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ACT Unknown/Hiatus [Zicare] Unforbidden

Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Pretty good so far. I'm hoping there will be multiple positions depending on how she positioned when the grapple happens. It'll be a good bit of work per enemy but it would be awesome. Also, sounds would be good but that's been mentioned. Keep up the great work!:D
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

About this, I'll eventually have to come up with more enemies and I'm open to suggestions. I do want to want to keep it a bit beast-oriented, though, since that's my favorite fetish.

I'm more a fan of sentient non-mammals, but I certainly won't judge you. If there's plants, insects, and slimes, you'll have my attention regardless.
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Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Lol, I actually closed the window from the link to the blog, because I thought it said "forbidden".

Anyway, it looks good. I encountered a few bugs on the way, like falling out of the level when falling from the platforms. Plus I feel it's like the platform level is a little too long before the action can get underway. The hit blocks are good and the animation runs smoothly, but the way the level is designed, if you make a mistake you start over, and that gets frustrating, especially when there's no incentive yet.
Just my two cents. Other than that, looking very much forward!
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Couple more questions I thought up..
How much are you hoping to charge for the final product?
How much do you plan to include in the final demo we see before you stop releasing demo's before the final product, and how many enemies will probably be in it?

Somewhere around the $5-$10 range. If I can achieve the quality I'm aiming for, probably $7.99 or $9.99.
If the revenue was enough to buy new models and stay afloat for a few months, I'd be the happiest man in the world because then I could do what I always dreamed of, full time :)

Demo length: compared to Super Metroid, the demo would probably cover Crateria and Brinstar ( ), so maybe 1/4th to 1/3rd of the game. I'll make the demo a vertical slice of the game so that savegames can seamlessly be continued with the full game.

[sliding] is a bit too strong; that is, it's like the character slides on ice when she stops/lands after a jump. This will get annoying really fast, seeing how this is a platformer. The hitboxes are awesome, though, and catching a ledge is easy if you get the timing right.

I think (or at least hope) that it's something that grows on you, rather than get annoying, if I avoid precision jumping with frustrating punishment until players have developed a feeling for the controls.

She already stops 2.5 times quicker than in the first release (someone requested it on my blog), but mabye I can raise it a tad more.

The run cycle is a bit unrealistic - her legs and arms move, but her body doesn't sway vertically at all; it's a bit weird. Also, no rotation. Just wanted to mention this, I don't see it as a problem, but if you are the perfectionist type, [...]

Thanks for the links :)

I watched the 3ds Max tutorial, though I got most of that from one source or another already. My situation currently is a bit like someone who has read a few books on drawing and now wants to actually draw...

As for creature suggestions, maybe look at mythology for inspiration? Also, if you get a bull or something similar in there, you'll be my new best friend. Forever.

The first suggestion already happened :)

Bulls would fit well into what I'm up to with the destroyed village. But I'm struggling to find a way for them to initiate a rape. I mean, the heroine could just let herself fall over and all the bull could do would be to trample her. Maybe a semi-voluntary act to avoid just that fate would make sense!

I'm more a fan of sentient non-mammals, but I certainly won't judge you. If there's plants, animals, and slimes, you'll have my attention regardless.

I may have a surprise later on in the game. But it's pretty central to the story, so I can't reveal it :)

Lol, I actually closed the window from the link to the blog, because I thought it said "forbidden".

Coming up next, the sequel, titled "403 Unforbidden" :D

Anyway, it looks good. I encountered a few bugs on the way, like falling out of the level when falling from the platforms. Plus I feel it's like the platform level is a little too long before the action can get underway. The hit blocks are good and the animation runs smoothly, but the way the level is designed, if you make a mistake you start over, and that gets frustrating, especially when there's no incentive yet.

I already got a bit of a rubbing for the cave section, so I'll work on making it quicker, more interesting and less frustrating. Like less platforms, far fewer pull-up animations, some interaction with the environment, perhaps some shooting.

You actually fell out of the level while controlling the heroine? Which place?
If that happens anywhere it means I forgot to set a collider to static and it's using sampled collisions, i.e. if you're fast enough to go halfway through in one frame, you'll end up on the other side.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

The ledge-climb up is good, it's just the free swinging pull up that gets a bit tedious. That said, I only failed that section once, and it took me maybe five minutes to get through it all.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I think (or at least hope) that [sliding is] something that grows on you, rather than get annoying, if I avoid precision jumping with frustrating punishment until players have developed a feeling for the controls.

She already stops 2.5 times quicker than in the first release (someone requested it on my blog), but mabye I can raise it a tad more.
Well... I guess it's up to you to decide. It can be countered by playing with the directional keys at the moment, so I guess it's just annoying at the start.

Still, it is a bit unrealistic. She's a mercenary, someone who quite often might find herself in a life or death situation, where complete control of her movements might make a huge difference, not an ice-skating champion. But, flavour is everything in any design, so I personally really don't care much for realism. Your game, your call. I like what I've seen thus far.

Thanks for the links :)

I watched the 3ds Max tutorial, though I got most of that from one source or another already. My situation currently is a bit like someone who has read a few books on drawing and now wants to actually draw...

