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ACT Patreon Abandoned [Zolvatory] Lost Case: Monster Girl Takeover


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2010
Reputation score
I love Japanese media, but alot of it suffers from the exact same lack of creativity than the west has, albeit without heavy emphasis on certain politicized/ideological issues. Even some of the best anime has the same tired Isekai plot or 'stuck in an mmo' plotline.
and that's the problem, you watch isekais XD, isekai and best anime don't belong in the same sentence together
you're right about the politiczed stuff in the west tho
also what's really creative and what's not is like subjective most of the time, that estra's game doesn't seem interesting ot me because of the fetishes so i see it and i'm just like, oh another monster girls game

or like you have a few people saying uhhhhhh no one likes game over CGs they suck they punish you blah blah blah you need to blend gameplay and h scenes bad dev
like mf games are still made that way and people buy them and give them 5 stars
that whole 'no one likes' is pulled straight out of yer ass
people seem to forget that different people like different things
a succesful game can be uniteresting to someone and your niche game that's a masterpiece can be unpopular asf

unique games don't exist, just make something fun and polished, interesting plot, what have you, and recipes do work because if something ain't broke why fix it? sometimes it can backfire when devs try to get super creative but make a mess
in gameplay i can respect since they dare to try something new
but in writing it usually just comes as over-the-top edgy and unamusing
Last edited:


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score
Off topic on a dead thread got my hopes too far up


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2018
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Both east and west have good titles, ultimately. But those good titles for both sides all sit above a mountain of samey garbage that is like 90-95% of the market.
For the west it's heaps of useless visual novels that really aren't games to begin with. Like really, we need to put them under an interactive stories category, it makes searching for actual games so tedious. For the east it's heaps of samey rpgmaker games with static CG of average to below average art bogged down with uninteresting fights vs stock monsters, which is a crying shame because it makes people forget you can make actually good games in rpgmaker.

Anyhow... I think it's just more noticeable for the west side because of steam and itch.io, Japanese devs don't really tend to use those unless they're very savvy with writing English. But if they did, they'd clutter up both places just as much as everybody else.
Yeah, we see the game graveyard more here due to being involved.
If you browse Ci-En enough you'll see the dead Japanese games as well.

Also is a thing for a reason.
I don't see the point of this comparison when the west is also responsible for loads upon loads of crowdfunded products that ate millions of dosh and then nothing came out of it. Technically star citizen is an indie production as well.

We also need to point out that logically the west includes most of english speaking world and covers way more landmass than Japan so we've got indie titles from eastern europe (superhot) which typically would not be associated with the west (simply due to be much different from American development conditions as most people think of North America or mainland Europe when they refer to the west). Obviously there's going to be more output when you are comparing one country to easily 75% of the game's industry output (in terms of relevance). Literally the only two major countries not being included would be China, Taiwan and Russia (and probably a few other Eastern devs, but I mostly play strategy games so really its just Russia that you left out imo).
And yet people complain about output anyway.
I am a fervent consumer of Japanese femdom games and after a while you start to notice that devs are copying someone else entirely with slight variations to the interpretation of the girl or the combat system., then when a truly creative game like Estra's Labyrinth hits the scene, exactly no one follows it up with an equally creative vision for several years, there are exceptions ofcourse but i think that most of these games as a product of simple fans making games rather than truly creative people.
I don't think they're game developers, in the traditional sense. Estrus Labyrinth's guy is a game developer. He can think on his feet and create systems that fit his design vision.

Most RPG Maker developers are not really game devs. They're mostly artists who want to show their art in game form. They rely heavily on the framework given to them and don't think from the ground up about their own vision for a game. It's very rare for a game dev to spawn from that engine in particular. Nekomata Alan from SHRIFT fame is a miracle.
and that's the problem, you watch isekais XD, isekai and best anime don't belong in the same sentence together
you're right about the politiczed stuff in the west tho
Only stuff that's political is stuff you don't like.

Also isekai and best anime go together pretty often. They aren't just kinda popular and fun, but insanely so.
No Game No Life has a massive fanbase.
Mushoku Tensei is so influential as a piece of media an entire animation studio was created so that they could fully adapt it.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Getting a little too off-topic, people. I know the game is dead now, but if you're gonna start talking about general indie game development, this isn't the thread for it.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2018
Reputation score
Getting a little too off-topic, people. I know the game is dead now, but if you're gonna start talking about general indie game development, this isn't the thread for it.
I just didn't want people to misunderstand the actual scope and flame these creators for it is all. Just wanted to give context so people could get a broader understanding and hopefully some empathy.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Nah, I get it. Just try to keep it within the context of H-games and this game in particular, please.


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
I just didn't want people to misunderstand the actual scope and flame these creators for it is all. Just wanted to give context so people could get a broader understanding and hopefully some empathy.
Eh, I dunno. Last actual update was at the start of the year wasn't it? I get supporting people for 'trying their hardest' and all that when you like what they're doing, but this isn't exactly the first patreon project we've seen that's ended up the same way. Seems like too many of these projects are a. started by people with apparently zero idea of even basic project management fundamentals and b. end up in dev hell for so long that it eventually goes flaccid before completion.

Even if legally patreon money is essentially just tips and donations, when you don't deliver on your promises backers are entitled to be a little tilted in my opinion.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Are you guys really making fun of western indie games?
Not to the extent you might be thinking. I just hate meme games. As far as western indie H-games... pretty big shit show, if it's not a VN it's like a 75% chance that it will die before a decent amount of content is added.


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score
Gotta pay $1.2B for the most unattractive VA's they can find bro
Trust me we're releasing 1.0 like next week bro
My discord is lit bro.

Sorry for the delays guys my parents disowned me.
On my next post, here's a chart and plans that contribute absolutely nothing to what I promised.


Jungle Girl
Sep 8, 2016
Reputation score
Despite this game being dead, would you still say it's worth a play in it's current state?
I think the art looks nice.


Jungle Girl
Dec 15, 2016
Reputation score
Gotta pay $1.2B for the most unattractive VA's they can find bro
Trust me we're releasing 1.0 like next week bro
My discord is lit bro.

Sorry for the delays guys my parents disowned me.
On my next post, here's a chart and plans that contribute absolutely nothing to what I promised.
-sorry for the delay, im making a website for the game nobody asked for, it'll make it easier for me to send out updates!
-sorry again guys, mental health break, i just [4 paragraph summary you could make a lifetime original movie out of]
-stops posting entirely, doesn't respond to anything.