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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Eluku read here?

Another ending for Alau=lune
Some bukkake ending
Two download: full game and just the upgrades from last release
And please, please please consider to strip away everything from 2kfm and migrate to MUGEN!
Re: Fairy Fighting

Eluku read here?

Another ending for Alau=lune
Some bukkake ending
Two download: full game and just the upgrades from last release
And please, please please consider to strip away everything from 2kfm and migrate to MUGEN!

Migrate to MUGEN? Do you know how long that will take to become functional? There's too much coding involved to simply migrate. And not only that, the characters will not be functional with anything else anyway.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Migrate to MUGEN? Do you know how long that will take to become functional? There's too much coding involved to simply migrate. And not only that, the characters will not be functional with anything else anyway.

Not to mention people would keep ripping apart his work with edits, and I'm sure he wouldn't like that considering he requested my animated gifs to be taken down. Also, the load time for the game would increase too a few minutes instead of seconds. For now, he should stick the his system. Maybe his next project should use game maker or a closed version of mugen.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Not one of the objections state this is impossible, only hard to do.
And also MUGEN doesn't have any load time (!?!?!).
Re: Fairy Fighting

MUGEN migration would be awesome...

to those who dont know, its basicly a leaked 2D fighting engine able to replicate street fighter, KOF, and many other 2D fighters.

It means You or Me, can add our own rape monsters so long as we do the work.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I shouldn't say this, but a few of the enemies from this game have been created in MUGEN. The way they were ported is kind of crappy, but they are there. I'm not sure if Eluku has seen them or not, but I can pretty much guess that he was/would be upset about that. Now just imagine what would happen if the entire game was ported over? If he ports it, there will eventually be edits. If someone else does it, it will have the same results as if someone made edits. Regardless of how it was done, I'm sure he'd stop granting us access to his work. I know someone here remembers the whole thing with Sun Aegis and their blocking of western IPs. Okay. I'm done ranting now.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Not one of the objections state this is impossible, only hard to do.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't need to be "impossible" for it to never happen. As the first objector said, it WOULD be difficult, and as the second said, Eluku wouldn't want to anyway. And personally I see no point in migrating it to MUGEN anyway, so why push it? :/
Re: Fairy Fighting

Not one of the objections state this is impossible, only hard to do.
And also MUGEN doesn't have any load time (!?!?!).

Stick enough in there, and there is a long system launch and file upload time. I'm using a 64 bit system with a video card and 6gb ram and it takes a long while to load up Hen/Sex Mugen. It's even worse with Music and Hi Res files.

As for closed mugen, I remember there being a Street Fighter 1 remake, once was regular mugen, the other was a closed version. I wish I knew how they coded it into a non-edit.
Re: Fairy Fighting

^^^^ OT:
And I'm playing it on a EEEPc 2vs2 Hires bg and chara with mp3 audio with 108% performance. (and sorry, but you have to remove the precache option in the setting, you're loading ALL the mess at the start...for sure it lag XD HenMugen is 1 giga of fluff).
YEAH, you can do a closed game, just pay the license (some bucks).

The real issue is that Mugen last release was very late, and 2kfm was the only choice TEN YEARS AGO to do a fighting game with "latest" features. And well, is japanese...

Anyway, there's any license send with FF?!?! So I think the game is released under a freeware implicit license. You can do the gif's, eat the game, post links and whatever, just tell is a work of Eluku and not your own.
He can spare many issues by including a CC license with rights declarations.
If I don't miss anything, that's the way it work.

In Topic:
RaperBeast was fun to play against until last release. Let us have any chance to win, sometime, please.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Mugen has been around longer than that, the flaws with Mugen was that it was only available with Linux, the developer vanished, and the Win Mugen was pretty much a work around hack. I was still in grade school when they both came out and I started off with Mugen instead of 2dfm.

You're right about the preload, but I've always preferred the preload over the load as you go, the game speed never lagged as a result. Considering my system set up, maybe that shouldn't be a concern for me anymore, I'm going to change my configuration as you pointed this out.

As for Fighting Fairy and transition, that is certainly possible to do, but considering the authors previous intolerance with alternate downloads, animated gifs, and threats to stop production, a fan transition is out of the question. I only he could be convinced.
Re: Fairy Fighting

You know I think I saw one of the FF enemies on a mugen site once. It may of just been talk about it though.
Re: Fairy Fighting

You know I think I saw one of the FF enemies on a mugen site once. It may of just been talk about it though.