Well, how do you expect to learn? Heck, that's how I learned 3d animation, and now I've got a full time job thanks to that. Take it slow, but take it seriously if you want to make something good out of it, that's my motto.

The first suggestion already happened :)

Bulls would fit well into what I'm up to with the destroyed village. But I'm struggling to find a way for them to initiate a rape. I mean, the heroine could just let herself fall over and all the bull could do would be to trample her. Maybe a semi-voluntary act to avoid just that fate would make sense!

Bulls are, you know, these big, strong animals that can just ram you into the ground if they really want to... Meh, I'm being a bit vague here, but truth be told, neither I do know exactly what I'm trying to imply here, other than the fact that bulls can just ram people into the ground.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Having developed a liking for sidescrolling games ever since I played Hounds of the Blade and liked the graphics, this game looked to be promising, too. However, I cannot get past those damn ledges; keep falling at the last jump. Haven't the foggiest, therefore, about the monsters/rape/sex scenes involved. All I can do is speculate. Really putting me off. :-(
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Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Having developed a liking for sidescrolling games ever since I played Hounds of the Blade and liked the graphics, this game looked to be promising, too. However, I cannot get past those damn ledges; keep falling at the last jump. Haven't the foggiest, therefore, about the monsters/rape/sex scenes involved. All I can do is speculate. Really putting me off. :-(
I could make comments about your gaming skill, but that'd be mean. :p
Instead, I shall give you this advice. Hit "Load Game" on the main menu. The game will load up in the town with the wolves.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

The ledge-climb up is good, it's just the free swinging pull up that gets a bit tedious. That said, I only failed that section once, and it took me maybe five minutes to get through it all.

Yeah, both of the climbup animations could stand to be about half as many frames. They're pretty long for things you're going to be doing repeatedly.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I'm loving how it's coming along so far! I'm kind of a bestiality fan, so this is right up my alley. I'm assuming we'll see some horse "rides". My only gripe is that the beginning has a bit too many jumping puzzles for my liking. It took a bit of doing before I got used to hitting the platforms and grabs. Besides that, keep up the good work!
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I could make comments about your gaming skill, but that'd be mean. :p
Instead, I shall give you this advice. Hit "Load Game" on the main menu. The game will load up in the town with the wolves.

Ha ha ha! You definitely could! I haven't been much into gaming. Until I discovered this forum and monster sex and rape games, the only ones I was playing was FIFA Soccer and GTA San Andreas. The others didn't interest me. I was always into this "kinky" stuff, though, but mostly in the form of 3D comics. These games have really piqued my interest. Violated Heroine was the first I'd tried. Had fun playing it. Then I moved on to trying a few others, including Hounds of the Blade. That's a great game, but it's incomplete. This particular game seems to be similar to HOB, and hence, has really got my interest.

Thank you for your suggestion, though. I'll definitely look into it. And I'll try honing my gaming skills, too. I'm not always going to get such easy aids and someone with a keeness to assist.

Thank you once again.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Ha ha ha! You definitely could! I haven't been much into gaming.

Cheers, always great to see someone take it with a pinch of humor :)

Lots of people had trouble with the platforming section. After jumping through there over and over for two months I seem to have lost my sense for what's difficult and what isn't.
I'm tweaking it to depend on the climbing animation less often, use wider platforms, no jumps to lower platforms, a big plateau in the middle to catch failed jumps and provide more explicit hints.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

great game but what good is the weapon if you can not use it XD
the info was simply c but since she has a nose just before the wars XD
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

If anyone is getting stupidly high FPS and hot gpus/cpus, you can go into your graphics card control panel (Nvidia) and set it to run this game with v-sync.

I'm not sure about other companies but worth a shot for those with over 9000 FPS :)
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

The hot gpu/cpu issue is due to their being no vsync on the game as of yet. I remember someone earlier in this thread or the comments on his blog stating that he had 4000 fps. He will be adding it in eventually.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

The hot gpu/cpu issue is due to people not cleaning out dust from their computers or whine about temps that are just perfectly acceptable.

having no vsync in games wont break hardware, temps wont break stuff either, everything these days have built-in failsafes that shut the system down if they exceed certain temps.

although having the system full of dust that makes temps high, will shorten the lifespan of the components or in worst case the dust will catch flame.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

The hot gpu/cpu issue is due to people not cleaning out dust from their computers or whine about temps that are just perfectly acceptable.

having no vsync in games wont break hardware, temps wont break stuff either, everything these days have built-in failsafes that shut the system down if they exceed certain temps.

although having the system full of dust that makes temps high, will shorten the lifespan of the components or in worst case the dust will catch flame.

yes to this. for every game I play Vsync is off every one I play with turns it off. and I had a crashing problem it was do to heat from dust cleaned my pc and the crashing went away...which I'm over do for again. I'm going to make a case that is closed with a nice size blower fan and a air filter, some day....
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Cheers, always great to see someone take it with a pinch of humor :)

Lots of people had trouble with the platforming section. After jumping through there over and over for two months I seem to have lost my sense for what's difficult and what isn't.
I'm tweaking it to depend on the climbing animation less often, use wider platforms, no jumps to lower platforms, a big plateau in the middle to catch failed jumps and provide more explicit hints.

