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Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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You people move fast. o.o;

Also, Aika is god.

Now that that's all cleared up, I'm willing to take on a player for a game. This game will be used as a quick basis for other people to look at and go "Ohhh, that's how he does it!", so I will show my rolls.

Right-o - Player 1, step forward - It's first come, first serve!
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Re: The Egg!

Damn, I'd so pick that but I'm off work in about 50 minutes and won't be back for another three hours after that. :x Can't wait to see how it reads!
Re: The Egg!


Anyone else want to make a character?
Re: The Egg!

Alright, as much as I dislike being the first to do anything, sign me up :eek:
Re: The Egg!

*Has Xivvix fill this out before playing*

Anthros: Y/N
Herms: Y/N
Male/Male: Y/N
Female/Female: Y/N
Pregnancy: Y/N
Milking: Y/N
Birthing: Y/N
Non Consent Sex: Y/N
Slavery: Y/N
Gore or Violence: Y/N
Animals (Sentient): Y/N
Animals (Non-Sentient): Y/N
Anything else that could be a fetish for some and a squick for others:.... etc.

Yes, I did steal this from Wallpaper.>.>
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Re: The Egg!

Character Name: Jesse
quick pic:

Anthros: Y
Herms: N
Male/Male: N
Female/Female: Y
Pregnancy: N
Milking: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y
Slavery: Y
Gore or Violence: Y
Animals (Sentient): Y
Animals (Non-Sentient): Y
Anything else that could be a fetish for some and a squick for others: nothing that I can think of of
Re: The Egg!

*Nods nods* Alright... all seems well here...

*Picks Xivvix up*
*rolls him into a ball*
*throws him into the egg, the device closes around him!*

A screen illuminates the dark area in it's eerie turquoise glow, waiting for Xivvix to right himself. As she figures out a comfortable way to sit down, he pushes on the screen, revealing the multiple game types.

Survival Games
The Savannah (?)
The Tundra (?)
The Oasis (?)
Strategy Games
The Station (?)
Metropolis (?)
Open-ended games
The Island (?)
The Forest (?)
College (?)

The screen stays there, waiting for Xivvix to choose. He could hit the small ? next to each to see it's style and gameplay.
Re: The Egg!

Considering each choice carefully, and running through the little blurb that the brochure had about each game-type, Xivvix reaches forward and hits the "Oasis" button. "Fun in the sun sounds about right!"
Re: The Egg!

The screen fades, Xivvix left in complete dark for a few moments - long enough to make him think the machine had stopped working... When his eyes were literally blasted with the bright light of the desert, lying flat on his face, caked in sand. He let out a little groan - stopping as she heard her new voice. Looking down at her body, Jesse saw her clothes were torn and dirty, and her skin was dry from the extreme heat of the desert. She looked up, seeing the beautiful oasis stretching out in front of her - not but three feet away. Gasping and crawling towards it, Jesse plunged her head into the first tiny puddle of clear water she found, happy to be free of that desert. She got up after her chapped lips had their fill, looking around the area... She could see Mountains to her West, while the forest extended to the East. Small columns of smoke were visible deeper into the oasis, when she wondered how large this place was?...

((GM note, for those who are following along - the first post of a game is usually like this. It gives a very brief description, as well as some directions Jesse could go. This is really the only planned post of the game; the rest will all be dependent on dice rolls.))
Re: The Egg!

Jesse lowered her hands to the puddle, scooping smaller and smaller handfuls of water into her mouth, until there was nothing left. "Never knew... a simulation... could make me so thirsty," she said, already feeling beads of sweat form on her forehead. Raising to her feet, she set off in the direction of the smoke. "Might as well see what all the fuss is about!" she said cheerily, running her hands over her new body.
Re: The Egg!

Jesse could see the smoke trails were far away - probably about a mile... And that was only the closest one. With a little sigh, she started to walk.

She made it about a quarter of a mile before she realized how hungry she was, her stomach growling in anger at her. Jesse could her HUD now, showing a small icon of her body - the abdomen area red and trembling, which must have meant hungry - and two odd calculations on the bottom: AP: 0/5, PP: 0/5.

Well... She figured she could look for food, or keep going...

((Skip this if you don't want to see the math behind this.

