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WonderBoy sues Cappy

Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

Who said none of the trolls where female?
This is obviously proof of your sexism, not mine.

Also, yes, one of those trolls is female.

For Keylo:

I also refuse to let Alias participate as Judge, Jury, Lawyer, or any sort of participant in this case, for obvious reasons :3

Mmmm... Since tea and scones have been provided...sure, I'll play lawyer for a bit. Do be warned that I might wander out of court every now and them for some sugar and jam.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

Thank you Keylo <3

I bring attention to the court that I have my lawyer, first we need the possession of three neutral and capable Jury, the worst possible picks you could have are, "Obeliskos, Darkfire, and Momiji." what we are looking for is the polar opposite of these men to participate as the Jury.

As for the judge, somebody of a similar shade of peace, but perhaps abit more "Authoritititive" because I have no fuckin clue what the word is I'm looking for.

When all this is done I think we're ready >..>;
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

I can be judge... or jury... or executioner should it be required.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

I can be judge... or jury... or executioner should it be required.

I don't think the charges are quite that heavy, you can be Jury though =D
If Wonderboy approves
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

I don't know, I'd be careful with juries around here. You heard what happened in that last court case?

And yeah, darkfire is legally a woman, I don't know what you're talking about.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

Why am I being ignored? I can be any of those, be it required.
I am a reliable person, as proof I can mention that I was forwarded to the department of Special Requests and Strange Persons when I was out shopping for someting rather peculiar.

Anyways stop ignoring me!
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

OK, ZOTO, you're my lawyer.

Sin, I'm fine with you as a whatever.

Ok, I'm going to state right now, that I'm fine with ANYONE being the court, so long as it isn't cappy.

Also Zoto, judging from what I've seen so far, I don't think we should say too much. Then we'll win for sure.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

Already got dibs on executioner.

You've been denied participation of any such thing, I've already picked out an executioner via last wishes, and such, and you sir, are not him. Besides, I doubt you'd know how to issue a warriors execution anyhow.

Moving on, sorry, I forgot darkfire was a woman, slipped my mind when I saw his realistic looking strapon in somebodies mouth, can't quite remember who it was, but it was definately a forum goer.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

Then you'd be wrong. I'm well versed in many ancient combat arts, not limited to broadsword and broadaxe fighting, both of which are common weapons in executions. Though I think my favorite weapon of choice is that Aztec dagger, Tapatl? I forget the name, but there's nothing like having a victim's last vision be their own beating heart held in your hand.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

Wait... a warrior's execution? When were you ever a warrior deserving of a warrior's execution?
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

I just assumed he was talking about the executioner being a warrior, not the victim. After all, I think the most common 'warrior's' choice of death was falling on their own swords, was it not?
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

I just assumed he was talking about the executioner being a warrior, not the victim. After all, I think the most common 'warrior's' choice of death was falling on their own swords, was it not?

Pretty sure it was preferred to die in battle against the enemy heroically. The whole falling on sword thing was kinda a backup to prevent capture usually.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

Speaking of executions though, not death in general.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

I'm talking about having your spinal cord severed quickly with a downwards thrust from a sword, rather than beheadment, while keeping the body more or less intact, if I remember right.

Then there's also Sepukku, which is some sort of honourable death for the Jalapanese or whatever, not to well versed with their ways, but that's not what I want.

Then there's the Vikings, and Norse, or one of the two, I can't remember >.>;;, who believed in fighting to the death, and that that was an honourable death for a warrior.

And besides that, Alias, you're a lying bastard, to hell with you, I already know that the only way you could have learned is if somebody put up with your shit long enough to teach you, which is why NEITHER of us know how to wield any of those weapons.

Anyhow, Sinful, if you're really indignant about the warriors execution thing, remember that we're in a mock court case talking about a fake execution.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

Anyhow, Sinful, if you're really indignant about the warriors execution thing, remember that we're in a mock court case talking about a fake execution.

Only until Nunu gets your home address, which should be any day now.
Re: WonderBoy sues Cappy

*Lets her ban-hammer strike the ground with a thunderous crash.* I will be judge. I've never met him before. Someone requested a fair trail... *grins* I'm fair.