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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
New OP via Miles Kjeller

<screenshots pending>

Main Dev Website :
Releases Thread and Changelog :

Release Status:
Current "Alpha/ERA" build : v7.4 (2017-08-19)
Current "Experimental/NExT" build : 2019-01-29

Description of Gameplay:
Project X is a work in progress Sonic themed run or be raped side scrolling beat-em-up based on the OpenBOR engine.
Take control of a number of characters with their own unique stats and try to make it through the levels unmolested.
Enemies can grapple you and you get only a short window to escape using your special attack before they rape you.
Every enemy and trap has their own unique scenes with more being added and old ones being refined as development continues.

Special game modes can be unlocked as you play the game, including level select, and a gallery of all the animations.

Controls (User Re-mappable):
Movement : Cursor Keys
Attack : A
Jump : S
Special : D
Start/Menu Confirm : Return
Screenshot : F12

Twins Pili & Mili Dolly, crazy assistants of Dr. Akari, tired of being the only singles at parties started work on an experimental "Love Potion" to help them. However, as they were working on the potion, the lab was attacked by Dr. Eggman! In the commotion, a vial of Dr. Akari's extremely potent "Hormone X" was spilt into the potion resulting in a massive explosion that rocked the Lab.
As the Twins picked themselves up off the floor they noticed a strange pink gas eminating from the potion spreading the effects of Hormone X far and wide, corrupting anything sentient in it's path, driving the corrupted to breed or be bred.
Our heroes, unaffected by the gas, must fight their way through hordes of the corrupted to try and find some kind of cure... and discover whether or not this was actually an accident...

<comprehensive list pending>
CW : Rape, Impregnation, Internal

Just like some of our community are trying to get together and work on a H-game, a girl called Zeta on TP's forum has started a similar project - Project X. I'm quite surprised this hasn't been posted here yet (unless I missed it).

It's a fight or get fucked game, with great audio choices.

You might have to hit ctrl+f5 if you've visited the page recently to see the new download links.

Warning, some spoilers.

Q: Where are the Chaos Emeralds?
A: In the Secret Zones. When you rescue the girls there, they drop them.

Q: Where are the Secret Zones?
A: On Egg Argonaught Zone 1 one of the vending machine type things at the top of the stage is damageable just after the 4th or 5th wave of enemies, destroy it and walk into the space. The second secret zone is in stage 2 chao's garden behind a damageable tree, up behind the horse that you find raping the girl in the forest. Beware the huge spawn of worms inside!

Q: The exit sign at the end of the gallery doesn't work!
A: Yep, we know. Press start (pause) and then exit game.

Q: How do I access the boss gallery?
A: After beating arena with any character you can press start (pause) then exit game, this will save your arena game in the boss gallery. Then you can choose Load Game instead of New Game, and choose Arena Mode, and choose your character to take them straight to the boss gallery.

Q: Can I make the screen larger?
A: Yes, in the video options.
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Re: Project X

Can't forget this link -

Zeta's HF account
Re: Project X

This game is fun! It reminds me of TMNT the Arcade or Tifa Tan X2.
Re: Project X

the toon pimp forums are really much more geared towards production, we just piss around and write the odd story
Re: Project X

This game is... pretty good, actually. Once the creator puts out 2.0, I'll definitely check that out as well.
Re: Project X

...............Oh my god it's one of the bad guys from the old Sonic the Hedgehog series from Toon Disney.
Re: Project X

Aww, I was just about to post this, got beaten. D:

So yeah, this is quite a good game so far, even though its only in develobment.
Tons of potential.
Re: Project X

Been watching this awhile myself, certainly straining my fear of downloading games off the internet onto my computer. I might finally break down.
Re: Project X

holy crap this game is awesome, i hope the game-over scene is reworked later on, but wow, it's fun, and sexy at the same time!
Re: Project X

Odd, when I go to the download link, just says 'cannot find web address'.

Edit: Nevermind, turns out the website must have had a hiccup from all the traffic.
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Re: Project X

I've been following this game for a while on Hentai foundry. By the time she's finished they'll be three stages, each with different enemies and bosses. I believe she also plans to constantly add new characters even after the game is finished, at the moment she's done Blaze and she's just done Zu from Rockcandy's flashes. She's giving updates fairly randomly on her page on hentaifoundry, including the links to demos. The next one, with the second stage and the two new chars, should be finished soon, and they're be a link from her page when it is.

