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Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Having ignored Joseph's apparent threat and rudeness, Luna found herself simply following the boy, making sure to keep him in sight at all times while keeping enough of a distance from him so as not to start another fight. No comments were made to avoid an argument, no antagonizing movements were taken. A fight could wait until after they had reached safe ground, but so long as they were on a mission, such pointless things were to be avoided at all costs.

(Action: Follow Joseph?...)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Following Joseph down the hall, they eventually reached another door, except this one led to the large pool, in which they held various shows based around the large variety of aquatic creatures.

As Joseph led them to the door, he acted very cautiously in opening the door, slowly pushing it open, and walking through...

The whole area was just a side walk around a gigantic pool, where the area they remembered being is connected, where they must have released the dolphin's they had trained to perform for the crowd, who would take seats along the bleachers. The water was strangely vibrating, as if something was generating bubbles underneath...

"Shit... There's somethin' down there..." Joseph cursed in a whisper, and seemed hesitant to cross the walk to reach the management office...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Upon noticing Joseph's sudden reluctance to continue, as well as the strange vibrations in the water, Luna drew her gun and took aim at what she believed to be the general area where the source of the vibrations resided. There were only two plausible ways of crossing the pool, to either take the sidewalk to the management office, or swim across the water. Each method was dangerous so long as an unknown enemy remained in hiding, seeing as one wouldn't even be able to properly guard against the thing. Formulating an "on the spot" plan, Luna began speaking in a quiet voice, audible only to the three around her.


"...Should this bullet flush it out, then we stand and kill it... otherwise, I will act as bait while the rest of you grab the codes... a shield is the only useful function of this body either way..."

Not giving the others a chance to respond, Luna pulled the trigger, a test shot to see if she could either wound the beast, or flush it out.

(Action: Take a shot at supposed center of vibration...)
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Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily really couldn't blame Joseph's hesitation of not wanting to go in, knowing full well of what these things do to men. Not looking at Joseph, Emily said to him in a plain voice,


"We'll go in first." When Luna spoke about being a distraction Emily argued with her on her decision, "I'll go in first. You, Iris, and Joseph should shoot at the thing you got better guns then me."

(ACTION: Try to convince Luna she should go in first if the thing dosen't come out from Luna's shots... if it does triple shot it.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(( I'm not sure if Joseph still has Melissa's gun or not. I think he does. If he doesn't tell me so I can edit this. ))

Iris was feeling uneasy with the bubbles coming from the water. She had no idea what was in the water but something told her whatever it was it wasn't friendly. trying to ignore whatever was in the water and focusing on her party Iris listened to both Luna and Emily's plan. Iris honestly thought that Emily's plan was better. She had the worst gun out of everyone so if she was the bait and went to get the codes herself everyone could open fire on the monster, whatever it was, and kill it.

Iris decided to speak up, trying to keep Luna from shooting a bullet inside the water.
" I... Agree with Emily Luna. Her plan will work. Don't shoot the water, ok? "

Iris was hoping Luna would listen to her.

* Iris attempts to get everyone to go with Emily's plan. Also, if Iris's gun needs reloading she reloads it. *
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(Joseph has a gun of his own. He left Melissa's gun behind because he didn't want to lug it around, which she will look for eventually with Mina and Jenn.)

Luna took a step forward, and fired a shot into the water. The four waited for some time, but nothing happened. Emily then took it upon herself to walk in after there was no sign of monster activity. As the three watched Emily walk along the side of the large pool, she walked about half way, before a clear looking tentacle shot forth from the water, soon followed by dozens of others, and wrapped around Emily. Everyone who was watching knew that they only had a second to act before the tentacles sprouting forth from the water dragged Emily under...

Joseph seemed to know what he was doing, when he bursted at full speed towards the pool, and dived into the water, already glowing with power...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily didn't think it would dragg her under the water. Struggling violently she completely forgot about her weapons now. She never thought these things would want to kill them and instead just kidnap and rape them. Her desperation could be seen as she struggled, making loud grunting noises and screaming insults at the monster. Knowing that drowning was one of the most horrible ways to die, and that she couldn't even swim made it even worst. She continously yelled various insults at the creature, before she got her wits about her and said to the girls and Joseph


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, GUYS KICK THIS THING'S ASS!"

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Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

"Like lambs to a bloody slaughter- be damned in thy sins..."

Cursing under her breath as she saw the tentacles grab Emily, Luna quickly aimed her gun at the tentacles holding the woman as Joseph dived into the water, aware that he was already brimming with power. As he was the only one capable of killing the beast itself, due to the inability of the others to swim, it would rest upon the three girls to distract the tentacled fiend so that it did not attack the boy until he had inflicted mortal wounds upon it. Even Luna knew this fact, despite how stubborn she usually was. Firing upon one of the tendrils holding Emily, the brown-haired girl hoped not only to free her teammate, but to also attract the aquatic creature's attention so as to buy Joseph some time...

(Action: Aimed Shot at tentacles holding Emily)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(( Auto Iris for now. Ill be active and posting again by Monday.))
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Before Emily was about to be dragged under, Luna's shot was so well placed, it tore several tentacles grappling her off, freeing her before she was dragged under.

Before Luna or Iris could do anything else that might have helped Joseph, they soon found tentacles bounding after them next.

Iris was so shocked by the sudden attack on her, that she didn't react fast enough, and the tentacles coiled around her, and began to drag her to the body of water.

