the Arisus.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Wow, this game is fucking AWESOME.

I am calling my penis the Hyper Weapon from now on. I like everything about this game. It's genius. I love how laid back all the characters are as well. Suzume just saying "yes people are trying to kill me all the time" and catching a shuriken aimed for her throat made me smile.

11/10, the only bad thing about the game is that it meant I got no work done this weekend.

I'm so glad this game got translated, it wouldn't be half as good without being able to understand all the story.


Sill: *sob* *sob*
Re: Sengoku Rance

Speaking of which, just curious, what's everyone's "main army" usually? Or rather, ideal army?

Mine up to a certain point in time was:

Back: Uzura (Accurate shots is awesome), Natori (Miko dance 2, 30% units off all enemy units? Hell yes.), Yamamoto Isoroku (Sweeping fire = 90% damage but penetration, and ignores guard.)

Front: Rance (Main damage dealer)
Senhime: (All guard and auto healing footman helped up till the point the enemies starting coming at me with 3000+ troops)
Uesegi Kenshin: ((Auto one action removal from enemy troops, AND heavy hitter.))
Re: Sengoku Rance

The only consistant people I liked using were Rance, Uesugi Kenshin, Naoe Ai, and Suzume.

Also, favorite song from the soundtrack: Mars.

And now off to find the alternate story-lines.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Eh, I did like using Suzume at first... but found her completely outclassed once I captured the Mouri's "ninja sister" and/or Ryo. Higher assassination rate, stat caps, etc...

Then as stated, Uzura from the "satisfication" reinforcements was simply too much to keep out of my party for Naoe Ai, although I did give her a battle permit for her to conquer territories on her own.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Well Ideal wise it'd be:
Rance, Kenshin, Kou at front
Natori, Isoroku, and Ai at back

but that's ideal wise not reality wise.
Because reality wise, I got better formation.