Badger-cujo is probably not amused and it may turn nasty if someone tries to yarr Eluku's treasure hoard.
Re: Fairy Fighting

In Topic:
RaperBeast was fun to play against until last release. Let us have any chance to win, sometime, please.

He's not even difficult... lots of the time you can combo uppercuts, and your low tripping kick combos into it.


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Re: Fairy Fighting

He's not even difficult... lots of the time you can combo uppercuts, and your low tripping kick combos into it.

Indeed, the very simple AI is incapable of coping with Spammed moves. Just about all the characters can be beaten with a 1-2 repeat combo.
Re: Fairy Fighting

(You don't have stupid AI in MUGEN. Ok, I'll shut up).

Most of the enemies can be beaten by the raising punch move. You can do this blindly (anamoguri jump into suicidal way).
Exception for:
Alau=lune (dive into, counter punch, hiperkick ata ta ta ta!, jump away, supermove, repeat).
FairyCrushers (I dunno any way to beat them if there's more than two of them).
MJF (unbeatable with those instant ko's. Maybe with flying kicks, but is a pain).

Also MystSisters once you get the right pace can be easily beaten by the raising punch move.

RaperBeast was fun to play 'cause it was more interactive (I've DONE A COMBO!!!), now with a change into reactions and higher ranges of grabs is a pain. Raising punch syndrome.
You get satisfaction of a bloody rumble only Tiki vs Tiki or against FallenFairy.

But maybe people doesn't care about XD.
Re: Fairy Fighting

FairyCrushers (I dunno any way to beat them if there's more than two of them).

I can beat the crushers pretty simply most of the time by sidestepping until they are all on one side of me, then using the heavy-kick-spam until one does the spinning attack, then I move and do it again.
Re: Fairy Fighting

(You don't have stupid AI in MUGEN. Ok, I'll shut up).
Considering you make your own AI, since the game can't figure out how you planned your character on its own, this statement is just kind of stupid. No offense. The AI in Fairy Fighting is dumb because Eluku makes it so, not because the platform the game is on is bad.

FairyCrushers (I dunno any way to beat them if there's more than two of them).
You can beat these guys with the rising punch as well, pretty easily. As long as they aren't on both sides of you, you can either spam the heavy kick, or just piledrive them with your fist.

MJF (unbeatable with those instant ko's. Maybe with flying kicks, but is a pain).
This guy isn't even nearly as difficult as he seems. What I typically do is bait his normal attack, or his electric poke. As soon as he does either of these, I dash to him, either to his backside or between the hitbox of his tentacles and himself, and then just spam the heavy kick. Do this twice and he's gone. But then again, you are quite right when you say that the rising punch isn't all that viable against him.

Also MystSisters once you get the right pace can be easily beaten by the raising punch move.
Mist Sisters is the only enemy I don't like in this game. I don't like its grabs: The move where the little girl crawls into your anus is the only move in this game that makes me cringe; I don't like the gameplay in general; I don't like that it's close to impossible to lose to them in any other way than getting impaled on the goddamn statue, which is a GO scene that's not only pretty halfassed, but it feels like it takes ages to end. Also, the strategy for beating it is so boring: piss until you have two SP bars maxed, dash over to the statue, spam weak punch or "spirit breath" or whatever it's called, dodge Blue's SP max grab, rinse and repeat.
Edit right here, yo: I don't like Alau Lune either. Or rather, I don't like her endings. She's fine otherwise.

RaperBeast was fun to play 'cause it was more interactive (I've DONE A COMBO!!!), now with a change into reactions and higher ranges of grabs is a pain. Raising punch syndrome.
I agree to 100%. I loved Raper Beast before he started using shoryuken ALL. THE. FRICKIN'. TIME. He never does the Sheeva jump anymore, or at least incredibly rarely. His spamming of normal attacks makes it ridiculously frustrating to bait his countermove, which is now the only way to get my favorite GO (except for the vore ending with Fluid Hunter) in the game, and the second part of his driveby grab damages so ridiculously much now. The fact that you can't see shit... okay, shit is pretty much the only thing you see... with his new GO scene, makes it so it's hardly as interesting to lose anymore either. I wouldn't mind the ending as much if he had not already shown us the awesome facerape ending that preceded it, or if we had a different angle of it.
Re: Fairy Fighting

There was an update with a lot of stuff for the Eggplant, is that just planned changes or were they implemented? The latest update seems quite large.