Luna, however, managed to evade the reaching tentacles after her bullet fired, quickly dodge rolling off to the side when the bounded for her.

Joseph, who was now deep under water, made the whole pool seem as if something exploded in it, as he released his power. Several tentacles reached for him from the jelly fish, but he maneuvered almost like a fish, and dodged the reaching tendrils seeking to kill him, and lunged his sword at it's outstanding organ in the middle, peircing it deep, before ripping it out in a painful way. The jellyfish slowly started to sink down in the water, as Joseph started to swim back up for air...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Skillfully rolling away from the tendrils that had lunged after her, Luna was back on her feet just in time to see her sister being dragged towards the water. Although it was the "role" of the girls to buy time at the moment, to have harm come to her sister in any manner was still unacceptable to the brown-haired girl, causing her to immediately take aim at the offending tentacles.


"Cretinteious invertebrates, get thy slimy appendages off mine sister!"

After taking a moment to align her shot, Luna let loose an aimed shot at the tentacles, hoping to sever them once more.

(Action: Aimed Shot at tentacles dragging Iris.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily was relieved when the tentacles lost their pull on her. Pulling any remaining tentacles off of her she looked over to where the three people that just saved her should be. Seeing Joseph was gone, and Iris was covered in tentacles like Emily was just seconds before she yelled,


"Fucking piece of shit get off of her!"

Taking out her gun she aimed at the tentacles trying to aim far enough away from Iris to not accidentally hit her.

(Aimed shot at Iris' tentacles)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Beating Emily to the shot, Luna freed Iris from the tentacles trying to drag her in by destroying them as well. However, not as fortunate as last time, Luna found herself unable to dodge the tentacles reaching for her a second time, and was quickly wrapped in the binding appendages, and being pulled towards the water...

Emily as well, found herself wrapped once more in tentacles, being dragged towards the water, forcing Iris to make a choice between Luna and Emily as far as who she'd save...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

And so the creature did release its slimy appendages from Luna's sister... only to grab Luna herself as she failed to dodge another lunge for her. Finding herself being dragged towards the water, Luna did one of the only things she could do... hack against the tendrils with her sword in hopes of cutting them off before she was dragged into the water and beyond help, all the while cursing endlessly.


"Infernal tentacles from hell, GET THEE OFF OF ME!"
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Seeing herself being dragged towards the water again Emily struggled desperately just as before when she was caught by the tentacles. This time, being more prepared for them and less surprised, she tried to shoot at them wildly with her gun instead of just yell and scream while struggling. Yelling just as wildly as her shots she said,


"Not this fucking shit again! YOU LITTLE SHITS GET THE FUCK OFF OF US!"

(Where's Joseph...)

(Action: Triple Shot at her tentacles)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(Getting more air, then killing/attempting to kill another jellyfish next turn. We're just holding out basically...)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(I was just wondering why he wasn't in the more recent post... Guess RJ thought it'd be redundant to put in he was still trying to get air.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Things were going to quick for Iris to think well. Being grabbed by the tendril then quickly saved by Luna Iris quickly found herself backing away from the spot she had been caught. Quickly getting up and trying to take the situation in Iris saw that Luna was being dragged along with Emily. Both were about to be dragged in as she struggled to escape. Iris honestly didn't know what to do at the moment. She was being forced to choose who she would save, her best friend or her own flesh and blood. This was as hard as a mother deciding which of her two children she would save. Both girls meant a lot to her, almost the same. Iris had already been through a lot and felt deep emotions for both the girls she had only known with close to a week now and would more then likely give her own life to protect them. Emily was her best friend however Luna was Iris's sister, her fathers daughter. Iris knew her dad would want her to save her sister in a situation like this, he would want her to protect her older sister. This was practically tearing Iris's heart apart however Iris made the decision.

Feeling tears form in her eyes Iris suddenly yelled out to Emily, her panic and sorrow showing.
" I'm... I'm sorry Emily! "

Shouting this out Iris quickly aimed her 9mm handgun at the tentacle holding and bounding Luna and took an aimed shot at it, hoping to destroy it and a few others in the process.

* Aimed shot at the tentacle holding Luna.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Firing three shots wildly, Emily manages to barely destroy the tentacles trying to pull her under the water. Meanwhile, as Luna was about to be pulled under, an aimed shot from Iris manages to free Luna enough so she could pull the rest of the slimy tentacles off of herself...

Right before Joseph goes back under for another attack, he shouts out, "How about some fucking help killing these things!?!" he exclaims.

As he swims back down, and tries to take another slice at one of the jellyfish underwater, several tentacles, annoyed, wrap around him, and start to lift him upwards...

The three girls, after dealing with the rush of tentacles, soon find Joseph flying out from the water, and slamming into the nearby wall, his head hitting hard against the wall. When he hit the ground, he stopped moving...

(Joseph isn't moving....)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Not being given even a moment's rest, after her sister shot her free of the tentacles, Luna's eyes turned once again to the water to see... Joseph flying out of the pool and into the wall, then crumpling to the ground like a rag doll.
At this point... there wasn't even a need to plan a further course of action, her combat experience more than enough to tell her what needed to be done against an enemy that one couldn't attack.


"Take the boy, and make a run for it! One cannot win against what one cannot attack!"

Saying this Luna began actually moving closer to the water, to see if there was the slim chance that she could fire at the jellyfish. If so, then she would open fire mercilessly, and attempt to kill one.

(Action: Triple shot at Jellyfish?)