Also, first post here evar. O:
Re: Project X

i hope the game-over screen is changed, i like game over scenes, but the one there currently is weird.
Re: Project X

Hahaha, welcome, Kron. Also, I may be wrong, but after stalking her a little on TP's forums, I'm fairly certain it'll be more than three stages. :D Meaning moar rape!

Also, I've been wanting to state my own review of the game, but didn't want to double post.

Project X, to put it simply, is awesome. A very important thing of note, is that I am not in any real way, a fan of furry sex, and yet I still enjoyed her very well done, and well thought out game, despite that fact. Just as someone else said, it reminded me of a very fun game for the SNES, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which immediately places it as a damn good game in my book. The added hentai only makes it even more awesome.

The graphics may not be the best, but they certainly, at the very least, meet par, while I myself think they are very good. Obviously not meant to be high quality images, given how many sprites Zeta has to make, and how many characters she seems like she'd like to add, meaning she'll have to crank out a lot of sprites, even more as more enemies are implemented. And given that fact, with the added bonus of the graphics looking great already, makes me a happy camper.

The gameplay is much like your typical brawler; Fun, with lots of replay value. With even more replay value added with the content of the sexy scenes of the enemy raping your character. The slight differences of the characters was also well done, in that those small differences between the characters will most likely make you change strategies a little bit. With Zeta, you'll most likely be better off tapping that attack button like crazy, than using her special(except for lined up, or far away enemies). With Amy, I found myself actually adding her hammer attack in as the last hit of her combo, due to the fact that it does amazing damage, has a slightly surprising reach, and how just a single normal combo will net you with another free hammer attack, allowing you to use it over and over again, inflicting the hurt. And Rouge, of course, I mostly used to take advantage of her jumping ability, constantly repositioning her whenever things even looked slightly bad. Although, as Zeta said she'd implement, the ability to move around freely(Rouge has wings, after all) in the air would be a nice thing to have.

The sound is great, and for a few moments, it helped me think that this was made by a large team of professionals, like SEGA themselves. The squishy sounds when your character is being raped, or when they're sucking the hornet's 'needle' cock, and even the sounds of the enemy ejaculating inside them certainly perform the task of arousing the player very efficiently.

Overall, Project X, in my eyes, is actually a hentai game I'd pay for, even if just as a way to thank the creator of it for such a fine piece of work.

And now... To play the demo again...
Re: Project X

I admit, this took my concept and made it into a better game than I would have been able to make. Well, more rather, had my concept before I knew it already existed. I applaud this genuinely.
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Re: Project X

I think the only things that really bug me about this game is the game over screen, and the fact that the other monsters like to clutter around the rape scene when it happens.

Other than that, I really enjoyed playing this.
Re: Project X

Cool game.

However it says play the game and complete several times to get something special ... along those lines.

Finished it with all chars twice now ... still nothing.

Anyone know if it's just a joke or you need to finish like 10 times?
Re: Project X

This is just a good game, loads of potential, no bugs or anything, very well made, but there's 2 things bother me just a little bit.

Firstly, the gameover screen. I don't know what's happening there, I think it's a very zoomed in picture of rape/sex though.

Secondly, as someone who has always been interested in, good at, and spending some of his free time studying biology(Or just a guy with a basic biology book), belly buttons do not become cum-geysers, that just doesn't work that way, and if it does with someone, then I recommend seeing a doctor as soon as possible. (Not that it matters for the fapping quality of the game, I've seen stranger)
Re: Project X

If it wasn't obvious, English is likely a second language to Zeta. So, what she meant with the 'beat the game many times' thing, was character unlocks, which you get by only beating the game once with the only character available.

Either that, or it's applying to the game as if it were already a full version, as if Zeta's basically saying that beating the FULL game multiple times will unlock more goodies.
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Re: Project X

Secondly, as someone who has always been interested in, good at, and spending some of his free time studying biology(Or just a guy with a basic biology book), belly buttons do not become cum-geysers, that just doesn't work that way, and if it does with someone, then I recommend seeing a doctor as soon as possible. (Not that it matters for the fapping quality of the game, I've seen stranger)

I don't think the robots care about anatomy. Just like how I'm pretty sure a tentacle up the ass and out the mouth would be impossible as well. Doesn't stop the tentacles.
Won't stop the cum.
Won't stop the