The closest smoke column is 1 mile away - for this game, I'm saying Jesse is going a quarter of a mile an hour... Yeah, she's slow. That means, by the time she gets to the smoke, four hours would have passed - IF she doesn't run into an enemy.

I roll for a random encounter every action using a d20. The scale is: 1-5- Strong Enemies, 6-10- Weak Enemies, 11-15- Nothing, 16-20- Food/Friend/Item/Quest discovery. Jesse got a 13, meaning nothing happened. I usually sim the rolls, but because Jesse is hungry, I added in she may want to find food.

There are four stages of hunger: Full, Content, Hungry, and Starving. When Jesse is Full, she gets +1 to rolls, and when she's starving, she gets -1 to rolls. Unless requested by the players, characters can't die from hunger..

That concludes this lesson of being a GM. Tune in for my next post!))
Re: The Egg!

"Ugh, but I just ate before coming here," Jesse complained as she rubbed her grumbling stomach. She looked around at the oasis trees. They were pretty, sure, but which ones had some nice juicy fruit growing on them? She licked her lips as she thought about chomping into a nice big... well whatever grew in an oasis.
Re: The Egg!

As Jesse looked around, she spotted something that looked like an apple... hanging from a palm tree? She blinked, picking up a rock to toss at fruit. A few fell off, which she picked up all three, looking down at them...

((Food is dealt with in the same way as enemies, but I use this scale: 1-3: Enemy, 4-9: 'Odd' food, 10-15: Normal food, decent quantity, 16-19: Normal food, huge quantity, and 20: Great food, huge quantity.

I'm holding back my rolls until Xivvix chooses to eat or not - I don't want him to know if he got a fruit that makes Jesse horny or will fill her up. XD))
Re: The Egg!

(enemy food? lol)

"Wow, these look just like real apples," Jesse said, rolling one of the apples around in her hand. She bent down to run the apples through a nearby puddle of clean water, then stood back up. Holding two of them against her chest with one hand, she brought the other up to her nose and inhaled deeply. "Mmmm, smells like one too," she said with a smile, before bringing it forward to take a big bite out of it.
Re: The Egg!

The apples were delicious! Grinning, Jesse made sure to eat all of them, the little rumbling stomach icon disappearing. She was ready for an adventure!


((GM stuff again.

Jesse got a 12, and the apples made her become 'Content'. If she had gotten a 1, she would have had to fight an enemy - while a 4-9 could be anything your mind might come up with. Fruit that act like an aphrodisiac, or make her enemies flock to her.

She can keep moving in any direction now.))
Re: The Egg!

"Aaahhhh," Jesse sighs, contentedly. Well, the Egg has a least one selling point: the food is delicious! Sticking each finger to her mouth she sucked the juice off them as she went back to heading for the smoke.
Re: The Egg!

As Jesse walked towards the smoke, a glint of something metallic caught her eye. With a little blink, she walked over to the shard of metal and picked it up. There were very small, intricate symbols carved into it... But she couldn't quite make out what they were- or what they meant. With a little shrug, Jesse put it in a safe place.

((Jesse got a 19 that time - which meant something good would happen. She picked up an important item (which is why Xivvix didn't get a choice in the matter), and this will start a quest. Sometime.

What kinda quest? I don't know. o.o; ))
Re: The Egg!

Thankfully, Jesse's torn and dirty clothes included a tight leather belt with a small bag on it, which provided just the safe place she needed. Continuing her journey, Jesse walked on towards the smoke, turning as she did to take in the sights of the Oasis.
Re: The Egg!

((...Oh for fuck's sake. This has to be the most boring game I've GM'd so far.o.o ))

As Jesse walked along the path, she stopped, finding another piece of metal. Taking the other one out from her pouch, she knelt down, wondering if they fit together... She could always test this theory out at wherever the smoke was coming from, of course.
Re: Xivvix's First Game (And a demo!)

(what can I say, sometimes the dice like to protect me?)

"Hmmm, another piece metal with drawings on it. How convenient that I just happened to find them while taking a trip through an impossibly large desert oasis," Jesse said, scratching her chin. "I WONDER IF THEY ARE PART OF SOME CLEVERLY DESIGNED PUZZLE?" she yelled, sarcastically. Dropping the piece of metal into her bag, she begins to skip through the oasis, towards the ever growing line of smoke.