"Tentacle and monster lovers, don’t despair, this is only the planet’s surface, there are dark and scary places waiting below that no sunlight has ever touched."

Wow! Now I'm getting excited! Keep up the excellent work!
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Well well... This has a lot of potential! I have to admit that my first impressions are pretty good: It looks decently nice and plays well enough. I wouldn't exactly give it the "Best game ever" award right now but the potential is pretty high and it's actually fun in it's current state. A few things I liked:

- The gameplay has this kind of "modernized old-school Prince of Persia" feel. It does slow the gameplay pace, but at the same time it makes every movement feel more deliberate. For example, you need to actually press Up to stand up instead of the usual "Let go of the Down button". It manages to do that without becoming clumsy and lumberingly slow.

- There's a few pretty swell animations in there, especially the "climb up the side of a wall" and things you don't usually see like the crouch-then-crawl sequences.

- The heroine talking bits. It's pretty nice: It's not obnoxious since it doesn't stop the action (Unlike, say, constant Metal Gear Codec calls when you are in the middle of trying to do something) and it adds bits of storyline, knowledge and mood that would be very hard to do in a textless game.

And here's a few things I found myself a bit less pleased or concerned with and a few suggestions:

- While the "climb up platform" animation is very smooth (although maybe a tad long), there's a really jarring part at the end of it. She's clambering up smoothly in a tons of animations frame, then it transitions in 1-frame to the crouching animation and then it transitions in 1-frame to the standing position. She pretty much "blink" up at the end of the climbing. That effect is present but not as annoying in the "climb wall" animation.

- While I didn't find the starting jumping tutorial too hard or long per say, I did find it too punishing. Teaching players the jumping and climbing mechanics is certainly a good thing. The problem is the amount of punishment the player face when they fail the jump. While the character lose nothing, the player lose progress. Due to the current platform layout and it's nearly completely vertical progression, the player can easily find themselves all the way back at the bottom, 15 steps back from where they were. It's an heavy punishment to inflict on players who are literally just starting learning how to play the game, especially since there hasn't been anything to "hook" their attention yet. Having to redo 2-3 jumps on failure would discourage people far less than potentially 15 steps, even if the number of total jumps to win the tutorial remains the same. Just for reference sake, personally most of my falls came from not holding "Up" during the jumping process and thus not grabbing the edge. Silly mistakes on my part that I laughed at myself at when it happened a few times near the beginning, but considerably less funny after it happened twice near the end and brought me at the very beginning.

- It might be a good idea to give a brief invulnerability period after breaking free of a grab. I got in a situation where a wolf grabbed me, I free myself, and it instantly grabs me again. That repeated each time I broke free until I had to let the wolf win to get out of the chain grab. It seems to be a relatively rare occurence from what I can see (you usually have a few instants to stand back up) but it can certainly happen.

- While the character model is fine at normal gameplay distance, the "face-zoom" image is considerably less appealing. I would suggest maybe using something like Daz Studio to generate a better-looking face to use in the talking window. It wouldn't impact your zero-budget restriction either: The application itself is free and while it only comes with a tiny selection of objects, the included Aldora hair looks pretty close to what your character have. I'm pretty sure that using only the default stuff that Daz Studio comes with, you could make a much, much better face image (or multiple ones actually since you can make different expressions). And best of all, it'd be 100% legal to put in your game, as you are allowed to use renders you make using Daz even for commercial products as long you have a usage license for the objects (ie. it's either free objects, or you have purchased them and not pirated them) and that you don't include the objects themselves (which wouldn't be the case here as it would only be images). I could try a few renders myself and present them to you if you want, although I'm not exactly an expert at those things...

- I'm a bit worried at how the gunplay is going to be, but as I don't have any real suggestions so far I'll wait until at least a draft of it is available to comment.

- The biggest reason why so many games like these (H games in particular) are abandonned is because they are too ambitious. The creators often have huge sweeping goals that only get bigger with fan demands. Development starts quickly, things are fun. And then problems start, the "boring" parts of gamemaking sets in and the creators are now understanding just how much work their goals will actually require. I'm not saying that this will be your case (and I dearly hope it won't be), but I can't help but be worried when you mentionned the planned size of the game compared to Metroid, especially for a first project. I would really advise in not planning the game too big, either in terms of scale or enemy types. Enemy types in H games obviously take a lot longer to make than in regular games, especially if multiple animations are present... And of course, a game like Metroid took multiple months for a team to create, and they didn't have to animate monsters having fun with Samus either.

I really recommend not aiming too big: I'm not talking about making a 5 minutes game of course, but even something like a 4 hours game firstplaythrough with like 12 different "grabable" enemies is bigger than what I would aim for. You know yourself better than I know you obviously, but do keep in mind that overambition has been the death of many games. Beside, you can always make Unforbidden 2 afterward to put more ideas in later :)
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I know what you guys mean about the cpu/gpu thing and dust and shiz but i have SLI 570's i don't need them going full tilt at me, i know v-sync will be added, its only a temporary fix until the next update :L