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ACT Patreon Abandoned [Wolfenstahl] Deathblight: Guilty Raid


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
Reputation score

Guilty Raid


A "new" game by Wolfenstahl, titled Deathblight: Guilty Raid (DBGR for short). If you've played their game "Last Demon Hunter", you know what this is;
Top-down exploration and combat in a procedurally-generated laboratory. Has a line-of-sight system, and if LDH was anything to go by the enemies will be fairly diverse in their threat profiles, making it one of those rare ACT games where it's not difficult for shitty reasons, but it's not so easy you have to go out of your way to lose to see the hentai.

4 playable (female) protagonists
Combat Rape
Game-over Rape
Monsters & Tentacles
(Probably) Yuri


Last Demon Hunter:
Last edited by a moderator:
God I loved LDH and always wanted more from it, I'm hoping this one doesn't take too long to make.
Reminds me of that old Space top down shooter game (alien parasites and zombies controlled by them with armor damage mechanics etc) that was in development and the Dev just disappeared out of thin air and it just stopped being developed... however at least these guys are still around so it fills the void.

Looking forward to their progress reports :D
Reminds me of that old Space top down shooter game (alien parasites and zombies controlled by them with armor damage mechanics etc) that was in development and the Dev just disappeared out of thin air and it just stopped being developed... however at least these guys are still around so it fills the void.

Looking forward to their progress reports :D
Dark Parasite? Yeah, I was sad to see that go too.

God I loved LDH and always wanted more from it, I'm hoping this one doesn't take too long to make.
Given that the core game is already more or less complete in the form of LDH, my guess is this shouldn't take them very long.
Well, there's art assets to create and script. But having the engine complete-ish should drastically reduce the time needed. Heavy emphasis on should.
Oh, I really liked that old prototype. Not sure what to think about them splitting their dev-time on a new project again though
Wolfenstahl seems to do the split work well enough. The side projects interest me and Op thunderfang still gets updated enough.
I can't wait for this! I strangely enjoyed last demon hunter because of how simple it was and how good the art is(imo). The only thing that could make it better for me is animated standing images.
According to the latest blogpost, demo is in playable state, but they found bugs and something needed to be balanced so they're working on those.
They had a live stream today and mentioned the demo being out soon for patreons and a public demo in two days or so.
Are they still making that RPG or is that dead?
Are they still making that RPG or is that dead?
They're developing it in tandem with GR as well as their webcomic, so everything seems to be progressing but at a fairly slow pace even for your average H-game
Demo v1 is released.

This Demo includes the following:
-1 Playable character: Safiya
-First level out of 3
-5 CG scenes

It's first and foremost a gameplay demo, so no dialouge scenes are included yet.
Also some other content like power ups and the like are yet to be included.
That is to come with the demo v2.
And it's a public release too. it's on their patreon folks. Thanks for the heads up lazycat.
Because in the future the post with the download will not be at the top of their patreon page anymore here is the direct link to it:
Things that aged poorly

Well, I mean, they're nowhere near their patreon goal that states they won't be paying for things themselves so...

Of course one might think it a good idea to scale back their collaborators after a bit of that but, hey, who am I to judge?
So the programmer has fallen ill (not covid, but still a serious illness) and right now the project is put on indefinite hiatus.
